Chapter 613
When the land of the Central Plains was at war, the territory of Taipingdao was very peaceful.

Contrary to the continuous and continuous wars in the Central Plains, since Xu An took control of Bingzhou in the fourth year of Zhongping (187), there has been almost no turmoil and war in the hinterland of Bingzhou.

Although the Yellow Turban Army has been fighting almost year after year, they are basically fighting outside the country, and have not been invaded by the Han army or the northern tribes.

Bingzhou, Shangdang County, and Changzi City.

Shangdang County was conquered by Xu An in the third year of Zhongping (186), and it has been five years since Taiping.

The people of Shangdang County have become accustomed to the life of Taiping Dao. With the establishment and spread of Taiping Dao in Shangdang County, Shangdang County was the first county to be liberated by the Yellow Turban Army. Welfare and policies were first implemented in Shangdang County.

Today's Shangdang County, whether it is education, military, politics, or infrastructure, is undoubtedly the best developed in the entire Bingzhou, and even the entire Taiping Road.

As dusk drew closer, many places in the eldest son city were lit up with stars and lights, but the number of pedestrians on the street did not decrease, and even showed signs of increasing.

At the corridor of the Sifang Gate of the eldest son city, at this time, there should be only a few travelers and outside residents rushing home, or going to the city to rest, but today, there are surprisingly many people.

Today’s Changzi City has lifted the original curfew. Walking on the streets at night, pedestrians don’t need to worry about being arrested by patrol soldiers or police on Taiping Road.

The reason why the curfew in the eldest son city was lifted today was not because there was any festival or something to celebrate, but because the government office of the eldest son city wanted to publish a list today.

This list is of great significance, and the release of the list this time is also of great significance.

This is Taipingdao's first major exam after it opened a school under the rule - Tongsheng Examination.

The Tongsheng Examination is also the graduation examination of Meng Xuetang. There are three subjects in total, language, mathematics, and Taoism.

Meng Xuetang was first opened in November of the fourth year of Zhongping (187), and more than [-] schoolchildren were arranged to enroll.

At that time, Xu An had just occupied Bingzhou, and the finances were tight. However, in order to get rid of the constraints of talents, Xu An ordered to recruit more than [-] schoolchildren to study without hesitation.

Strictly speaking, the real time of the first semester after the opening of Meng Xuetang was the fifth year of Zhongping (188), and the fourth year of Zhongping was just pre-school training and the entrance ceremony.

At that time, the Yellow Turban Army, including Xu An, had no experience in opening such a large-scale school, and it was quite difficult to organize it. Therefore, Xu An set up pre-school training, and held the entrance ceremony first, and then slowly implemented other things. educate.

However, the current Yellow Turban Army Meng School has entered a regular state, and it has been three years since the fifth year of Zhongping (188) to the second year of Chuping (191).

After the "Taiping Law" was promulgated, all aspects were officially written into the regulations, and schools such as the Meng School and the County School were also officially written into the regulations.

The period of elementary school is three years. Those who pass the examination are called Tongsheng. After they become adults, they are eligible to serve as officials in various township pavilions. Those with excellent academic performance can be promoted to county schools.

For elementary school students, those who fail to graduate after the three-year period will have two choices.

One is to stay and continue studying until he passes the exam and graduates successfully. Of course, at this time, Taipingdao will no longer provide him with meals and support his studies.

Of course, during this period, the student's tuition fees, as well as the corresponding food and clothing expenses will be fully borne by the students themselves.

The second is to receive a certificate of completion and graduate from Meng Xuetang. Such students are called students and are not qualified to become officials.

In fact, schools in various places are not completely free, and families need to pay a certain amount of food and rice fees.

At the beginning, Mengxue was first established, and the number of people who came to sign up was very small. Xu An ordered that the first batch of students who entered Mengxue do not need to pay any tuition fees, provided free food, and even reduced their family taxes by half.

But this is only the first batch of schoolchildren, and the treatment of subsequent schoolchildren will be re-established.

In the school, the grades are divided into six grades: excellent, upper middle, middle, lower middle, lower, and last.

According to the pros and cons of the grades, the grades at the end of the semester, the food and rice fees are reduced or exempted, and there are even scholarships. Those with excellent grades can get a certain scholarship every semester, including money and food.

And if the academic evaluation is the last class, six semesters in three years, as long as two semesters are rated as the last class, then they will be persuaded to leave and go home.

Those who are in the bottom class are either poor in learning ability, or those who don't love learning.

Taiping Dao is short of resources and financially distressed. Every penny and every penny of manpower needs to be taken seriously. Naturally, Xu An will not allow wasteful behavior.

Compulsory education can be slowly implemented and fully popularized when the whole country is unified, the country is completely stable, productivity increases, and the country is prosperous and the people are strong.

But now, the purpose of setting up schools such as Meng School and County School is very simple, which is to train qualified officials for Taiping Road, and the survival of the fittest.

Although there is no discrimination in teaching, education should be based on individual aptitude, but in Bingzhou, in today's world, there is no such condition for Xu An to promote individualized education and these education systems.

What Xu An was busy with was not only education, military affairs, diplomacy, politics, all matters big and small required Xu An to make decisions and make judgments.

As the sun set on the western mountain, darkness descended, swallowing the entire eldest son city.

Although the curfew was lifted, the only lights in the eldest son city were a few markets, and the square area was lit.

And the places where the lights are lit, the brightest lights are the government offices of the eldest son city.

On the Yaqian square of the eldest son's city mansion, the lights are shining brightly.

The gate of the government office was opened, and two eagle wolf guards wearing white wolf uniforms stood on both sides, one with a knife on the left and one right, and a group of eagle wolf guard ti cavalry stood around.

One after another, soldiers with helmets and armour, all guarding the surroundings of the government office with the Yanling knife on their waists.

There are many stores around the square, and now those stores are almost full of seats and guests.

They are all waiting for today's announcement. Graduates who pass the Tongsheng Examination will be called Tongsheng, and will be officially recognized by the Taiping Road. Once they become adults, they can go to various township pavilions as officials.

Those with excellent academic performance can also choose to enter the county school, or even enter the national school, and become an official in the state and county, or even an official!
In the past, this was something that was unthinkable. To be an official or an official was only the privilege of the powerful landlords and aristocratic families. How could they become officials.

Everything is really different.

Chen Sheng had never been so upset before, he felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles while sitting on the table.


Ge Zhou was sitting upright, and cast a sideways glance at Chen Sheng, who was fidgeting.


When Chen Sheng heard Ge Zhou's reprimand, he immediately stopped moving.

Chen Sheng held the water glass. Although he sat on the table again, the boredom in his heart still did not disappear.

The backlog of pressure in his heart was too great.

(End of this chapter)

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