All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 15 Leisurely Days

Chapter 15 Leisurely Days

Huang Feng is a secular disciple of the White Lotus Sect that has developed with great difficulty.

The master of the White Lotus Sect invited another stranger from another place.

In a spacious courtyard, there were four people standing, one from the White Lotus Sect, one from the Qingpao Yiren, and two apprentices of the Qingpao Yiren, one fat and the other thin, responsible for fighting.

The master of the White Lotus Sect handed over a piece of clothing, and said with hatred, "I'll leave this to Daoist brother, this is my disciple's clothing, and please be sure to find out the whereabouts of the thief."

Qingpao Yiren laughed in a hoarse voice: "Hehe, fellow Daoist, don't worry, get people's money and eliminate disasters with others."

The Taoist altar was erected, the divine flag was raised, and all the instruments were available, which looked quite a bit like.

Qingpao Yiren stepped on the stage, pinched the seal, stepped on the sky, cast a secret technique, and suddenly shouted: "The disciples go out and become the five rampant soldiers that shake the sky, and the people who block the way become five rampant soldiers that bind the mountains and cut the concave. Patriarch Go to the five rampant soldiers, the disciples shouted three times, and launched one hundred thousand heavenly immortal soldiers, one hundred thousand earth immortal soldiers, one hundred thousand water immortal soldiers, and went to one hundred thousand mountain tops, sick!"

I saw black smoke billowing, the figure was confused, and the three black qi left at a lightning speed.

The fat apprentice of the Qingpao Yiren below whispered: "Didn't Master say to send [-] Heavenly Immortal Soldiers, [-] Earth Immortal Soldiers, and [-] Water Immortal Soldiers? Why are there only three?!"

Although the voice is subtle, the presence of aliens is not heard by anyone.

On the Taoist platform, Qingpao Yiren was casting spells on the surface, but he was actually scolding flowers in his heart: "Damn, if I had [-], I would have dominated the Taoist sect, how could I cheat money here."

At this time, the skinny disciple on the side patted the junior brother who had just entered the school, and laughed and scolded: "You are stupid."

"Grandpa is bragging and doesn't need money!"

"Let me tell you! We're all about cheating..."

Qingpao Yiren's hand froze, and he began to think in his heart, should we talk about these two disobedient disciples being expelled from the teacher's door.


After a while, Qingpao Yiren spurted out a mouthful of old blood and shouted angrily: "Foreign devils, you are too deceiving!"

The master of the White Lotus Sect was suddenly startled, and quickly stepped forward to help him and said, "Brother Daoist, what's going on!"

Qingpao Yiren's face was ashen: "Westerners are doing ghosts! Fellow Daoist, what should you do with this!"


As soon as he heard the words "Western", the masters of the White Lotus Sect began to hesitate. In today's land of Kyushu, it is unceremonious to say that Westerners are fathers!

If it is a normal person, it doesn't matter if you are a father or not, even the ancestors recognized by the secular court will be cut right.

However, the White Lotus Sect is not a well-known and upright sect, it is a cult similar to the whole nature.

The aliens from Kyushu disliked them and scolded them as the remnants of the White Lotus Sect. If they provoke the aliens from the West again? !

The master of the White Lotus Sect sighed deeply and said, "Brother Dao, that's all, I have my own arrangements."

He wants to consider the entire White Lotus Sect.

"That's too bad!" Qingpao Yiren showed extreme anger, slapped the table and said, "The foreigners in the district dare to be arrogant, wait for me to use it..."

Qingpao Yiren had nothing to say, and the two apprentices below applauded!
The skinny apprentice said loudly, "Master is mighty, let those foreign devils see our blows..."

The fat apprentice asked curiously, "Senior brother, what is blowing your breath?!"

The skinny apprentice smiled: "This blow of breath, it's our ancestor Zheng..."

"Rebel, shut up!"

Qingpao Yiren shouted, and immediately jumped off the Taoist platform, beating and scolding the two apprentices out of the courtyard.

Md!Or clear the door!

I always felt that I was going to be played to death by these two brats!

Before he said anything, he leaked his cards to the outside world. Before he had learned all the means, he dared to mention the name of his grandfather and master, which was really courting death.

The three master and apprentice went out of the courtyard, leaving the white lotus sect alone.

1 minute passed, 5 minutes passed, 10 minutes passed, half an hour passed...

The atmosphere was awkward.

The masters of the White Lotus Sect never waited for the Qingpao Yiren who taught his apprentices to return.


The matter of the Black Dragon Gang came to an end.

It was because there was one more person in the family out of thin air. At first Luo Feng thought that Zheng Zha would not like Yuan Yuan.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Zha took care of Yuan Yuan more than Luo Feng.

Luo Feng once asked him what was going on.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Zha sighed with a gloomy expression: "If I get married, the child will be almost as big as Yuan Yuan."

Since then, Luo Feng has not inquired.

Everyone has his past, privacy, if you don't say it voluntarily, it's best not to ask.

The days in Yangjia Village are very leisurely.

In Zheng Zha's words, it is very similar to punching in at work, eating, practicing, and touching Yuanyuan.

Another day of serious fishing and paddling.

However, the calm is broken!

Dating is a scary subject.

Luo Feng looked at the village chief Yang, who was smoking a dry cigarette, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

I have been a reincarnator and traveled through the world, but can't I escape the fate of forced marriage?

Listen to the deliberately lowered, still very loud frolic from the next room.

"My lady, this is called liking, if you like it, do you understand..."

"Do you like it? You are greedy for his body!"

"You are asshole!"


Village Chief Yang smoked deeply, then put down the cigarette stick, and knocked on the table: "Young son, what are you thinking about, the girls here are all famous pretty girls from all over the world. With a tow bottle."

"You're too old..."

The village chief babbled for a long time. Although he had no literary talent, what a wonderful use of that country idiom!
It seems that if Luo Feng doesn't marry a wife again, it will be difficult for God to tolerate.

love? !girlfriend? !



"does not exist!"

Luo Feng: (~ ̄▽ ̄~)
There is only one thing in my heart—cultivation.

After repeatedly refusing, the village chief sighed and had to let Luo Feng go back.

After returning home, Luo Feng was overcome with pain and thought about himself, and finally found out why the village chief came to the door.

Although he is a handsome person, he has sword-like eyebrows and star eyes, fresh and handsome, straight and thin lips, romantic and suave, dashing and handsome, ancient sculptures, calm and elegant, handsome and peaceful, with a smile on his face, handsome without Taoism , imposing, graceful, dignified, looks like Pan An, majestic, gentle, with a face like a crown jade, both talents and looks.

However, this is not the real reason why the village chief gave him a blind date.

The real reason for the village chief's forced marriage - he is too high profile!

First: I don’t do farming, but I have money left over; Second: I adopted Yuan Yuan myself, showing love; Third: The village is very popular, warm and generous…

After combing them down one by one, Luo Feng couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Unconsciously, he revealed so many details.

Where is the hermit master route, this is clearly a strategy to follow the township and sage family!

"No, it must be changed!"

After pondering for a while, Luo Feng's eyes flashed a gleam of light, like electricity from the void.

 Thanks to Su Mustard's 1000 reward, the author is grateful and decided to add another chapter.

  two shifts
(End of this chapter)

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