The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 612 The Swordsman

Chapter 612 The Swordsman
In the second year of Chuping (191), December [-]st.

It has been a month since the call to arms came out.

The north and the south, the east and the west, and the two courtyards are full of swords and swords, and the atmosphere is extremely terrifying.

Yuan Shao stationed troops in Yecheng, and his advance troops had begun to approach Liyang.

Liyang is the barrier to the east of Yecheng. If Sun Jian wants to attack Yecheng, or go north to attack Jizhou, Liyang is an obstacle that Sun Jian must not be able to bypass.

Now everything north of the Yellow River is occupied by Yuan Shao, while the south of the Yellow River is the sphere of influence of the Chen Du court.

As Yuan Shao's army entered Liyang, the Yanzhou army also began to increase its troops to Puyang, Baima, Yanjin and other places.

After the Taishan Yellow Turban Army occupied the Jibei Kingdom, their tentative continued westward attack was repelled, so they retreated to the Jibei Kingdom again and developed steadily.

The pressure on the Yanzhou Army has been slightly reduced, but its strength is still a bit stretched.

Although Chen Qun, the governor of Yanzhou, recovered from his arrow wound, he was exempted from the position of governor of Yanzhou because of his defeat in the previous Jibei War.

And Cao Cao remained calm in the face of danger, not only gathered the defeated army, stabilized the battle situation, kept the situation in Yanzhou from collapsing, but also withstood the follow-up attack of the Taishan Yellow Turban Army, and even won a few small victories.

The situation in Yanzhou was in crisis, and the governor of Yanzhou could not be appointed casually, so Cao Cao became the most suitable candidate.

Although Cao Cao's hometown is Chenliu County in Yanzhou, logically speaking, it is inappropriate for Cao Cao to be the governor of Yanzhou at this moment, and he needs to avoid suspicion.

However, when the Kwantung Allied Forces fought against Dong Zhuo before, Cao Cao "distributed the family wealth and united with the righteous soldiers" in Chenliu, and initiated the volunteer soldiers to call on the heroes of the world to attack Dong Zhuo.

Cao Song was worried that there would be no peace due to the war, so he took his youngest son Cao De (also known as Cao Ji) and some clansmen to Langxie in Xuzhou to avoid disaster.

Later, Liu Xie escaped from Luoyang and became emperor in Chendu. Cao Song heard that Liu Xie had arrived in Chendu, and soon moved all the way from Xuzhou to Chendu.

Cao Song used to worship Taiwei as an official. Although he did it not long ago, the official position was bought from the hands of Shi Changshi, but he was Taiwei after all.

The Chen Du court had just been established, and there were not many ministers. After Cao Song entered the temple, he was directly appointed as one of the nine ministers. After all, Cao Song's qualifications were there.

Cao Song and many members of the Cao clan were in Chendu, so the selection of Cao Cao as the governor of Yanzhou did not receive any opposition.

After Liu Xie saw Cao Cao's name, he also straightforwardly asked Wang Yue to draw up the edict.

He knows who Cao Cao is, he remembers Cao Cao's name, and his memory has always been very good.

He had heard from Wang Yue that outside of the Kwantung Allied Forces at Chen Bingguan, apart from Sun Jian and Yuan Shu who actually sent troops to attack Dong Zhuo, only Cao Cao and Bao Xin led troops to actually fight Dong Zhuo.

Cao Cao and Bao Xin were defeated in Xingyang and almost lost their lives.

"Inspector of Yanzhou, Cao Cao."

Liu Xie took Cao Cao's name and official position, took a pen from Huang Le's hand, and wrote them together on the screen of the bedroom.

In addition to the name of Cao Cao on the screen, there are also the names of Sun Jian, Liu Biao, Chen Wen and others. Without exception, they are all governors of a state, state shepherds, or important officials of the court.

"Chen Wen..."

Looking at the name on the screen, Liu Xie showed a trace of worry on his immature face.

Chen Wen is the governor of Yangzhou. The news that Wang Yue mentioned to him recently is basically good news. The thief king of Yangzhou, Yan Baihu, lost his helmet and armor under the attack of the Yangzhou army led by Sun Jing, and lost consecutive battles.

Now that Yan Baihu fled to the south, and a large part of the territory it originally occupied has been lost.

The situation is very good, but the only bad news is about Chen Wen, the governor of Yangzhou.

During this period, Chen Wen's condition began to worsen. Although he was still able to govern, his health was getting longer and longer. Chen Wen had already made a statement and wanted to resign and return to his hometown to rest.

Liu Xie looked worried and frowned.

Birth, old age, sickness and death...

He remembered the time in Luoyang Palace.

During the fifth year of Zhongping (188), he was the happiest and the saddest.

What makes him happy is that his father spent more time with him than in the previous eight years. During that time, his father taught him a lot of things, and the names of one person after another , The stories of one person after another will be told to him...

It was also that year that he officially ascended the throne and became the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

Chen Wen's illness has been ill for a long time, and it is somewhat similar to the illness of Liu Hong and his father back then.

The doctors Wang Yue sent over were all helpless and helpless. Liu Xie understood what life, old age, sickness and death were, and he also knew that Chen Wen might not be alive soon.

His father died of illness, Qiao Mao, the former governor of Yuzhou, also died of illness, and Chen Wen, the governor of Yangzhou, is also dying of illness.

Liu Xie was a little apprehensive, he felt that human life was extremely fragile.

In a single battle, tens of thousands of people died and passed away forever.

During the Wuchen Rebellion, he witnessed the fighting in the palace with his own eyes. Those tall and strong soldiers were easily chopped to the ground by sharp knives, and their corpses lay in the palace.

"Xu An..."

Liu Xie withdrew his thoughts, and his gaze stayed on the far left of the screen, where a distinctive name was written.

In the last period of time, Liu Hong's consciousness became more and more confused, and this name was what Liu Xie heard most from him.

Xu An, now the Taoist leader of Taiping Dao, Taiping Dao had already been wiped out by the army led by Huangfusong.

More than [-] Yellow Turban soldiers in Guangzong and Xiaquyang died among them. Zhang Jiao, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Liang were all beheaded, and more than half of the thirty-six Qu commanders were killed. Millions of Yellow Turbans were destroyed. Into the bottomless abyss, helpless.

However, Xu An rose like a hurricane in the Taihang Mountains. In seven years, Taiping Dao not only did not collapse, but disappeared from then on, on the contrary, it became stronger and stronger.

Now that the Taiping Road is in full swing, the forces of the Yellow Turban Army span states and counties, and the five prefectures of Youzhou, Jizhou, Sili, Bingzhou, and Liangzhou all have areas controlled by the Yellow Turban Army.

The two counties of Dai and Shanggu in Youzhou, most of the two counties of Zhongshan and Changshan in Jizhou, Hedong County of Sili Xiaowei, the entire territory of Liangzhou and Bingzhou, and even the nomads in the north, the Xiongnu , Xianbei all surrendered under his command.

Hu people dare not go south to herd horses, and scholars dare not bend their bows to complain.

Liu Xie looked at Xu An's name, and he felt that this person was different from everyone he had ever met, anyone he had seen in books.

Everything that the Embroidered Emissary reported about under the rule of Taiping Dao could refresh Liu Xie's original perception.

After learning about all kinds of novel affairs such as schools, military academies, police, Taoist temples, etc., one thing after another, Liu Xie paid more and more attention to Xu An.

Now he is not yet old enough to be in charge, and the current managers above the court are Liu Chong and Sun Jian.

"Yuan Shao."

Liu Xie looked at Yuan Shao's name, and his gaze gradually became firm.

Wang Yue told him, and Liu Chong and Sun Jian also explained to him that although the Yellow Turban Army seemed powerful, Xu An was trapped in the northern border, and his background was weak, making it difficult to fight.

Now we have to deal with the most important enemy standing in front of us—Yuan Shao.

Just yesterday, Sun Jian had led [-] soldiers from Jingzhou, [-] soldiers from Yuzhou, and [-] forbidden soldiers from Chendu, marching northward, and soon they would reach the northernmost part of Yanzhou—Dongjun.

(End of this chapter)

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