The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 893 New Army

Chapter 893 New Army
At the foot of Jiuli Mountain, Ji Ling galloped back and forth in the formation on his horse, constantly giving orders, directing the soldiers to move forward to fill their positions.

The offensive of the Ming army was fierce. On the first day of the battle, the first line of defense was broken by it, and the soldiers in the front line even appeared to be defeated.

If he hadn't been worried about the Ming army's conspiracy before, he would have arranged his direct line troops on the third line of defense. It was because of this that he could block the defeated front army and stabilize the front line again.

Ji Ling clenched the long knife in his hand and reined in the horse.

The battle ahead has become increasingly fierce. Although Ji Ling has followed Yuan Shu all the way to the south, he has never fought against the Ming army. Although he has already estimated the Ming army's combat power very high in his heart, However, the strong combat power of the Ming army refreshed his cognition once again.

The attack of the Ming army was like a stormy sea, wave after wave.

Ji Ling set up these three lines of defense, and in his expectation, he would have to support them for at least two or three days.

It's only been an hour now, if it weren't for the fear of the steel knives in the hands of the supervising team and the hard crossbows erected on the wall of the village, most of the Han soldiers in the front line would have fled to nowhere.

But even with the steel sword behind and the crossbow pointing straight at it, the spirits of the Han generals in the front line are almost at their limit.

Standing still is death, and retreating is also death. The threat of death crazily stimulates their nerves.

"General, the soldiers in the front line have reached their limit. I'm afraid that if the fight continues, the soldiers in the front line will really collapse, and it will be difficult to stop at that time..."

The general next to Ji Ling saw that the situation in the front line was getting more and more wrong. If the fight continued like this, even with a steel knife behind his back, he would not be able to stop the group of rout soldiers.

"It's only been more than an hour since the confrontation, and it's hard to count the casualties in the front line. I'm afraid that thousands or eight hundred people have already died in battle. This is just the beginning..."

"If you keep fighting, I'm afraid it will be..."

"Can't go back!"

Ji Ling's face was ashen, and he rejected the general's suggestion.


That general still had to persuade him, but Ji Ling interrupted him as soon as he spoke.

"I said I can't quit! Are you fucking deaf?!"

Ji Ling raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes, the murderous intent in his pupils was revealed.

"Don't I know that the soldiers in the front line have reached their limit, and I need you to teach me?!"

The general was terrified in his heart. He knew Ji Ling's character, and he was afraid that if he continued to speak, what was waiting for him would be a knife in the face instead of a reprimand.

Seeing that Ji Ling was really angry, all the generals and schools beside Ji Ling remained silent, and no one dared to mention the matter of evacuating back to the camp. ,

Ji Ling gripped the reins tightly, trying her best to control her expression and the anger in her heart.

He knew the situation of the soldiers in front better than anyone else, and because of this, he couldn't retreat now.

The Ming army's offensive wave after wave, often as soon as the soldiers who attacked before retreated, the Ming army's second wave of attack had already struck again.

It's just that there is no time to breathe, so there is no time for him to retreat.

Ji Ling raised his head and looked at the highlands in the distance.

On the high ground in the distance, a ochre-yellow flag was erected high.

The general who commanded the attacking Ming army was none other than Xu Huang, the most famous in the Ming army besides Lu Bu.

Although Xu Huang did not achieve the outstanding military exploits of Lu Bu, since Xu An left the Taihang, Xu Huang has been everywhere in all the expeditions and battles.

Xu Huang's military position has always been almost firmly in the second place in Taiping Road.

Except for Xu An, Gong Du ranks first among the military positions in Taiping Dao. In fact, Gong Du is no match for Xu Huang when it comes to military exploits. The man followed Xu An all the way from Xiaquyang to the Taihang Mountains.

If it weren't for Lv Bu's incomparable feats in the Northern Expedition, he would never have been able to surpass Xu Huang, Jin Fengwei General.

Ming Ting's rank of first-rank general is pending, and Xu An doesn't seem to be planning to set it up, and there is no rumor about it.

But among the second-rank military ranks, the last position of chariot general was obviously reserved for Xu Huang, and everyone knew it well.

"Xu Huang..."

Ji Ling gritted his teeth. Xu Huang's commanding ability completely overwhelmed him. From the initial attack to the current fierce battle, the Ming army was like an extremely precise machine. There was no mistake or omission, but he made mistakes one after another. , until now all the way was forced to the situation of riding a tiger.

Ji Ling felt awe-inspiring, the intensity of the Ming army's offensive rose very quickly at the beginning, breaking through the first two lines of defense one after another.

But now they have been stalemate on the third line of defense for a long time, and the intensity of the offensive has hardly changed.

I'm afraid Xu Huang just wanted to consume his troops here, and didn't want him to evacuate back to the camp.

No matter how he dispatched troops, how he counterattacked, it had no effect, and Xu Huang could resolve it in advance.

Although they were so far apart, Xu Huang didn't know why he was able to see the details.

Once he gave the order to retreat, Xu Huang would instantly increase the intensity of his attack, turn his retreat into a rout, and take advantage of the situation to cover up and kill him.

At that time, the more than [-] soldiers outside the camp will probably be washed to pieces and eaten by the Ming army.

Ji Ling's face turned pale, and the knuckles of the hand holding the long-handled saber turned white due to too much force, and lost the blood it should have.

"Pass down our military order to order Zhang Wuying to go out, stabilize the situation in the front line, and transfer all the bed crossbowmen to this section of the wall."

Ji Ling's expression changed, he knew that he had to make a decision at this time, otherwise he would really die here.


The generals all around were in an uproar.

As Zhang Wuying's hole card, it should have been revealed at the end, used as a surprise soldier, but now it is only at the beginning of the battle that the hole card was exposed...

Although everyone looked shocked, no one stood up to object. Instead, the general's order was passed on. No one dared to disobey Ji Ling at this time.

On the battlefield, military orders are like mountains, even if the general's military orders are illogical, once the military orders are issued, they must be carried out.

The cavalry who sent the order galloped away, but the sound of hurried hooves was still very obvious on the chaotic battlefield.

Everyone's gazes and minds followed the figure of the orderly galloping up and down.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The sound of war drums in the camp suddenly increased.

All the people were on the same level, and looked at the gate of the camp.

This is the drumbeat of Zhang Wuying's command to go to battle.

The next moment, the sound of dense and heavy footsteps appeared in everyone's ears.

A group of Han army soldiers in full armor, wearing iron armor, holding shields and hammers, and hanging sharp knives on their waists, and wearing red robes walked out of the Han army's camp with neat steps.

As soon as this Han army came out, it attracted everyone's attention.

Not only the eyes of the Han army, but also the eyes of the Ming army.

Xu Huang stood on the high ground, condescending, and he was always paying attention to the battle ahead.

With the advantage of binoculars, he can clearly understand the mobilization and defense of the Han army, and respond immediately.

Under the camera, the heavily armored Han army who had just stepped out of the camp immediately caught Xu Huang's attention.

A fiery red banner was imprinted in Xu Huang's eyes, and the strong wind blew and rolled the banner.

Xu Huang narrowed his eyes, and he could clearly see the big characters on the banner.

On the fiery red banner, two bold and powerful characters were outlined in black ink——Zhang Wu!
This heavily armored infantry was obviously completely different from the surrounding Han army, not just because of the equipment.

The Han court followed suit and learned the workshop system implemented by Xu An in the Ming Dynasty. Like a machine with full horsepower, armor and weapons are produced in batches.

In addition, Liu Xie took out almost all the hidden goods in the arsenal, even those old antiques from the former Han Dynasty.

Therefore, although the Han army has a large number of recruits, the armor rate is not low.

The equipment of Ji Ling's personal soldiers is also extremely excellent, and the equipment of the sharp soldiers of the Han army is not too bad.

The equipment of this heavy infantry of the Han army is better than that of ordinary sharp soldiers of the Han army, but it is also extremely limited.

The reason why Xu Huang attracted almost all of his attention was not because of his military equipment, but because of his spirit.

The spirit of this Han army is obviously completely different from other Han armies.

Facing the defeat of the front line, even Ji Ling's soldiers felt fear and panic, but this Han army did not have such emotions.

Their morale is not high, but it is extremely stable, and the faces of this Han army are extremely resolute.

Xu Huang's expression became serious. He thought of a piece of information that had arrived from the Eagle Wolf Guard not long ago.

The information came from Chen Du, and it was said that it was delivered by a very high-ranking latent member of the Eagle Guard.

The intelligence mentioned that the new army of the Han Army Company seems to have achieved certain results. It seems that two strong armies have been trained, one in Yanzhou and the other in Chendu.

The two new armies of the newly formed company of the Han court recruited soldiers who were impoverished and refugees who had no land.

It is said to be recruitment, but it is actually a selection. After all, in the territory of Hanting, there are countless hungry people who have lost their fields and are dying.

After being recruited into the army, not only the military salary is distributed, but also the farmland that can be cultivated is distributed, and they are gathered in the form of garrison.

Those who fought bravely, rewarded the land, and even Liu Xie once again took out the military meritorious titles that almost existed in name only, and those who made meritorious deeds could be awarded titles.

But if he retreats or flees on the battlefield, everything will be taken back, and his family members will also be imprisoned, and they will be punished according to the crimes they committed.

So he fled before the battle, surrendered to the ground, and waited for the fate of his family members, which was to kill all the families.

All the officers of the new army are outstanding officers who stand out from military academies in various places. The tactics and training methods they practice are all imitated by the Ming army. Of course, it is only the main body. Certain improvements and simplifications have been made in many places, and there is no rote application.

After all, oranges grown in Huainan are oranges, and oranges grown in Huaibei are oranges. The leaves are similar, but the taste is different. Liu Xie naturally understands this.

The new army has its own camp and does not come into contact with the old army, so the style of work is completely different from the old army, and the temperament is more like the Ming army...

The staff of the Eagle Guard who delivered the information also said that the source of the information was from an officer of the Imperial Army, as well as a few soldiers who were suspected of being from the New Army.

Xu Huang frowned, he knew that most of the army he saw now was one of the so-called two new armies.

Although the moment Zhang Wuying appeared, Xu Huang had already issued a military order to increase the intensity of the attack.

However, the situation on the front line really fell into a balance of power after Zhang Wuying joined.

Xu Huang put down the binoculars in his hand, his heart was boiling with anger.

His expression was gloomy, but it was not because of temporary frustration, but because of a deeper reason.

The team in front of them is not trying to help the evil, they just want to fight for a way out, they are like the Yellow Turban Army who rose up in the first year of Zhongping...

It's just that when they were about to starve to death, it was not Zhang Jiao who appeared in front of them, but a recruiter from the Han army.

Those who made them kneel on the ground and ride on top of their heads, after taking away the land they depended on and the only grain and rice left in their homes, found that they still had a little use value, so they took them away. sent to the barracks.

With sugar-coated bullets, with the lives of their families threatened, let them take up arms...

Xu Huang clenched the horsewhip in his hand, he felt a sense of gloom suppressing his heart, that feeling was indescribable, almost breathless.

"Zhang Wu?"

"What a Zhang Wu!"

The veins on Xu Huang's forehead popped up, and he tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart.

He originally just felt a little angry when he saw the description on the information.

But when he saw the insensitive faces under the binoculars, he found it difficult to suppress the anger in his heart.

Those sage books, one by one, teach people to be good and lead people into righteousness.

What is written is clearly benevolent and moral.

But why did the people who taught it...

He doesn't understand why...

Xu Huang stood up slowly, he didn't look at the binoculars in his hand again.

"Take my horse."

Xu Huang's voice became calm again, but everyone could hear the anger contained in his peace.

"Send me an order..."

Xu Huang looked at the Han army camp at the foot of Jiuli Mountain in the distance, then slowly moved his gaze up Jiuli Mountain, and finally stopped at the camp on the mountainside of Jiuli Mountain.

"Order, the Yellow Angels will fight!"

Xu Huang took the battle ax from the hand of the guard and mounted the horse.

"Slow the whistle and call all the cavalry."

Xu Huang looked around at the generals beside him, his voice was as cold as if it came from Jiuyou.

Xu Huang raised the battle ax in his hand and slowly pressed it forward.

"Follow me!"


The heaven and the earth are repeated, and the fire is eager to go.

The building will fall, and it will be difficult to support a tree.

Now is the time when Liu Han is overthrown!

(End of this chapter)

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