Chapter 611

Yuzhou, Chendu.

In the main hall of the palace, Liu Xieduan sits at the head.

The proclamation from Jizhou has spread to Chendu and to the south.

All the ministers in the hall were filled with righteous indignation at this time, all because of that call-to-action.

Liu Chong's face was livid, his eyes were staring down at the ground, and he said nothing. If someone close to him saw Liu Chong's behavior, he would know that Liu Chong was trying his best to suppress his anger.

It's no wonder Liu Chong was so angry. In the letter, Chen Lin unabashedly mentioned an old incident that happened before.

It was a long time ago when he was persuaded by Wei Min to pray for longevity and to sacrifice to the gods, and he was arrested. A traitor and a fool with a rebellious heart.

He also mentioned that when Dong Zhuo occupied the capital, he was a king but recruited soldiers, and he called himself the General of the Han Dynasty, and his intention was to replace him.

Liu Chong glanced sideways, and the rest of the courtiers reacted differently when they saw Liu Chong's gaze.

In Liu Chong's eyes, the original reaction was sparse and ordinary, but someone believed the slander in the call to action and became suspicious of him.

"What a Chen Lin! What a Yuan Shao!"

Sun Jian gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and his eyes were full of anger.

If Chen Lin was here, I'm afraid Sun Jian could kill her with his bare hands.

Sun Jian couldn't imagine that he could be so slandered, and the defeat of Kuicheng was all blamed on him.

The call to action states that the original heir should be Liu Bian, not Liu Xie.

Liu Bian is the eldest son of the direct line. Since ancient times, the elders are not established for the young, and the direct line is not established for the concubines.

The reason why Liu Xie inherited the throne first was because Jian Shuo coerced and helped him up, fled east to Luoyang, and claimed to be the emperor in Chendu, which violated the etiquette and law and the ancestral system.

And Liu Xie is actually just a puppet in the hands of Sun Jian and Yuan Shu.

There was a lot of noise in the hall, and all etiquette and manners were left behind by them.


Wang Yue saw that the hall had become chaotic due to the call to action, and knew that the situation could not go on like this.

The noise in the hall disappeared in an instant.

Everyone also came back to their senses, and quickly kept silent.

In the second year of Chuping, Chen Du's first court meeting in November came to an end in such a dull atmosphere.

The Son of Heaven is young, he will only be twelve years old next year. Although he is talented and intelligent, there is no way to deal with such a major national event.

It is impossible for the real resolution to be discussed in the court meeting now.

After Liu Xie left, all the courtiers in the hall also lined up and left the main hall.

Liu Chong and Sun Jian looked at each other, and they both saw worry in each other's eyes. Chen Lin's proclamation was written extremely sharply, attacking Liu Xie's throne from the perspective of legal principles.

To be honest, the reason why Liu Xie was able to ascend to the throne of God is largely due to Jian Shuo.

There are many doubts about whether the edict is true. Jian Shuo controlled the court, launched a mutiny, and won the victory. The rest of the people had to obey the edict.

Liu Bian, as the eldest son, is undoubtedly much more orthodox than Liu Xie in terms of origin.

Moreover, Liu Xie's ascension to the throne in Chendu is indeed somewhat inappropriate and unethical.

Although it was true that Liu Bian was taken back and revered as emperor again, this was only spread in word of mouth.

It was not Yuan Shao who made this statement, but Qiao Mao, and Qiao Mao had been dead for a long time now, and all his followers were swallowed up by Liu Dai, the former governor of Yanzhou.

It was clear that Yuan Shao had betrayed the Kwantung Allied Army, but now Yuan Shao was mainly against the enemy, and even took the commanding heights of public opinion with the help of the call-to-action.

Liu Chong was angry and didn't waste any more time. As soon as he left the palace, he boarded the carriage and left the palace.

Sun Jian and Yuan Shu watched Liu Chong leave, and they were also a little frustrated. Chen Lin's proclamation scolded Yuan Shu, accusing Yuan Shu and Sun Jian of collaborating and plotting evil.

When the two were about to ride their war horses and leave the palace, a little Huangmen hurried up, panting, and called out to them.

"Two generals, please stop!"

Sun Jian and Yuan Shu were slightly taken aback. They both knew the little Huangmen, and it was Liu Xie's valet, who seemed to be called Huang Le.

"Your Majesty, I invite the two generals to follow me."

Huang Le walked up to him, bent down, and his face was a little ugly. He didn't exercise often, and this part of the road took him a long time to run.

Sun Jian and Yuan Shu looked at each other, wondering why Liu Xie wanted to see them both suddenly, neither of them knew the reason, but since it was called by the emperor, they didn't say much.

"Please lead the way."

Sun Jian put down the rein in his hand, raised his hand and said.

Huang Le saluted again and led the way.

The palace is not big, because it was originally the palace of King Chen and Liu Chong. Although it has been expanded, it is still extremely limited.

After a while, Sun Jian and Yuan Shu walked to a side hall led by Huang Le.

"General Wang, long time no see."

Sun Jian cupped his hands slightly and saluted, Wang Yue was waiting for them at the gate of the side hall.

Wang Yue was born as an embroidered clothes envoy, and even escorted Liu Xie all the way to Chendu, and was deeply trusted by Liu Xie. Now Wang Yue is in charge of the imperial army in Chendu, and Sun Jian also admires Wang Yue as a man.

However, after all, Wang Yue was the commander of the forbidden army, and Sun Jian was an important minister who led the troops abroad. Therefore, although Sun Jian admired Wang Yue's character, the two did not have much personal relationship.

Yuan Shu narrowed his eyes slightly, and didn't salute, and didn't even look at Wang Yue.

When he was in Luoyang in the past, Yuan Shu served as Huben Zhonglang General in the palace, and Wang Yue was originally his subordinate.

But during the Wuchen Rebellion, Wang Yue appeared in the palace as their enemy, and assassinated He Jin among the rebellious army, making them fail.

Although this matter has passed for a long time, and now the emperor he respects is also Liu Xie, Yuan Shu is still somewhat unhappy with Wang Yue.

Wang Yue was not at all disrespectful because of Yuan Shu's behavior, he knew that Yuan Shu was arrogant, and he also knew why Yuan Shu had such an attitude towards him.

In the first battle in Yanshi, Yuan Shu fought back in front of the battle, never retreated, and even went to the battle to boost morale, which made Wang Yue quite admired.

Even though he is now a general, Wang Yue still has a bit of chivalry, and he admires brave people.

"I have seen Marquis Wu and Marquis Gaoyang Ting, and the country is in the palace."

Wang Yue replied respectfully.

Because of the great victory at Taiguguan, Sun Jian regained Luoyang and was granted Shiyi to Wanhu, and then captured Yanzhou. Not long ago, he defeated Dong Zhuo's army again in Yanshi, so he was changed to Wuhou.

And Yuan Shu was awarded the title of Marquis of Gaoyang Ting for his achievements in the First Battle of Yanshi.

Although the Nanyang Army's formation was broken first, Yuan Shu did not retreat in the bloody battle in the end, which finally exposed the Xiliang Army's flaws and was able to win the battle.

Sun Jian and Yuan Shu stepped into the hall at the same time. The side hall is not big. Strictly speaking, it can't even be called a hall, it should be called a house.

Liu Xie was sitting in the first seat right now, and when he saw the two of them stepping into the room, a smile appeared on his face.

"My minister Sun Jian (Yuan Shu) pays his respects to His Majesty."

Sun Jian and Yuan Shu bowed respectfully, and sat on both sides under Liu Xie's gesture.

"At the court meeting today, the officials were furious. I saw Wuhou and Gaoyang Tinghou's expressions were quite dignified, so I wanted to invite you over."

Both Sun Jian and Yuan Shu frowned slightly, but they immediately returned to normal, waiting for the next step.

"I know that everything said in the proclamation is false. Chen Lin's proclamation is all malicious and slanderous. The facts are by no means what Chen Lin said. The two generals are loyal to the country. Fighting to the death, the national traitor Dong Zhuo is still occupying Luoyang, causing disaster to the world."

Liu Xie didn't call himself Zhen when he spoke, but called himself me.

"So I hope that the two generals will not have any grievances in their hearts because of the appeal."

Liu Xie's words were sincere, and both Sun Jian and Yuan Shu felt a little warmth in their hearts.

"There is a saying in the history books: When the cunning rabbit dies, the lackey cooks; when the birds are exhausted, the good bow is hidden; the enemy's country is destroyed, and the counselors perish."

Liu Xie said solemnly and sincerely.

"But the ministers support me in times of crisis, and I will never doubt ministers because of gossip and gossip."

"I'm not the king of Yue, and it's absolutely impossible for you all to follow in Wenzhong's footsteps."

The cunning rabbit dies, and the running dog cooks. This passage comes from "Historical Records: The Family of Goujian, King of Yue".

Wen Zhong was an important advisor to King Goujian of Yue, and together with Fan Li, he made great contributions to Goujian's final defeat of King Fuchai of Wu.

After destroying Wu, relying on his great achievements, he didn't listen to Fan Li's advice to retire when he was successful. Later, he was not tolerated by Gou Jian, and was finally ordered to die by Gou Jian.

Sun Jian raised his head and looked at Liu Xie, who was sitting on the first seat, with a solemn expression. The rumors circulating recently still entered Liu Xie's ears.

In Chen Duzhong, I don't know when some rumors began to spread, and there are even many details in it.

Those who framed him, Sun Jian, for rebellion, talked about his meritorious service, were cunning and dead, and were cooked by lackeys, all kinds of things.

Under this tense situation, the spread of such rumors and the attack of the call for action are undoubtedly very important to the entire court of Chen Du.

"I, Liu Xie, solemnly swear here."

Liu Xie raised his palm and spoke solemnly.

"Monarchs and ministers do not bear each other..."

"If one day I break my oath today, listen to slander, and kill heroes, then fate will never favor my Han family!"

The pupils in Yuan Shu and Sun Jian's eyes suddenly dilated, and they looked at Liu Xie together, the expressions in their eyes were full of shock.

"His Majesty……"

Sun Jian opened his mouth, but he couldn't utter the words.

Liu Xie is the emperor, but he made such a heavy promise to them.

Yuan Shu was also touched. The way he looked at Liu Xie was no longer the same. To be honest, he used to regard Liu Xie as a child, but facing Liu Xie today, he knew that he had misjudged Liu Xie after all. .

This child who went through the Boshin Rebellion and was supported by Jian Shuo to ascend to the throne, this child who went all the way from Luoyang to the south and lurked into Chendu, this child who re-inherited the throne in Chendu, cannot be regarded as normal .

Perhaps the edict was genuine, this was the first time Yuan Shu believed that the edict in Jian Shuo's hand was authentic.

Yuan Shu's heart was a little shaken, he was young as a chivalrous man, and he once swore to hold a sword to wipe out the villains, so that his name will be remembered in history.

But what he saw with his eyes were all extremely ugly and extremely dirty facts.

Since then, he has always speculated on the actions of others with the worst malice.

Seeing Liu Xie's resolute expression in front of him, Yuan Shu was suddenly in a daze.

He looked at Sun Jian at the side. That night, Sun Jian was covered in dust, wearing a military uniform, and his hair was messy. He looked like he hadn't washed himself for many days. A lot of unwashed blood.

"Dong Zhuo and I used to be generals in the same account, so there was no enmity at all. Now I'm risking my own life and risking arrows and stones to fight the warriors to the death. On the one hand, I'm begging for thieves for the country, and on the other hand, I'm here to avenge the murder of the general's family."

Sun Jian's words from the past are still in his ears, but the expression on Liu Xie's face now is exactly the same as that of Sun Jian in the past.

"...The destiny will never favor my Han Dynasty!"

Yuan Shu stared at the resolute Liu Xie.

Liu Xie's words shook his original firm heart again.

To be honest, seeing Yuan Shao occupying the three provinces, his momentum was in full swing, his inner resentment grew day by day, and he didn't want to be inferior to Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao is now appointed General of Chariots and Cavalry, leading Jizhou Mu, dominating one side, and even annexing the world, taking over the Han Dynasty and replacing it.

Jieqiao, Longcou, and Baoqiu won three battles, shaking the world.

But he is still a post-general, his title is no more than a Marquis of Gaoyang Ting, the gap in his heart is unimaginable.

In fact, he is not willing to enshrine Liu Xie as the emperor, the world is in turmoil, and the heroes are separated, just like the throne of the emperor at the end of Qin in the past, who would not want to do it.

However, although he controlled Nanyang County with a large population, Yuzhou was controlled by Sun Jian, and Jingnan was controlled by Liu Biao.

Xiangyang in Jingzhou is in the hands of Liu Biao, and Liu Biao who holds Xiangyang is tantamount to strangling his neck.

Attacking Xiangyang from Nanyang, Xiangyang is blocked by natural dangers, making it extremely difficult.

However, attacking Nanyang from Xiangyang is the Nanyang Basin in Pingchuan, and there is no way to fortify it.

But in fact, Yuan Shu has also been planning, and now Chen Wang and Liu Chong seem to be in control of the court.

But Liu Chong is a vassal king after all, and he doesn't have much experience in dealing with temples.

Relying on the power of the Yuan family, Yuan Shu actually has quite a lot of power in Chen Du's court.

In fact, there are now several prefectures in Yuzhou where the sheriffs are all disciples of the Yuan family and follow their Yuan family's instructions.

Although there is little hope, Yuan Shu has always been restless.

After walking out of the house, Yuan Shu's state of mind had unconsciously changed.

Liu Xie has the temperament of the emperor.

Yuan Shu's eyes flickered, and he stepped out of the house.

Maybe the destiny is still in the Han Dynasty...

Yuan Shu recalled the deduction of Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai when he was in Liu Chong's residence in the past, as well as the officials above the court, everything seemed to be getting better.

When I was in Luoyang in the past, everything I looked at was gloomy and full of depression.

But now in Chen Du, what he sees is a court that is determined to forge ahead, what he sees are capable officials one after another, and generals who are loyal to the country one after another.

The wind and frost are different from the nature of plants and trees, and the festival of chastity is seen in the crisis...

 Some book friends have been wondering why Yuan Shu didn't jump out to make trouble, and feel that it doesn't fit Yuan Shu's personality in history.

  But everything must proceed from reality.

  Yuan Shu now occupies Nanyang County. The west of Nanyang County is Hanzhong County, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The south is Jingzhou with Xiangyang as a barrier. Liu Biao is the shepherd of Jingzhou.

  To the north is the Henan area, which is the Luoyang area.

  And the east is Yuzhou under the leadership of Sun Jian.

  If you rebel, you have no chance of winning at all.

  The world in the book is very different from the original world.

  The Yuan Shu in the book is not the Yuan Shu in history anymore.

  He didn't get the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, nor did he have the kind of morbid emperor's dream.

(End of this chapter)

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