All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 470: Heavenly Court Reopens

Chapter 470: Heavenly Court Reopens
Just like the combination of Luoshu and Hetu is the complete God of the Other Side.

The combination of the list of gods and the whip is the real treasure of the other side. Although the list of gods is the main body, the whip is also indispensable.

Luo Feng looked at the void with deep eyes, as if he had penetrated through many universes, looked at the world of conferred gods, and looked at the magic whip that Yuxu Palace had never mentioned before.

In the end, it turned into a slight sigh: "Forget it, let's give Yuanshi Daoist a face."

If it is one's own universe, one's own heavenly court, one's own heavenly emperor, such things as the gods' list and the whip of the gods, even if it starts a war, you must get it.

But this heaven is shared, and this heavenly emperor is Pin Xixi, who has already formed a group and achieved Taoism, and he is not short of one or two points of majesty.

In Xuanming Tiangong, Emperor Beichen sat on the imperial throne, surrounded by golden lotuses, shining hundreds of millions of light, ups and downs of wreaths, with a solemn appearance of Baobao, he softly drank: "Bailu Tonger."

The youthful priest dressed in a white deer costume bowed down, "Emperor of Heaven."

But it was Luo Feng's former mount White Deer, who attained the Tao by himself, ascended to heaven with chickens and dogs, and became a priest.Just because he has no achievements, no merits and virtues to show the world, he can't hold an important priesthood, and now he is the envoy of the Emperor of Heaven.

Just like the Taibai Jinxing under the Haotian constellation, of course it is not the Taibaijin star under the Honghuang Haotian constellation, but it is an old silver coin, which obviously has the strength of the emperor level, but it is not suitable for a star king to shrink back.

While thinking about it, Beichen Tiandi said grandly: "The end of the calamity is coming today, and the heavens are in trouble. I can't bear it. Together with the Tathagata, the leader of the heavens, we will make a decision and open the heavenly court again to survive the end of the calamity and achieve the fruit of the whole Tao."

"Pass down my decree, and order Jiang Ziya of the Conferred God Universe to perform the Conferred God business again,"

A mighty golden decree, just like the heavens, fell into the hands of the Bailu priest.

White Deer Priest Ling Ran, he follows the Heavenly Emperor and has an extraordinary status. Since he opened up his spiritual wisdom, he has been able to participate in many secret stories in the Heavenly Court.

All of you from the other side opened the Heavenly Court together, this is the most important event in the heavens and myriad worlds!

"Follow the decree of the Emperor of Heaven."

Priest Bailu bowed deeply, then exited the hall.

Not daring to be negligent, he went out towards the Nantian Gate of the Heavenly Court. There were three statues, four emperors and five monarchs sitting in the Beichen Heavenly Court. They were extremely high-ranking and descended above the heavens, compared to the Jiuchongtian in the past.

The priests in the heavenly court do not need to be in the realm of legends, they can connect the heavens and the worlds, go to one side of the parallel universe, fragments of cosmic light, and heaven and earth.

"Brother Bailu."

"Fellow Daoist White Deer."

All the way to and fro, the gods, generals and officials stopped to salute one after another.

No matter how high or low the Heavenly Emperor's envoys are, they are all celebrities beside the Heavenly Emperor, and they are naturally different from those heavenly beings who have lived and died with Beichen Heavenly Court and cannot cultivate.

Priest Bailu was not arrogant when he saw this, and now the court will open again, and the gods will rise again.Who knows if there can be a great god among the heavenly beings.After all, he is often accompanied by the Emperor of Heaven, and the moon is the first to be near the water.The future is unpredictable, and it is uncertain who will occupy an important position and hold great power in the future.

Returning the salutes one by one, walked quickly to the Ascension Platform.

A celestial light descended, and the boy Bailu descended into the Conferred God Universe.

33 Above the heavy sky, there is a fairyland, with fairy birds flying around, spiritual springs gushing out, spiritual grass everywhere, and strange flowers on the ground.

They surround an ordinary palace, and write three indescribable words:

"Doushi Palace."

When an outsider enters, the legendary Golden Horn Boy asks Laojun: "My lord, there are outsiders."

The historical brand of Daode Tianzun seemed to come alive again and again at this moment, and the original simple eyes turned into agility. He looked down and chuckled: "It's okay, let's open the god again."

Jinjiao boy and Yinjiao boy couldn't help trembling, their pupils were stunned, and they opened their eyes again. Such a big event happened without a little prelude.

Daode Tianzun didn't look outside, but looked into the gossip stove, and asked with a smile: "Monkey, the heavens are rising again, do you want to sit down and be the Great Sage Equaling Heaven?"

There was a golden light in the fire, and two divine lights emerged.

The ape in the center of the furnace was surprised and said: "You are not a moral god! You are Yin and Yang..."

The boy Yinjiao shouted and cursed: "Don't talk nonsense, monkey, the god of heaven is training you here every day, how can you be fake."

Xin Yuan chuckled, not as knowledgeable as a fool.

Golden Horn and Silver Horn seem to be legends, but in his eyes they are not even as good as Dharma Bodies, because they are sheltered under the Dao of Dao Tianzun, and they have already merged with the Dao of Tianzun, and there is no further possibility.

Unless reincarnated, there will never be the possibility of enlightenment, good fortune, or even the other side.

Daode Tianzun narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Movement and stillness are Tai Chi, yin and yang are Tai Chi, how come I am not Dao Dao Tian Zun."

Xinyuan narrowed his eyes, and realized a little bit. Not long ago, he and I were invited to make a fuss in the Imperial Horse Supervisor Tiangong.

It seems that in the heavens, another major event happened.

That Yuanshi Tianzun, who has three pure bodies in one body, is asking for reduction to become empty? !

Yuanshi Tianzun of this generation bears the karma of the Three Purities, coupled with the burden of creating the world, he can be described as the person with the heaviest burden.

Once the subtraction becomes empty, at least the digital other shore must bear the cause and effect.

If yes.So this is morality right now, please ask your own river god to inherit the karma of Yuanshi, so who will inherit the karma of Lingbao.

"What's going on in Heaven?" Xin Yuan asked

The old god Daode Tianzun said: "It's another path to the fruition."

Xin Yuan was shocked, another road to fruition? !Then...there is no way for my grandson to go to the other side!
Monkeys have never been a symbol of honesty, but ghosts and spirits are monkeys.

The Monkey King who can be called the most promising Daoist together with Yang Jian is not an ordinary person.

"Old gentleman, can I have a seat in the court that day?" Xin Yuan asked with a smile

Daode Tianzun said indifferently: "But there are, and there are still many roles."

"It depends on whether you dare or not."

"What position?"


Monkeys have to make trouble in the heavenly palace, no matter what time it is, they have to make trouble.

Feng Shui turns around, come to my house next year, this is what the monkey himself said back then.


The lower realm, Qi State.

Priest Bailu stood on the cloud, with purple air surging and golden flowers scattered, giving him a fairy-like appearance.

Holding the decree of heaven in your hand, and saying in your mouth:

"The end of the catastrophe is approaching, and the heavens are in trouble. Taoism, Buddha, witch, demon, god, human, ghost, monster, spirit, spirit, all sentient beings are in the catastrophe. Compassionate, open the Heavenly Court again, and achieve the fruit of the whole Tao.”

"Today, I am ordered by the Emperor of Heaven..."

"When Yuxu Yuanshi sits down to Jiang Ziya's lineage, he will unseat the gods."

Immortal weather, the majesty of the heaven, all the living beings below are prostrating, and when the decree is over, an old Taoist will ride up the clouds and bow his hands
"Angel, I'm Qi Xiaobai, the patriarch Jiang Ziya has been imprisoned for many years before he became an immortal."

Priest Bailu smiled slightly: "It's okay, if the Emperor of Heaven has any predictions, he specially ordered Jiang Ziya, a member of Yuxu's sect, to enshrine the gods. I leave this decree to you."

Duke Huan of Qi, Qi Xiaobai's heart trembled suddenly, and he quickly cupped his hands and asked, "Dare to ask the angels, the leaders of the heavens are the leaders who signed and sealed the gods."

Priest Bailu said with a smile: "It's the Emperor Beichen, Lord Yinyang, Heavenly Venerable Slaughter Demon, Master of the Three Purities, Heavenly Venerable Emperor Wa, Lord Tathagata of Amitabha Buddhism in the Western Paradise, Tathagata Lord of Bodhi Pure Land, Great Heavenly Lord of the Golden Mother of West Kunlun, Penglai Realm His Majesty Emperor Qing, Emperor Ziwei."

Qi Xiaobai first took a deep breath, and then he heard the name of the leader of Sanqing, and he felt a little relieved.

Quickly asked: "Dare to ask the leader of Sanqing, but Taishang Daode Tianzun, I Yuxu Palace Yuanshi Da Tianzun, and Lingbao Tianzun."

"Exactly, how dare you make fun of Tianzun."

Qi Xiaobai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The patriarch is also among them, so that's good, whether there is someone on top of such a big matter as conferring a god is a completely different matter.

No one dies on the top of the tank, but someone above may make a fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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