All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 13 The King's Gang Leader With Worrying Acting

Chapter 13 The King's Gang Leader With Worrying Acting
One side of the study is the back garden, where the Black Dragon Gang family is lying neatly.

Oil was poured, firewood was spread, and finally a fire was thrown.

Immediately afterwards, he splashed ink and wrote a few lines of big characters on the main hall of the Black Dragon Gang.

Ping An Black Dragon, do all kinds of evil, and do justice for the sky today!

The killers are Haoqimeng Zangjian Villa, Huang Daji, Huang Xiaoji.

In the end, he followed Wang Er and fled outside the city through a secret passage.

Standing on the top of the mountain, the black dragon gang is stationed in the distance, the flames are soaring into the sky, and the smoke is billowing.

The sky and the earth were burned to a vast expanse of whiteness.

Wang Er's expression was a little dazed. He was the leader of the Black Dragon Clan before, but now he is self-destructing, really, really...

At this moment, Old Wang, the mood is extremely complicated.

On the contrary, Luo Feng had a compassionate face, and recited the scriptures of the past life: "The emperor's decree, surpassing your lonely soul, all ghosts and demons, and the four lives will be blessed.

A headed person surpasses, a headless person rises, kill with a gun and a knife, jump into the water and hang a rope..."

It wasn't that Luo Feng had a sudden kindness, even if he had a kindness, it wouldn't be his turn. This group of rotten people who do all kinds of evil.

But before, Luo Feng was worried that they would die with resentment, turned into zombies, came back to take revenge, and directly cremated them.

Now that I think about it, this is a world of supernatural manifestations. Zombies can't do it. What if they turn into evil spirits and grudges come to seek revenge?

Therefore, regardless of whether the scriptures are useful or not, read a paragraph first before speaking.

The flames in the distance are getting bigger and bigger, and Luo Feng's scriptures on the past life have finally been read.

One-stop service for murder, arson, and super-salvation, arranged for the disciples of the Black Dragon Gang.

Zheng Zha, who came back conveniently, sighed and said, "Let's go."

"and many more……"

Luo Feng hesitated and said, "I always feel that it's useless to recite scriptures on rebirth?!"

Zheng Zha scratched his head and said, "Then what do you miss?!"

"I think we can recite the Canopy Mantra." Luo Feng chuckled

When Luo Feng was young, his family once held a ceremony for him.

One of them is the oldest and the highest Taoist master can recite the canopy mantra.

The canopy is not Zhu Bajie in Journey to the West, but the Arctic Canopy Zhenjun who is listed as the Four Arctic Saints along with Emperor Zhenwu.

Canopy Canopy, Jiuyuan Shatong, Wuding Dusi, Gaodao Beigong, Seven Politics and Eight Spirits, Taishang Haoqiu, Long-skulled Giant Beast, Hand-held Emperor Bell, Su Xiao Three Gods, Yan Jia Huailong, Wei Wei King of Sword God, Slashing Evil and Exterminating Traces, Purple Qi Riding the Sky, Danxia Hechong, Swallowing Demons and Ghosts, Drinking Wind Horizontally, Green Tongue and Green Teeth, Old Man with Four Eyes, Tian Ding Li Shi, Wei Nan Yu He, Tian Zou Encourages , Weibei holds Fengfeng, 30 soldiers, guarding me nine times, destroying corpses for thousands of miles, driving away ominous, dare to have little ghosts, want to come to see the strong, the great ax that cuts off ghosts in five forms, the blood of Emperor Yan, the big dipper is like bones, The four Mings are destroyed, the sky destroys all human beings, and with a single stroke of the magic knife, all ghosts collapse.Urgently, like the Northern Emperor Mingwei's edict.

This mantra is known as the number one Taoist ghost killer.

"Canopy Canopy, Jiuyuan Kills Children, Wuding Dusi, Gaodao Beigong, Seven Governments and Eight Spirits..."

In the middle of the recitation, Luo Feng suddenly felt blessed, and he used his true energy to recite the scriptures in the way of exhaling and practicing Qi.

The speed is not fast, spit out a word every second, but the sound is like thunder, like the roar of a lion with Buddhist supernatural powers.

After a wave of operations, the sun shone on his body. I don't know if it was a psychological effect or it was real and effective. Luo Feng felt much warmer, and the blood circulation in his body continued.

"Let's go."

Luo Feng let out a long mouthful of turbid air, feeling light and refreshed.

Zheng Zha nodded, no objection, the two were about to turn around and step into the forest.

He only heard behind him, Wang Er said in panic: "You two heroes, what should I do about the monster of the White Lotus Sect?"

Shouldn't the two of you eliminate demons and defend the Tao until you die? !

As soon as he heard the news about the demon of the White Lotus Sect, he would kill him without hesitation.

What's going on now? !
Luo Feng stopped in his tracks, turned around, and said with a half-smile, "Old Wang, there is no such stranger as Bai Lianjiao Huang Feng in the Marshal's Mansion."

"We're not going."

Wang Er's body froze slightly, and he immediately reacted, knelt down with a plop and cried, "How can the little one deceive the hero, the Black Dragon Gang has always been controlled by Huang Feng."

"If the hero doesn't get rid of him, the villain will probably die at his hands sooner or later..."

"Auyou, I've said that your acting skills are 'good', why don't you understand."

Luo Feng sighed, emphatically emphasizing his good acting skills, then squatted down and said, "Is it because I didn't speak clearly enough, or your brain is not enough? Huang Feng, Chief Huang."

In an instant, the cowardly and wretched gang leader Wang Er, who was kneeling on the ground, stopped trembling and slowly raised his head.

Then Bai Lian taught the stranger, Huang Feng stood up, and said coldly: "How did you find out?!"

How did you find out? Luo Feng sneered. Do I have to tell you that I have watched more than 700 episodes of Conan, know more than 600 ways to kill people, master more than 200 ways to kill in secret rooms, know hundreds of poisons, and make all kinds of poisons? Alibi, clever use of fishing lines, tape recorders, daggers, poisonous needles and other crime tools.

Seeing Huang Feng's expression about to get angry, Luo Feng shook his head, and said pitifully: "I tell you, we have experienced many battles, and we have seen a lot! Talking and laughing with all kinds of big names, I haven't seen any blockbuster movies in the West. "

"With your acting skills, your words are contradictory, and there are flaws everywhere, even worse than a little fresh meat."

"First, if you are really a good-for-nothing boss who has only been in office for a few months, you should be shocked and angry after I use the beauty trick, instead of drawing a gun and shooting like you have been in the underworld all year round."

"Secondly, your crimes against the disciples in the gang are very rare. Is this something that a newcomer who just came out of the Marshal's Mansion can do?"

"Third, I also confirm that you are Huang Feng's point."

However, when talking about the third point, Luo Feng deliberately paused, laughed without saying a word, as if the starting point was out of context.

"What's the third point?! Tell me!"

"Later, I will let you die more quickly." Huang Feng shouted in a low and gloomy voice
Luo Feng snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "The third point, you should die!"

As soon as the words fell, Luo Feng's true energy circulated around the sky, Luo Feng's legs slammed on the ground and turned into a whistling gust of wind, blowing violently.


Huang Feng just wanted to avoid this critical blow, and taunted him, but found that vines broke through the ground and entangled his body.

As a stranger who practices qi, his body is naturally not bad, and it took a second to break through the obstacles arranged by Zheng Zha.

However, there is no such thing as three hundred rounds in a life-and-death struggle. Sometimes, the difference between a single thought is heaven and earth.

While breaking through the barrier of the wooden talisman, Luo Feng was also in front of him.

Not surprisingly, Huang Feng, an alien from the White Lotus Sect, received a blow from Luo Feng with all his strength, which hit the vital point and pierced through the heart and lungs.

A mouthful of blood was spat out, and Huang Feng collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath.

The half-dead Huang Feng glared angrily, cursing intermittently: "You... despicable... shameless!"

"I... a ghost... and I won't... let you go!!!"

When I was at the mansion of the Black Dragon Gang, I saw Luo Feng dodging bullets easily.

Huang Feng almost peed in fear, this kind of strength can only be possessed by the young inner disciples of the famous sect.

If you want to kill low-level cannon fodder like yourself, you don't need the second trick.

At that time, I thought that other sects found out that I, a remnant of the White Lotus Sect, was planning to eliminate demons and defend the way.

False and submissive, after some testing, it was determined that the two should be scattered people.

This is the only way to self-destroy the whole family, in order to deceive the two of them to go to the Marshal's Mansion.

Prepare to cooperate internally and externally, and kill two people with random guns.

Didn't expect, didn't expect...

The current masters are so despicable and shameless, they have already seen through themselves and don't say anything.

He set up traps and ambushes!
Are you worthy of your profound cultivation? !
Don't you think too highly of me, a remnant of the White Lotus Sect?


With unwilling resentment, Huang Feng swallowed his last breath, dying with regret!

After waiting for about half an hour, I was sure that the yellow wind was really cool.

Luo Feng walked to Huang Feng's body, sighed deeply and said, "Old Wang, in fact, I was not sure that you were Huang Feng until you made a move just now."

"From drinking tea to escaping, I'm just skeptical."

 contract sent
(End of this chapter)

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