The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 620 The Inspector of Yingzhou

Chapter 620 The Inspector of Yingzhou
"Wen has Wenqu, Wu has Wuqu, the thirty-six directions must be unified."

Xu An closed the secret report sent by the Eagle Wolf Guard, and the results of the mission's planning this time have completely exceeded expectations.

After Chen Sheng entered the county college in Jinyang, he showed his ability of never forgetting, attracting crowds to watch, and the school was quickly crowded.

Afterwards, Chen Sheng quickly finished reading a new book, and even recited it backwards, all the students of the county college were completely satisfied.

The chief of the case in Shangdang County, the chief of the four school districts, has the ability of photographic memory.

Coupled with the deliberate guidance of the mission department, rumors first flowed out from the county college.

All rumors spread and develop on the same trajectory. You just need to light a fire, and all you need to do afterwards is to occasionally fuel the flames and guide the rumors.

The flames caused by the rumors will burn blazingly. From the original weak flames, it will soon become a fire that can burn an entire forest.

In less than half a month, the news of Wen Qu's reincarnation had spread throughout Jinyang City, and spread to all directions in Taiyuan County.

And the storytellers from all over the world also got the scripts about Wenqu's reincarnation one after another just right.

And the sixteen words in the storybook were also spread along with the rumors and travelers to the twenty-five counties controlled by Taipingdao, and even spread to other places...

Although the stories in the rumors are all kinds of strange things, with the guidance of the Ministry of Missions, they are always the same, and the general meaning has not changed.

"Wen has Wenqu, Wu has Wuqu, the thirty-six directions must be unified."

Wenqu refers to Chen Sheng who has won the leader and has the ability to never forget, while Wuqu refers to Lu Bu.

Thirty-six directions must be the Datong, which means that the thirty-six heavenly generals in the heavenly court will reincarnate as human beings, and come to the mortal world to help the Taiping Dao stabilize the world.

The frequency of the appearance of these sixteen characters even surpassed the Yellow Turban Army's original slogans of "the world is auspicious" and "follow the sky and follow the righteousness".

"There is news from Gongsun Du."

Jia Xu saw Xu An close the document, and then reported to Xu An.

Now Jia Xu is not only the mastermind of the Taiping Dao, but also the government order of the Zhongjun Mansion, completely taking over Yan Zhong's original position.

Xu An's expression moved slightly, and then he turned to look at Jia Xu.

If Gongsundu agrees, then the Taishan Yellow Turban Army will have a way out, so they won't be fighting alone surrounded by wolves.

Jia Xu smiled easily.

"To live up to Duke Ming's expectations, Tian Zhong has already convinced Gongsun Du."

"Gongsun Du captured Donglai County and expelled the Qingzhou Army. The Qingzhou Army's several attacks were resolved one by one. The Donglai counties were all in the hands of Gongsun Du. State, and set up the jurisdiction of the governor of the state."

"There is no free lunch in the world. What conditions does Gongsun Du have and what help can he give us?"

Xu An knocked on the desk and continued to ask.

He knew that it must be expensive to get Gongsun Du's help.

Gongsun Du's ambitions are not small. He first took over Fuyu, and then flattened Goguryeo.

He was not reconciled to staying in a corner, and sent troops across the sea to capture the counties of Donglai, saying that no one would believe him because he had no ambition to fight for world hegemony.

"In the Liaodong area, Goguryeo, Fuyu and other countries all belonged to Gongsundu, obeyed his dispatch, the territory was stable, and the Central Plains war was not allowed. Yuan Shao transferred a large number of troops to the south. Gongsundu meant that he could dispatch some of his soldiers to go there. Donglai, support Taishan Yellow Turban."

"Gongsun Du wants Taishan Yellow Turban to cooperate with them in Donglai, that is, the army of Yingzhou to attack Qingzhou."

Jia Xu stood up and put her hand on the Kanyu map hanging on the screen beside her.

"Gongsun Du wants to take down Beihai."

"North Sea……"

Xu An stood up, looked at the map of Qingxu, Yanyu and four prefectures in front of him, frowning.

"The capture of Beihai can open up the connection with Gongsun Du, and the Yellow Turban Army of Taishan County will also be able to reach Donglai County, which is safer."

The capture of Beihai is indeed beneficial to both sides, but this will undoubtedly make the Taishan Yellow Turban Army offend Yuan Tan in Qingzhou and Yuan Shao's forces.

Although I can tell Yuan Shao that I have no ability to govern the Taishan Yellow Turban Army thousands of miles away, I stay out of the matter.

However, if the Taishan Yellow Turban Army angered Yuan Shao, they would face enemies from two sides, and even Zang Ba would get in their way, so they would be enemies from three sides.

The war went smoothly, and it was good that Gongsun Du and Taishan Yellow Turban successfully captured the Beihai Kingdom, but once they reached a stalemate, it would undoubtedly accelerate the destruction of Taishan Yellow Turban.

Xu An frowned, this was an extremely difficult decision.

Jia Xu did not continue this topic, the Taishan Yellow Turban Army is now in a difficult situation.

Although the battle of Jibei Kingdom was won, Cao Cao, the new governor of Yanzhou, does not seem to be a kind person.

Cao Cao recruited troops in various places in Yanzhou, recruited many famous men, and rewarded many generals.

Many of them, Jia Xu, have heard about it. Lu Qian and Man Chong were recruited to work, and Lu Qian was a celebrity in the Central Plains.

According to reports from the Eagle and Wolf Guards, the Taishan Yellow Turbans suffered repeated defeats on the battlefield, and part of the western part of the Jibei Kingdom was taken back to Yanzhou by Cao Cao.

If it weren't for Yuan Shao and Chen Bing in the north of Yanzhou at this time, I am afraid that the Taishan Yellow Turban would have been driven back to Taishan County by Cao Cao.

Jia Xu continued: "Gongsun Du has one more condition. No matter what the outcome of the Central Plains War, he is ready to attack Youzhou. He hopes to get our army and attack Yuan Shao together."

"This condition can be agreed to. I originally planned to send troops to Youzhou."

Xu An nodded and agreed.

Sending troops to Youzhou does not need to share the strength and material resources of the Yellow Turban Army. The Shanggu Wuhuan tribe is now much more prosperous than it was a few years ago.

To send troops to Youzhou, there is no need to dispatch other tribes at all, only the ancient Wuhuan tribe and Liu Shi tribe are enough.

Shanggu Wuhuan is so respectful now that he can't be more respectful, the prestige of the Yellow Turban Army is all earned from the battlefield

In Xianbei in the east, a tribe of thousands of people secretly robbed a caravan of the Yellow Turban Army. Liu Shi personally led the army out of the fortress, beheaded all the tribesmen, and built Jingguan.

Eastern Xianbei did not send anyone to retaliate, and Xu An even received a letter of reconciliation from Eastern Xianbei.

The strong are respected on the grassland, and the Yellow Turban Army is undoubtedly the strongest strong on the grassland.

Although Xianbei is strong, all the tribes are still in chaos. On the grassland now, no cavalry army can beat the cavalry army of the Yellow Turban Army.

Now the caravan and horse caravan on Taiping Road are marching on the grassland, and all the tribes are avoiding, let alone looting.

"Send a letter to Lu Sheng."

Xu An's eyes flickered, he had already made up his mind.

"The fate of the Taishan Yellow Turbans should be decided by the Taishan Yellow Turbans, not me in Jinyang to make decisions about their life and death."

"If Lu Sheng agrees, then tell Gongsundu that since the two of us have formed an alliance, our army will also set up a liaison office in Yingzhou to facilitate communication."


Jia Xu bowed slightly, and solemnly agreed.


Xu An stopped and was about to leave Liandeng Jiaxu.

"Who is the Inspector of Yingzhou appointed by Gongsun Du?"

Jia Xu stopped in her tracks, thought about it for a while, and quickly replied.

"The new Inspector of Yingzhou, surnamed Taishi, given name Ci, styled Ziyi, is from Donglai Huang County."

(End of this chapter)

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