The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 627 Upheaval

Chapter 627 Upheaval
In the third year of Chuping (192), April [-]th.

Outside the city of Fenyin, it has already turned into a purgatory on earth.

The flames soaring into the sky reddened the originally pitch-black sky.

Xu Huang put on his bridle and stood on a mound outside Fenyin City, leading a group of bodyguard cavalry.

On the city of Fenyin behind him, countless khaki-colored flags stood in a forest, brightly lit, and the deafening sound of Wansheng rolled out from them, rolling out into the distance.

In the field outside Fenyin City in front of him, there was also a sound, but it was not the sound of victory, but the desperate cry of the dying, the crackling of wood burning in the fire, and the sound of heavy weight. The sound of things collapsing. .

On both sides of the north and south, the flames were swaying, it was the cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army.

In the central place, the flames were soaring into the sky, that was the camp of the Xiliang Army.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes hit the chests of all the soldiers in the field outside Fenyin City. Amidst the shrill and sharp sound, countless cavalry soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army with torches rolled forward.


Guanzhong leans against the Qinling Mountains in the south, and the Weihe River passes through it.

There are natural terrain barriers on all sides, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it was called "the country of four fortresses".

The fields are fertile, the people are rich and rich, the chariots are tens of thousands, and the trade is struggling, the fertile fields are thousands of miles, and the accumulation is abundant.

This so-called Tianfu is the most powerful country in the world!

Hangu in the East, Xiaowu in the South, Xisan Pass, and Xiao Pass in the North are the four major passes in Guanzhong.

Both the Qin and Han Dynasties started from Guanzhong, and then aspired to the Central Plains, unifying the world, which is enough to see the importance of Guanzhong.

The land of Guanzhong is the land of kings and overlords.

Dong Zhuo now only occupies one place in Guanzhong, but he is able to stand against the court of Chendu who occupies the land of five states, with tens of thousands of soldiers, all armored.

The Liupan Mountains lie across the northwest of Guanzhong, serving as the northwest barrier of the Guanzhong region.

The channel from Longshang to Guanzhong is mainly the valley lowland cut by the Weihe River, Jinghe River and other rivers.

The mountains in the direction of the Weihe River are steeper, while the mountains in the direction of the Jinghe River are relatively easy.

Xiaoguan stands on the dangerous pass of Liupan Mountain, guarding the passage from Jinghe River into Guanzhong.Xiaoguan is an important pass in the northwest of Guanzhong, protecting the safety of the northwest of Guanzhong.

Xiaoguan is deep and dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It has unique geographical advantages, and there are three passes in the south of the Jingshui River, which is a natural defense system of Xiaoguan from south to north.

Even with such a powerful weapon as a counterweight trebuchet, if the Yellow Turban Army wanted to conquer Xiaoguan, they would have to pay a heavy price and go through repeated bloody battles.

In summer and autumn, Xiaoguan is the capital, the mountains are dripping green, and the black ink is reflected in the distance, just like a picture scroll.

But now all these good things are gone.

The chaotic shouts, roars, and wailing echoed in Xiao Guan's opening and closing.

There was already a river of blood on the wall of the pass, and Li Jue was covered in blood, leaning on a broken knife and sitting on the pass.

Downstairs Guanlou, a large number of soldiers with yellow scarves on their heads are launching a fierce attack on Guanlou. They are carrying shields and holding strange knives like wild goose feathers, shouting loudly along the stairs, trying to occupy Guanlou.

Wearing black robes and holding spears, Xiliang soldiers occupied the stairs, trying their best to stop the fanatical Yellow Turban soldiers downstairs.

The sound of shouting and killing kept ringing in Li Jue's ears, torturing the fragile nerves in Li Jue's mind.

The outside of the pass has already become a sea of ​​flames, and densely packed ladders have been built on the wall of Xiaoguan. What Li Jue sees is the earthy yellow that makes him hate it very much. Step on the foot, disdainful color.

Just a few days ago, with great ambition, they stepped out of Xiaoguan and attacked Liangzhou in the north.

However, they soon fell into siege, and the Yellow Turban Army came from all directions, as if they had expected their actions a long time ago, they were trapped to death in Liangzhou, struggling.

After fighting fiercely for seven days, the Yellow Turban Army launched more than a dozen large-scale attacks on them.

The Yellow Turbans didn't seem to know what fatigue was, nor did they know what death was. They went on and on, even if blood flowed into rivers and piles of corpses piled up, they couldn't stop the Yellow Turbans from attacking.

More than [-] Xiliang soldiers died outside the pass. Li Jue fled into Xiaoguan with only a dozen cavalry. Cui Yong and Yang Mi, the captains of the school, died in battle and died in the battle.

But fleeing into Xiaoguan did not make Li Jue safe, and soon the pursuit troops of the Yellow Turban Army followed, along with a large number of ladders and siege equipment.

The frontier position of Xiaoguan, which could have been a headache for the Yellow Turban Army, completely lost its role.

The defeat at the front made Xiao Guan panic-stricken. After seeing the Yellow Turban Army's chasing troops, they abandoned their original lines and fled into the pass.

Naturally, it was impossible for Li Jue to let these people enter the customs. Firstly, those who abandoned their original positions and fled before the battle were already capital crimes.

The reputation of the Eagle Wolf Guard in Taiping Road is now a household name.

Li Jue did not order to open the gate to release these soldiers, and even ordered to shoot arrows to kill those soldiers who were close to the wall.

But at this moment, there was a commotion in the pass again, and someone set fire in the pass.

Originally, all Li Jue's thoughts were on the outside of the pass, and he neglected to guard against the inside of the pass, and the people in the pass were panicked because of the defeat on the front line, and no one cared about the situation inside the pass.

The fire broke out in the pass, the sky was dry and the things were dry, the wind helped the fire, and the fire quickly spread.

Blessings are unparalleled, and misfortunes do not come singly.

The large troops of the Yellow Turban Army also rushed to the outside of the pass at this time, and quickly organized their troops to attack Xiaoguan.

Yingwei took advantage of the vacant period when Dong Zhuo controlled the power and abolished the Embroidered Emissary, and developed vigorously. Now in the Guanzhong, Xuantingwei is no match for Yingwei.

If the original embroidered clothes messenger was an extremely tall armored warrior, then the current Xuantingwei is at most an ordinary adult, and the eagle wolf has changed from a young man holding a wooden stick to an armored and sharp soldier .

In this battle, the terrifying influence of the Eagle Guard in Guanzhong was also revealed.

In the pass of Xiaoguan, there was even a Tiqi who was born as an Eagle Guard who became the head of the village. Seeing the Yellow Turban Army attacking the city outside the pass, the head of the village who was born as an Eagle Guard led his followers to set fire in the pass and sent People shouted that the Yellow Turban Army had entered Guanzhong.

The Xiliang soldiers in Xiao Guanzhong didn't know the truth and were still on the way to support them. When they heard someone yelling that the Yellow Turban Army had entered Xiao Guan, and the shouts of killing above Xiao Guan shook the sky, they panicked instantly.

The Eagle Guards in Xiaoguanzhong ambushed the Guanzhong defenders on the only way to support them. Caught off guard, the troops who came to help were killed and scattered.

When the defeated soldiers fled back, many people really thought that the Yellow Turban Army had entered Guanzhong.



The sound of killing came again and exploded in Li Jue's ears.

A general of the Yellow Turban Army wearing heavy armor and holding a Yanling knife commanded the crossbowmen, defeated the spear formation on the stairs, and then led the guards into the formation.

Guanlou will also fall.

Li Jue leaned on the broken knife with difficulty and stood up.

Apart from him, there was no other soldier in a black robe standing on the Guanlou at this time.

Li Jue looked at the person in front of him, and suddenly felt a sense of familiarity. The extremely young general of the Yellow Turban Army in front of him was very similar to a person in his memory.


The long knife like a wild goose's feathers came lightly, and a line of blood appeared on Li Jue's neck.

The blood mist sprayed out, and Li Jue knelt down on the ground powerlessly. When he fell to the ground, the look in his eyes had dissipated and became dull.

At the last moment, Li Jue finally knew the name of the general of the Yellow Turban Army, but it was not because he recalled it, but because he heard a loud shout at the last moment of losing consciousness.

"The enemy general has been beheaded by my Ma Chao!"


Sili Xiaowei Department, north of Hongnong County.

Jiaocheng in Hongnong County and Dayang City in Hedong County face each other from north to south, and are very close to each other.

But the two cities belong to two forces, Jiaocheng belongs to Dong Zhuo, and Dayang City belongs to Xu An.

Maojin is the most important ferry in the north of Jiaocheng. Originally, Maojin was very prosperous, because it connects Hongnong and Hedong counties, and most of the value exchanges have to go through Maojin.

However, since the Yellow Turban Army occupied Hedong County, Maojin was no longer prosperous and gradually fell into ruin.

Dong Zhuo stationed [-] troops in Jiaocheng, and nearly [-] soldiers in Maojin, just to guard against the Yellow Turban Army in Hedong County's intention to go south.

Since the order was to attack Hedong, Dong Zhuo naturally dispatched not only one route, but three routes.

The route of Fenyin is led by Duan Yan, the route of Pubancheng is led by Xu Rong, and the route of Sun City is led by Dong Min.

Dong Min led the trilogy of Maojin and Jiaocheng, according to the original plan, suddenly crossed the river and marched towards Dayang City.

In Dayang City, they planted spies to open the city gate according to the plan.

Without hesitation, Dong Min commanded the army to attack Dayang City.

But in fact, all of this is under the control of the Yellow Turban Army. The Eagle Guards have far-reaching influence in Guanzhong. The Wolf Guards have been conquering the East River for a long time, so how can they be weaker than the Eagle Guards in Guanzhong.

The Eagle Guards in Guanzhong were in the dark, and they were able to suppress the Xuanting Guards in Guanzhong.

And how could the Wolf Guard, who was already on the bright side and had the support of local officials, suppress the Xuan Ting Guard who had infiltrated into Hedong County.

The Eagle Wolf Guard has become stronger and stronger now.

Inside Taipingdao, on the written documents, it is recorded that there are four educational institutions, military academy, school, craftsman workshop, and Taoist hall, which train officers, officials, craftsmen, and Fu Zhu respectively.

But in fact, there is a little-known educational institution inside Taiping Road.

Inside the Eagle Wolf Guard, there is actually an educational institution, which is located in a valley in the northwest of Jinyang City.

Tiqi who newly joined the Eagle Wolf Guard needs to enter it, and undergo a three-month training in various skills according to their upcoming duties.

And what they learned was the precious experience gained by the former Eagle Wolf Wei Tiqi with his blood and life. Those experiences were recorded, bound into volumes, printed into books, and then passed on to them.

This is unimaginable among the Embroidered Clothes Envoy and Xuan Tingwei. No matter it is Qi Mei, Xuan Tingwei, or Embroidered Clothes Envoy, there is no similar academy.

Without enlightenment institutions, without literacy classes in the army, without printing and improved papermaking, they would have no way of finding so many literate people.

And they are often self-cherishing and unwilling to share their experiences.

While the rest of the forces are standing still, the Eagle Wolf Guard is striding forward, standing on the shoulders of their predecessors, and climbing to a higher place.

All the plans were learned by the wolf guards of Dayang City, and the wolf guards of Dayang City did not startle the snakes, but first reported it to the Hedong Qianhu Office.

At that time, Xu An had already led a large force of the Yellow Turban Army to Jiangyi in Hedong County.

After receiving the secret report, Xu An decided to use his strategy, and sent Lu Bu and He Man to lead the troops southward and set up an ambush in the city.

Breaking through Dayang City made Dong Min extremely excited.

Then He Man, who was ambushing inside, and Lu Bu, who was ambushing outside, gave Dong Min a head-on blow.

In the end, Dong Min only led thousands of people and fled back to the south bank.

Lü Bu and He Man took advantage of the victory to pursue and captured Maojin in one fell swoop.

The black flag flying above the Maojin Wharf has long since disappeared, replaced by tall khaki flags one after another.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, which made people very uncomfortable.

"Cao Xing, you stay behind at Maojin and help the follow-up troops cross the river."

Lu Bu was wearing a battle robe of hundreds of flowers, riding on a horse and giving orders.

"Cheng Lian, Wei Yue, you two hurry up and gather the army, and follow me to the east in a quarter of an hour!"

Cheng Lian and Wei Yue, who stood in front of Lu Bu and listened to the order, suddenly agreed, and rode their horses to dispatch the trilogy.

Maojin is located in the north-central part of Hongnong County, and its location is also the junction of east and west in Hongnong County.

To the east of Maojin, there are Strider Pond and Hangu Pass, where there are still thousands of Xiliang soldiers guarding them.

To the west of Maojin is Hongnong City and Huayin, which lead directly to Chang'an.

The terrain of Hongnong County is like a long and narrow corridor, and Maojin is located in the center of this corridor, which is the real throat.

After a while, Lv Bu led the cavalry to the east.

At this time, the sky in the east was already pale, and the sun was slowly rising from the horizon.

The world is gradually brightening up, the soft sunlight has dispelled the darkness that had shrouded the earth, everything is waking up from the haze, and everything is recovering.

On the north bank of the Yellow River, the sound of the bugle sounded again, as well as the unique sharp sound of the wooden whistle of the Yellow Turban Army.

One after another, teams of soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army boarded the boats that were about to cross the river.

Fu Zhu, holding an iron trumpet, stood at the bow of the ship, clutching the railing tightly, shouting loudly.

"Comrades! The enemy has declared war on us! They want to invade Hedong, Bingzhou, and our homeland!"

"They want us to grovel and want us to be their slaves forever!"

"Hold on to your shields! Hold on to your spears! Put on your helmets! Let go of your fears!"

"Our actions are just!"

"The enemy's plot will be crushed!"

"Victory must belong to us!!"

(End of this chapter)

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