The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 628 Died in Bian Ye

Chapter 628 Died in Bian Ye
The Lieutenant's Department of Sili School, Zuo Fuyi, Linjin City is full of horrific killings. There are many soldiers on and off the city, and banners are flying. This is Dong Zhuo's camp.

Linjin is located to the west of Zuo Fuyi, a big city within Zuo Fuyi's territory, and also the forward position for defending Hedong County.

Xu An took advantage of the Kwantung Allied Forces to distract Dong Zhuo's attention, connected with Yu Fuluo, defeated Niu Fu in one fell swoop, and captured the southern part of Hedong County.

In order to guard against the possible attack of the Yellow Turban Army, Dong Zhuo could only strengthen the defense on the banks of the Yellow River.

To the west of Zuo Fuyi is Hedong County. The two counties are separated by the Yellow River and face each other across the bank.

To the west of Zuo Fuyi, there are three cities near the Yellow River. From south to north, they are Linjin, Heyang, and Xiayang. Dong Zhuo hoarded heavy troops in these three cities to guard against the Yellow Turban Army in Hedong County.

Now, these three cities have become the fortresses to attack Hedong County.

Dong Zhuo sent Duan Wei to lead [-] troops out of Xiayang to attack Fenyin.

Dong Min was ordered to lead [-] people from Maojin to the north and attack Dayang.

He led the army to sit in Linjin, and ordered Xu Rong to lead [-] troops from Linjin to attack Puban as a vanguard.

This time, Dong Zhuo mobilized almost all the elite under his command, and it can be said that he dispatched all the troops. In Chang'an City, only Dong Huang was left.

Dong Huang is Dong Zhuo's nephew, now serving as a servant, a lieutenant in the Chinese army, commanding the imperial army, and monitoring the court for Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo's face was gloomy, as if he was trying his best to suppress the anger in his chest, and the atmosphere in the hall became more and more dignified. No one dared to touch Dong Zhuo's brow at this moment.

Unfavorable news came one after another, and the current situation was extremely serious.

Dong Zhuo's eyes were full of anger, his mouth was tightly closed, and his teeth were clenched tightly. If Xu An was in front of him, Dong Zhuo would definitely eat him alive.

Duan Yan was ambushed by Xu Huang in Fenyin, and suffered a disastrous defeat, only more than [-] people fled back to the west bank.

When Dong Min attacked Dayang City, he encountered a surprise attack from Lu Bu's Xiaoqi Battalion. Most of the soldiers were killed and injured, and only a thousand people fled back to the south bank.

But Xu Rong besieged Puban City for more than ten days, but he didn't make an inch, lost more than [-] people, but he still hasn't broken through the small Puban.

And another bad news came from the northwest...

Xiao Guan fell, Li Jue died in battle...

Dong Zhuo didn't know why, all his plans were already under Xu An's calculations, and everything was under the control of Taipingdao.

Xu An opened his pockets, waiting for him to throw himself into the trap, but he believed Yuan Shao's words and plunged into the trap, and now he was injured all over his body.

All the generals in the hall were silent, none of them could bear Dong Zhuo's anger, even Li Ru kept his mouth shut at this time.

Dong Zhuo withdrew his gaze, but he was not actually angry.

All of this was actually within his expectations.

However, he didn't know that Xu An would lay an ambush in advance and wait for him to fall into the trap, but he saw a farther future.

"After all, it's a step too late..."

Dong Zhuo glanced at Li Ru, who was frowning and thinking not far away, from the corner of his eye, and then closed his eyes.

Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji, Yang Ding, Hua Xiong...

These old robes, left arms and right arms all left him one after another, and their souls returned to Jiuyou.

Closing his eyes, the past of Taigu Pass was still vivid in his mind. He saw Sun Jian's fiery red flag again, and saw the blood-stained, unstoppable Sun Jian.

Everything began to change when he was indulging in the wine pool and meat forest, resplendent in gold and jade.

In the past, even Jian Shuo would bow his head to him when he entered the capital.

The general emperor's prestige, the key to holding the army, the dragon and the tiger, all the people in the world, all look up to him.

Assassinate Dong Zhong, behead Jian Shuo, depose the emperor, there is no one in the world who dares not to follow!
The generals under his command are like carp crossing the river, with over [-] light soldiers, what a majesty and arrogance.

Originally, he could have taken it off a long time ago...

But now it is almost the end of the mountain.

Yanshi was defeated again, repeating the ending of the Taiguguan battle, and was forced to abandon Luoyang again and return to Guanzhong.

There are only [-] to [-] defeated generals under his command, and there are still many recruits. Most of the elite are lost in Luoyang, and their energy and morale are also lost in Luoyang.

Dong Zhuo couldn't help clenching his fist even harder.

"After all, it's too late..."

Dong Zhuo let out a foul breath and opened his eyes.

At this point, fighting for world hegemony has become a joke.

The last fight he wanted to make was also disintegrated by Xu An's arrangement in advance.

Attacked from four directions, all three were defeated, only Xu Rong was still besieging Puban.

It doesn't matter if Puban is captured or not. The other two armies have suffered defeats. Even if Xu Rong successfully captures Puban, it will be of no use. He can only return to Zuo Fuyi.

Now the Battle of Dongjun has broken out. Sun Jian and Yuan Shao have more than [-] soldiers and horses fighting desperately on both sides of the Yellow River. The flames of war have been burning from the East China Sea to Luoyang.

The center of the world has moved eastward, not in Guanzhong, or in his hands.

It is Yuan Shao and Sun Jian who decide the world.

The east, west, and north sides are all occupied by Xu An, while Hanzhong County in the south is covered by high mountains.

Although Wuguan in the south is in his hands, Nanyang County is south of Wuguan, and Nanyang County may be captured.

But so what if he captured Nanyang County, Liu Biao occupied Jingzhou, which was in Xiangyang City.

Xiangyang is the most important city in Jingzhou. It can be said that whoever occupies Xiangyang will control the initiative on the battlefield in Jingzhou.

As long as Liu Biao thinks, he can send troops to attack Nanyang Basin at any time, but if he wants to attack Xiangyang from Nanyang, he must cross rivers and rivers, cross checkpoints, and go through hardships before he can see the city wall of Xiangyang.

At that time, the reinforcements from the Chen Du court had already arrived from all directions, and going south from Wuguan was a deadly place.

Dong Zhuo knew very well that after losing this battle, they were completely trapped to death in Sili and Guanzhong.

Dong Zhuo stood up, and all the generals in the hall focused their eyes on Dong Zhuo, waiting for Dong Zhuo to speak.

"Wenyou, come with me."

To everyone's surprise, Dong Zhuo did not get angry, nor did he discuss the next situation. Instead, he called Li Ru and left the government office.

Li Ru frowned slightly, looking at Dong Zhuo's leaving back with a worried look on his face.

"This time the information was leaked, which led to the ambushes. The Eagle Wolf Guards on Taiping Road may have started to spread rumors. Everyone should go back to the camp first to appease the soldiers."

Li Ru did not immediately follow Dong Zhuo out of the hall, but walked into the hall first, and informed the generals in the hall to return to camp.

After getting the order, everyone got up and left one after another. The atmosphere in the government office was too depressing.

Li Ru narrowed his eyes slightly, watching a group of generals walk out of the mansion, he waited for a while, and then walked towards the back hall of the mansion.

Dong Zhuo was sitting in the courtyard behind the hall. He heard footsteps, and after glancing at Li Ru, he turned his attention to the big trees in the courtyard again.

Li Ru walked forward slowly and knelt aside, looking at Dong Zhuo with a calm face, he was a little confused about the situation for a while.

"Since Xu An has already set up an ambush, he must have already started to spy on Guanzhong. Perhaps he has already led the army to Hedong County at this time."

Li Ru thought about it, Dong Zhuo was not angry at the moment, maybe it was time to remonstrate.

"The good news is that most of the ferries at Puban Ferry are in our hands. We can first order Xu Rong to return to Linjin, and then burn all the ferries."

"When Duan Yan retreated, he didn't lose an inch, and burned most of the ferries."

"Relying on the defense of the three cities of Linjin, Heyang, and Xiayang, it is difficult for the Yellow Turban Army to cross Zuo Fuyi westward from Hedong County. It is not a problem to preserve Zuo Fuyi."

Li Ru frowned a little.

"The only problem is Xiao Guan and Mao Jin..."

"Maojin is occupied by the Yellow Turban Army, and Hangu Pass may... be difficult to preserve..."

"However, Fan Chou is now stationed in Huayin, and Linjin is not close to Huayin. Huayin's terrain is steep, so we can rely on it. It shouldn't be a problem to resist the attack of the Yellow Turban Army."

"Xiaoguan has fallen and is now occupied by the Yellow Turban Army. The leader of the Liangzhou Army is Yan Zhong. If he goes down the river, he can go directly to Chang'an. Therefore, I suggest that Minggong can return to Xiaoguan first and gather the elite first. After defeating the Liangzhou army, and then plotting against Liangzhou, the east side can only abandon Hongnong County and keep defending..."

Li Ru stopped talking, he found that Dong Zhuo seemed to be thinking about other things.

"I joined the army when I was young, and followed the old general all the way. After many battles, I was finally promoted..."

Dong Zhuo raised his hand, pointed forward, and sighed.

"When the future was brightest in the past, I was addicted to pleasure and sensuality..."

"It's my responsibility to get to where I am today."

Dong Zhuo was turning around, facing Li Ru, with a serious face, lowered his head, and said sincerely to Li Ru.

Li Ru's face was moved, and something seemed to be blocked in his throat.

Dong Zhuo raised his head and looked directly at Li Ru.

"Xu An now occupies four prefectures and twenty-five counties. It is enough to see his ability to establish Bingzhou, attack Youzhou, Pingliang Prefecture, and seize Hedong."

"One hundred thousand Liangzhou troops defeated Gao Pingchuan overnight..."

Dong Zhuo stood up slowly, stared at the front, and said in a deep voice.

"Xu An legislated in the Taiping Road, engaged in farming and weaving, and repaired the tools of war."

"The Xiongnu, Wuhuan, and Xianbei all bowed their heads and tied their necks, and the Taiping Taoist Committee ordered officials to lead the various ministries."

"The Yellow Turban Army has won consecutive battles and their morale is high. On the other hand, our army has lost consecutive battles. The morale of the army is unstable and the generals are frustrated. This victory is not even [-]%."

"You should know better than me."

Dong Zhuo looked at Li Ru calmly and said indifferently.

Li Ru's complexion changed slightly, he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he said he couldn't speak, and just lowered his head.

After Yanshi's defeat, they were actually in a desperate situation.

This time can be regarded as their last fight, but Xu An was well prepared, and it cost them even more.

Originally, it was difficult to resist the attack of the Yellow Turban Army only by relying on the soldiers and horses in Guanzhong. Now that there are fewer troops and lower morale, how can they resist the Yellow Turban Army who is like a wolf and a tiger, and the momentum is like a rainbow.

"Xuan Tingwei sent an urgent report last night."

Dong Zhuo put the silk book in his hand in front of Li Ru, then walked down the steps, and stood in front of the big tree in the courtyard with his hands behind his back.

Li Ru unfolded the silk book in his hand, and when he understood the contents of the silk book, the pupils in his eyes suddenly dilated a few points.


Li Ru's hand holding the silk book was trembling.

"The picture is poor and the dagger is seen, Wang Yun finally revealed his true face, presumably they also received news from outside the city."

"I have to say that their timing was good. They happened to fall at Xiaoguan, and the Liangzhou army went down the river. However, I led a large army to station in Linjin, and suffered defeat in Hedong County. It was a time when there was no time to divide the troops. "

Dong Zhuo's eyes sharpened slightly, and he said coldly.

"What a Wang Yun, what a Gai Xun, what a Huangfusong, they can endure for such a long time without letting me find out, it's really a good plan."

"At the beginning, I really should have made up my mind to kill them directly."

Facing the enemy, internal and external troubles.

There are Wang Yun and others making trouble inside, and the Yellow Turban Army soldiers outside are oppressing the border. They have really entered a dead end.

Li Ru's face was gloomy, and he held the silk book in his hand tightly.

The building is about to fall, and there is no way to support it alone. Even with all kinds of calculations and plans, it is difficult to restore the decline.

"The heaven and the earth are turning upside down, and the fire is burning; the building is about to fall, and it is difficult to support a tree."

They lost, one defeat after another, and the defeat along the way made them lose everything.

Although the world is big, there is no room for them anymore.

"We haven't lost yet. Now that Wang Yun and others have not formally launched an army, we can send a Xiao general to lead Jingqi back to Chang'an quickly, and can control the situation. Then we can rely on the three cities of Zuo Fuyi to defend Huayin. As long as we defeat Liang The Yellow Turban Army in the direction of the state, Guanzhong is still ours!"

Li Ru stepped forward and said in a deep voice.

He didn't want to admit defeat, and he couldn't face failure.

Since ancient times, the winner is the king and the bandit is defeated, the winner is the king, the prestige is prominent, and the loser is the bandit, who dies and the family is wiped out, and becomes a laughing stock.

"I've let you down once."

Dong Zhuo didn't turn around, his back was still facing Li Ru, his voice was firm and powerful.

"But I said, this time, I will never let you down again!"

Dong Zhuo turned around slowly and faced Li Ru with a solemn expression.

"Although the ending is doomed and defeat is inevitable, it is not my style, Dong Zhongying, to sit and wait for death."

Dong Zhuo grinned.

"Although the name of this era is destined not to belong to us."

"But at least at this last moment, we are entitled to choose the way the curtain ends."

Two soldiers came slowly and put on Dong Zhuo's battle robe.

Today's Dong Zhuo is much thinner than before, and he can vaguely see the meaning of bravery.

He is no longer the Dong Zhuo who is tired of drinking and sex, and he is slowly changing back to the old Dong Zhongying who can shoot left and right, gallop and draw the bow.

Unfortunately, it was a step too late after all.

One step wrong, step by step wrong.

In this world, there is no regret medicine that can be bought, and there is no machine that can travel through time.

"Order the whole army to enter Huayin!"

Dong Zhuo strode forward with cold eyes.

"A man should die in the field, not in the house!"

 In history, Dong Zhuo was the captain of the School of Discipline, and millions of people in Luoyang, Chang'an, and Guanzhong died because of Dong Zhuo and fled.

  The description in the book does not whitewash Dong Zhuo.

  I basically wrote about Dong Zhuo's cruelty and the things that caused disasters everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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