All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 467 The monkey is coming in!

Chapter 467 The monkey is coming in!

"Could it be that the Emperor of Heaven deserves to be beaten by a monkey?!"

A sense of absurdity of space-time disorder arises spontaneously.

After all, he is a generation of magicians. Emperor Han Guang adjusted his mentality and quickly found a problem: "How did the monk get in?!"

The spiritual officer on duty was in a trance for a while, and murmured: "It seems, it seems that it jumped out of the space."

In an instant, the Heavenly Emperor Han Guang frowned. The Heavenly Palace of the Mythical Organization was granted by the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation himself, and it belonged to the space.

Doesn't it mean that there is a loophole in the space of six paths of reincarnation if it is easily broken.

Suppressing his joy, Heavenly Emperor Han Guang said calmly, "Lead the way ahead."

The Heavenly Palace is not small, surrounded by clouds and mist. I saw a monk on one side of the cloud, with yellow hair and golden hoops, golden eyes and fiery eyes; Boots; hairy face with Lei Gongzui, rounded cheeks farewell to Saturn, Zha ears with broad forehead and fangs protruding outwards.

With an iron rod in hand, he smashed the Tiangong to pieces, and many spiritual officials and Xingjun fled one after another, not daring to confront him.

Invincible, fierce Tiangong.

Seeing Han Guang wearing the mask of the Emperor of Heaven coming out, the monk held the golden cudgel tightly in both hands, swung it down fiercely, and shouted loudly:
"Eat my grandson!"

Suddenly the void shattered, the space exploded, and it hit the Heavenly Emperor Han Guang straight. This stick seemed to be everywhere, and it was inevitable.

Han Guang was hit with a stick abruptly, spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and fled quickly.

This monkey is invincible.

Seeing Han Guang escape, the monkey smiled instead of anger: "That's it, that's it?!"

"With your level, you dare to occupy my grandson's residence and palace! Call yourself the Emperor of Heaven."

"Mask the monkey and get the crown, it's not me, it's you!"

Han Guang was hit with a stick until his eyes were staring and his ears were rumbling. He didn't care what the monkey was saying, and ran all the way to the exit of Tiangong, calling out the name of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation in his heart, asking Him to save him.

Then Hongda's cold voice sounded: "Due to unknown factors, the Liudao you dialed is not on the server."

"Damn Six Paths!"

Han Guang cursed secretly, although he didn't know what the server was, it was already a reality that Liu Dao couldn't make a move.

Just when Han Guang was about to exit.

The monkey was grinning, and then hit Han Guang flying with a stick. His body was shattered into layers of cloud palaces, and finally fell under the table in front of the Emperor's Dragon Chair in the Imperial Horse Supervisor.

"who are you?"

Emperor Han Guang was unwilling to ask
My family was developing well, why was it suddenly ruined by an enemy I didn't know? !

The monkey was taken aback, then sneered: "You took my former office, how can you ask me who I am?"

Holding the stick, he pointed to the words on the left wall.

"See, my old grandson is here for a visit."

Han Guang turned his head to look, and felt that his eyes were dark and dizzy for a while.I thought it was an ancient text, a hidden treasure, and it was easy to preserve, but I didn't expect it to be a tourist relic? !
"Monkey King Monkey King?"

Think about it, Han Guang tentatively said.

The monkey nodded, turned around and changed, wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on its head, wearing a golden chain mail, walking on cloud shoes on lotus root silk, and holding a thick and heavy golden cudgel in both hands.

Just like the Monkey King Monkey King!
"Yes, yes, I know my grandson."

"Then you should know what to do after the trouble in the Heavenly Palace."

Han Guang smiled wryly, and shouted cooperatively: "Go to the Western Paradise and invite the Tathagata Buddha!"

However, the mythological organization was established by him, and the Tiangong is a fake Tiangong. There is no Buddhist master, let alone a peerless powerhouse who can subdue the Monkey King.

Suddenly, there were auspicious clouds in the sky, and the Buddha's radiance was brilliant. A boy shouted: "Don't panic, the emperor of heaven, the Western nuclear bombed the pure land, and Dongfeng Mingwang Tathagata came to rescue him."

I saw the empty space like the Tathagata sitting in meditation, self-acting in thousands of dharma realms, and there was a nuclear transformation, and the fusion of two boys accompanied by the precious appearance was solemn, pure and comfortable.

Han Guang was overjoyed when he saw this, no matter who came, he had to save his own life first.

Monkey King put away his stick and said with a sneer, "Then Tathagata, what are you going to do!"

The Tathagata of the East let out a sympathetic voice, and proclaimed a Buddha's name: "This is to turn hostility into friendship and resolve the misunderstanding between the two families."

Great Sage Equaling Heaven shook his head: "He wants to seize the mansion, this grudge can't be forgotten."

Dongfeng Tathagata pondered for a long time, then slowly said: "I will make a bet with you: if you have the ability to somersault out of the palm of my right hand, you will win, and you will not have to fight hard with swords and soldiers, then invite the Emperor of Heaven to live in the west The Heavenly Palace will let you live; if you can’t hit your palm, you’ve lost, and the Emperor of Heaven will be invited to live in the west, and let me live in the Heavenly Palace.”

Monkey King nodded and said: "This is fair, let's play rock-paper-scissors."

Heavenly Emperor Han Guang was stunned after hearing this, what do you mean, let me live in the Heavenly Palace, you Buddha did not follow the script!

Seeing Dongfeng Tathagata lowering the dharma cloud and revealing his true face, Han Guang smiled wryly: "It turned out to be you."

The face of Dongfeng Tathagata is exactly the same as that of the Luoshui River God of the Mythological Organization. He knew that Luofeng was a powerful beacon and a fish for fishing.

Unexpectedly, Da Neng was reborn and returned in just a few years.

Dongfeng Tathagata said with a smile: "The emperor of heaven should be careful. I am also a person in the myth. The passing of the position here is not considered to be passed on to outsiders, but it is also a field that does not flow to outsiders."

Han Guang was sullen and said nothing.

Dongfeng Tathagata looked at Monkey King and asked, "I made scissors, what are you making?"

The monkey laughed: "Of course it's cloth."

Han Guang looked over in despair. He didn't expect that one of them would be rocks and the other would be scissors. Dongfeng Tathagata would win.

Dongfeng Tathagata folded his palms together and said, "It's good, it's good, but the poor monk has won."

"Your Majesty, please also pass on the position of the old monk, promote the God of the River to be the Emperor of Heaven, and establish the Xuanming Zhenwu Heavenly Palace."

What can Han Guang do, he can only abdicate the throne.

Just as he was about to speak, there were ripples in the void, and the time and space around him became chaotic. Han Guang's aura changed, and he looked majestic and majestic, just like the real emperor of heaven.

"What are you going to do!"

The sound is thick but light, like running water full of dust from the years, this is the avenue of time.

In Han Guang's body is actually hidden the real Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Time and Light in this era, the living person from the other side.

Dongfeng Tathagata turned Huaguang, turned into a river god, picked up time, stood on the long river, and said plainly: "Your Majesty, the times have changed."

"Going it alone can't make a big deal."

"The Beichen Heavenly Court is already in place. There are three deities, four emperors, and five emperors. You are the only one on the other side of the heavens."

"Please also enter the Heavenly Court, Ren Ziwei Great Emperor, the sub-lord of the Heavenly Court!"

If it hadn't been for the emperor's many years in the city, he would have raised the time knife now, ready to kill people.

I am in front of the Emperor of Heaven, and now you want me to be the prince.

Isn't this father turned into son? !

Is this something normal people would do?The Emperor's eyes gradually turned cold, just like the ruthless flow of time.

Luo Feng, the river god, smiled slightly, and his brilliance bloomed. There are Tai Shang Yin Yang Zhenwu, Yuanshi Xuanming Zhenwu, Lingbao Destroying Demon Zhenwu, Emperor Tianhuang, Emperor Fengdu, Lord Qing, and Houtu...

Taoism, Buddhism, ancient gods, ancient gods, great powers... the other side of the world, really, really, you are the only one missing.

"I am Ziwei." Ziwei Heavenly Emperor calmly said, starlight is also light, isn't it? !
(End of this chapter)

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