The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 894 Inner Thief

Chapter 894 Inner Thief
"call out----"

The whistle is loud and clear, and the drums change suddenly.

Ji Ling saw it clearly, in the direction of the front formation, countless ochre-yellow prayer flags rose slowly from behind the formation.

As the breeze blew, the prayer flags with black characters on the yellow background slowly unfolded in the air.

"Heaven and earth have their own divine treasures, all of them have their own gods and spirits, which follow the five behaviors and forms, and rise and fall with the qi of the four seasons..."

Ji Ling saw the words written on the largest prayer flag.

"Being the envoy of heaven and earth, and becoming the people and all things..."

Ji Ling's mind moved slightly, and he was about to give orders, but in his ears, he felt like someone was whispering, and it seemed to be nothing, it was just the buzzing of tinnitus.

In the next instant, there was a sudden sound of extremely heavy footsteps coming from the direction of the front line.

Ji Ling's expression changed drastically, and he reined in the advancing horse.

At this moment, the humming whisper was very clear in his ears.

That is not an auditory hallucination, nor is it the sound of tinnitus...

That sound was the sound of countless people chanting scriptures in unison!
"Being the envoy of the heaven and the earth, to become the people and all things. Between the yin and yang of the heaven and the earth, there is no one who is born by virtue..."

It doesn't sound like a human voice, it's like a fairy sound...

Just hearing the sound of chanting scriptures, I can't help feeling a sense of awe in my heart.

The sound of Jin Ge in the front line suddenly stopped, and the front line of the Ming army separated towards the two sides like a wave.

Numerous prayer flags fluttered, and among the layers, a tall banner was erected suddenly.

A battle flag with tiger stripes on a yellow background and black border appeared in Ji Ling's vision.

Yellow robe and red armor, face covered with iron, belted and tasseled, holding a shield and hammer...

Ji Ling trembled all over, and a sense of despair rose from his heart.

He already understood which army of the Ming army he was facing.

"Yellow Angel..."

Not only Ji Ling, but all the generals and schools of the Yanzhou Han Army showed fear on their faces.

The shadow of a person, the name of a tree.

Whether it was before or after the first year of Zhongping, the core of the Yellow Angels has not changed, nor has their style changed.

Those soldiers who were selected as the Yellow Angels were all the most fanatical Taoists in Taiping Dao. They made great wishes under the altar to let the world of Huang Tian come to the world. In the world of Huang Tian depicted, he gave his life without hesitation.

There is also the post of Fu Zhu among the Yellow Angels, which is different from the duties of Fu Zhu among the rest of the armies.

The talismans among the yellow angels do not have the task of boosting morale, restraining discipline, and teaching thoughts.

On the battlefield, they will not take the lead in charging like other Fu Zhu.

The soldiers who make up the Yellow Angels have extremely firm beliefs, strict discipline, and high morale.

The only thing that can stop the Yellow Angels from charging, apart from the military orders from their superiors, is death, there is no other way.

Among the yellow angels, Fu Zhu's duty is to keep a clear mind as much as possible during the battle, and at the right time, stop the momentum of the army's charge, so as to prevent them from going too deep into the hinterland and falling into danger.

"call out------"

A shrill whistle soared into the sky, resounding through the entire battlefield in just a split second.

That was the voice of the yellow angel's charge!

That whistle completely let go of the military order's restraint on the Yellow Angel.

The next moment, deafening shouts came into Ji Ling's mind, causing Ji Ling's head to ache.

"Long live the Taiping Road!!!"

Thousands of yellow angels who had been let go of their hands and feet swept in like a stormy sea under the stern whistle.

Everything changed so suddenly that no one expected such a situation to happen.

No prayer flags had been erected before, and the dense formation of those yellow angels was at the rear. Ji Ling only thought it was an elite military pawn...

"It's over..."

Ji Ling's heart was cold, and his whole body felt cold, as if he had fallen into an ice cave, into an ice spring.

The ochre-yellow torrent swept over with an unstoppable momentum. Zhang Wuying's line of defense, which had just stabilized, persisted for less than a second under its offensive.

The army formation formed by Zhang Wuying's soldiers was broken by the yellow angels in an instant.

The encroaching yellow angels were like a red-hot sharp knife piercing into solidified butter, and the soldiers of Zhang Wuying could not resist it at all.

The soldiers of Zhangwuying had no way out, they got the military pay, and got a way to survive, so they cherished it very much, and because of their family members, they did not dare to betray the Han court.

They were indeed trained to be elite, and they even withstood the attack of the Ming army soldiers commanded by Xu Huang in the first battle.

Of course, it was just using this fortification to block a wave of attacks.

But this kind of record is enough to prove that they are the real elite, not some ostentatious people. After seeing blood again and going through a battle, they can also have the confidence of the soldiers of the Ming army to wrestle their arms.

But facing the yellow angels, they are as weak as children.

Whether it was equipment, morale, or the fighting spirit in their hearts, they were all crushed by the yellow angels.

The body of the Yellow Angel is covered with three layers of heavy armor, cotton armor inside, chain mail, and finally a layer of iron armor on the outside. The movement is still flexible, impenetrable by knives and impenetrable by arrows, just like a human-shaped chariot. .

The yellow angels fought, especially the yellow angels who were in charge of breaking the formation. They put their lives aside, and didn't care whether they would die. Their actions were life for life.

The recruits of Zhang Wuying had never seen such a fighting method before, but they were smashed to pieces as soon as they joined the battle.

In the past when performing martial arts in the past, even the trap camp, which was also a heavy armored infantry, was defeated by the yellow angels, let alone the recruits of these mere Zhang Wu battalions?

The reform of the Han army has indeed achieved some results.

But their reform was too late and too incomplete. Such a reform has no effect on the general situation of the world at all...

"Withdraw the camp!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Ji Ling hurriedly ordered to the surrounding generals immediately after the yellow angels charged.

"Don't worry about other people, if you can hear me, retreat to the camp!"

Ji Ling watched as the yellow angels broke through Zhang Wuying's formation.

A general of the Zhangwu Battalion had just knocked down a yellow angel with torn armor to the ground, and was torn to pieces by more yellow angels swarming in the next moment.

Ji Ling reined in his horse and went back to the camp, not caring about what happened behind him at all. He knew very well that the soldiers of the thousand chapters of the military battalion who left the camp, as well as the remaining soldiers were all gone...

Now only by withdrawing into the camp, relying on the wall for defense, and relying on the bed crossbow on the wall, can this wave of offensive be defended.

All the bed crossbows and carts that could mobilize knives in the entire Yuzhou and Xuzhou were concentrated in Pengcheng. Sun Jing left most of the carts in the Southwest Company Camp. Because of the terrain, Sun Jing was in the camp of Jiuli Mountain In the middle, Ji Ling did not leave any throwing carts, but left a lot of bed crossbows.

Although the Yellow Angel is wearing three layers of heavy armor, the crossbow shot by the bed crossbow can still penetrate even the three layers of heavy armor!
Ji Ling rode his horse into the camp, and without waiting for other people to communicate with him, he dismounted and boarded the camp.

Ji Ling strode to a bed crossbow, and grabbed the general who was waiting for orders by the neck.

"All bed crossbows, fire at the same time, aiming at the Ming army formation!"

"General, ahead..."

The general who was grabbed by Ji Ling's neck was full of horror. He could see more clearly than Ji Ling from the wall of the village.

He saw that the yellow angels broke through Zhang Wuying's army formation in an instant, but the yellow angels who broke the formation did not come straight to the camp, but wiped out those Zhang Wuying soldiers who were still persisting.

But Ji Ling didn't care what he was thinking. The Ming army really had military orders like mountains, but when he issued orders on the battlefield, some people still hesitated.

It happened again and again, but this time, Ji Ling felt cold. He didn't attack Fanyang during the Northern Expedition, but stayed in Inner Yellow City with Yuan Shu leading the division.

At that time, most of the elites in the army were taken away by Qiao Rui. Fanyang was defeated, and there were heavy casualties. Only one out of ten fled back to Henan.

Most of the generals and schools in the army are newly promoted, and they are not as flexible as before.


The blood light floated up, and the general commanding the bed crossbow held his neck, looking in disbelief at Ji Ling who was standing in front of him holding a ring-sword.

He never thought that he would be like this just because of one sentence...

"Shoot arrows!!"

Ji Ling's face was terrifying, like a demon under the Nine Netherworld.

All the generals manipulating the bed crossbow on the wall of the village were terrified. Hearing Ji Ling's order, no one dared to hesitate any longer. They were all afraid of becoming the next ghost to fall under the sword.

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!"

The sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and dozens of bed crossbows were activated on the wall of the village.

In just an instant, a large amount of blood mist was brought up in the crowd.

A yellow angel who was charging was caught off guard, and was pierced through the abdomen by a direct crossbow spear, and was firmly nailed to the ground, dying on the spot.

The bed crossbow was originally a sharp weapon for siege and naval warfare, and it was simply beyond the reach of manpower, and the three-layer heavy armor was just like paper in his eyes.

"Hoo--" "Hoo--"

Two short whistles sounded suddenly, and the offensive of the Yellow Angels was also stagnated. Xu Huang has been observing the situation in front of the formation. He noticed the bed crossbows above the Han army camp early in the morning.

But Xu Huang didn't expect Ji Ling to be so frenzied, and when there were still troops fighting hard and not retreating, he ordered to go to bed just because one of the army formations was broken.

The Ming army and the Han army were already mixed together. This burst of bed crossbow shooting was extremely hasty. Many people were afraid because of Ji Ling's methods, and they didn't even aim at the Han army. They turned their backs to the camp. They never thought that they were still fighting , There will be someone shooting arrows at them from behind.

In this shower of guns, only a dozen or so yellow angels who charged too far ahead were shot by crossbow spears, and most of the rest were actually soldiers of the Han army.

Ji Ling was also really dizzy. Not only did he not receive the correct feedback, but it also completely collapsed the Han army outside the village that had been able to persist for a while.

Every move of the Han army was seen by the yellow angels.

"call out--"

Accompanied by an extremely short whistle, the yellow angels have already arranged their formation in an extremely short time.

"Three shots before the battle, rapid fire!!"

Except for the yellow angel who was holding a shield at the front, the rest of the yellow angels hung their shield hammers on the buckle of their belts and bowed their bows one after another.

Different from pawns and sharp warriors, yellow angels train almost every day, and their training is not limited to melee combat.

Although the Ming army is now equipped with a large number of crossbows, in fact, in the era of cold weapons, the strongest long-range weapon is the "bow".

The military pawn battalion carries crossbows because the crossbows have strong penetrating power and great power, and the crossbows are easy to use and do not require long-term training. It is a very good weapon as a supplementary weapon.

Compared with the crossbow, the bow and arrow lie in the difficulty of getting started and the difficulty of upgrading. Unlike the crossbow, which can be used after a short training, bows and arrows require long-term training.

But once the bow and arrow are proficient, an archer shoots rapidly in a short period of time, and the crossbow machine shoots an arrow, and the archer has already opened the bow three or four times, or even five or six times.

Thanks to the implementation of the workshop system, as well as the large amount of energy and money that Xu An invested in armaments, the Yellow Angels have no shortage of training equipment. All of them are not bad at arching, and everyone is an elite archer. , Not at all stingy with the cavalry of the Bingzhou battalion.

Three shots before the battle, rapid shooting, that is, shooting three arrows in a row, to suppress the enemy's offensive, kill the enemy's defeated soldiers, or harass the enemy.

So Ji Ling saw what is meant by a real elite. A rain of arrows like locusts shot out from the army formation of the Yellow Angels, and the morale of the Han army collapsed and fled to the rear. Under the rain of arrows.

Ji Ling tightly held the ring-head knife in his hand. He didn't have the slightest confidence to stick to it here. The Ming army outside the camp, the army called the Yellow Angels, were not human beings at all, but a group of monsters!

Ji Ling even wondered whether the Ming soldiers outside the camp were really transformed by the monsters in the mountains as the rumors said, and they were enlightened Dao soldiers, otherwise how could they be so powerful? !
Ji Ling looked towards both sides of the wall. The expressions of all the soldiers on the wall did not hide from his eyes. From their eyes and expressions, all he saw was fear .

Morale is low, and the morale of the army is difficult to use...

Although there are still more than [-] soldiers in the camp, including more than [-] soldiers from the Zhangwu Camp, Ji Ling still doesn't feel the slightest bit of peace of mind, and is even thinking about whether to let Jiulishan go now. The generals on board came down to serve as aid, and then continued to transfer troops from Pengcheng. The Ming army put too much pressure on him.

Just as Ji Ling was thinking, a loud noise sounded from behind him, interrupting Ji Ling's thoughts.

Ji Ling trembled all over, and suddenly turned around to look behind her.

He thought it was some disturbance inside the camp, and was so scared that his eyes almost went dark. If there were any changes in the camp at this time, it would really be over.

But fortunately, it was not the soldiers in the camp that caused the commotion, but Han Zheng, who was originally stationed in the camp on the mountainside, came from the rear with his soldiers.

Ji Ling frowned slightly, but still went up to meet her.

Han Zheng was born in the Han family of Yingchuan, and the Han family of Yingchuan was considered a famous family. He couldn't afford to provoke him. A school lieutenant and a school lieutenant in the main army are completely different things.

But Ji Ling had to give him some face.

"Why did Colonel Han lead the army here?"

Ji Ling said displeasedly.

"On the mountainside, I saw that the Ming army broke through three lines of defense one after another. I was worried that something might happen to the general here, so I led the troops to come to help..."

Han Zheng seemed a little at a loss when he heard Ji Ling's question, and quickly explained.

Ji Ling shook his head in his heart. After all, he was a child of a family who had never been in a battle. It was a big mistake to leave his post without orders.

But right now Ji Ling didn't have any in-depth thoughts, he waved his hand and said.

"Lieutenant Han led his troops to rest for a while. The Ming army is about to attack the fortress. Since they have already arrived, help defend the fortress."

After Ji Lingyan said that, he turned around.

It's just that he just turned around, and before he could take a step, a short knife had already pierced from the back of his neck, piercing his throat.

Ji Ling's eyes turned red in an instant, and the dagger that pierced his neck did not kill him immediately.

Ji Ling knelt down on the ground. He still didn't understand what happened when Han Zheng's faint voice came from his ear.

"General Ji has always been respectful to me. I really don't want to kill you with my own hands, but I blame you for standing in front of us..."

"The general trend of the world."

"Those who follow will prosper; those who go against will perish..."

(End of this chapter)

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