Chapter 867
The Ming army lined up with their backs, and it seemed that they had completely given up on fleeing and wanted to stand firm and wait for help.

But no one could have expected that the Ming army, which was in a desperate situation, would still want to attack.

Strike the crowd with the few, without fear.

After all, Cao Cao underestimated the first camp and underestimated the Xiliang camp.

Although the Xiandeng camp under Qu Yi's command was not an orthodox Ming army, its core was still a feudal army.

But for a long time, Qu Yi shared the same food and clothing with the generals under his command, slept without a seat, walked without riding, wrapped up food for himself, and shared the labor with the soldiers.

What Qu Yi did was the same as Wu Qi in the Warring States Period and Huangfu Song in the past.

All the generals under his command have exclusive military fields to support their parents, and the military pay is generous. If they die in battle, the family members of the deceased will be raised by the Koji family.

Moreover, Qu Yi's method of marching troops is on the front line, how can the soldiers not die for such a general?

As the orthodox Ming army, the Xiliang camp was side by side with the Xiaoqi and Wuxiang battalions, and the officers and soldiers in the battalion were all Taoists of the Taiping Dao.

The Ming army fought with its back, just like the Chu army who was on the banks of the river, smashing the [-] infantry in the front line of the Han army in one fell swoop.

The cavalry of the Ming army dispersed the broken soldiers and rushed into the Han army's offensive infantry formation from the flanks, and then the cavalry from the other two lines also attacked in concert, and the Han army's front formation completely collapsed.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the front lines of the third-line Han army were broken one after another and collapsed.

On the battlefield, the soldiers in the front line are hindered by the threat behind them, and most of the time they can still persist even in the face of the threat of death.

But this is when the army formation is intact, or when facing enemy infantry.

Instead of slow-moving infantry, they now faced cavalry who turned into the wind.

When they were still in a panic, the rout had already broken through their formation.

The trend of defeat unfolded like a snowball until it turned into an avalanche.


The low sound of bugles sounded in the formation of the Han army.

In the formation of the Han army, longbows were raised one by one, and the infantry archers of the Han army standing on the high ground were already drawing their bows.

"Those who dare to attack the army will be shot!"

The general of the Han army, wearing iron armor and feathers and iron helmets on his head, gave orders mercilessly.

In the formation of the Han army, tower shields were erected one after another, and long spears were put down to form a forest of guns.

Gaps were opened in several military formations, leaving a very narrow passage, which was specially reserved for the fleeing soldiers.

The rout soldiers will be driven to and confined to a demarcated area so that the entire army will not be wiped out.

This is not because the Han army is ruthless, but if it does not do so, once the Ming army's cavalry drives off the rout and breaks through a corner of the formation, the rout will spread rapidly and cannot be contained.

The hearts of the broken soldiers are already filled with fear, they are like drowning people, they have lost all reason, and only have the idea of ​​survival in their minds.

Although there is room for buffering and a place to accommodate routs, there are still a large number of routs who want to rush into the army formation.

Naturally, this part of the routed soldiers, without exception, either fell under the spears of the army formation, or were shot dead by the infantry behind.

The corpses covered the field, and the blood flowed like a river.

The blood flowed on the ground, condensing into pools of blood and streams above the ground.

The corpses that fell on the ground almost raised the ground by an entire floor.

The chaos in front of the Han army lasted for nearly two quarters of an hour before it completely subsided.

It is three quarters past time (9:45).

On the Yuquan Pavilion, the sound of the Han army's vigorous war drums reverberated again after stagnating for a while.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Two thousand tiger guards and four thousand sharp soldiers of the Han army slowly stepped out of the large formation of the Han army amidst the sound of drums shaking the sky.

The corpses that had been piled on the ground before had been cleaned up by the Han army in the formation, but the blood that flowed from those soldiers could not be cleaned up.

The ground was already very soft due to the rain, but it became even more muddy after being soaked in blood and trampled by thousands of people.

The sharp soldiers of the Huwei River Han Army are all heavy infantry, and their armor is already heavy, and it is a bit difficult to walk on it.

But after all, this is not a field, it's just an ordinary grassland. Although the mud is extremely limited, the muddy ground only slightly hinders their marching speed, but the distance of hundreds of meters, no matter how difficult it is, will not take long.

At the beginning, the tactics caught the light soldiers of the Han army by surprise, but there was no way to have the same effect on the tiger guards who were heavy infantry and the sharp soldiers of the Han army. Now the Han army is prepared and will definitely guard against cavalry The army rushed into battle.

And the most important thing is that even at a distance of forty or thirty steps, it is difficult for a bow and crossbow to penetrate the armor of the heavy infantry, and it is impossible to disrupt their army formation at all.

The Tiger Guards of the Han Army and the sharp soldiers of the Han Army were equipped with double-arc shields on a large scale and protected by shields. They could not suffer heavy casualties under the shooting of bows and crossbows like the light soldiers of the Han Army before.

Qu Yi's expression was embarrassing. After the first wave of probing, the Han army immediately launched an elite attack, regardless of the cost.

He knew very well that what followed would be a bloody battle in the true sense, with the knife and the gun seeing blood, without any fancy fights.

Qu Yi turned over and jumped off the horse, and took a big iron halberd from the hand of the guard.

All the guards got off their horses together, and the guards stood beside Qu Yi.

At this time, morale is very important. Koji Yi holds a big iron halberd in the center of the front line, and moves his general flag over.

Thousands of words are nothing compared to leading by example.


The horn of attack suddenly sounded from the back of the Han army.


The six thousand Han troops shouted in unison, and suddenly quickened their pace.

The Ming army's arrows were like locusts, but they could not stop the Han army's assault.

Qu Yi held an iron halberd in his hand, standing in front of the formation like an iron tower, looking coldly at the Han army swarming in front of him.

Ahead, the Han army's elite warriors were overwhelming like a raging tide.

A flying bird spread its wings from Nanshan and flew past Yuquan Pavilion.

Under the line of sight, the fiery red torrent suddenly hit the yellow stone entrenched on the river beach, instantly stirring up countless bright red waves.

Amid the roar of mountains and tsunami, the two armies once again fought hand to hand.

The flags were unfurled, the voices of people were deafening, and the entire river beach was enveloped in murderous aura.

Blood splattered down like drizzle.

The fishy wind was pungent, blowing towards the face like a shower.

At this time, the military formations of the Han and Ming armies were completely entangled together.

The entire river beach is like a pot of boiling water, boiling and turning endlessly.

The sounds of military whistles, battle drums, generals' roars, the sound of swords clashing, battles, and the wailing sounds that were so tragic that people's gums tightened were all intertwined in an instant.

The cavalry of the Ming army launched attacks under the leadership of Guan Hai several times, but they were all stopped by the sharp soldiers and tiger guards of the Han army.

The sharp soldiers and tiger guards of the Han army are the elite of the Han army after all, and because of the previous incident, they have been on guard all the time, and the reaction speed is not comparable to that of the ordinary Han army.

When the order sounded, the ordinary Han army still needed to think about what the order was, but the sharp soldiers and tiger guards of the Han army could understand it in an instant and react as if they were instinctive.

Although the cavalry of the Ming army were well-equipped, they were cavalry after all, and the armor they wore was relatively light, which was at a disadvantage compared with the sharp soldiers of the Han army.

After chasing all the way and going through the previous fierce battle, the Ming army after the long battle was already exhausted.

The Han army is gradually gaining the upper hand, while the Ming army is already in a hard fight.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The Ming army, which was at a disadvantage in numbers and equipment, gradually ran out, and the battle line was gradually pushed closer to Jishui, and the space was further compressed by the Han army.

The offensive of the Han army was like a gust of wind and waves. If it continues like this, the Ming army will collapse in a short time.

Qu Yi stood in front of the formation, his robe was blood-stained and his armor was drenched, he was as terrifying as a ferocious humanoid beast.

Just in front of Qu Yi, there were soldiers of the Han army lying on the ground, all of them were killed by Qu Yi alone.

Qu Yi's bravery aroused the morale of his own side, but there were no sharp men who could scare off the Han army.

A head of the Han army roared, jumped out of the army formation, and used the shield in his hand to push away a long spear that was stabbing from the side.

Between the rabbits rising and the falcons falling, the Han army's station was no more than three steps away from Quyi.

Qu Yi's eyes sharpened sharply, and he had already seen all the actions of the commander of the Han army.

Qu Yi held the halberd horizontally in both hands, and suddenly swept forward with a sweep. The head of the Han army who flew over let out a miserable howl, and the iron halberd in Qu Yi's hand easily broke through the iron armor on his abdomen, and instantly Disemboweled.

The head of the Han army froze, and fell to the ground with a bang, his internal organs mixed with blood gushed out from the gap in his abdomen, and the unpleasant stench spread out in an instant.

Qu Yi snorted coldly, stepped out of the army formation without hesitation, and entered the chaos like a tiger into a flock of sheep.

The guards behind him also disarmed in an instant, and followed Qu Yi with their weapons in their hands, and rushed into the Han army's formation.

Qu Yi's position gained an advantage and relieved the pressure, but the Ming army formation to the east was crumbling and on the verge of being broken.

To the east is the main attack of the Han army's tiger guards. The Han army's tiger guards are more elite than the sharp soldiers and Danyang soldiers. They are Cao Cao's real direct line troops.

Qu Yi stopped in his tracks. The formation of the Han army in front of him had already been broken, but although these sharp soldiers in the Han army retreated, they did not collapse. They were constantly reorganizing the army, preparing for the next attack.

Qu Yi raised his head and looked forward.

The Han army in the distance seems to be endless, and just behind the Han army's sharp soldier formation, more Han troops are coming.

Even if they defend this wave of offensive, they will be overwhelmed by the wheel battle of the Han army next.

Not far away, Cao Cao's fiery red flag was in front, and to the west, the Han army deployed on the hills was obviously sparser.

In fact, during the military exercise in Pingyuan City.

What left the deepest impression on Qu Yi was actually not the yellow angels who were like Taoist soldiers, but the Tengxiang Guards who were cavalry.

Teng Xiangwei, most of them are cavalry, and Qu Yi saw that they had practiced a tactic called "wall charge".

During the military exercise, the cavalry of Tengxiangwei rode their horses close together like infantry, and the distance between the left and right sides was so small that it could almost be ignored.

Then when the military whistle sounded, two thousand Tengxiang Guard cavalry started at the same time, charging forward while maintaining a nearly straight line.

The team was divided into five rows. When the five rows of cavalry marched in small steps, there was almost no formation deformation. Even in the fast step stage, the formation still did not disperse. When it came to the final battle, the formation was still strict.

Until now, Koji's memory is still fresh.

Qu Yi turned around and strode towards the army formation. He didn't even look at the armored soldiers of the Han army behind him. A group of personal guards guarded him with sharp knives and followed Qu Yi into the army formation. In the process, he has already made the final choice.

"call out----"

The hasty whistle sounded in the formation of the Ming army.

Cao Cao's eyes were slightly focused. He was riding a war horse and standing on the mound. He could clearly see the actions of the Ming army on the river beach not far away.

Just before the whistle sounded, he had already seen that the infantry formation of the Ming army was thinning, and those soldiers who had dismounted and fought on foot had remounted their horses.

Cao Cao frowned slightly, the Ming army's move was completely unreasonable.

With the advancement of the front line, the Ming army was confined to a very small area on the river beach at this time. Mounting horses at this time, as cavalry, there was not much room to move around.

"Order, pay attention to the soldiers in front of the formation. The cavalry of the Ming army has changed. Maintain the formation and suspend the march."

Although he didn't know why, Cao Cao still issued a military order to suspend the march and maintain the army formation.

There is still time now, no matter how fast the Ming army's infantry can reach Yuquan Pavilion, it doesn't matter to waste a little time, the important thing is not to make any more troubles.

With the issuance of Cao Cao's military order, the Han army's military formation also began to shrink, slowing down its offensive.

After the order was issued, Cao Cao's mind was slightly relaxed when he saw the troops in front responding, and he focused on the Ming army on the river beach again.

The Ming army cavalry on the river beach was very strange at this time.

The gaps between the left and right of the cavalry were very narrow, and the distance between the front and back was only about two horses.

just like……

It's like an infantry formation, not a cavalry.

The cavalry of the Ming army lined up in a square formation on the river beach, just like ordinary infantry.

Cao Cao squinted his eyes, and for some reason, he felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

Qu Yi didn't care about the reaction of the Han army, all his attention was now on the cavalry formation.

He held on to the reins, held the spear upside down, and immediately stood in front of the cavalry formation, slowly raising the spear in his hand.

"call out--------"

The whistle sounded for a long time.

Qu Yi kicked the horse's belly with both feet, and the horse under the seat stepped forward slowly with four hooves.

Behind him, the cavalry of the First Lie Ming Army also followed Qu Yi to the front.

Koji controlled the speed of the horse and slowly merged into the first row of the cavalry formation.


Qu Yi tried his best to recall what Xu An said in the military exercise before, and at the same time ordered loudly.

"call out--"

More than a thousand cavalrymen of the Ming army rode their horses at the same time.

The cavalry formation of the Ming army consisted of five rows, and each row consisted of about two hundred cavalrymen.

"Pay attention to the formation! Keep it flat!"

Qu Yi blushed, tried his best to control the speed of the horse, and roared angrily.

The horse buried its head and began to run in small steps, and then rows of Ming army cavalry followed in unison.

In the army formation of the Ming army, apart from the chaotic sound of horseshoes, there was no other sound, which was terribly dull.

All of their attention was on Pao Ze on the left and right.

Cao Cao's pupils shrank slightly. He looked at the Ming army cavalry lined up in a strange formation, and the alarm bells rang in his heart.

The hoofbeats of the Ming army were no longer chaotic, but gradually became consistent. The dense hoofbeats were slowly merging into rumbling thunder!
The Ming army cavalry marched forward slowly, and the flat array was like a moving wall

The strange actions of the Ming army attracted the attention of all the Han troops.

The cavalry generally attack in a wedge shape, but the Ming army is now arrayed in the same formation as the infantry, advancing slowly. What does this mean?
Could it be that you want to use cavalry as infantry?

But how can this be done?

Cavalry and infantry are two completely different arms. They are completely different in tactics and in all aspects. If the cavalry advances slowly in the infantry formation, it is giving up the most important speed and mobility as a cavalry. And taking the short is putting the cart before the horse.

Before Cao Cao could continue to think, two consecutive whistles interrupted Cao Cao's thoughts.

Cao Cao noticed that the speed of the Ming army's cavalry had begun to increase.

The array formed by the Ming army has been scattered, but overall it still maintains a line segment.

In the distance, just looking at it from a distance, just feel weird or have a little fear.

But when confronted directly, all that remains is fear.

No one can empathize with the tiger guards of the Han army, no one.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes is like thunder rushing from far to near in the sky.

With the speeding up of the war horses, in the Ming army's cavalry formation, the prayer flags filled with scriptures and the ocher flags gradually spread out to the largest and straightened, and they fluttered in the strong wind. the rattling sound.

The dirt and grass clippings brought up by thousands of horseshoes flew around, slamming on the grass, and the vibrations generated by the galloping horses even caused the earth to resonate.

The sound of horseshoes from the Ming army's cavalry formation completely overwhelmed the sound of war drums from behind.

Compared with the former, the latter is as humble as a child's tweeting, and it is difficult to attract people's attention.

The Ming army rode forward like a wall, and the dense formation made it impossible for both sides to retreat, leaving no room for dodge at all.

The hands of the Huwei of the Han army holding long spears in the front were already trembling slightly.

These tiger guards can be said to be the most elite army of the Han army in Qingzhou. They have experienced hundreds of battles.


Now, they are completely caught in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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