The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 623: The Safe Way

Chapter 623: The Safe Way
In March of the third year of Chuping (192).

Jizhou, Weijun, Yecheng.

Around Yecheng, there were nearly [-] soldiers who rushed from all over the city.

And in Liyang, there are more than [-] soldiers guarding this crucial ferry.

With the Yellow River as the boundary line, the two sides face each other from north to south.

Yuan Shao stationed troops in Yecheng, Liyang, and Hemucheng.

There are a total of [-] soldiers, including more than [-] cavalry and [-] infantry.

Xian Yufu and Xian Yuyin each led more than [-] Tuqi from Wuhuan and swallowed them in the outskirts of Yecheng, while Han Meng led [-] Tuqi to swallow Liyang.

Yuan Shao ruled the military by trial and match, Tian Feng and Xin Ping were the masterminds, and Ju Yi and Gao Lan were the generals.

Apart from the ordinary soldiers of the county and state, Yuan Shao had three strong armies, and it was these three strong armies that won Yuan Shao one victory after another.

The first is a heavy infantry trained with the Xiyuan Forbidden Army as the backbone - "Wuwei Army"

The demons under Yuan Shao's command were not completely useless in Bingzhou. The heavy infantry that Yuan Shao is now training is very similar to the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army, but their equipment is better than that of the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army.

The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army are now wearing iron armour, an iron breastplate, and a shield spear, but the lower body is not well protected.

However, Yuan Shao, who was rich and powerful and supported by powerful families in Jizhou, Youzhou, and Qingzhou, even had enough protection for his lower body, and some soldiers of the Wuwei Army could even wear a layer of leather armor.

The Wuwei army is led by Gao Lan himself, with a total of [-] people. Now they are guarding Liyang with Gao Lan.

In addition to the Wuwei Army, there are also Ju Yi's [-] first boarding battalion and the carefully trained [-] strong crossbow battalion.

The [-] soldiers under Ju Yi's command entered the camp first, and they were all selected Jianyong, as well as the soldiers of the family, and they were very brave.

In the Battle of Jieqiao, Gongsun Zan's Baima Yicong, who was famous in northern Xinjiang, was almost wiped out by his entire army, and he also achieved the prestige of Xiandengying and Ju Yi.

Now Ju Yi's official position is rising all the way, and Gao Lan is already a titled general.

The official positions of Yuan Shao's generals are quite normal now, and they don't have many generals like the Yellow Turban Army. Ju Yi and Gao Lan's current military positions are the highest in Jizhou.

However, apart from these three powerful armies, the quality of Yuan Shao's other trilogy is mixed.

There are about [-] people in this part, and its composition is also very complicated.

Part of it is the trilogy under the command of the former Jizhou Mu Hanfu, as well as the prefecture soldiers of Youzhou. Gongsun Zan's defeat was too sudden, and the foundation of Youzhou was basically preserved without being smashed.

This part of the trilogy has stronger combat power. They followed Yuan Shao and Liu Yu to fight in the north and south, and they were quite well equipped.

The other part is to recruit private soldiers and family soldiers from aristocratic families into the army, as well as local bravery and newly recruited soldiers from all over the country.

Although this part of the soldiers has been baptized in several wars, these soldiers have seen blood, felt the cruelty of war, received training for a period of time, and possessed basic military qualities, but that's all , It can only be said that it is stronger than the Jizhou County soldiers in the period of Qiling Emperor, but not much.

However, being able to gather more than [-] field fighters at one time is enough to show Yuan Shao's strength.

Yuan Shao's [-] troops are completely different from the nearly [-] Yellow Turbans that Xu An had when he was in Hedong County and Shangdang County.

The reason why Xu An had an army of more than [-] at the time was that almost all the people were soldiers, with uneven quality and poor armor.

Moreover, the huge army barely survived by plundering the counties and the food stored by the thieves in the mountains. Later, it had to disarm the army, streamline the administration, increase income and reduce expenditure.

Now Xu'an occupies twenty-five counties, and the field force is less than [-]. The troops that can be assembled immediately to fight abroad are barely around [-] to [-].

Sun Jian stationed troops in Baima, Yanjin, Puyang and other places to confront Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao and Sun Jian are fighting each other, and each represents the imperial court behind them, Chang'an in the west court and Chen Du in the east court.

Yuan Shao had [-] soldiers, and the Dongting Army gathered around Puyang also had more than [-] soldiers, but it was slightly smaller than Yuan Shao's army, but in fact its combat strength was stronger.

Sun Jian led [-] Yuzhou soldiers, Yuan Shu had [-] Nanyang soldiers, [-] imperial troops, [-] Yanzhou soldiers, [-] Jingzhou soldiers, and [-] Yangzhou soldiers, totaling about [-].

Liu Bei, Prime Minister of Pingyuan, also led [-] fine cavalry under his command, and more than [-] infantry also joined the Eastern Army.

Liu Bei's position is too embarrassing. Both the east and north are occupied by the Qingzhou Army, and the south is also occupied by the Yellow Turban Army. Only the west is safe. After Sun Jian weighed the pros and cons, he chose to abandon the plain. He wanted to fight Yuan Shao with all his strength. This battle is really too critical.

The lights flickered in the yamen hall of Yecheng Mansion.

Yuan Shao was hidden in the shadows, unable to see his face clearly.

Tian Feng and Jushou both frowned, staring at the map hanging in front of them.

But the strange thing is that the war in Dongjun is about to break out, but the Kanyu map hanging in the hall is not the map of Dongjun, but a map covering the thirteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty and even the northern regions.

"Liangzhou is overwhelmed, Xu An is now in the north, no one dares to offend, and his prestige is in full swing. Although we are allies in name, we all know Xu An's nature."

"Dong Zhuo is now in Guanzhong. Luoyang was lost again after Yanshi's disastrous defeat. Now surrounded by Xu An on three sides, he was trapped and died in Guanzhong."

On the Kanyu map, Liangzhou, Bingzhou and other places are painted with light yellow dye, surrounding Guanzhong from three sides, like a bag, and it is packed in the bag.

Jushou snorted coldly.

"Xu An, with the appearance of a bear and a tiger and the voice of a jackal, is an ambitious wolf, so he will definitely not be peaceful."

"I'm afraid that when our army and the Eastern Army are in a fierce battle, when they want to distinguish the superiority, it will be the day when the Yellow Turban soldiers leave Taihang."

Tian Feng turned around and stopped. Although they defeated Gongsun Zan, the situation was even more unfavorable.

Dong Zhuo's persistence was far shorter than expected. It has to be said that Sun Jian is indeed a famous general in the world, even Huangfu Song in the past was not as dazzling as Sun Jian's achievements today.

Xu An occupied Bingzhou, and the Yellow Turban Army was strong and strong, and they were eyeing them, waiting for them to show their fatigue in the struggle and take advantage of the opportunity.

Sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight, two tigers fight each other, one dies and the other is injured, it is easy to calculate.

Tian Feng knew exactly what Xu An wanted to do, and what the Yellow Turban Army was waiting for, but the problem was that they were already on the verge of riding a tiger. Without the restraint of Yangzhou, Luoyang and other places, Sun Jian would definitely go north immediately.

Instead of waiting for Sun Jian to launch the Northern Expedition, it is better to seize the opportunity first and win the first blow.

This is also the reason why Tian Feng and Ju Shou encouraged Yuan Shao to issue a call to action.

However, the current situation is very difficult, and we must come up with a perfect plan...

(End of this chapter)

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