The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 617 Martial Arts Raise the Cauldron!

Chapter 617 Martial Arts Raise the Cauldron!


Zhao Ji looked at the two big characters on the city gate, and couldn't help but feel agitated.

Jinyang is the Taoist capital of Taiping Dao, and it is also where Xu An, a great virtuous teacher, now lives.

Zhao Ji has never been to Jinyang since he joined the Eagle Wolf Guard.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Ji drove his horse in slowly and walked towards the corridor of the city gate.

The guards at the city gate who had already checked Zhao Ji's identity let go of the way and bowed their heads in salute to Zhao Ji. Within the jurisdiction of Taiping Road, the most respected people are not soldiers in the army, nor government offices. Among the officials, but among the eagle wolf guards and the yellow angels.

There are seven levels in Taiping Tao: Enlightenment, Enlightenment, Hearing the Tao, Enlightening the Tao, Obtaining the Tao, Fangzhu, and Great Doctor.

Now in Taiping Dao, Yan Zhong is the only great doctor, and all the generals in the Yellow Turban Army are basically in the three levels of Enlightenment, Obtaining the Tao, and Fangzhu.

For the ranks in the Taiping Dao, each major rank has several minor ranks. It is more difficult to be promoted in the officialdom and the military, so in fact, most people come from the two stages of enlightenment and enlightenment.

To reach a higher level, not only ability, but also need to prove loyalty to Taipingdao.

As for Eagle Wolf Guard, Yellow Angel Guard, Teng Xiang Guard, and Mission Division, if you want to enter, the most basic thing is to achieve Wendao.

"This is Jinyang..."

Tang Ji looked left and right, his face was full of shock, and he spoke suddenly.

"This place is much bigger than Taihang Gongfang. It's a pity that Lin Zhong didn't come to Jinyang when he became the deputy thousand householder of Taihang Workshop."

The corners of Deng Xu's mouth twitched slightly. Tang Ji's performance was too embarrassing. Now he seems to be an old farmer from the countryside to the city.

It's just that those old farmers are timid and afraid, but Tang Ji, a very thick-skinned person, keeps bluffing.

Deng Xu held his forehead, feeling helpless. He had already seen many passers-by looking at them, and many of them were covering their mouths and laughing.

"This is Jinyang. If it's not as big as Taihang Workshop, do you think it's possible?"

Zhao Ji was also quite helpless towards Tang Ji. He was full of majesty in front of ordinary subordinates, but he was not serious about Deng Xu, Tang Ji, and Lin Zhong, the old subordinates.

From Jiangyi to Jizhou, they were wandering on the edge of life and death countless times, and they supported each other to tide over the difficulties.

Zhangshui Daying, after he fell ill and died, these old subordinates of his also came to deliver medicine to him in person, and in the end it was Deng Xu and Tang Ji who carried him across Zhangshui on a stretcher.

"This is the reason, this is the reason."

Tang Ji touched his head and smiled.

"It's still Qianhu who has a lot of knowledge and knowledge, unlike my old Tang, who just..."

"I know how to eat."

Deng Xu on the side glanced sideways at Tang Ji, and continued rightly.

The eagle wolf guards who followed behind them all burst into laughter. Tang Ji usually eats a lot, and now he is getting fatter and fatter. This is a fact.

"Speaking of people is not short, Lao Deng..."

Tang Ji couldn't hold back his face, and was about to refute, when a burst of noise suddenly reached everyone's ears.

"What happened there?"

Zhao Ji looked at the front right not far away, there was a square, and there was a lecture platform in the center of the square, which was obviously the place where Fu Zhu of Taiping Road usually preached.

But the strange thing is that there is no Fu Zhu preaching on the lecture platform, but now the square is full of people.

"Tap Tat Tat—"

A burst of hurried footsteps came from the side, and a group of policemen in blue military uniforms walked quickly towards the square with their waist knives in one hand and wooden knives in the other.

"Shall we go and have a look?"

Tang Ji stopped talking, and asked Zhao Ji who was on the side.


Without hesitation, Zhao Ji got off the horse in one step. The crowd was so crowded that it was impossible to ride a horse.

This time he came to Jinyang because he was transferred, but on the other hand, he was the Tiqi of the Eagle Wolf Guard.

It is the duty of the Eagle Wolf Guards to monitor the world and patrol China.

Now that the square is crowded with people, it would be bad if there was any commotion.

Deng Xu and Tang Ji dismounted together with Zhao Ji. Several Tiqi from the Eagle Wolf Guard stayed behind to take care of the horses, while the other Tiqi guarded Zhao Ji's side.

The people gathered in the square seemed to be watching something lively, not a commotion, the noise grew louder the further they went.

When the crowd in the square saw Zhao Ji and the others in the eagle wolf suit, they gave way one after another and did not block them.

After a while, Zhao Ji had successfully walked to the center of the square from the outer circle.

A large cauldron was placed on the ground, and a man in a brocade robe and fur cap was standing on a carriage.

"The people in Bingzhou are really weak, so no one can lift this tripod? It seems that no one can take away the one hundred taels of silver I brought today."

The man in the brocade robe's words provoked loud curses from the onlookers, but the man in the brocade robe turned a blind eye to it.

"It's like you can lift it. It's ridiculous to deliberately put a tripod here that no one can lift!"

Someone in the crowd sneered coldly, and immediately attracted everyone's support.

"Hmph, you can't do it yourself, so you think there are no capable people in the world?"

The brocade robed man jumped out of the carriage with a hush.

Zhao Ji stood there without moving. The cauldron was really big, so it must be heavy. He saw a few burly men with embarrassing expressions in the crowd. They probably tried it before, but they didn't lift it.


The brocade robed man cast a contemptuous look at the crowd.

The man in the brocade robe took off his brocade robe, tightened his belt, rolled up his sleeves, grabbed the tripod's ear with one hand, put it into the silk wrapped around the tripod's ear, and supported the grip of the tripod's body with the other hand.

Everyone held their breath and focused, all looking at the brocade robed man.

With the brocade robe removed, the man's naked upper body had horned dragon-like blue veins protruding, and his strong and explosive muscles suddenly swelled up.


The man shouted suddenly, and the cauldron was suddenly lifted forward. Amidst the exclamation of the crowd, the cauldron was lifted about half a foot high.


There was a loud noise, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the cauldron fell to the ground again.

The man half-kneeled on the ground, his face flushed red, his eyes protruded slightly, obviously he had exerted too much force to the limit
But he finally lifted it up, the audience was silent, and no one spoke any more sarcasm.

No one in the audience was able to lift it, but the man in the brocade robe did it. Although the man in the brocade robe was very arrogant, he had real strength.

"One person can't do it, two people hold it together, you can also take this hundred taels of silver from me, one hundred taels per person!"

The man put on the brocade robe again, took a pocket from a servant at the side, opened it, and showed it to the onlookers.

As soon as these words came out, a thousand layers of waves were stirred up among the crowd.

Among the crowd, some people began to whisper and discuss with the people around them, wanting to get the one hundred taels of silver.

Once one hundred taels of silver is obtained, there will be no worries in this life.

The crowd became more and more noisy, and Xu An, who was sitting on a tall building next to the square, had a panoramic view of all this.

"What a good Yan Liang!"

Looking at the center of the square, Jia Xu couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

Xu You on the side was smiling, leaning against the railing with a wine glass in his hand, looking at Xu An from the corner of his eye.

Seeing the change in Xu An's face, the smile on his face became even wider.

This time to build momentum for Lu Bu, he arranged Yan Liang in, and asked Yan Liang to disguise himself as a Hun from the Northland.

Now Yan Liang's face is painted with paint, heavy makeup, hairstyle, and robes. It is completely impossible to see Yan Liang's original appearance. When speaking, Yan Liang also changed his accent with a rough voice.

Liangzhou was pacified, and the Liangzhou family headed by Yan Zhong became stronger and stronger, and there were more and more Liangzhou people from both military and political circles.

Not to mention the Taipingdao faction. In the battle of Liangzhou, Xu Huang and other generals and schools were awarded awards. The seventh Fangzhu of Taiping Road.

This also made Xu You more impatient. He wanted to cultivate his own faction and increase his voice.

However, Yan Liang and Wen Chou are still school lieutenants and have not been promoted to generals, so their combat achievements are insufficient.

The generals and schools of the Yellow Turban Army are like clouds, and it is undoubtedly a big problem if they want to stand out from the crowd, so Xu You thought of arranging Yan Liang to act in this scene, so as to attract Xu An's attention.

Facts have proved that Yan Liang raised the cauldron, which indeed made Xu An notice him.

Xu An didn't pay attention to Xu You's careful thinking, but in fact, he had long thought of reusing Yan Liang and Wen Chou. In the original time and space, Yan Liang and Wen Chou were the highest-ranking generals under Yuan Shao's command.

Although there were two people, one was killed by the white horse and the other by Yanjin.

But the reasons are quite complicated. Wen Chou died in the rebellious army and was besieged and killed by the generals of Cao Ying.

Yan Liang was killed in the Battle of the White Horse, but at that time Yan Liang was only a battalion under his command.
Xun You, Cao Cao's counselor, suggested to lead the army to pretend to cross the river in Yanjin and make a gesture of attacking Yuan's rear, so as to induce Yuan Shao to divide his troops in Yanjin.Then, the light soldiers rushed forward and rushed to attack the white horse, attacking it by surprise.

Cao Cao followed his plan.Sure enough, Yuan Shao divided his troops and ordered Guo Tu and Chun Yuqiong, who were attacking Baima, to lead their troops to the west and advance to Yanjin, while Yan Liang attacked Baima alone.

After Guo Tu, Chun Yuqiong and others led the army to Yanjin, Cao Cao immediately led the elite cavalry to rush towards the white horse. When they were more than ten miles away from the white horse, Yan Liangjun discovered the cavalry led by Cao Cao.

At this time, Yan Liang's army was small, and he was in a hurry to fight again. Cao Cao sent Zhang Liao, the general of Zhonglang, and Guan Yu, the partial general, as the vanguard, and led Xu Huang and others' troops to follow closely behind.

After some fighting, Yuan's army broke up and Guan Yu saw Yan Liang's head. Under the cover of the cavalry led by Zhang Liao, Guan Yu rode his horse and rushed to Yan Liang's side, stabbed Liang among the crowd, and beheaded him.

Both of them actually possessed bravery and abilities, and there was nothing to doubt about them. After all, they were able to serve under Yuan Shao, who was already the overlord of the north at that time, and were in the forefront. As generals, they could never be mediocre.

Wen Chou is not good at army management, and Yan Liang didn't expect Cao Cao's surprise attack. In fact, under such circumstances, few people would have thought that the main force of Cao's army was attacking Yanjin, but the next moment the main force of Cao's army appeared in Baima .

It's not that Yan Liang and Wen Chou were not strong, but that Cao Cao was too strong at that time.

There are a group of top counselors such as Xun You to advise him, and Xu Huang, Zhang Liao, Guan Yu, Xu Chu and other brave generals are the pioneers.

However, Yuan Shao, who commanded Yan Liang and Wen Chou, was indecisive, and he was able to choose the most unreliable command at critical moments.

In the battle of Guandu, Yuan Shao could defeat Cao Cao as long as he chose the right one, but Yuan Shao chose all the wrong answers, and ruined a large number of outstanding generals under his command.

Wucao was burned, Yuan Shao refused to accept Zhang He's suggestion, but sent Qingqi to rescue Qiong, and forced Zhang He and Gao Lan to lead heavy troops to attack Cao Ying, which eventually led to the defeat of the Battle of Guandu.

Yuan Shao then abandoned the army and crossed the Yellow River with only his relatives. Zhang He and Gao Lan were surrounded and had no choice but to surrender.

The general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies.

Throughout Yuan Shao's life, in times of adversity, he always showed amazing will, and turned danger into a breeze, often making the most correct decisions.

But when Yuan Shao had the advantage, he exposed his shortcomings such as indecision and ignorance.

Xu An looked sideways slightly, and glanced at the smiling Xu You. He actually knew that Xu You was restless.

However, he didn't need to suppress Xu You.

It is precisely because Xu You is restless that Xu You will forge ahead even more.

It is normal to have factional disputes in Taiping Dao nowadays, but it would be strange if there were no factional fights in Taiping Dao.

Now that the Liangzhou faction is getting stronger and stronger, it must be suppressed for the sake of stability and stability in the Tao.

However, the Jizhou family headed by Xu You can be promoted.

Xu You, Zhou Jing, Yan Liang, and Wen Chou have no family and no background to rely on, and even if they are strong, they will not be in trouble.


A louder noise interrupted Xu An's thoughts.

Xu An followed the prestige, and saw that the crowd spontaneously parted a wide road at this time.

"It's General Pingxi Lu Bu..."

Someone whispered, Zhao Ji and others looked at the parting road, and saw a very burly, heroic yellow scarf general in a battle robe of hundreds of flowers walking slowly into the square.

"General Pingxi!"

"It's Lu Fengxian! Lu Fengxian!"

The noise among the crowd was getting louder and louder, and Xu An could hear it clearly even in the high-rise buildings on the outskirts of the square.

Lu Bu walked into the square, walked around the tripod, and then took off the Hundred Flowers War Robe on his body.

"Stand back, everyone."

Lu Bu took off his Hundred Flowers battle robe, removed the jade belt, bound his waist, tied his sleeves with a large belt, and everyone retreated to make room for Lu Bu.

Lu Bu strode forward, grasped the ears of the tripod, supported the body of the tripod, and also slipped into the silk.

All eyes on the square were focused on Lu Bu, even Xu An, Jia Xu and Xu You who had seen Lu Bu lift the tripod on the tall building could not help holding their breath.

Lv Bunai shouted in a deep voice, using all his might.


The big tripod suddenly rose from the ground, unlike Yan Liang's lifting of the tripod which was only half a foot above the ground, Lu Bu unexpectedly raised the big tripod slowly to the chest position.

At this point of divine power, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Everyone was stunned, even Yan Liang stood aside like a dumb chicken like everyone else in the field.

Zhao Ji also looked at the scene in disbelief. Before Yan Liang lifted the tripod, Zhao Ji was already terrified, but now Lu Bu lifted the tripod more easily than Yan Liang.

Such a huge cauldron, unexpectedly someone can lift it so high from the ground.

But what shocked everyone even more was that Lu Bu had no intention of stopping.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lu Bu summoned up his strength and slowly lifted the cauldron over his head.


The tripod fell to the ground with a loud noise.

Smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the light shone everywhere, as if covering Lu Bu with a layer of golden light.

"Divine power!"

"Divine Power!!"

"True divine power!"

From the square, cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami suddenly came out.

On the square, everyone's blood is boiling with enthusiasm and blood.

(End of this chapter)

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