All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 471 One person gains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven

Chapter 471 One person gains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to the sky
Qi Xiaobai has been a king, so he naturally knows whether there are people above him or not. It is a completely different matter. Some people above have small skills and great achievements, but there is no one above them.

For example, the ancestor Jiang Ziya, with a mortal body, participated in the killing of immortals, and acted like this.But in the end, he was able to survive the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods safely and steadily, and created the foundation of the Qi Kingdom. Although he did not become a fairy, he still enjoyed the wealth and honor in the world, and his life was exhausted.

The reason is that the ancestor Jiang Ziya relied on the Yuanshi Tianzun of Yuxu Palace with his back, was caressed by the great power from the other side, was helped by a senior brother with great magical powers, and a series of nephews who were at least Dharma bodies led the battle. Living and living, living and dying, tossing and tossing until the end of the catastrophe.

"Qi Xiaobai accepts the order."

The old Taoist priest Qi Xiaobai respectfully kowtowed and saluted, and accepted the decree of heaven.

In an instant, the decree of heaven bloomed with brilliance, and the flowers of the sky hung down, turning into a list glowing with pale gold, as if the heaven and the earth were manifested. There were three indescribable seal characters on it - the list of gods.

Qi Xiaobai's heart trembled, and even the list of gods was handed down. The future catastrophe of the gods will definitely not be weaker than the catastrophe of the gods in the Zhou and Shang years.

"Priest, do you want to build the Conferred God Platform?" Qi Xiaobai asked respectfully
Priest Bailu didn't expect that the decree of heaven would suddenly become a list of gods, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

At this moment, a golden light pierced through the clouds, the heavenly drum beat, the fairy scattered flowers, and a blueprint fell from the sky and fell into Qi Xiaobai's arms.

An ethereal voice came from the sky: "This world is about the unity of diversity, the heavens will be re-established, and the establishment of the Conferred God Platform will connect the heavens and conquer the world."

Qi Xiaobai bowed solemnly: "Accept the decree!"

After a while, the vision in the sky disappeared, and Priest Bailu nodded and said: "This matter is over, and I have to go back. Fellow Daoist Qi, I will see you in Tiangong tomorrow."

Before the words fell, it turned into a ray of white light and flew away into the sky.

Returning to the land and stepping into the royal palace, Qi Xiaobai felt lingering fears. After digesting today's information, he couldn't help feeling that he was lucky enough to achieve the glory of his ancestors.

Pressing the excitement, he waved his hand to dismiss the descendants of the King Qi family who came to congratulate the ancestors, and then ordered the current king of Qi State to prepare various sacrificial ceremonies.

The fairy body has no time to be clean, but to show his sincerity, Qi Xiaobai also bathed and burned incense, and cleaned his clothes and crown.

Step into a pure Taoist palace and worship Yuxu Yuanshi Datianzun.

"Above the Three Realms, Brahma Qi and Miluo. The highest is the highest, the sky in the sky. Yu Luo Xiaotai, Yushan Shangjing."

"Miaomiao Jinque, Sen Luo Jinghong. Xuan Yuan Yi Qi, the first of chaos. Among the orbs, the mysterious is mysterious."


Incense was curling up, Qi Xiaobai sincerely prayed

Quietly, the Yuanshi Jade Statue bloomed with black and yellow brilliance, with fairy light floating on it, surrounded by golden lotuses, and a sacred and majestic breath descended.

Qi Xiaobai prayed tens of thousands of times, but never had such a vision. While being excited, he did not forget to salute: "Now Sanqing pays his respects, and the Emperor of Heaven issued a decree, and my disciples praise Yuqing Zixu, the supreme superior, the Supreme Yuanhuang Daojun!"

A golden light flowed in quietly, and Qi Xiaobai's cuff pierced the sky, sparking a golden light.

A wooden whip flew out of it, floating in the void.

Qi Xiaobai lost his voice: "Hit the magic whip!"

After the fall of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, although the gods in the heavens have always been dominated by those who are famous in the list of gods, this treasure has never belonged to the emperor of heaven. The list is hung near the capital of the Zhou Dynasty, and the whipping of the gods belongs to Jiang Ziya and his descendants. Contain the hand of the Emperor of Heaven with Daode Tianzun.

Until the time of Duke Huan of Qi and Qi Xiaobai, he surpassed his ancestors and proved the dharma body.

Now, under the power of Yuanshi and the monstrous good fortune, the three-foot-six-inch-five-inch God Whip has shown a sacred golden color, and the talismans above the 21st knot are all visible, mighty and mighty, like the majestic will descending from the nine heavens.

A wooden whip seems to have conceived a universe, a world, as heavy as time and space, and as light as floating air.

Qi Xiaobai, who has never eaten pork, has never seen a pig run, and who is familiar with various scriptures and classics, sensed the breath of the magic whip, and vaguely understood in his heart that this magic weapon has automatically recovered to the legendary level.

Legendary series ah!Just ask, in today's world, who dares to take this whip.

"Jiang Ziya from Yuxu's sect is of the same lineage as Xiaobai, thank you Patriarch Yuanshi Datianzun of Yuxu Palace!"

Qi Xiaobai took the whip and shouted praises

Immediately afterwards, a jade talisman appeared from the void, and Qi Xiaobai took it to see what it was.


When Yuan Shiguang returned to calm, Qi Xiaobai adjusted his clothes and stepped out of the Dao Palace.

Outside the Dao Palace, the current ruler of the Qi State was looking forward to it. Seeing the ancestor coming out, he quickly asked: "Ancestor, what's the matter?!"

Qi Xiaobai raised the magic whip and laughed: "Yuan Shi favors, the Emperor of Heaven sends a decree, what else can I do."

"The opportunity between me and you is coming, prepare for it, and start to dominate the world."

"Unify the world?!"

The lord of the state of Qi said in astonishment

In such a hurry, today's Spring and Autumn chaos, the division of feudal lords, I don't know how many years it has lasted.Now it is time to rule the world.

Qi Xiaobai's eyes were deep, and he said quietly: "What is it to rule the world, the decree passed down by the Heavenly Lord, we are fighting to cross the ocean of stars!"

"To project the majesty of the heavenly court to all the heavens and myriad realms, from now on, all the gods in one realm will be unified into one!"

The head of the state of Qi was shocked, and then his blood boiled.The story of conferred gods has been passed down to this day, and he has heard it countless times.The old ancestor presided over the event of enshrining the gods, and he followed behind, saying that he could not get a god position.

That is the Immortal God of Heaven, although it is not as good as the self-supporting and self-certifying Dharmakaya Immortal Way, but it is also a serious longevity fruit!
After 81 days of September [-], the Conferred God Tower was built in Qi State.

Qi Xiaobai stepped up the steps, beat the whip with his left hand, and made the list of gods with his right hand, saluting solemnly.

Throwing the void, the list of gods was hung high, and the list was opened, and the golden light was shining, recording the gods of the heavens.

At this moment, even Qi Xiaobai, who has practiced for many years, couldn't help but sneak a glance.

As a result, except for a few gods on the list of gods, the rest are empty, waiting for destined people.

Qi Xiaobai's heart is fiery, and his family may be able to mix up the throne of emperor and star king in the future.

However, he was even more curious about where the doomed god belonged.

Looking around, one of the taboos in the list of gods rose up, and the name of Leibu Tianzun bloomed brilliantly, and the seven-character Beize temple master——Ming Daozi
Where is the sacred place where the master of Beize temple is, where is the holy place of Beize temple, and where is the great power to establish it.

Qi Xiaobai suppressed his doubts, then looked around, but there were four names.

Wenqu Xingjun—Xu Ke; Wuqu Xingjun—Mei Changxia; Yaoguang Xingjun—Yunniang; Taibai Xingjun—White Deer

When he saw the name of Bailu, Qi Xiaobai suddenly thought of the priest of Bailu, and he understood for a while.

It turned out that they were people around the Emperor of Heaven, and the other four were probably members of the orthodoxy.

One person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, and the emperor of heaven is on the throne, so it is naturally a divine position.

(End of this chapter)

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