All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 468 Heavenly Emperor Ziwei

Chapter 468 Heavenly Emperor Ziwei
Intimidating the Emperor of Heaven with the general trend, it is true, and it must be true if it is not.

The Emperor of Heaven was also very helpless. He had just played a few moves of chess and used Han Guang to establish a mythical organization.

What can he do? Although he is the emperor of heaven, he can't be unknown in his later years, with red hair all over his body, his combat power suddenly soars, he can hang the heavens and push all the enemies. .

Secondly, the real core of this method of fighting in the multiverse is the avenue of time and space. Every other side tries to spread itself in endless time and space, going back to the ancient future and occupying all kinds of futures is the avenue of the other side.

Sometimes the gap between the other side and the other side is really very big.

Just like back then, the Emperor Guangyin's supreme seat was done well, but a group of masked robbers broke into the door and took away the Jianmu fruit, which eventually triggered a series of events that led to the collapse of the Heavenly Court and the death of the Heavenly Emperor.

The world is like a chess game. Although the other shore has jumped out of the chessboard and lived up to the pieces, it has no power to dominate the game.The real game of chess is the ancient one from time immemorial.

For example, the Sanqing, such as Amitabha, such as the Emperor Wa who lives in seclusion behind the scenes, they are the general trend.

When Daoism, Buddhism, Emperor Wa, and a group of Bi'an, Bi'an's divine soldiers stood for Beichen Tianting, the Heavenly Emperor could only recognize it with his nose.

"Ziwei Taoist friends know the general situation, it is really a blessing for the common people."

Luo Feng said with a smile, and then handed over a bit of spiritual light, sharing the Taitiandi plan, and Amway to the Tiandi.After all, they are all from the other side, so they still have to give some face, otherwise it will not be fun if the Emperor of Heaven lifts the chessboard.

The Heavenly Emperor took the aura and glanced at it, pondered for a long time, and said slowly: "It's really interesting to form a group and become a Taoist."

"Fellow Daoist is looking for me, I'm afraid there are other things."

Luo Feng smiled and said: "Ziwei Tiandi Mingjian."

"As we all know, it is easy to build a heavenly court, but it is much more difficult to build a good heavenly court. You have experience in the industry, and the construction of a heavenly court still needs your help."

Although Luo Feng took the seat of Emperor Beichen, he was never in charge.In the prehistoric Heavenly Court, there was a toolman disciple, Shui De Xingjun, acting as an agent; when creating Shenhan, various gods went up to the mountain to become a leader, it can be said that the fate of the stars is gathered, and the government affairs are handled by Zhang Liang and Xiao He; Even in the world of one person, Zheng Zha became the dean of Kunlun Immortal Academy...

Now there is only one Shui Zu and one Wang Xianzi under his command, how can he beat a group of wily and calculating people from the other side.

As we all know, only magic can fight magic, and only the otherworldly can fight the otherworldly.

Therefore, Luo Feng approached the Heavenly Emperor, who is the most powerful emperor in this world, and asked professionals to deal with the old fox.


The Emperor of Heaven sneered: "Why do you think I am willing to help you?"

The Heavenly Court is his Heavenly Court. The former Supreme has been reduced to a sub-jun. It would be good if he didn't ask Luo Feng to settle the score. How could he help.

Luo Feng smiled and said: "Ziwei Heavenly Emperor Taoist friend, you still don't grasp the essence of sharing the Dao."

"The so-called sharing of the Taitian Emperor means that everyone has a share. The three emperors, the four emperors, and the five emperors all have shares."

"The position of the lord of the heaven is also a feng shui rotation, and everyone did it together."

The Emperor of Heaven narrowed his eyes: "Are you willing?!"

This is the position of the Emperor of Heaven, who rules the world, the supreme being of all heavens and myriad realms, not to mention the current position of the Emperor of Heaven is very likely to contain the secret of Dao Fruit.

Luo Feng looked upright and said: "If you give up, you will gain. If you don't give up this seat, how can you exchange for everyone from the other side?"

"If fellow daoists are willing to help me, after I have been the emperor of heaven for 12 years, I will give up the throne, and then you will be the second master of heaven."

The Emperor of Heaven was silent, tapping the dragon chair with his fingertips, as if he was thinking.

Seeing this, Luo Feng stepped up his efforts and said, "Could it be that fellow Taoist has been the Emperor of Heaven for so many years, so he doesn't have the confidence to compete with other fellow Taoists. The Lord of Heaven this time is not based on cultivation, but on performance."

"Whoever can perfect the Dao of the Heavenly Court, and whoever can further deduce the Dao of the Heavenly Court, will be the Lord of the Heavenly Court."

"This time we are looking for the infinite, not the infinitely small. The ancients no longer have the advantage."

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven, and he said indifferently: "If it is as the fellow Taoist said, this matter is settled!"


Luo Feng nodded and said

Time is flowing, sparkling, the Emperor of Heaven fled away, and the long river of time covered up all the traces and calculations.

The Heavenly Emperor of this era is enlightened by time, and may not have an advantage in the past and future, but at the present point, no one can find him, life-saving comes first, and cover-up comes first.

Faint caves, moving and still yin and yang, Xuanwu circling, turtles and snakes projecting, a ancestral qi descending from the void, as a yin and yang Taoist monarch.

Staring in the direction where the Emperor of Heaven left, he looked back for a long time.

Taoist Yin Yang asked curiously: "You are not afraid of the Emperor of Heaven's backlash, this is a true emperor, the Supreme who once ruled the Three Realms."

Luo Feng sighed quietly: "You big shots still look at things with old eyes."

"The times have changed, Daojun. Now, it is not an era where problems can be solved by fighting and killing."

"Strength is important, but performance is more important."

"Today's Heaven is not the Heaven of the past. The Heaven in the past was a tool that anyone can use. Now the Heaven is the experiment of Daoguo, the carrying object. Before reaching a conclusion, whoever dares to destroy it will be the collective enemy of the other side. , the public enemy of those who yearn for detachment."

"If Emperor Guangyin wants to compete, he must show results. But the four emperors and five emperors, which one is easy to get along with."

"Qing Jun, the head of the male immortals, Jin Jun, the head of the female immortals, Huo Sheng, who has the Dao of Sparks in his heart... one after another is a good opponent."

Lord Yin Yang nodded when he heard the words: "This is indeed the truth, but..."

After a pause, Taoist Yinyang said coldly: "The four emperors and five emperors have seats, how should the three of us get along with each other?"

Luo Feng smiled and pointed at Dong Kunlun: "Don't worry, don't worry, send this one away first. Waiting for the Demon Slayer Tianzun to become enlightened, it will be the era of the three of us."

"Yuanshi of this generation." Yinyang Daoist narrowed his eyes: "What do you think that Mang Gangang is planning? He has done so much, just for the sake of detachment?!"

"That's not like his character."

"Daoguo." Luo Feng spread his hands and said, "That is unknowable and undiscussable, a true detached state. Omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, a state where you can be wrong if you say it, and you can be wrong when you think about it. You can speculate , and the Dao Fruit cannot be measured.”

"Once Mang King Kong proves the Dao Fruit, there will be more operations."

"With his personality, it's not impossible to open another one life multi-diversity in the dark world, take over his relatives and friends, and evolve."

"When we get to that universe, maybe Mang King Kong will become Xiaoyaojian, a white-clothed sword fairy."

Luo Feng joked

Lord Yin Yang Dao heard the words, clapped his hands and smiled, "What you said is very true."

(End of this chapter)

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