All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 296 The Squirrel

Chapter 296 The Squirrel

One yin and one yang, one give and one give, one punch, one rebound, everything is relative, if you want to gain something, you must lose something.

If something is lost, something will be gained correspondingly, but ordinary people cannot see or touch it.

Even immortals are ants who live on the Tao, unable to sense the changes of the Tao itself.

Only Da Luo observes everything from a detached perspective, so he can see everything, see everything, see everything, everything.

Laojun is the incarnation of Daode Tianzun, and Luo Feng has somewhat touched the concept of Daluo, so their perspectives are the same.

The gossip furnace universe is constantly rotating, intertwined with cause and effect, and interpreting one scene after another. The cause and effect are lingering, and the world of mortals is rolling. From the seven emotions and six desires, twelve karma, create infinite suffering.

In reincarnation after reincarnation, Luo Feng is a man from time to time, calling friends and gathering together, eating wine and drinking meat, so happy, when the world's wind and rain change, and the common people suffer from misery, Luo Feng raises his hand to replace the sky. Carrying the banner of Dao Dao, he entered the imperial capital in one fell swoop, made himself the big emperor, and divided his brothers into the little emperors.

It's a pity that the once loyal brothers, after enjoying the power and wealth, quickly corrupted. In just a few years, the building collapsed. One thought of heaven and one thought of hell, experiencing the world's different attitudes, and tempering the golden core.

Sometimes she turns into a girl, and is raised in a deep boudoir, and no one knows about it. When she is twenty-eight years old, she steps out in one step, looking at the city of people, and then the country of people.Going to the relative's house in the imperial capital, there are countless mad bees and butterflies.

In order to protect himself, Luo Feng has practiced martial arts since he was a child, mobilizing qi and blood externally, cultivating innate qi internally, and finally pulls up willows in a grand view garden and dances across the capital.

After enjoying decades of wealth and splendor, foreign races invaded the dynasty, and the Central Plains dynasty retreated steadily. The emperor hunted south, and it seemed that he was about to cross the great river, and the country was in jeopardy.

Luo Feng hunted in white robes, wearing armor and holding guns, mobilized the soldiers and orphans trained in the countryside, and appointed the country housekeeper, Mrs. Liu in the [-]s, as the deputy general, calling for loyal ministers, relatives and friends to go to the front line.

Leading only 7000 people in the Northern Expedition, they were able to break through more than [-] large and small cities all the way within a few months.On the way back to the south, there were interceptions before and pursuers behind. In such a thrilling situation, we could fight eleven times in three days, wipe out more than [-] enemies, and beat nearly a million alien pursuers to flee.
It is said in history that thousands of troops and horses avoid white robes.

After the class teacher returned to the court, the emperor wanted to accept her as a concubine, but he refused. He fought to the death in one day, punished thousands of people, and died of exhaustion.

Sometimes he turns into an elf of vegetation, lives carefree in the wilderness, absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon, eats the wind and drinks the dew, and lives a fairy life. Burned alive in the fire.

From time to time, he turned into a man of destiny, established the first Chinese empire, accumulated for 400 years, recovered his wisdom, and rebuilt the second Chinese empire, and so on, the third empire, the fourth empire, the wheel of history keeps moving forward, leading all the way, Until the constitutional monarchy was established, civilization prospered, and human beings stepped out of the stars and seas with their own strength.

Sometimes it turns into a world, where the seeds of life multiply for billions of years, I am the predator, I am the food, I am the plant, I am the bird, I am the beast, I am the wife, I am the husband, I am the son, I am the father, The grandfather is me, the boss is me, and the subordinates are me too... Everything is me, but the feeling that it is not me is extremely mysterious.

Sometimes it turns into a big sun and stars shining through the ages...sometimes it turns into a drop of water...sometimes it turns into an ordinary person...sometimes it turns into a grass sword cutting the sun and the moon...sometimes it turns into a pawn...sometimes it turns into a god... …sometimes turned into……………

Reincarnation after scene, superimposed and repeated, endless, endless.

While enjoying the endless pain, the Wutai Golden Elixir became brighter and purer. Turning it around again and again, I also comprehended a little truth from the pain.

Suffering, collection, extinction, and Dao, the Four Noble Truths build a way to understand the mind and see the nature, and the universal truth of Buddhism is played with perfection in the hands of the Taishang Taoist.

Luo Feng is not sure about the level of Shakyamuni Buddha, but he has seen Maitreya Bodhisattva, and Laojun's Buddhist attainments far surpass the future Buddha Maitreya.

Among the Buddhist sects, there must be a vest of the old gentleman, and he is in a high position, otherwise it cannot be explained, and his body is far beyond the realm of Buddha's cultivation.

A little bit of enlightenment appears, and there is no turning back, once the proof is permanent, and the success is permanent.

Wutai Jindan gestates the light of light by itself, and is clear inside and outside, and its body is like glass.

Luo Feng suddenly had a feeling in his heart: "In the world of mortals, there are twelve causal relationships, and in the four holy truths of clear understanding, if I practice the six perfections of paramita, follow the Bodhisattva practice, conceive the six supernatural powers, and reach the realm of the three vehicles of Buddhism, my fruit position will be great." It is inferior to any great Bodhisattva, even Maitreya, who is known as the future Buddha, Avalokitesvara, who is righteous and enlightened by the Tathagata, and even Ksitigarbha, who has great compassion, great wisdom, and great actions."

"Continuing to cultivate the ten powers of the Tathagata may not necessarily fail to achieve the position of the leader of a generation, and to prove the status of righteousness and enlightenment."

"Once the Buddhas in Lingshan Nirvana, there will be a real chance to be a leader. Maybe one day in the future, I will also take the position of World Honored One, and be the leader of Daleiyin Temple for a while."

The thought flashed in his mind, after all, it was a flash, and then Luo Feng put it down. After all, he has a bright future now.

It is impossible to let go of the promising Heishui Tiandi career and not fight for it. Instead, go to Lingshan to fight for the Buddha with a group of elites who are extremely perverted in terms of character, fruit status, merit, ability, and all aspects.

The difficulty of the Lingshan dungeon is far greater than that of the Zulong dungeon.

After all, the Zulong dungeon has the blessings of all the bosses, the backstage and the backing, and it can be opened at any time.

But after entering the Lingshan dungeon, the situation will undergo two extreme changes. There will be a group of bodhisattvas with backers and backers, driving and hanging hammers... Cough cough, come to discuss with yourself the profoundness of Buddhist culture, the essence of Daleiyin Temple.

With a clear understanding, Luo Feng no longer hesitated, and did not stay in the universe of the Eight Diagrams Furnace. A Wutai Golden Elixir that illuminated the universe flew out of the sky. If you observe carefully, you will find that the inner and outer sides of the golden alchemy are clear, and there are nine tattoos on it, symbolizing Practice.

The current Wutai Golden Elixir can be renamed Wutai Jiuzhuan Golden Elixir!
"Swallowing a golden elixir into my stomach, my life is up to me!"

Luo Feng couldn't help expressing his feelings, and realized the high-spiritedness of Jindan real people in the past dynasties.

After experiencing the mysterious changes of the golden core, the top-level large size blesses the five-fold buff, and after nine ranks of training, he now has a little bit of confidence to face the unknown Zulong.

At least in the prehistoric, he can escape against Zulong.

From a dusty grass that can be easily crushed to death, it has evolved into a squirrel that is a bit harsh and can escape.

"So when are you going to testify to Da Luo?"

Seeing Luo Feng's high-spirited appearance, Laojun couldn't help asking
In the next second, Luo Feng's energy was completely restrained, he turned into a mortal, and said with a smile: "Proving the Tao is too dangerous."

"Old gentleman, look, it's better..."

Laojun was speechless for a while, and sure enough, all the high-spirited and clear-mindedness just now were fake.

Lord Shui De Xing deserves to be Lord Shui De Xing, you are really a Lord of Shui De Xing.

After a few minutes of silence, the old gentleman slowly raised his head, and said meaningfully: "Be willing, be willing, you can only gain if you are willing."

(End of this chapter)

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