The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 866 Bloody Battle at Yuquan Pavilion

Chapter 866 Bloody Battle at Yuquan Pavilion
Six quarters of the hour (8:30)

More than half an hour has passed since the fog cleared.

The Han army completed the encirclement of the Ming army from three sides. Xia Houyuan led the troops to the west, Cao Cao led the troops to the east, and Chen Gong led the troops to the south.

Qu Yi and Guan Hai led the more than [-] cavalry of the Ming army, and were forced to retreat all the way to the river beach near Jishui in the north.

The river beach is facing the Nanshan Mountain of Yuquan Pavilion. The terrain on the west side is not very undulating, the soil is hard, and there are many rocks. There are several mounds with slightly higher terrain. The Han army has already stood on the high ground.

On the east side is the reclaimed fertile land, which has been trampled into mud during the previous fierce battle and march.

Now the infantry of the Han army was slowly approaching the river beach through the mud, and Cao Cao's big banner was flying.

In the south, the Han army under Chen Gong stood on the official road, and its army was widely distributed along the mountains and fields.

Although the positions of the Han troops in the east and south are flat, they are still higher than the river beach.

In other words, no matter where the Ming army launched an attack, they would attack from their backs and be at a disadvantage.


A deep horn sounded slowly on the plain outside Yuquan Pavilion.

That was the horn of the Han army's assembly.



Immediately afterwards, two more horns sounded from the large formations of the Han army in the west and south, which was the sound of answering the horn.

Thirty-eight thousand Han troops had completed their formation, and more than four thousand Ming troops were completely trapped on the river bank.

After the formation of the Han army, the flags of various ministries began to respond one after another. Looking around from the position where Qu Yi was, the entire front was covered with dazzling bright red.

The formation of the Han army is neat, the flags are fluttering, and the light reflected by the sun on the armor and spears is constantly flickering, which is dizzying.

Cao Cao led his bodyguard armored cavalry up a slightly higher gentle slope, looking at the Ming army retreating to the river beach not far away.

On the river beach, most of the more than [-] Ming soldiers dismounted and formed formations, which were divided into more than [-] square formations, each with about one or two hundred people, which seemed to be based on villages.

Each army formation is separated by a distance of about ten steps from each other in a fan shape, and there are still three or four hundred people left behind, which seems to be a reserve team.

Behind them, there is still a large area, where the cavalry of the Ming army who have not dismounted are distributed in it.

Cao Cao squinted his eyes slightly, and the Ming army lined up with their backs. It seemed that they had completely given up on running away and wanted to stand firm and wait for help.

There are even people cutting down the surrounding bushes, building simple fences, and moving stones as obstacles.

"My lord, before Xiahou Xiaowei sent a letter to report that several scouts from the Xiliang Camp passed the mountain road, and they seemed to be going to Licheng to report."

"The enemy general Xu Huang is now in Licheng. According to Li Qian's report, there are at least [-] Ming army infantry participating in the siege. If the Ming army rushes to help, we may not be able to escape."

Man Chong stepped forward a little and reported in a low voice.

Cao Cao's eyes narrowed slightly. The Ming army marched extremely fast. If they marched in a hurry and abandoned their luggage, the Ming army's infantry could really travel hundreds of miles a day.

The defeat in the Battle of Fanyang was because no one expected that the speed of the Ming army would be so fast that it was outrageous.

Traveling nearly a hundred miles a day, he rushed all the way from Chang'an to Fanyang, completing a myth in military history.

This place is only forty miles away from Licheng. If the Ming army marched in a hurry, most of the Ming army in Licheng would be able to reach the battlefield within three hours.

As Man Chong said, once the infantry of the Ming army arrived on the battlefield, it would be too late for them to retreat even if they wanted to retreat.

"It won't take that long."

Cao Cao sneered, it didn't take three hours at all, and within one hour, the Ming army on the river bank would be turned into ashes.

"Order all the ministries to march towards the river beach, maintain the army formation, and communicate with each other. Don't give the Ming army any chance."


Man Chong lowered his head, clasped his fists in both hands, and solemnly responded, then raised the command flag in his hand, and waved it lightly.

The azure blue command flag only circled in the air, and the rumble of war drums suddenly sounded in the Han army's formation.

The thick and passionate sound of war drums spread throughout the entire Yuquan Pavilion in an instant.


Accompanied by the sound of high-spirited war drums, countless Han soldiers with long spears on their shoulders walked in neat steps, lined up in an orderly formation, and slowly walked out of the formation.

Although the core of the Ming army's training methods has been preserved, part of it was inevitably stolen by the Han court and summarized into military books.

After the reform, Liu Xieming issued an imperial edict and a military book, ordering all soldiers in the world to adopt a new method of training.

The [-] Han troops in Yuquan Pavilion all accepted this new method of training, and the officers who led them also experienced intensive training in the newly established military academy in the state.

Qu Yi's face was extremely embarrassing, the Han army in front of him gave him the feeling that it was like the Ming army gathered in Pingyuan City, as if it was carved out of the same mold.

However, upon closer inspection, one can still feel a slight indescribable difference.

A dull atmosphere slowly spread over the river beach.

The hands of the group of first-arrival soldiers holding crossbows even trembled.

Koji was keenly aware of the abnormality of his own army.

But now, he has nothing to do with this situation.

Fear spread over the river beach like poisonous weeds.

Everywhere you look, you can see the Han army's fiery red banners, fiery red war robes, and fiery red feathers, as if you are in the middle of the mountains and forests, seeing the raging mountain fire spreading, but there is nothing you can do, there is no way to escape Escape, avoid the inescapable.

The Han army from three directions marched out at the same time, and thousands of Han army infantry were pushing forward.

The flags are flying, and the drums are deafening.

But behind all the Ming soldiers, there were no battle drums to cheer him up, only Jishui rushing to the east, and the sound of rushing water resounded in his ears.

They have no way to retreat, and they are really in a desperate situation.

The Han army's formation was extremely neat and murderous, layer upon layer, advancing continuously. Although there was a gap between each other, it was extremely narrow.

Every forty steps or more, the army will be assembled once, without showing any flaws.

But Qu Yi looked at the completely unrevealed Han army in front of him, and at this moment he breathed a sigh of relief.

He saw that the Han army regrouped every forty steps, and he already had confidence in his heart.

The Han army looked the same as the Ming army, which really surprised Qu Yi.

To be honest, Wei Ting also learned the training methods of the Ming army at the beginning, but he was far from training to the level of the Han army today.

When he first saw the order of the Han army, which was almost the same as that of the Ming army, he almost fell into despair.

However, the march of the Han army showed its true colors, not only had its shape but no spirit, but its combat power would never be too strong.

Qu Yi had personally seen the military drills of the elite soldiers and soldiers of the Ming army.

The sharp soldiers of the Ming army marched [-] steps to reorganize the army once, while the soldiers of the Ming army marched [-] steps to regroup the army once.

The two armies of the Yellow Angels and Tengxiangwei are monster-like existences. Everyone in the Yellow Angels seems to be carved out of a mold. When they march, they can keep walking in unison for a long time .

At least during the military exercise, the Yellow Angels didn't experience a slight ups and downs in the army formation until they were walking fast.

It takes more than forty steps to reorganize the army, which is much better than the previous Han army, but it also exposes the fact that the progress of the Han army is actually limited.

"Raise the crossbow!"

Qu Yi raised the spear in his hand high.

"call out------"

In the next moment, the unique military whistle of the Ming army sounded suddenly, overwhelming the rumbling drums of the Han army in an instant.

At the moment when the whistle sounded, more than [-] soldiers of the Ming army raised their bows and crossbows at the same time.

The soldiers who entered the camp first had more than [-] casualties in the previous battle. It is still a bit reluctant to form an infantry defense next to the camp first, so in addition to the camp first, there are more than [-] soldiers The cavalry of the Xiliang camp also dismounted and formed an army formation together.

Qu Yi never put down the spear in his hand, his gaze was always on the slowly advancing Han army formation in the hills to the west.

Standing against the wall and relying on water to defend, if you want to persist until the arrival of reinforcements, blindly defending is absolutely impossible.

Offense is the best defense, and Qu Yi knows exactly how powerful cavalry can suppress infantry.

What he has to do is to make the ordinary soldiers of the Han army fear the cavalry, suppress the momentum of the Han army, cause as much damage as possible, affect the morale of the Han army, and at the same time reduce the pressure on their own defense.

The turbulent fighting intent flowed in Qu Yi's eyes.

Hour and Seven Quarters (8:45)

The Han army's formation has approached only eighty steps away from the river beach at the latest.

The distance of eighty steps has already entered the range of the bow and crossbow, but the Ming army's formation is eerily silent.

On the battlefield, everyone's heartstrings are in the most tense state.

The advance of the Han army was also affected by the atmosphere on the battlefield, and their footsteps became visibly flustered.

In the Ming army's formation, there was no difference except that the sound of breathing and panting became slightly aggravated.

The crossbow had already been wound, and the archer put the arrow on the bow, ready to go.

"Raise your shield!"

In the Han army's formation, the generals and schools at all levels shouted loudly.

The tower shield soldiers at the forefront raised their shields, while the soldiers behind also raised their double-arc shields, ready to defend themselves against the incoming arrows.

At the rear of the infantry formation, the infantry archers of the Han army have already stopped. At a distance of [-] steps, they can already shoot. Although it is difficult to break through the armor, it can cause a certain blow to the Ming army formation and interfere with its normal operation. defense.

Eighty steps.

Seventy steps.

The infantry archers of the Han army released their arrows together, and a large number of feathered arrows soared up, shooting directly at the formation of the Ming army.

Both Xiandeng Camp and Xiliang Camp were cavalry. They didn't carry any shields, and only some of them carried a small number of double-arc shields. These people were all arranged in the front row.

This wave of arrow rain could not be avoided, they could only bear it with force.

All the soldiers in the Ming army formation lowered their heads, covering their faces.

Arrows shot from eighty steps away could hardly break through their armor. Compared with the poorly protected Han army, the Ming army cavalry was not only equipped with double armor to protect the thighs and chest, but also equipped to protect the shoulders and arms. The ring arm armor, and even some elite cavalry wear chain mail specially designed to resist arrows.

The distance of sixty steps, this distance has reached the range of crossbow armor piercing, although the iron armor is difficult to break, but it is already within the killing range for the leather armor, but the Ming army still did not shoot the arrow.

Although the arrows fired by the Han army caused some damage to the Ming army, the damage was extremely limited.

Many Ming soldiers had arrows stuck in their bodies, which looked extremely terrifying, but those arrows actually didn't break through the armor at all, they just hung on it.

The armor they wore provided them with good protection, and the cotton clothes they wore inside also provided them with a certain degree of cushioning.

To be precise, the cotton-padded clothes worn by some of them should be called cotton armor, because there are iron pieces sewn under the cotton-padded clothes.

However, due to production and cost reasons, there are fewer cotton jackets, and most of them are ordinary cotton jackets.

Because cotton armor is a new product, it takes more man-hours.

Today, there are only three troops equipped with cotton armor, the Yellow Angels, the Suppression Camp, and the Tengxiang Guards.

The innermost layer wears cotton armor, then wears a layer of chain mail, and finally wears iron armor on the outside. The three layers of heavy armor cannot be pierced by knives, pierced by spears, or shot by arrows. There are only routs.

Today's sharp soldiers of the Han army will not have much power to fight back when they encounter the yellow angels in the formation of the Ming army.

Fifty steps away from the Ming army's formation, the Han army's formation was already criss-crossed like canine teeth. At this time, the whole army could no longer march, so they had to bite the bullet and charge forward.

In fact, it was really a serious mistake to shoot arrows at the Ming army at a distance of eighty steps.

The arrows at a distance of eighty steps not only did not cause any damage to the Ming army, but also did not damage the morale of the Ming army much.

On the contrary, it also helped the Ming army to be at the peak of its momentum, which caused a huge mental blow to the soldiers in the front line of the Han army.

After several waves of arrow rain, what they saw was not the Ming army who was attacked by the arrow rain, crying and wailing.

What they saw was a group of neatly arranged army formations, with arrows stuck on the armor and scary ghost masks, but they still stood on the ground, and there were no fallen soldiers of the Ming army.

The flags and banners with densely packed scriptures fluttered in the gust of wind, and countless ochre-yellow braids swayed in the river wind.

The Ming army in the first row half-kneeled on the ground, holding the crossbow horizontally, the Ming army in the second row stood behind, also holding the crossbow horizontally, and the Ming army in the third row held the crossbow, standing in the second row in the interval.

One cold arrow after another pointed directly at them, even holding a tower shield, it still made the Han army in front feel extremely panic.

Not far behind them, a group of cavalry with spears on their shoulders and horses riding on their horses were ready to go.

The strong wind blew up the ochre-yellow war robes worn by the cavalrymen, and the golden sun shone on their armor robes, as mighty as the heavenly soldiers in the nine heavens.

Such a scene, how can it not make people chill, how can it not make people frightened!
But at this moment, a sharp sound pierced the sky and shot straight into the sky.

"call out----"

The sharp military whistle sounded suddenly in the formation of the Ming army.

In the next instant, a rain of arrows, like locusts, swept across the air from the Ming army's formation and shot toward the Han army's formation.

The distance of forty steps is already the distance for a bow and crossbow to break through armor.

Every cavalryman in Xiliang Camp is equipped with two bows and three sets of quiver.

One of the bows is a powerful step bow, and one of the quiver bags is filled with armor-piercing arrows, and now they use special step bows to shoot special armor-piercing arrows.

A large number of feather arrows shot into the Han army's formation in a very short time, causing countless wailing sounds in an instant.

Although they are protected by tower shields, this does not mean that they are invincible. Because the army formation was scattered before, there has already been a gap between them.
The crossbowmen in the front row of the Ming army shot the arrows in their hands and passed the crossbow machine from the left hand to the rear, and then took the crossbow machine from the right hand side and shot again, and so on.

And the archers of the Xiliang camp behind them shot five arrows quickly before finally stopping.

Under such a fierce shooting of bows and crossbows, the Han army formations attacking from three directions were all stagnant and fell into chaos.

The most severely hit by bows and crossbows, and the most chaotic army formation was the Han army in the west.

The reason for this is not because the Han army in the west is the weakest, but because Qu Yi deployed the largest number of soldiers in the west, and they are all elites who are good at shooting.

"call out------"

A louder sharp sound than before rose into the sky.

Just to the west, the Han army was still in a state of panic, and the Ming army's formation to the west was splitting to the left and right like waves.

Amidst the sound of rumbling horseshoes, hundreds of cavalry troops from the Xiliang Battalion, led by Guan Hai, rushed out of the battle from the right to the Han army's formation.

"Stabilize the army!"

"Raise the gun!"

"Raise the gun!"

The sudden appearance of the Ming army's cavalry made the Han army in the west's front line even more flustered for a while.

Even though the generals in the Han army formation shouted loudly, there was still no way to restore the soldiers in the formation to their senses immediately.

However, their efforts were not ineffective. Under their orders, some soldiers raised their spears tremblingly, forming a simple spear array, trying to stop the Ming cavalry from charging.

But all these efforts were in vain before the shock cavalry of the Ming army threw out the iron bones.

The short-handled iron bones thrown by the cavalry at the forefront of the Ming army smashed into the formation of the Han army. The dozen or so Han soldiers standing at the forefront fell down like cutting wheat without even humming. .

These special iron bones, as long as they hit people's heads, they will definitely kill people on the spot, and if they hit people on the body, they can immediately lose the ability to move.

"call out----"

Accompanied by that unique sharp sound, the cavalry of the Ming army had already rushed into the chaotic formation of the Han army.

The army formation was dilapidated, the soldiers were chaotic, and the battle had turned into a massacre.

The cavalry of the Ming army were like sharp knives cutting through butter, cutting through the formation of the Han army, and completely disintegrating the fighting will of the Han army in the west.

After defeating the Han army in the west, Guan Hai did not continue to lead the troops to strangle the defeated Han army. He just sent out a team of dozens of cavalry to drive some of the defeated troops, while he led the troops of the brigade. The men and horses drove some of the broken soldiers and rushed straight towards the Han army attacking from the south.

The situation on the battlefield has completely reversed at this moment.

The prey of the Ming army transformed into hunters.

Cao Cao's face was gloomy and terrifying at this time, and the riding whip in his hand was already pinched into a ball.

Standing on a high ground, he could see more clearly. The cavalry of the Ming army attacked in three lines.

The Ming army on the western front has already defeated the Han army on that side, and is now driving the defeated army all the way east.

Soon the Han army attacking from the south and the east will evolve into a greater rout under the impact of the rout and the siege of the Ming cavalry.

"Shoot and kill all the broken soldiers who dare to attack the army formation!"

"There is no need to test any more, just send Tiger Guards and Rui Shi out!"

"Take down this Ming army for me!"

 My estimate was wrong, I thought this plot could be finished quickly, everyone, stop scolding, I will add one thousand and three more.

  I will try my best to apologize as much as possible tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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