All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 14 A summary of strengths and weaknesses

Chapter 14 Some Summary of Strengths and Weaknesses
The first time to kill someone, Luo Feng was a little emotional, a little disgusted, and a little uncomfortable.

However, he has no regrets.

Because Huang Feng wants to kill him, the murderer will be killed forever.

Killing and touching the corpse is a tradition.

As a professional corpse touch, Luo Feng found two pairs of gloves to prevent Huang Feng from poisoning his relics.

After some exploration, Huang Feng found a foreigner book, a piece of metal, and a dozen talismans.

Looking at the three relics, Luo Feng still felt that something was wrong and asked Zheng Zha to catch a small animal.

After a while, Zheng Zha came over with a bamboo rat in his hand.

In the mouse experiment, the bamboo rat is still alive and kicking.

After confirming that the relic was really not in danger, Luo Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

The books mainly record the supernatural powers, exercises and powers circulated by the major sects, with various rumors and anecdotes in the middle.

For the aliens of the alien world, this is just a leisure reading, and the records above are all famous things, such as Baiyun Guan who is proficient in inner alchemy kung fu.

In the Inhuman Realm, everyone knows it, so it's not a secret.

After all, the magical powers and stunts handed down from generation to generation by the sect have been tempered and modified layer by layer.

If it can be found by outsiders, it can be found through a book or two.This sect has long since perished.

As for the remaining anecdotes, there are nine false and one true.

This Inhuman World children's bedtime reading is the most valuable among the three, and it is also the most helpful to the two of them.

As for the metal, I can't see the problem, but it is so hard that Luo Feng can't leave the slightest trace in a single blow.

There is also a talisman, which Zheng Zha took directly for research.

He has the natal yellow talisman produced by the main god space, and he hopes to analyze and disassemble the talisman of the White Lotus Sect, and finally turn it into his own knowledge.

After sorting the dirty, start to deal with the yellow wind.

In order to prevent Huang Feng from turning into a zombie, the Wraith came back to take revenge.

Luo Feng specially sent him to cremate and collect the corpse to provide a one-stop service for exorcising evil spirits.

Huang Feng used to operate behind the scenes, seemingly inscrutable, but invisible.

Just a few months after taking real power, before enjoying life, he was killed
Luo Feng felt that Huang Feng's resentment was definitely greater than that of ordinary Heilong Gang disciples.

So on the basis of reciting the scriptures for rebirth, the canopy mantra.

Luo Feng gave it as a friendly gift, a gift package for the integration of the three religions, the Great Compassion Mantra, the Ksitigarbha Sutra, and the Vajra Demon Mantra were all recited.

Ben holds the principle of no money anyway, and a little bit of trust.

The two sent Huang Feng's ashes to the Ping An Cathedral in Anqiu County next door.

After donating a sum of money, the priest of the church promised to hold a ceremony for Huang Feng every year on the anniversary of his death to bless the dead and let the dead rest in peace.

Staring at the immaculate white cathedral, Luo Feng pondered for a while, recalling his every move, and finally found that there should be no problem, nodded with peace of mind, and breathed a sigh of relief.

This world is too dangerous, you have to worry about zombies, and you have to prevent the enemy from turning into a ghost after death.

Is it easy for him to be new as a traveler? !
"Old Zheng, go." Luo Feng raised his head and said hello.

However, he found that Zheng Zha, who was beside him, was looking at the sky in a trance, not knowing what he was thinking.

A slap on the shoulder.

"What are you thinking? It's time to go back, Yuan Yuan is still waiting for you to cook!"

I don't know what to think, Luo Feng suddenly vigilant, "Don't you want to be lazy? I can tell you that I can't cook!"

"piss off!"

Zheng Zha scolded with a smile, then fell silent, and muttered: "Old Luo, do you think the outside world is very exciting, with all kinds of supernatural powers and stunts, brilliant, and even, even...even means to capture the dead and support the soul. ."

When talking about the soul, Zheng Zha's eyes were extraordinarily bright, flashing with a strange brilliance.

If there is a means to nurture the soul, then does it also have the power to revive the soul!
Even, even... it can bring the dead back to life and start all over again!
He touched the ceramic bottle in his arms, it was something he had always kept beside him.

Before entering the main god space and falling into a coma, his last thought was to bring this.


"The outside world is very exciting, but it is also very dangerous, and all kinds of powerful magical skills emerge in an endless stream."

Luo Feng nodded in agreement
The aliens from the outside world are definitely extremely powerful, and the reason why he can easily take down Huang Feng.

Because Huang Feng himself is a small character, but a cannon fodder.

How vast is the big country, and how small is a county.

Huang Feng, who can live in a small county town and assist a small warlord, can be so strong.

But the White Lotus Sect has been passed down for a long time, and there must be many uncles, uncles, and even ancestors above Huang Feng...

Thinking of it, there are so many powerful aliens who have hatred for him.

Luo Feng shuddered.

In his heart, he secretly decided that when he went back this time, he would have to hide in the village for at least seven or eight years to let the storm pass.

As soon as it was time to buy, go shopping, and let the villagers bring it back for you.

Never go to the county seat.

At the same time, the speed of breathing and qi training should also be increased, and the great power can be attributed to oneself, and then there is confidence.

As the so-called church apprentice, the master starved to death, Huang Feng's teacher must be stronger than him.

Ten Huang Feng might not be able to defeat his teacher.

To deal with Huang Feng of the cannon fodder level, he used the power of the twelve layers of breathing technique.

Calculated by ten times the strength, at least 120 layers of breathing technique are required to have the capital to save life.

"Yes, that's it!"

Luo Feng applauded for his wit.

Zheng Zha: (⊙⊙)
He always felt that the two of them were not discussing the same topic.

Could it be that this is a generation gap, it shouldn't be, he is also a post-[-]s generation.

The dusty things are like the tide and the people are like water, and they are turbulent.

The news of the demise of the Black Dragon Gang spread quickly, some people were happy, some were sad, some were excited...

Everyone is guessing who is the hero who acts for the sky and punishes the evil.

Ordinary people applauded, believing that the two masters of the Haoqi Alliance Zangjian Villa were upright and killed for the people, and they were heroes of the party.

Those who are thoughtful and know the inside story focus their attention on the two Taoist priests in Chunyang Palace, thinking that the two are extremely suspicious, so they searched the streets and alleys, but found nothing.

There are also experts from the White Lotus Sect who want to go through the search through the means of searching for the soul. Every time the information they find is not sporadic, it is not systematic, or it is devoured by a group of holy light, spewing a mouthful of old blood.


Facing the commotion outside, Luo Feng, who was squatting in Yangjia Village, couldn't be separated from each other and smiled.

You are looking for the Taoist priest Chunyang, what is the matter with Luo Feng, the hidden sword Huang Ji.

A summary of the strengths and weaknesses of the Black Dragon Gang by sitting at the desk with peace of mind, writing with a pen
[Treading the immortal road, the house is the best, there is no catastrophe, it is the Mahayana]

[If you want to live long, you need to be still in your heart, and then you can get the way.]

[Destroy the black dragon, wear a mask, leave no traces, and make falsehoods]

[Pure Yang first, hide the sword later, disturb the audience, confuse everyone]

[There are strangers, bad acting skills, if you cheat, you need skills]

[White Lotus Sect, there are many strong people, a hundred layers of qi, and self-protection]

(End of this chapter)

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