The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 610 is not allowed to send

Chapter 610 is not allowed to send
In the second year of Chuping (191), September.

Jizhou, Yecheng government office.

Yuan Shao wore a purple crown on his head, a red satin embroidered deep suit, a jade belt across his waist, cloud shoes on his feet, and a purple long tassel ribbon. He stood in the hall with his hands behind his back.

The fair face is slightly weathered, the dragon eyebrows and phoenix eyes are sharp, the appearance is majestic, the long beard and straight beard are daunting.

Yuan Shao was born in the fourth generation and third son, he was already distinguished, he became famous when he was young, and later became the eighth captain of Xiyuan, he also saw bloody storms, and even killed many enemies.

Vibrating the soldiers of one county, gathering the people of Jizhou, powerfully shaking Heshuo, and becoming famous all over the world.Defeat Gongsun, shake Rong and Di, cross the north of the river, join the land of the four states, recruit the talents of heroes, and have millions of people. "

After escaping from Luoyang, he occupied the Bohai Sea first, and later led hundreds of thousands of allies in the Kwantung Allied Forces. Now he has pacified Qing and You, occupied Jizhou, commanded millions of people, and has the power of life and death in his hands. .

Ordinary people will feel fear in their hearts just by being looked at by Yuan Shao.

In the government office, a group of counselors and generals were lined up on both sides, more than [-] people bowed their heads and listened to Yuan Shao's words.

Today's Yecheng has become the new state government of Jizhou. Gaoyi, the original state government, was abolished by Yuan Shao as a state government and replaced by Yecheng.

Yecheng is located in Wei County, which is the key area from Jizhou to other places.

From Yecheng to the east, through Cangtingjin and across the Yellow River, you can reach Yanzhou directly, and from Yanzhou you can march towards Qingzhou, Xuzhou and other places.

From Yecheng to the west, passing Fukouxing and crossing the Taihang Mountains, is Bingzhou controlled by Taiping Road.

From Yecheng to the north, passing through the original Julu County and other prefectures, the road can go directly to Jicheng, the seat of Youzhou.

From Yecheng to the south, passing through Liyang and crossing the Yellow River, there is an endless plain of eastern Henan, which can be driven into and threaten Yuzhou.

As for the safety issue, there is no need to worry too much. There are Yellow River moats on the east and south sides of Yecheng. As long as the defenses are set up in Liyang, Cangtingjin, Baima and other major locations, the attacks of the enemy forces on both sides can be prevented.

To the north of Yecheng, there are Zhang, Huan and other water systems flowing through, which are also two natural lines of defense against the enemy.

However, Fukouxing in the west of Yecheng is now occupied by the Yellow Turban Army, which is quite a threat.

But this is better than Gao Yi, because Gao Yi is around Jingxing.

Although Fukouxing is also a road, compared with Jingxing, Fukouxing can transport and accommodate far fewer soldiers than Jingxing, and it is relatively safer.

The surrounding area of ​​Yecheng is flat and belongs to the plain area, with roads extending in all directions. The Zhangshui and other water systems in Yecheng are interconnected with the Yellow River and other water systems. The water conservancy is convenient. Once Yecheng is besieged, the troops from other places will be able to quickly return to help.

Wei County, where Yecheng is located, is connected to Hanoi County, and can also control part of the situation in Hanoi County.

Hanoi County is very important to Yuan Shao. Only with Hanoi County can he have a channel to communicate with Dong Zhuo. Once Hanoi County is occupied by others and the roads are blocked, the transmission of information will be extremely troublesome, far from being as convenient as it is now .

For Yuan Shao, occupying the three prefectures of You, Ji and Qing is far from the time to stop.

The biggest reason for moving the government office to Yecheng is actually very simple. The northern border has been determined, so the next thing he has to do is to regain control of Yanzhou.

Capture Yanzhou, connect with Yanqing, and connect with Xuzhou.

Yuan Shao was very clear about Zang Ba's calculations. Although Zang Ba surrendered to him in name, he just didn't want to be restrained by the north when attacking the south of Xuzhou.

As for the Yellow Turbans in Taishan County, in Yuan Shao's eyes, these Yellow Turbans were not rebels or rebels, but manpower and soldiers that could be used as cannon fodder.

When he captures most of Yanzhou, Yuan Tan will go south, Zang Ba will go west, and attack the Yellow Turban Army in Taishan County from three sides. The tens of thousands of Yellow Turban Army will also be reduced to the manpower he can use.

There are more than [-] young and strong, and if the selected strong and strong can be trained into an army, it will be a great help.

As for the secret covenant with the Yellow Turban Army?
At that time, it would be good to insist that the Yellow Turban Army in Taishan County is a rebellious army and bandits. This will not put much psychological pressure on Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shao also knows very well that he and Xu An will have a battle.

The fragile alliance that Xu An reached with him was only temporary, and it would not take long for it to fall apart.

The reason why Xu An still maintains such a fairly stable relationship with him now is that Tai Ping Dao is not too sure about defeating him.

Yuan Shao knew very well that once he weakened, once his weakness was exposed, Taipingdao would swarm him like a pack of wolves who found their prey on the grassland, tearing him apart and swallowing him skin and bone.

Of course, if Taipingdao showed signs of fatigue or allowed him to find a weakness, he would not hesitate to send troops westward to destroy Taipingdao.

Tian Feng and Ju Shou were sitting on the left and right chief respectively, and they were now Yuan Shao's most trusted confidantes.

Yuan Shao glanced at Tian Feng, nodded slightly, Tian Feng understood and stood up.

"Now that the two prefectures of Qing and You have been established, Gongsun Zan's being trapped in Yi County is nothing to fear. Although our army has defeated Gongsun, the people are exhausted. The army has been out for many years, the people are exhausted, and there is no storage. .”


Tian Feng changed the topic.

"The current situation does not allow us to rest. Sun Jian defeated Xu Rong, and now Wang Shi has retreated to Guanzhong."

"Sun Jian is brave and fierce, and his troops are like fire. He is even more powerful than the Marquis of Qiantang in the past. The power of the Xiliang army is still unstoppable."

"Sun Jian left more than [-] soldiers in Luoyang, then withdrew from Luoyang and returned to Chendu. The turmoil in Yangzhou and the situation in Yanzhou have stabilized. Sun Jian is now replenishing troops near Chendu and planning the Northern Expedition. "

Tian Feng and Jushou didn't want to fight this battle, but now they have to fight this battle.

"Liu Biao, shepherd of Jingzhou, turned his back on the imperial court and supported Sun Jian. Now Sun Jian has [-] soldiers from Jingzhou, and his prestige is even greater. If it is short, it will be ten months, but if it is long, it will not be more than a year. I am afraid that he will go to the Northern Expedition."

In the government office, all the generals and schools held their breaths, they all knew that the battle that would determine their fate was coming.

If they win this battle, they will not only be entrenched in the northern border, and from then on the world will be at their mercy.

But if you lose, you will fall into the endless abyss and die.


In November of the second year of Chuping (191), a call to action was sent from Yecheng, Jizhou, and spread to the world.

"Gai Wenming's main plan is to control change in danger, and loyal officials worry that it will be difficult to establish power. Therefore, there are extraordinary people, and then there are extraordinary things, and there are extraordinary things, and then extraordinary achievements are made. The husband is extraordinary, so it is drawn by extraordinary people. also……"

"...Jian also pretended to be in control, and sent envoys to send troops, fearing that the remote states and counties would listen and give them, and the strong invaders and weak lords would disobey the masses and rebel, so as to use the name of mourning to make the world laugh, it is wise not to take it.

"Today, the three prefectures of Youqing and Hebei will advance side by side."

"The prefectures and counties rectify their troops and horses, collect their realms, raise their teachers to show off their prestige, and rejuvenate the country, which is a very great achievement."

"Whoever wins a strong head will be granted five thousand households and rewarded with fifty million yuan. Don't ask me if the trilogy favors the generals and school officials. Guangyi Enxin, Banyang Talisman reward, announce to the world, and salty envoys to know the sage It is difficult to be restrained in the court. It is like a law!"

 The arrangement of the plot is a bit complicated recently, and these two chapters are a bit confusing, please bear with me, I am sorting it out!
  170w words, the stall is a bit big, it is indeed a big challenge for me to tell all the plots smoothly, but it will be improved immediately, and it has been straightened out, but the previous mistakes made me Some are not sure how to describe it.I'm really afraid of being scolded by hydrology.

(End of this chapter)

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