The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 618 Zhao Ji

Chapter 618 Zhao Ji
Outside the Jinyang government office, Zhao Ji calmed down and followed the yellow angel who led the way into the Jinyang government office.

After seeing Lu Bu raise the tripod yesterday, he went to Jinyang's Eagle Wolf Guard Office to report on his work. After finishing his report today, he was ordered to meet with a great virtuous teacher.

Along the way, civil servants in deep clothes came and went in a hurry, followed by the majestic Eagle Wolf Wei Ti riding with a Yanling knife, and the yellow scarf general in military uniform and war robe walking like a dragon and a tiger. dazzled.

This is Jinyang, the center of the Taiping Road in the world, and the Jinyang government office is the center of Jinyang, the center of the Taiping Road, and the orders that determine the direction of the Taiping Road all come from the Jinyang government office.

The Department of Internal Affairs, the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Propaganda and Education, the Department of Agriculture, the Ministry of War, and the Eagle and Wolf Guards are located in the Jinyang government office.
Zhao Ji's originally calm heart suddenly had ripples. He found that in his memory, Xu An's face seemed to be particularly blurred. He remembered the faces of Wang Qi and Yang Lin, but he couldn't remember Xu An's face. The face, and the more I think about it, the more blurred it becomes.

The further you go to the depths of the government office, you can see the yellow angels in robes and battle armor, with banners and banners standing high.

In a trance, Zhao Ji had an illusion, as if he had stepped into the heavenly palace described by the storyteller.

The yellow angel who led the way stopped, but Zhao Ji didn't pay attention, and almost ran into the yellow angel who led the way.

Zhao Ji settled down and walked into the courtyard.

Although it is the twelfth lunar month of winter, the weather today is a bit strange, the golden crow is in the sky, and the sun shines on people's bodies quite warmly.

It was noon, and the courtyard was very bright. The sun was shining on the branches that were not covered by leaves. In Zhao Ji's eyes, such a scene reminded him of the Kunlun Fairy Mountain described in the book, the hermitage of immortals and gods.

Xu An is wearing a robe outside, a military uniform inside, and a Taiping fishtail crown on his head, with his hands on his back, standing in the hall.

And Liu Pi, who was wearing a fragrant eagle-wolf suit and looked solemn, stood beside Xu An.

Besides Liu Pi, there was another person standing by Xu An's side, but this person Zhao Ji was most familiar with, because this person was Zhao Le, the patriarch of the Zhao family.

"Yinglangwei Qianhu, Zhao Ji, pay homage to the great virtuous teacher, the commander, and the commander."

Zhao Ji walked into the house through the courtyard, knelt down on the ground, and bowed respectfully to Xu An and Liu Bi who were sitting above them.

When Xu An saw Zhao Ji, he also smiled.

There is a medal system in the Yellow Turban Army, and those who make meritorious deeds can get medals.

For every large-scale battle, Xu An would order workshops in various places to make a batch of medals for the soldiers participating in the battle.

This is the cheapest medal, as long as you participate in the war, you can get it.

But there is another type of medal, which is extremely rare and cannot be obtained for non-important military exploits. This type of medal includes the Medal of Courage and the Medal of Command, but the rarest one is the Medal of Defense.

The number of Guardian Medals, from the establishment of the medal system to the present, has only issued a dozen in total.

And Zhao Ji got two coins alone, one gold and one silver.

The conspiracy of the Lu family was uncovered in Jiangyi City, and the arrangement of the Han army was discovered by him, and Hedong County was saved for Taiping Road.

Without Zhao Ji, perhaps the northern part of Hedong County might have been captured by Wang Yi and Yu Fuluo, the guards of Hedong County at that time. The loss of Hedong County was undoubtedly a huge blow, so Zhao Ji was granted the title of Silver Guardian medal.

The second Gold Medal of Defense was due to the epidemic in Zhangshui.

At that time, millions of people in the four prefectures crossed the Zhangshui River, and the epidemic suddenly broke out. Zhao Ji was the first to discover that the epidemic had spread, and responded quickly.

And every step in it was extremely correct, not only was the patient isolated, but the information was blocked first, the panic was contained, and a letter was sent to Ji Ang, the commander at the time.

In fact, Zhao Ji's merits are far more than two medals of defense, which can be judged by a thousand households of Eagle Wolf Guard.

"You have managed well in the past two years in Taihang Workshop. The workshop is running better than before, and the output has increased a lot,"

Xu An motioned Zhao Ji to sit aside, and said with a smile.

Zhao Ji worked as a thousand households in Taihang Workshop, and he didn't make any mistakes, nor did he have any leaks like before.

"It's all thanks to Huang Tian's blessing. Comrade Lai Weizhong is doing his best. I'm just doing my job."

"No need to be humble."

Xu An waved his hand and asked out the doubts in his heart.

"Although the Taihang Workshop is closed, I have not prohibited you from communicating with your brother Zhao Xu. It seems that you haven't written to him in the past two years."

"The workshop has an order to cut off from the outside world. The Weizhong comrades all abide by the regulations. Although the great virtuous teacher has an amnesty, I want to share the joys and sorrows with the Weizhong comrades."

Xu An turned his head to look at Liu Pi who was on the side, and Liu Pi had a smile on his face.

Xu An went on to say: "I know you miss your younger brother and your brothers who are in the army together. It just so happens that there is no war right now, so I granted them a week's vacation. After you take office, you can get together with him. .”

"Wang Qi is now a military marquis, and the rest of them have also been promoted. Your younger brother Zhao Xu is also the head of the village now, and he no longer needs your protection."

Zhao Ji's heart warmed slightly. He didn't expect that Xu An would always remember them and never forget them.

Talking about Zhao Xu, Zhao Ji couldn't help feeling a little sad. In the first training camp on Lutai Mountain, Zhao Xu was exhausted and fell to the ground. In the end, Xu An allowed him to be punished in place of Zhao Xu.

The two survived the first day with only half a meal in the evening.

But for breakfast the next day, he and Zhao Xu hid a piece of stewed jerky under the porridge and rice given to them by the Yellow Turban Army, and no one had it except them.

"Thank you, great teacher."

Zhao Ji bowed again to thank him, his eyes were slightly red.

But before Zhao Ji bowed down, his hands were already supported by another pair of hands.

"Jiangyi, Zhangshui, Taihang, everything, everyone in the Tao can see clearly."

"Wei Lu has now assumed the post of Judiciary, and the post of Governor of Wolf Guard Township has been vacant."

Xu An asked solemnly.

Zhao Ji was taken aback for a moment, he almost suspected that he had heard wrongly, Xu An seemed to want him to take over the post of envoy of the town guard of the wolf guard.

The Eagle Wolf Guard is Xu An's right-hand man and one of the most important organizations in Taipingdao.

Today's Zhao Ji is no longer the ignorant mountain dweller at the time. It has been several years since he joined the Eagle Wolf Guard. He knows that this kind of position requires a cronies.

And the most trusted ones are the yellow angels. The yellow angels who followed Xu An into the mountain, except for the dead, are basically in important positions now.

The current Commander of the Propaganda Division, the original Governor of the Eagle and Wolf Guards, as well as the current Marquis and Sima of each army are basically the yellow angels who followed Xu An into the mountains.

These yellow angels who followed Xu An into the mountain have now become the backbone of the Yellow Turban Army. Xu An relies on them to firmly control the army, influence the army, and affect the entire Taiping Road.

But now, Xu An wanted to hand over such an important position to Zhao Ji.

Xu An let go of his hands, and said solemnly: "Zhao Ji, are you willing to take over the post of Governor of the Wolf Guard?"

"The eagle wolf guard Qianhu Zhao Ji!"

Zhao Ji bowed his hands, bowed his body, knelt down on the ground, and bowed his head to the ground.

"I would like to sweep away the thorns and step through the mud for my path of peace, until I die!"

(End of this chapter)

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