The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 629 3 Years of Chuping

Chapter 629
Chuping three years (192 years).

This year is destined to leave a strong mark in the history books.

The flames of war first ignited from the East County of Yanzhou because of the confrontation between Yuan Shao and Sun Jian across the river, and then quickly spread.

At this time, none of the three major powers in the world, Chendu in the East Court, Chang'an in the West Court, and Taiping Road, were able to stay out of the world.

Yanzhou, Jizhou, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Bingzhou, Liangzhou, and Sili Xiaowei's seven states.

From the Bohai Sea in the east to Xiaoguan in the west, it stretches for thousands of miles, with wars everywhere. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers were involved in the war, millions of people were implicated in the war, and tens of millions of people were involved in the war because of the war. And be affected.

May [-]th.

Only seventeen days have passed since the beginning of the Battle of Dongjun.

Sixteen days have passed since Dong Zhuo sent an army to attack the Taipingdao territory.

The war in Dongjun is still in a state of anxiety.

The Jingzhou army continued to attack for ten days, but they were still unable to take Liyang, losing thousands of people in vain.

Yuan Shu led the Nanyang soldiers across the Yellow River and besieged the Dongjun Weiguo area under Yuan Shao's control on the north bank of the Yellow River.

There are two cities in the Weiguo area of ​​Dongjun to the north of the Yellow River, one is Hemu City and the other is Gancheng, which are the southern barriers of Jizhou.

The two cities were guarded by two generals under Yuan Shao's command, Chunyu Qiong and Lu Zhao, and Yuan Shu did not make any substantial progress.

Compared with the Xiliang army under Dong Zhuo's command, the Jizhou soldiers and Youzhou soldiers under Yuan Shao's command are more resilient and powerful.

Although the Xiliang Army under Dong Zhuo's command absorbed the elite of the original Forbidden Army, the Knights of Three Rivers and the Forbidden Army of the Five Schools.

However, the overall atmosphere of the Xiliang Army was affected by Dong Zhuo, and most of the original army will be eliminated.

Most of Dong Zhuo reused the former generals of the Xiliang Army, and the direct descendants of the Xiliang Army held an attitude of rejecting the trilogy of other regions, whether it was the Bingzhou Army or the Forbidden Army under Ding Yuan's original command.

The impact of this can be seen from the fact that Zhang Yang and Jia Xu fled north with Bingzhou soldiers.

The army and strength are inconsistent, the hearts of the people are in chaos, and the combat power is naturally self-evident.

This is why he was repeatedly defeated by Sun Jian despite the superiority of troops and terrain.

Not only because of the generals, not only because of the command, but more importantly, the morale and hearts of the army.

Before disbanding the Allied Army against Dong, Sun Jian was defeated by Xu Rong at the beginning, escaped with only a dozen cavalry, and gathered thousands of rout troops behind him.

At that time, everyone was terrified by Dong Zhuo's Xiliang iron cavalry, Xu Rong defeated the coalition forces twice, and his reputation shook the sky.

However, at this time, Dong Zhuo appointed Hu Zhen, an adult from Liangzhou, as the commander to lead the trilogy to attack Sun Jian.

Xu Rong did not belong to the Liangzhou branch, so he was deprived of the position of chief general.

And even the Liangzhou faction, the direct descendant of Dong Zhuo, is not an iron bucket.

Later, the reason why Sun Jian was able to defeat Hu Zhen with a weak soldier, turned defeat into victory, and invaded Taigu Pass with continuous victories all the way was also because Hu Zhen was at odds with other generals at that time.

In terms of command, Xu Rong is actually no worse than Sun Jian, and even a little better.

But it was precisely because of these internal problems of Dong Zhuojun that Xu Rong was defeated by Sun Jian in Yanshi in one fell swoop, lost the battle of Yanshi, and ruined the future of Dong Zhuojun.

The trilogy under Sun Jian's command can be used like a finger, and most of the soldiers who participated in the battle were soldiers from Yuzhou and Nanyang.

The generals are united as one, and the soldiers take the lead bravely.

The general will be the courage of the soldiers, and the soldiers will be the prestige.

The pressure threshold for soldiers under Sun Jian was much higher than that of Dong Zhuojun, and Dong Zhuojun's defeat was actually doomed from the very beginning.

The seed of defeat was planted by Dong Zhuo himself. Now it has taken root and sprouted vigorously, and it will soon bear fruit.

And the land where the fruit ripens...

It is Huayin in Hongnong County!

On May [-], the defenders in Hongnong City, the prefecture of Hongnong County, were besieged for several days. They had not waited for reinforcements, and suffered heavy casualties under the onslaught of the Yellow Turban Army.

After the yellow turban army's counterweight trebuchet arrived, it fired only three rounds, and the defenders in the city simply chose to surrender.

He Man led more than [-] Yellow Turban infantry into Hongnong.

On the same day, Lu Bu successfully ambushed Dong Zhuo's army marching west from Hangu Pass.

When the defenders of Hangu Pass suddenly heard that Maojin had been captured and Dong Min fled south in a hurry, they immediately panicked.

Maojin was seized and their retreat was cut off. They were trapped and died in Hangu Pass, isolated and helpless.

Afterwards, the guards of Hangu Pass immediately sent troops to the Strider Pool to keep the Strider Pool. There was still room for maneuver, and they could cooperate with their own army in the west of Hongnong County to attack Maojin's Yellow Turban Army.

But no one in Dong Zhuo's army expected that Lu Bu's speed would be so fast, and he had already broken through the Strider Pool.

After Lu Bu crossed the Yellow River, he immediately assembled his army and marched eastward. The defenders of Strider Pond did not wait for Dong Min's message, but waited for the cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army.

The unsuspecting Strider Pool was easily captured by Lu Bu, and thousands of defenders were disarmed in this way.

The eagle wolf guard also successfully stopped the Xuan Ting guard who wanted to tip off the news.

By the time the reinforcements from Hangu Pass and the cities in the eastern part of Hongnong County had completed their assembly and received the news, it was already too late.

They were soon defeated by the Xiaoqi Battalion led by Lu Bu at the junction of Strider Chi and Xin'an.

It was also on this day that Xu An led the main force of the Yellow Turban Army to Dayang City and officially started the journey south.

At the beginning, Xu An used all the money obtained from ransacking a large number of houses to build water conservancy, develop infrastructure, reform the corvee system, and recruit people as workers. At this time, he finally saw results.

The weather and weather in the places that Taiping Road now occupies can be regarded as favorable. Although the weather is indeed a little colder than in the past, the impact on the grain production is still relatively small and within an acceptable range.

And because of the construction of water conservancy, many places in the local area do not look at the sky to eat, and it is more convenient to divert water for irrigation, which greatly saves manpower and material resources, and also increases some grain production.

The surrender and allegiance of the Huns in the south, Wuhuan, and Xianbei in the west also made Taipingdao not so short of livestock.

The cattle and sheep husbandry of the southern Xiongnu and the western Xianbei, like most of the land in Bingzhou and Liangzhou, were designated as public property.

There is no shortage of farming cattle in the territory of Taiping Road, and even some cattle and sheep have been put on the table and added to the diet of the Yellow Turban Army.

However, more cattle and sheep were still left on the grasslands. It is a stupid thing to do fishing, even the ancients would not do it, let alone Xu An.

The problem of iron farm tools was also resolved. The rapid end of the Battle of Liangzhou allowed the preservation of a large amount of food and grass that Xu An had prepared for the Battle of Liangzhou, and also stopped the high-speed operation of the Yellow Turban Army’s workshops. Some, from military industry to civilian labor.

With enough iron farm tools, quyuan plows, cattle, arable land, and extensive water conservancy projects, the agricultural development in Taipingdao can be said to be at the forefront of the entire world, and no other force can match it.

Moreover, at this time, there is no force like Xu An that vigorously promotes farming within the sphere of influence.

After more than a year of rest and recuperation, Taiping Dao is now strong in soldiers and horses, and has abundant food and grass.

The people who migrated from the four states had a difficult life in the first year because they did not have much money or food.

Xu An did not use simple relief to solve the problem, but instead used work for relief, repaired roads, built water conservancy projects, and organized the reclamation of wasteland.

It is just now that good roads and the four-wheeled carriage invented by Xu An have also reduced the transportation cost and the loss in the middle.

Now the food in Taiping Road is enough to support Xu An to fight a large-scale war outside.

Moreover, the improvement of the roads also increased the speed of the Yellow Turban Army's march, which is why Xu Anneng led his troops from Taiyuan County to Hedong County in just over ten days.

Thousands of sails race across the vast Yellow River, and countless khaki flags flutter in the wind.

Xu An stood on the deck at the bow, pressed his hands on the guardrail, and stared at the south bank.

"Huayin has gathered more than [-] soldiers of Dong Zhuo's army. This is all the troops under Dong Zhuo's command now."

Liu Pi stepped forward and reported.

"Dong Zhuo seems to want to fight our army in Huayin."

Xu An narrowed his eyes slightly, a little surprised.

Dong Zhuo's current actions were completely unexpected.

"At this time, Wang Yun of Chang'an should have already made a move? Dong Zhuo will not return to Chang'an at this time, but instead enter Huayin?"

"Has there been news from Chang'an?"

Xu An's expression darkened, Yinglangwei had been running Guanzhong much longer than Xuantingwei, logically there shouldn't be any problems with the plan.

"There is no news yet. When the incident happens together, whether it is Wang Yun's victory or Dong Heng's victory, Chang'an City will definitely be closed. We have no way of knowing, and now the roads leading to Hedong and Hongnong have been blocked by Dong Zhuo's army. Now It’s extremely difficult to get over it.”

"The alternative route is to go through Shangjun, and then pass the news from Shangjun to Hedong County. It may take a while to get the news."

Xu An's face was gloomy, he couldn't figure out the situation in Chang'an City in a short time, and he couldn't figure out Dong Zhuo's intentions.

But the good thing is that the control of the current situation is already in his hands.

Zhang Yan has already led his subordinates to the west of Chencang. On the other hand, after Yan Zhong led his troops to break through Xiaoguan, he continued to march towards Lien Chan and Lianjie, and he had already marched to Zuo Fuyi's Yunyang City.

Most of Yan Zhong's army is composed of the original Han Sui and Ma Teng's old troops, lacking the ability to attack fortified positions.

But the counterweight trebuchet perfectly solved this problem. Xiaoguan reinforced the pass wall, but the inner city of Guanzhong did not reinforce the city wall, not to mention that according to the Han law, the hinterland cities are not allowed to build tall The difficulty of the city wall and the Yellow Turban Army's siege also plummeted.

The rammed earth walls in the hinterland of Guanzhong were easily destroyed by the counterweight trebuchets of the Yellow Turban Army.

Then, riding tall horses and equipped with new-style riding gear, the cavalry of the Liangzhou Army rushed into the city along the gap opened by the stone bullets, and occupied the city without any effort.

The main force of Dong Zhuo's army on the western front has been broken by the Liangzhou army led by Yan Zhong, and Dong Zhuo has actually lost control of the situation.

Hongnong City was also captured by He Man, and all the cities in the east of Hongnong, including Hangu Pass, were controlled by Xu An. In fact, the Yellow Turban Army had completed the encirclement of the Guanzhong area.

Dong Zhuo was already in a state of death, and unless there was a miracle like when Emperor Guangwu faced Wang Mang, Dong Zhuo would have no chance of winning, and such a miracle is rare throughout the ages.

Dong Zhuo is not Liu Xiu, and Xu An is not Wang Mang.

The river flows eastward and never returns.

Xu An looked at the raging Yellow River and frowned.

Dong Zhuo's [-] army may sound like a lot, but in fact it is just a remnant and defeated general. There are both internal and external troubles, and the combat power is actually extremely limited.

When it comes to the confrontation between the two armies, the Yellow Turban Army will never lose to any force in the world, whether it is Yuan Shao or Sun Jian.

If they really set up their battles, and the two sides fight each other in various rows in the field, I am afraid that the Yellow Turban Army will win in the end.

Except for the fact that the current Yellow Turban Army is slightly weaker than the Han Army in the East and West, the rest of the organization, training, reaction speed, morale, army formation, marching speed, officer quality, and soldier quality all exceed contemporary army.

More importantly, the Yellow Turban Army has the most important point that other contemporary armies do not have-faith.

The power of belief is incomparably huge and unparalleled.

Today's Taiping Dao is actually far from the original Taiping Dao. After Xu An's reinterpretation and improvement, he also made a lot of revisions to the system in Taiping Dao.

The present Taipingdao is slowly turning into an idea, not a religion.

Every Taoist member of Taipingdao now has to go through strict screening, not only to have an introducer, but also to write a Taoist application and pass the review of the Eagle Wolf Guard.

For this reason, Xu An specially separated a department from the Eagle Wolf Guard to review the Taoists, named "Taoist Secretary", which was specifically responsible for this matter.

The status of the inspector of the Department of Justice is equivalent to that of the governor of the eagle and wolf guards, second only to Liu Pi, the commander of the eagle and wolf guards, and its importance can be seen from this.

Although there is no fear of head-on confrontation, war is not only head-on.

Soldiers who, deception also.

Although Taipingdao is developing rapidly now, its background is really poor. Once it falls into a tug-of-war or multi-line battle, this weakness will become the reason for ruining all the hard work.

"Perhaps, things are actually not complicated..."

Jia Xu frowned slightly, and just as Xu An was thinking, she stepped forward.

"I have been under Dong Zhuo's account for several years, and I know Dong Zhuo quite well."

"This time..."

Jia Xu paused.

"Dong Zhuo used to be tough, generous, and heroic. This is why he was able to gather so many elite soldiers."

"But after entering Luoyang, I was addicted to sensuality..."

Jia Xu's face was slightly condensed. After Dong Zhuo entered Luoyang, he quickly but corrupted, causing him to lose his position as the overlord. All kinds of problems later were exposed as time went by, which accelerated the defeat of the Xiliang Army.

"Although Dong Zhuo got back on his feet later, the situation was like this, and he was powerless to change it. In the Chang'an Incident, Wang Yun should have won. Internal and external troubles, the only way is defeat."

"Soldiers entering Huayin are indeed the way to kill, but maybe Dong Zhuo, he just wants to die?"

Xu An's eyes narrowed slightly, what Jia Xu said might be the correct explanation.

Jia Xu stopped talking, he remembered what Dong Zhuo said while holding a wine glass at the banquet in the barracks when he defeated the Liangzhou rebels.

"A man should die in the field in battle, not in the house!"

(End of this chapter)

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