All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 493 Everyone has a bright future

Chapter 493 Everyone has a bright future

The middle-aged man was fine, and the young men behind him looked strange and hesitated to speak.

As young people growing up in the new era, while cultivating the truth and seeking immortality, they are exposed to modern information, various publicity, and anti-fraud knowledge.

The Taishang Laojun who opened the online store, the celestial gods who pulled people into the organization, the heavenly gods... No matter how you look at it, they are all fraudulent pyramid schemes, or the kind of gang that conspires step by step and fishes everywhere.

If it hadn't been for this celestial being who showed his true supernatural powers, they would all have the urge to report to the police.

"Great Immortal, let's go to the Heavenly, go to the Heavenly Court to apply for a job, what kind of god can we become?"

A young man raised his hand and asked cautiously
As for the situation in the Celestial Court of Tao Yi Bar, Luo Feng thought for a while and said solemnly: "This Heavenly Court is orthodox in the Three Realms, so it is natural to be promoted according to merit."

"You have no merit or virtue, but due to the opening of the Heavenly Court, there is a shortage of talents. Generally speaking, any city god of one side is the god of land and mountains, or the god of water."

The new cultivators were taken aback for a moment, and then they were excited and chattered together in high spirits: "Good fortune, great good fortune."

"Uncle, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Cultivators take seeking immortality as their duty, but people value self-knowledge.

There are differences between gods and gods. The highest level is the ancestor Fuxi Nuwa, the second is the congenital and true sage Jade Emperor Tathagata, and the third is Erlang God. Next is the ghost fairy.

Since the establishment of Taoism, there have been only a few great powers who have truly ascended to immortality and became holy in the flesh. They are nothing more than the ancestors of the Kaipai and their true disciples, and at most a few ancestors of Zhongxing. .

Those who are in a better situation will turn into ghosts and immortals, transfer to ghosts and gods, and those with people above them, such as Longhushan, can be a master of heaven, and those who are less lucky will be reincarnated directly. Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs.

As a cultivator who stepped into the threshold of the Dharma-ending Age, the final result is also at the level of ghosts and immortals. Now he is directly added to the gods, and he is not a small god like ghosts who do not flow in.

It's like waking up and being hit by a 500 million lottery jackpot.

As soon as Mengxin was grateful and respectful, he almost invited Luo Feng into the ancestral hall to worship.

Looking at the ignorant cultivators, Luo Feng smiled without saying a word, the god position is genuine and there is nothing wrong with it, but he did not tell them about a little bit.

The first opening of the Heavenly Court, although it is the orthodoxy of the Three Realms, but everything is missing, people, things...

Even an ancestor god of Nuwa's level has only one Jingwei divine bird under his command, Luo Feng has only three ghost immortals under his command, Erlang God is even more miserable, Tianying is reincarnated as a sparrow, Xiaotian dog is reincarnated as a soil dog, and the Taishang Laojun can only order the courier.

To put it bluntly, it is called rebuilding the heavenly court, but to put it bluntly, it is to open up wasteland.

After taking up the job, 996 is probably the norm, maybe 007. As for the long life brought by becoming a god, it can guarantee that there will be no replacement for a long time, and the work will last for 1000 years.

In short, the cultivators surpassed their predecessors and successfully became gods. They honored their ancestors, Luo Feng recruited a group of subordinates, and the construction of the Heavenly Court is expected. Everyone has a bright future. Congratulations, congratulations.

The Dragon King's magic weapon was taken away, and the flood in this place was completely resolved. After the rain, the sky cleared and the dark clouds cleared, and it was a clear scene again. Standing on the top of the mountain, overlooking the mountain village, Yiyi, a local, quickly found the address of his hometown.

Walking along the jungle path, Yiyi led Luo Feng and a group of practitioners to their hometown.

It may be that he ran out of good luck when he met the cultivation tool person. Luo Feng wandered around the village, but he didn't find the second immortal.

In desperation, after paying respects to the tomb of Emperor Yan's reincarnation, Luo Feng was about to head back home.

Yiyi, who also visited relatives in his hometown, looked at Luo Fengyipao hesitantly, hesitating to speak.

"Yiyi, do you have something to do?" Luo Feng asked curiously

"No, no." Yiyi quickly waved his hand and said, "I have nothing to do, it's just about that jade board."

Luo Feng took out the magic weapon of the Dragon King from his clothes and put it in front of Yiyi

"Brother Feng, put it away quickly." Sister Yiyi yelled in fear, her eyes showing unstoppable disgust.

Luo Feng thoughtfully put away the jade wat.

Sister Yiyi gritted her teeth and said, "I feel, I feel, the owner of this magic weapon seems to be still alive, probably reincarnated."


Isn't the owner of the magic weapon the Dragon King?

Combined with the legend of Jingwei bird, the girl of Emperor Yan is called Nvwa.Once, Nvwa went swimming in the Eastern Sea, where she drowned and never returned, so she became the Jingwei. She often carried sticks and stones from the Western Mountains in her mouth, and carried them into the Eastern Sea.Zhangshui flows out of Yan, and flows eastward into the river.

In his previous life, Jingwei was drowned in the Dragon King's territory. This is a naked feud.

Luo Feng suddenly realized, and couldn't help saying with emotion: "Sure enough, the person who understands you best is not your friend, but your enemy."

"Roasted dried dragon, steamed dragon liver, spicy dragon claw..." Sister Yiyi murmured bitterly, "Sooner or later, I will make that dragon."

A ferocious expression of gritted teeth and bitter hatred.

"Don't be like this, dear." Luo Feng couldn't laugh or cry, they were all reincarnated, Dragon King died once, Jingwei died twice, how could there be such a big hatred!
Forcibly forcing a gentle, elegant, shy and timid girl into the head of the underworld.

"It's at most a negligent death, and besides, the Dragon King is reincarnated, maybe it's a human body. Although dragon meat tastes good, dragon meat hot pot is also good, dragon meat... ahem, you can't eat people anyway."

Yiyi blushed, left her own world, lowered her head nervously and stared at her heels, and apologized in a low voice: "I'm sorry...I'm sorry, Brother Feng, I hold back for a while, thinking of the Dragon King, I just..."

"I understand, I understand, I understand everything." Luo Fengyu said earnestly: "But first, we must first find the reincarnation of the Dragon King, so that there will be a follow-up."

"In case he is reincarnated as a pig, we will have a whole pig feast tonight!"

Sister Yiyi's pupils glowed, and she nodded like a chicken pecking rice. There seemed to be a raging fire burning behind her, as if Sherlock Moriarty and James Holmes were possessed.

Luo Feng smiled lightly, you see that language skills are very useful, please call me Gao EQ Luo Feng today.

With Jingwei as the path-finding artifact, and with the aid of the magic weapon, the position of the Dragon King was locked.

It's in the city where Comrade Nuwa lives, and the distance is quite close.

Luo Feng couldn't help but feel that Nuwa is really lucky, she is worthy of being an ancestor god who speaks the law, no less than any protagonist who has a lot of troubles and thieves.

Walking all the way, Luo Feng found the figure of the Dragon King, and confirmed that Comrade Feng Xiaoxiao was much stronger than the protagonist.

Because Feng Xiaoxiao found the reincarnation of the Dragon King one step earlier than Luo Feng without any props.

Seeing Luo Feng, Feng Xiaoxiao excitedly waved his hands: "Xiaofeng, come here, you are also a water god, do you know Dragon King?"

(End of this chapter)

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