The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 616 Missionary

Chapter 616 Missionary
"Chen Sheng..."

Xu An looked at the document sent in his hand, and found a rather familiar name in it.

Jia Xu's expression moved slightly. He remembered that Chen Sheng seemed to be a schoolboy in the eldest son city, and he seemed to have a photographic memory.

"Could it be that the names of the chief criminals from each county have been submitted?"

Jia Xu immediately thought that it seemed that various counties were holding children's exams before, and it has been a while since the children's exams.

After the Tongsheng Examination, the ranking is announced, which is called the case. Therefore, the students of Meng Xuetang participate in the Tongsheng Examination, and the one who takes the first place in the county is called the case leader.

This time, there were more than [-] candidates in the children's examination, but there were only four examination areas.

The first is Taiyuan County, the second is Hedong County, the third is Shangdang County, and the fourth is Yanmen County
When Xu An promoted enlightenment education, although he had already entered Bingzhou, the prefectures in the north of Bingzhou were still under the control of the Southern Huns, and even Xihe County was invaded by the Southern Huns.

Therefore, the first phase of Meng Xuetang was only established in Taiyuan County, Hedong County, Shangdang County, Yanmen County, and Dingxiang County. The population of Yanmen and Dingxiang County was small, so they all concentrated in Yanmen County for exams. into the same test area.

In four test areas, a total of four case leaders were selected.

Entering the county school, in addition to the grades, the treatment will also be graded, there are three grades of A, B, and C.

Those rated as C-class are free of board and lodging.

Those rated as the second class are free of board and lodging, and a certain amount of money is paid every month.

Those rated as the first class will get all kinds of subsidies in addition to all the previous benefits, and they will be directly arranged to study in Jinyang Jiazi County College.

The capital city of each case will be rated as A, the top ten will be rated as B, and C will be selected according to the order after the results of all states and counties come out.

According to the regulations of the exam, the name of the head of the desk had to be checked by Xu An himself.

"Yes, the names of the case leaders in the four test districts have come out. This Chen Sheng has the highest score in the four districts."

Xu An handed the roster in his hand to Jia Xu who was beside him.

"I only studied for two years at the age of fourteen, and I just turned sixteen this year. I heard that he has already learned the knowledge of the county school for two years, and he has a photographic memory."

Xu An remembered the documents sent by the Department of Internal Affairs before, and he was still quite impressed with Chen Sheng, not only because of Chen Sheng's photographic memory, but also because of Chen Sheng's teacher—Ge Zhou.

Ge Zhou entered Taoism very early. It is said that he joined the great virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao not long after he preached. After that, he stayed in the Taihang Mountains to preach everywhere, curing diseases and saving lives. His reputation is quite high, only under Qu Shuai Huang Long.

As Ge Zhou grew older, he was originally a Taoist teacher in the Taoist hall, but because of his health, he was later transferred to the Meng School to teach the students of the Meng School and act as a teacher in the Meng School.

Xu An sat down, and the results of the Tongsheng Examination came out, and the pressure accumulated in his heart dissipated a little.

The Yellow Turban Army is now far ahead of other forces in the military. Other forces have not set up military academies like the Yellow Turban Army to train middle and low-level officers, and even conduct literacy classes in the army to teach ordinary soldiers to read and write.

Military formations, formations, and other drills have not been stopped, and every semester, Xu An will solicit suggestions from those generals and academies who are receiving training at the Taiping Road Army Academy, and then revise the "Infantry Exercise Code" as appropriate.

Now the "Infantry Manual" is already in a fairly complete state. From the original only a few chapters, it can now take care of all aspects and write in detail the responses that should be made in various situations.

The current Yellow Turban Army, whether it is the arrangement of the battle formation, the speed of marching, or the reaction to the battle, is far stronger than the Han army's county soldiers, and the marching speed is faster than ordinary county soldiers. a lot.

The establishment of the lecture hall also enabled the senior generals of the Yellow Turban Army to improve through mutual exchanges and learning.

But politics is not very good. Although there are Daotang's Fu Zhu as officials, the tasks of officials can still be taken over, but the heavy responsibilities of officials are somewhat difficult to bear.

It is indeed quite difficult to govern a state, a county, and a county. Many officials in Taipingdao's jurisdiction are simply trying to catch ducks on the shelf, and slowly learn how to govern during their tenure.

It is also hard work that the military strength of the Yellow Turban Army is relatively strong, and military control has been implemented for a relatively long time, and with the help of Yan Zhong and others, there have been no major disturbances.

Today, among the twenty-five prefectures in Taiping Road, more than half of them are guarded by people with aristocratic backgrounds. Members of Ji, Fu Qi, Pang Bo and other families.

However, Xu An still paid attention to the selection.The people selected by the sheriffs of these counties are all older, and the number of sheriffs of the four families is roughly the same. Zhang Liao's family and Hao Zhao's family also have two sheriffs.

Those who were born in the Yellow Turban Army served as county guards, and the county magistrates and county magistrates did not account for more than half of the officials. This situation is actually not conducive to the development of Taipingdao.

Although the aristocratic and powerful families in the territory under the jurisdiction of Taiping Dao are very honest, Yan Zhong and others are even more loyal to the Tao, and Zhang Liao, Hao Zhao and others also serve in the army, but some things still need to be prepared in advance.

The children's examination this time undoubtedly reassured Xu An's heart. The more than [-] students enrolled in the first phase of Meng Xuetang proved that there is no shortage of talents among the people.

And Chen Sheng is one of the leaders, not only has a photographic memory, but also can draw inferences from one instance and comprehend it thoroughly.

It didn't take long, in two years, Chen Sheng had already learned the two-year course of the county school, and the two-year course of the county school has far surpassed that of ordinary aristocratic children.

The content taught in Taiping Dao Junxue is more useful and profound than that of ordinary aristocratic and powerful families.

"If Chen Sheng has finished studying the content of the county school, prepare an exam for him alone. If he can pass the exam, he can be admitted to the National Academy first."

Xu An turned his head and gave instructions to Zhao Le who was beside him.

"By the way, I will send an order to the Mission Division to let the Commander of the Mission Division come to the Jinyang government office. I have something to say to him."

People in the Han Dynasty believed in ghosts and gods, and the theory of destiny. When he saw Chen Sheng's name just now, he thought of Chen Sheng's deeds, and felt that there could be some articles in it.

Propaganda is effective, perhaps Chen Sheng can become the Taiping Dao, which is the destiny and a strong argument.

Wen has Wenqu, Wu has Wuqu.

Lu Bu's name and Chen Sheng's name came to Xu An's mind at the same time.

Now that Taiping Dao has been modified by Xu An, it is no longer just a few gods, but has truly become a complete system.

Taoist Sanqing, Jade Emperor, Heavenly Court and Difu, Explanation and Interception of Teachings, Thirty-three Heavenly Palaces, Seventy-two Treasure Halls, Thirteen Golden Immortals, Big Dipper King, Twenty-eight Constellations, Thirty-six Heavenly Gangs, Seventy-two Dishas and many more.

Xu An listed all the immortals and gods in his memory, and spent a whole year to complete all the systems.

Xu An's fantasies about immortals and gods began to germinate after reading the book "Journey to the West", and then "Fengshen Yanyi" made Xu An even more fascinated.

According to the contents of these two novels, Xu An slowly constructed a systematic system of immortals and gods.

However, it is somewhat different, the original gods of Taiping Dao were also added by Xu An.

Then write it into a story, and then let the storytellers and storytellers spread the story.

Most of the original twelve prefectures of Taipingdao were believers of Taipingdao. After several years of development, they were under the jurisdiction of Taipingdao. Now Taipingdao has far-reaching influence in the local area.

With the spread of these stories of immortals and gods, coupled with the methods of preaching by some fake ghosts and gods of Taiping Dao, more and more people believe in Taiping Dao in various places, and the incense of Taoist temples in Taiping Dao in various places is also becoming more and more prosperous.

If it is properly used and publicized this time, it may be possible to use the shareholder style to not only encourage the learning of children in Meng schools everywhere, but also make more people believe in the way of peace and boost the morale of the army.

When Jia Xu heard that Xu An summoned Lingjun of the Mission Department, he immediately found a reason and left the hall.

All the affairs of the mission department are classified as top secret, and most of the arrangements are personally instructed by Xu An, and no one else knows about it except the commander of the mission department, so Jia Xu left knowingly premises.

The Department of Mission and Education was originally of a lower rank, called the Department of Mission and Education, under the Department of Internal Affairs and the Department of External Affairs.

However, with the development and growth, the original mission department has become the current mission department, which is equal to or even higher than the three departments of internal affairs, foreign affairs, and agricultural affairs.

Most of the officials in the Mission Department are selected from the Yellow Angels or Tengxiang Guards, and a small part are selected from the Eagle Wolf Guards. That is to say, the officials in the Mission Department are basically devout Taiping Taoists.

Moreover, the mission department even has its own armed forces. The mission commander directly controls a [-]-man guard, and has the power to mobilize the three guards in Jinyang City to defend the mission office of the mission department.

The documents of the mission department are stored in the safest place.

The current political center of Taipingdao is in Jinyang, and various confidential documents of Taipingdao are placed in the library of the Jinyang government office.

The library is divided into inner, middle, and outer areas, and the documents of the mission department are stored in the inner library.

Not long after Zhao Le went out, Pan Zhi, the missionary order, hurried over from the mission department.

"The mission ordered Pan Zhi to pay homage to the great virtuous teacher."

When Pan Zhi saw Xu An, he respectfully bowed down.

Like the Department of Mission and Education, which are extremely important in the Taiping Road, Xu An is without exception a person who was born in the Yellow Angel.

Ability is second, but the most important thing is to ensure loyalty, especially in the field of public opinion. There must be no chaos or mistakes, otherwise, if private goods are mixed in, there will be endless troubles.

Pan Zhi was born as a Yellow Angel. He was one of the more than [-] Yellow Angels who followed Xu An on a long journey from Quyang to Taihang Mountain. He has experienced almost all the battles of the Yellow Turban Army. , It is precisely because of this that he can hold such an important position.

Regarding Chen Sheng's matter, Xu An already had a draft, and if it was true, then he could make a fuss from here.

Let Chen Sheng demonstrate the ability of photographic memory in public, and let the Eagle Wolf Guard and the Propaganda Department make a big publicity, spreading the fact that Chen Sheng is the star of Wenqu, as a proof of Wenyou Huangtian.

"Follow my lord's orders."

As soon as Xu An finished speaking, Pan Zhi immediately spoke in agreement.

The mission department is no stranger to these things, and has long been handy.

Pan Zhi didn't have the slightest doubt about what he said to Xu An. Since Xu An said that Chen Sheng was the reincarnation of Wen Qu Xing, then Chen Sheng must be the reincarnation of Wen Qu Xing.

Chen Sheng's arrangement was decided, and Xu An's thoughts were also on Lu Bu.

The matter of Wen Qu is easy to solve, but the matter of Wu Qu is not.

Although Lu Bu has made great achievements, he is on the battlefield. Only the soldiers can see it, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see it. Moreover, it is necessary to find a way that everyone can recognize, so that the story of Wu Qu's descending to the earth can be more believable.

Xu An frowned slightly. Originally, he wanted to publicize that Chen Sheng was the reincarnation of the Wenqu star, but he also thought of the words "Wen has Wenqu, Wu has Wuqu", and then he thought of Lu Bu.

"How is the preparation of the newspaper?"

Xu An couldn't think of a good way to create momentum for a while, so he asked Pan Zhi about another matter.

"Most of the main cities in the twenty-five counties have built newspaper offices. According to the order of the lord, Bingzhou is the main agency, and Liangzhou has a branch office. county."

"The papermaking workshop has already set up a branch in Liangzhou, also in Wubao. It is located in Shehu Valley in the south of Jixian County. It is located in a hidden location. An army has been transferred from the Liangzhou Military Region to station troops outside the valley. Wubao The defense troops in the fort have also been recruited, some are the guards from the original mission department, and some are the Tiqi selected from the Eagle Wolf Guard, a total of [-] people."

"Every city and town has a storyteller and preacher."

The Department of Propaganda and Education wrote quite a few novels, for which Xu An provided a large number of articles "Yan Ling Dao" and "Northern Expedition to the Huns". These were all written by Xu An himself.

Nowadays, in the Taiping Road, those gorgeous parallel prose are not popular, but novels and miscellaneous studies are prevalent. Parallel prose is bitter and difficult for ordinary Shengdou people, but novels are not.

The novels written by Xu An are more colloquial, simple and easy to understand, and most of the stories are eye-catching.

Therefore, among rural cities and towns where there are not many recreational activities, the most favorite thing for ordinary people to sit in their spare time is to go to the nearest teahouse to listen to the book.

The preaching officers mentioned by Pan Zhi are newly established positions in the newspaper office. These preaching officers are responsible for preaching the important content of the newspaper. This is their task.

Today, the Enlightenment Movement in Taiping Road has only been carried out for only two or three years, and the literacy campaign cannot be carried out due to economic and various difficulties. It is really difficult for ordinary people to understand newspapers and buy newspapers. gave birth.

"The newspaper offices have been set up everywhere, and the convoy to deliver the newspapers has also been arranged properly. It is completely fine for the Lord to publish the newspapers whenever he plans."

Xu An tapped lightly on the desk.

"The first newspaper was scheduled to be published on the first day of the first lunar month in the third year of Chuping. Newspaper offices in all counties and countries were listed at the same time, opened at the same time, and issued newspapers at the same time."

"I want my Taipingdao decree to be successfully conveyed to every corner of the twenty-five counties, two hundred and fifty-four cities, and thousands of villages and pavilions."

"Follow my lord's orders."

Pan Zhi looked solemn and bowed down.

Xu An's eyes brightened slightly, and at this moment he had already thought of a solution.

Speaking of Wu Yong, the first person that popped into his mind was none other than Xiang Yu, Overlord of Western Chu!

Some people in later generations praised and said: Feather's bravery is unparalleled through the ages.

(End of this chapter)

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