Chapter 621

Chuping three years (192), February.

Jizhou Yecheng.

At this time in Ye City, although there were still many pedestrians on the streets, the faces of the pedestrians were no longer as relaxed as before, and everyone's faces were full of sorrow.

Since the second year of Chuping, the call for action was issued in November.

In just a few months, the call to action spread throughout the world.

In the fourteen counties of Jizhou and Youzhou, the soldiers from all towns rushed towards Wei County one after another.

Gongsun Zan built the capital in Yi County, and he didn't care about what happened outside. He had lost all his aggressiveness, but there were still more than [-] soldiers under his command.

The city of Yi County is strong and solid, perhaps due to the experience of being besieged by Qiu Liju, which also made Gongsun Zan seem quite talented in building cities.

Yuan Shao ordered the attack several times, but in the end they all ended up losing troops. In the end, Yuan Shao gave up attacking Gongsun Zan, but let Cui Juye lead [-] troops to build a city wall outside Yijing and surround Yijing to prevent Gongsun Zan from Yi County. flee.

Jieqiao, Longcou, Jumashui, and Baoqiu won four battles and four victories. Liu Yu's death also made Gongsun Zan completely lose the hearts of the people and the army in Youzhou.

In the original time and space, Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan were evenly matched in strength. Gongsun Zan occupied Qingzhou and Bohai County, and Jieqiao did not suffer such a disastrous defeat, but the flapping of the butterfly's wings greatly increased Yuan Shao's strength, which also led to the current situation.

Yuan Shao fought and won victories all the way, and defeated Gongsun Zan in one fell swoop. Not only did he take over the relatively stable Youzhou, but he also overwhelmed Wuhuan, the three counties.

You Beiping Karasuma Master Khan Lu Wang Wuyan was beheaded by Zhang Liao, and his tribe was defeated. Most of his sphere of influence was annexed by Shanggu Wuhuan. Wuhuan Qiao Wang Su Puyan finally accepted Wuhuan of Youbeiping County.

Yuan Shao defeated Gongsun Zan. Although Gongsun Zan was not dead, he was only dying.

Wuhuan of the three prefectures finally chose to belong to Yuan Shao, so Yuan Shao entrusted the name of the imperial court to give Qiu Liju, Su Puyan and others the title of Chanyu and seal ribbon, and married Wuhuan. Yuan Shao married the daughter of a member of the clan to Wuhuan The leader is a wife to strengthen the alliance.

After receiving the letter of call and summoning documents, Wuhuan of the three counties also dispatched cavalry troops to the south in response to Yuan Shao's order.

Fifteen thousand people from Wuhuan were led by Xian Yufu, Xian Yuyin, and Qi Zhou to the south.

Wuhuan Qiao Wang Su Puyan and Qiu Liju did not answer the call to follow Yuan Shao to the expedition.

Because Qiu Liju was already terminally ill at this time.

Lingzhi city in western Liaoning.

Qiu Liju leaned on the soft bed, staring blankly at the beams on the top.

Su Puyan lowered his head, turned his back to Qiu Liju, not knowing what to think.

Lou Ban and Ta Dun knelt in front of Qiu Liju's couch, looking at Qiu Liju worriedly.

Outside the house, the gust of wind howled, and the whistling wind lingered in the courtyard outside the house, raging, and issued gusts of wind.

But the originally disturbing wind made Qiu Liju feel very at ease.

Qiu Liju turned his head with difficulty, and looked at Lou Ban and Ta Dun.

His two closest people did not disappoint him.

His nephew, Ta Dun, is outstanding in martial arts and good at military strategy, and all the elders of Bian are comparable to the Shanyu Modu of the Xiongnu in the past.

Although his son Lou Ban is young, he has also shown abilities that are different from ordinary people. No one at the same age can surpass him.

"Su Puyan..."

Qiu Liju raised his eyes to look forward, and shouted in a low voice.

Su Puyan, who was standing by the window, trembled slightly, and he heard Qiu Liju looking for him.

Step by step, Su Puyan walked to Qiu Liju's side with difficulty, and said hoarsely, "Brother..."

Wuhuan of the three counties had a close relationship. He and Qiu Liju had known each other since they were young. Although they had different surnames, they were like biological brothers.

In the past, Qiu Liju walked like a dragon and walked like a tiger, but now he is emaciated, sitting on the sick bed, and it is extremely difficult to move. Time is running out...

With difficulty, Qiu Liju raised his hand and held Su Puyan's arm. He looked at Su Puyan with cloudy eyes, and said slowly.

"Yuan Shao is slow-minded but ineffective, gentle and indecisive, not a hero. In this battle, I am afraid that the sons of my tribe will all be defeated in Yanzhou..."

Su Puyan's face changed slightly, he calmed down and said in relief.

"Now Yuan Shao has assembled more than [-] troops in Wei County. Ju Yi, Gao Lan and other generals are all powerful generals in the world. Zhu Ling, Lu Zhao and others are all famous generals in Jizhou. We will not be defeated..."

"I know."

Qiu Liju looked away from Su Puyan's body, and looked at the beam above his head again.

"Whether we win or lose, no matter whether we win or lose, the [-] sons we sent out will never come back. These have nothing to do with winning or losing."

"Battle of Baoqiu, do you still remember?"

Su Puyan's face darkened, he naturally remembered the battle of Baoqiu.

In that battle, they joined forces with Yuan Shao's army to face Gongsun Zan together, but Yuan Shao handed over most of the pressure to them at that time.

In the end, although Gongsun Zan was successfully defeated, they also suffered heavy casualties, but Yuan Shaojun did not suffer many casualties.

When Liu Yu was in charge of Youzhou, he regarded them as ordinary Han people and did not despise them.

When Gongsun Zan was in charge of Youzhou, he treated them as slaves, coming and going as soon as he was called, reprimanding them at will, and oppressing each other with force.

Now that Yuan Shao is in charge of Youzhou, although he is not as bad as Gongsun Zan before, he doesn't pay much attention to them.

"Even if Yuan Shao is not the hero, he is our only choice now."

Su Puyan looked gloomy and said in a low voice.

"Gongsun Du has always been against us. Even if he agrees to the alliance, does brother think it is a good thing to depend on Gongsun Du?"

"There was a great war between the Xianbei and the East in the north, and the wars continued. The elder brother of the Xianbei people couldn't be more clear about their virtues."

Qiu Liju shook his head.

"Do you remember the battle of wet water?"

Su Puyan frowned slightly, not knowing why Qiu Liju suddenly brought up the battle of wet water.

In the Battle of Rushui, the Wuhuan tribe of Shanggu and the cavalry army of the Yellow Turban Army invaded the territory of the Wuhuan tribe of Youbeiping. Wuyan, the king of Khan and Lu, asked him to borrow troops at the beginning, but he did not borrow troops, but Qiu Liju borrowed part of them. The cavalry gave Wuyan.

The Battle of Rushui ended with the defeat of the Youbeiping tribe. Wuyan, king of Khan and Lu, was beheaded by Zhang Liao of the Yellow Turban Army.

"The power of Shanggubu has expanded to the Rushui area. Compared with a few years ago, Shanggubu is now more than twice as strong as before..."

Qiu Liju propped up his body, stared at Su Puyan, and said in a deep voice.

"In the Battle of Shuofang, Liangzhou was attacked, and Xianbei was attacked. The cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army was powerful and should not be underestimated. Monnan Mobei heard the flag of Taipingdao and fled. Seeing that the army of Taipingdao dispersed, Xianbei did not dare to go south and herd. Ma, the bandits dare not easily invade the border."


Qiu Liju held Su Puyan's hand tightly, he opened his cloudy eyes and let out a long sigh.

"We're really on the wrong track..."

(End of this chapter)

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