All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 295 Jindan, 1 set, 1 turn

Chapter 295 Golden Elixir, one plate, one turn

Laojun's face darkened, and he quickly took off his robe
Why are they all staring at their own Nine Rank Golden Elixir?

Forget about that monkey, at least it has a Buddhist background, and the Emperor Wa cares for it. As for Yang Jian, Chen Xiang and others, they are relatives of the Jade Emperor Tianzun.

The most irritating thing is that there are still a large group of time-travelers and reborns who stare at their small alchemy furnaces all the time. The Laojun alchemy rooms in other time and space are almost becoming public places, and they have to clock in every few years.

It's even more extreme when it comes to me, the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods has not yet been opened, and I built a dojo at home, and before I can catch my breath, Shui De Xingjun came to fight the autumn wind.

"No, no, don't mess around." Laojun shook his head
Luo Feng hurriedly stepped forward, hugged his thigh, and said in mourning, "Patriarch Dao, be merciful. In the future, the disciple will pass the test of the Tao and escape death. If a good person does it to the end, he still hopes to save him. Give me a thousand pills."

Laojun is angry, the more you listen to it, the more something is wrong, why are the lines exactly the same, you two come from the same academy.

Simply turn around, out of sight, out of mind.

Seeing this, Luo Feng could only let go of his hands, found a place to sit quietly, and the two of them began to pass the time.

The Taoist ancestor was pure and inaction, sitting motionless while meditating, very patient, time passed leisurely, the old gentleman was as stable as Mount Tai, how could Luo Feng compare with the mind of the Taoist ancestor.

Looking around at the elixir room, several gourds containing golden elixir were empty, obviously it was too early.

There are quite a few magic weapons, such as the purple-gold-red gourd on Kunlun Mountain, the fan born from the beginning of the world, the seven-star sword that symbolizes the luck of Taoism...

They are all first-class spiritual treasures, Luo Feng is afraid that if he takes them, a Zhuxian sword will fly out of the sky in the next second.

Glancing at the golden rope around Laojun's waist, Luo Feng blinked his eyes, and it was not an option to keep grinding like this.

The golden elixir Laojun refused to give it, and the family did not dare to borrow the magic weapon.

Luo Feng thought about it for a while, then stepped forward and said with a smile: "Old Lord, I don't want any Nine-Turn Outer Pill, I don't think so."

"I heard that in your old man's golden elixir avenue, there is an inner alchemy way of nine turns to prove the way. The first turn of the golden elixir leads to the yin god, the second turn of the golden elixir leads to the yang god, the third turn of the golden elixir leads to the primordial spirit, and the fourth turn The fifth turn proves the Dao and becomes immortal, the sixth turn and the seventh turn the avenue is clean, the eighth turn golden elixir becomes a Daoist king, and the ninth turn golden elixir proves Daluo."

"Look, old man, can I take a look at my Wutai Golden Pill?"

"Take a turn?!"

Laojun chuckled: "The old Taoist sees that your golden core is very smooth, so it's not bad to play a dish."

"The Wutai Golden Pill has already reached the top [-] levels, and Da Luo Tianzun may not be able to beat you if he doesn't lift the table."

"You are a golden immortal, how can you pretend to be a golden core real person with me?"

Although Laojun is pure and inaction, he is not a moral deity after all. His Dao heart can be eternal, and as an incarnation, he is contaminated with a bit of humanity after all.

Luo Feng traveled all the way, from the lower world, he became a Daoist Jinxian with a thick skin, and he was reprimanded by the old gentleman, not ashamed, but proud.

Pulling Laojun, he said with a smile: "Your old gentleman is right and well said, but this prehistoric is too dangerous. Although it is a game of level [-], the reason is capped at level [-], and a little more effort may break the prehistoric , Da Luo Tianzun can’t stand it, shameless, usually the fight is tied, but when it comes to the critical moment, he must use the authority in his hand to raise his own level to one hundred and eighty levels.”

"Honest, kind, weak and helpless Golden Cores like me are very few."

"You old man, please help me. If I succeed in cultivation in the future, if I accidentally hit a certain celestial being, it will also increase your prestige, Laojun. It is the golden elixir of Laojun, mysterious and unparalleled!"

"Besides, although I am in the water virtue, when I was in the lower realm, I was also the disciple and grandson of the old gentleman, so please show kindness to me, old man."


Taoism is always a pure place, and many immortals want face. Even if there are some shameless Taoist immortals, they dare not make trouble with Daode Tianzun. When did Laojun see such a brazen person.

Facing a glib tongue like a spring, for a moment, he didn't know whether to laugh or get angry.

After thinking about it for a while, looking at Luo Feng who was eagerly pretending to be simple, the old gentleman sighed helplessly, and waved his hand to signal to let go.

"Well, well, as you wish."

Luo Feng was overjoyed immediately, and paid homage: "Thank you, Patriarch, thank you, Patriarch."

Laojun suddenly snorted coldly. It is good to call him Patriarch, but it is not good to be called Laojun. He is the same as a certain monkey.

With a virtual pinch, the Zijin Eight Diagrams Furnace opened wide, and the flames in it were blazing.

Luo Feng's face froze immediately: "Lao Jun, Patriarch, what is the meaning of this?"

Laojun smiled and said: "Real gold must be refined with fire, and you asked for it yourself."

"Ananda in the West has a famous saying, if you don't suffer ordeal, if you don't realize the Tathagata, it's almost the same if you change to the old Taoist here."

I have only heard that refining the outer alchemy requires a pill furnace, but I have never heard of refining the inner alchemy. I still want a pill furnace. How can Laojun's methods be limited to a small area? It is definitely Laojun who wants to fix his own family.

Looking at the raging fire in the furnace, without mercy, Luo Feng's face was ashamed, and he didn't expect to enjoy the same treatment with the monkey in advance.

But this is the sin I begged for, and I have to swallow it even when I cry.

Luo Feng gritted his teeth, stomped his feet and said, "Old Master, come here."

As soon as the Taoist crown is pushed, a series of light wheels and treasures hang behind the head. The five overlapping layers symbolize the water of Taiyi, the wood of Taishi, the fire of Taishi, the soil of Taisu, the gold of Taiji, the rotation of the five elements, and the unity of the five Taiji. A Jindan Daoguo hangs in the void, showing a bit of heaven.

Laojun smiled heartily, waved his Taoist robe, and pushed Luo Feng into the Eight Diagrams Stove, and then covered the furnace cover tightly without leaving any seals.

The Taoist Fuhan fanned the flames on one side, and he had no grace to save him; he also asked Qingniu to pick up wood with bricks and bricks, without any trace of old love, tempered by divine fire, and washed away his mind.

Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, and Dui, the eight trigrams rotate in turn, transforming the primordial energy of chaos, and transforming the primordial energy into two qis of yin and yang, and the harmony of yin and yang produces all things in the world.

Luo Feng sat cross-legged on the spot with his physical body, and the golden core was his body.

But the golden elixir symbolizes the spirit and spirit, and it is forged with fire, and the suffering it endures far exceeds the pain of burning the body.

The spirit, the mind, the body, the triple addition, the triple burning and forging, is simply triple happiness.

This feeling is repeated, the skin is peeled off, the flesh and blood are deboned, and then the cells and molecules are picked out one by one, and then crushed, chopped, crushed... For a moment, it is like going through a hundred generations of reincarnation.


As time passed slowly, Wu Tai Jin Dan became more and more numb, and even got used to it later.

"Sure enough, the pain is endured, it's just that painful, and I'm still getting used to it, hehe..."

Luo Feng was tormented, forging little by little flaws from the past from the mind, soul, and body, and the golden core continued to rotate.

Every time a trace of defect is removed, Luo Feng will become clearer, and the pain will increase by a trace.

At this moment, one can even hear the mysterious sound of the Great Dao in one's ears.

"Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, three begets all things, all things bear yin and embrace yang, and the spirit is harmonious..."

"Sure enough, is the golden core broken? There is an auditory hallucination."

Wutai Jindan thought numbly.

(End of this chapter)

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