The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 622 3 County Wuhuan

Chapter 622
"You mean..."

Su Puyan's complexion changed slightly, and he heard Qiu Liju's overtones.

Qiu Liju nodded solemnly.

"Before Zhang Ju was defeated, the envoy of Taipingdao came to me secretly."

Qiu Liju's face was serious, and he said in a deep voice.

"I'm sure Taipingdao didn't have much influence in Youzhou at that time, and it was absolutely impossible for the Eagle Wolf Guard to receive too much news. I was in secret contact with Liu Yu at the time, but..."

Qiu Liju stared into Su Puyan's eyes.

"The emissary of the Taiping Dao came to me at that time. Between the words and sentences, it seemed that we knew that we would abandon Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun and go to Liu Yu."

Su Puyan's body trembled slightly, his eyes twitched.

He also remembered one thing, that Xu An seemed to have sent an envoy to greet Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun.

Later, when Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun were in the limelight, they sent envoys to bring the crown clothes, completely grasping Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun's thoughts.

At first, Su Puyan thought it was just a coincidence, or that Xu An heard the rumors, but combined with what Qiu Liju said, then all this began to be unimaginable.

They contacted Liu Yu secretly, and it was impossible to leak this matter, because the person responsible for delivering the news was his most trusted relative.

When looking for opportunities, they all went through a series of disguises, and when they met Liu Yu in the end, only a few people knew the content of the conversation, and all of them were Liu Yu's cronies and trusted people.

It is absolutely impossible for these people to be people on the path of peace.

Therefore, the original most unreasonable explanation has become the most reasonable explanation.

Maybe Xu An is really Huang Tian's incarnation in the world, just like the rumors say...

Otherwise, how to explain all kinds of abnormalities is just right.

In the seventh year of Guanghe, millions of Yellow Turbans were destroyed. I thought that the Yellow Turban Army was already on the verge of destruction.

But since the appearance of Xu An, Taiping Dao has turned from danger to safety, until now it crosses states and counties, dominates the northern border, and its power has reached its peak.

"Although the Taiping Road is now in full swing, occupying four prefectures and twenty-five counties, but I don't think they are interested in Jizhou and Youzhou."

Su Puyan's tone softened, he was already a little shaken by what Qiu Liju said.

Since the appearance of Xu An, Taipingdao has been losing more than defeating. Because of the support of Taipingdao, Shanggu Wuhuan tribe is now much stronger than them.

Now that the three of them are working together, I am afraid that they are only a little stronger than the Shanggubu, and this advantage will disappear once the cavalry from Taipingdao joins.

"Do not."

Qiu Liju shook his head resolutely.

"Youzhou has probably already been included in Xu An's plan. Once the Central Plains War comes to an end, it may be the time for the Yellow Turban Army to send troops to Youzhou."

"You've seen the new harness of the Yellow Turban Army, right?"

Su Puyan's face was slightly condensed. The battle of the Yellow Turban Army's attack on Liangzhou consisted of three battles.

One is to rush thousands of miles to attack the Xianbei royal court in the west.

The second is the Battle of Gaopingchuan, against the Liangzhou coalition forces twice as large as themselves.

The third is the ambush in Jixian County, where Han Sui fell in ambush and defeated Weishui.

The marching speed and combat power of the Yellow Turban cavalry really caught the attention of all the heroes in the world.

One day and one night, he ran for [-] miles, and set up an ambush in advance, defeating Han Sui's elite cavalry.

When Han Sui returned to Pingxiang City, Xu An had already led an army to occupy Pingxiang, and Han Sui was decapitated and taught to lose the twelve counties of Liangzhou.

The new style of harness is now used by all tribes in Wuhuan.

However, because there are not many craftsmen and materials, most Wuhuan people's stirrups are made of cloth stirrups, Gaoqiao saddles are also extremely rare, and some horseshoes are also equipped.

They are all ethnic groups on the grasslands. Su Puyan knew how important these new harnesses are. It is no exaggeration to say that equipped with such new harnesses at least doubled the combat power of the cavalry.

"I originally thought that Liu Yu was the Man of Destiny, but it turns out that Liu Yu is not..."

Qiu Liju let out a long sigh.

"I don't know what the world will be like in the future, but besides Yuan Shao, we still have a second choice..."

Qiu Liju held Su Puyan's hand tightly.

"Although Shanggubu is quite far away from us, we are all Wuhuan people after all. We come from the same lineage. Nanlou's daughter is married to Xu An. What he said to Xu An should have weight."

"Xu An accepted the Shanggu tribe, the Xiongnu and Qiang people, and even some Xianbei people. Most likely, he would not refuse to accept us."

"With our help, whether Taiping Dao wants to seize Youzhou or govern Youzhou, it will be much easier, and Xu An has no reason to refuse."

Qiu Liju opened his cloudy eyes and looked at the beam.

"It's the first time I've seen the Han court so weak."

"I also felt the danger of the dead for the first time..."

"There is no room for the weak on the prairie. If you can't become the strong, then you will be attached to the strong."

"We used to be attached to the Han court, but now we are attached to Yuan Shao..."

Every time Qiu Liju said a word, he became weaker, and the blood on his face gradually began to dissipate.

"I see."

Su Puyan stood up, he noticed Qiu Liju's situation, he knew that he couldn't let Qiu Liju talk anymore, Qiu Liju's energy had reached the limit.

"I will send someone to contact Nanlou, so you can rest assured."

"I...maybe...can't last until the beginning of spring..."

Qiu Liju raised his hand with difficulty.


"Aon, I'm here."

Hearing Qiu Liju's shout, Tadun, who was kneeling beside him, immediately leaned forward and held Qiu Liju's hand.

"The handed over to you..."

"Your brother is young, take good care of him..."

Looking at Tadun's resolute face, Qiu Liju seemed to see himself when he was young.

He took one last look at Lou Ban who was sitting behind Ta Dun, and instructed.

"I believe you will never let me down..."


In March of the third year of Chuping (192), spring blossoms and snow melts.

However, the white flags in Lingzhi City did not come down. Countless white flags and Wuhuan cavalry in white robes escorted Qiu Liju's coffin to his homeland in the north.

Qiu Liju's son Louban was young, so Qiu Liju's position was temporarily taken over by his nephew Tadun.

At the beginning of spring, Ta Dun ascended to the position of Shan Yu with the support of a group of tribal elders.

Yuan Shao sent an envoy to confer the title of Tadun.

Ta Dun obeyed the canonization, and thus officially began to control Wuhuan, the three counties of Youbeiping, Yuyang, and Liaoxi.

"Three Kingdoms": Tadun and valiant, the elders on the border are all compared to Maodun, relying on it to block and far, dare to be exiled, to be a hero.

(End of this chapter)

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