All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 494: Zulong and I are brothers with two swords

Chapter 494

The Dragon King knows more than just acquaintances. Luo Feng has an inseparable relationship with the Dragon Clan on the Avenue of Water, not to mention the Wufang Dragon God who is directly under him, even the relationship with Zulong, the ancestor of ten thousand dragons.

Luo Feng smiled and said, "Which dragon god are you, and what position do you occupy?"

"In my previous life, I was Ao Guang, the dragon king of the East China Sea, who was in charge of the clouds and rain." Ao Qian performed an ancient ritual of the dragon clan and asked doubtfully: "Dare to ask this fairy friend?"

The mystery in the womb Even the great Bodhisattva Maitreya who is about to prove the Tao in the future will be confused. Someone needs to be awakened. It is normal for the reincarnated Ao Qian not to search for Luo Feng in the memory of the previous life. immortal.

"Dragon King of the East China Sea." Luo Feng glanced at Yiyi and couldn't help but sigh, "It's a pity that we can't eat pork tonight."

Sister Yiyi nodded with tears in her eyes, don't ask me why there are tears in my eyes, because I love dragon meat deeply.

He took out the Dragon King's jade wat from his bosom and handed it over, Luo Feng asked: "Take a look, is this your magic weapon?"

Ao Qian played with it for a while, and said pleasantly: "This is the jade wat of my previous life, a gift from the heaven, and it is also a treasure that travels the clouds and spreads the rain."

Dragon King Awakening is gifted with supernatural powers, but he cannot control them. Calling the wind and calling the rain was only a skill for watering flowers and plants in his hands. Now he has the jade wat, but he can cast spells freely, which has successfully transformed into a must-kill skill.

If there is favorability, Ao Qian's favorability towards Luo Feng has already started +10 at this moment.

This world is so magical, the salted fish Nuwa, the sister-in-law Fuxi, the Taishang Laojun who opened an online shop, the Yandi who died of alcohol, and even the dragon clan who has a positive affection for Luo Feng.

I have to sigh with emotion, good fortune is miraculous, and there are no wonders in the heavens and myriad worlds.

"Are you a senior of my Dragon Clan?" After receiving the magic weapon, Ao Qian's attitude became obviously respectful.

Luo Feng said with a smile: "Dragon Clan, I am familiar with this, and Zulong and I are good brothers with a sword in our arms!"

Every time we meet, I wish I could stab each other twice, isn't it just stabbing each other in the ribs? !

Ao Qian was in awe, he and Zulong were brothers, he must be a congenital and true saint in the barbaric period, and at the last time he was also a big man who was sanctified in the flesh.

"You know Zu Long?" Feng Xiaoxiao patted Luo Feng's shoulder, and asked doubtfully, "Who was your previous life?"

Luo Feng kept talking about his water god, but he didn't explain his serious occupation. Feng Xiaoxiao didn't care. After all, she is a Nuwa, no matter how high the official position is, she can't be bigger than her.

Looking at it now, Luo Feng's status among the water gods is no less than that of the Dragon King, no, it should be said that he was at the level of the Dragon King at the last.

A trace of arctic profound qi emanated from the fingers, and wisps of cold water vapor gathered and condensed into a crystal lotus flower, faint and bright, gestating the meaning of the end of the extreme cold, and also having the rhyme of catching thousands of water.

Yiyi shrank to one side in fear, Ao Qian resisted the urge to crawl on the ground and tremble, Erlang Shen's face seemed to be covered with ice.

Only Feng Xiaoxiao was careless and didn't feel the slightest.

Nuwa's real body doesn't mean Xuanming, even if the end of the doomsday is just a sleep.

Luo Feng smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you that I was in charge of relieving souls and reviving lives, eliminating disasters and disasters, and I used to have many professional titles."

"At first I was Shui De Xingjun, and later I became the Great Emperor of Dongyin through self-struggle, in charge of the power of Xuanming, and the master of all the gods in the water. Later, by chance, I became a true martial artist again."

"However, that's all in the past. The Heavenly Court is re-established in this world. The status of the gods depends on how Nuwa distributes them."

"Dongyin Water Official, Ancestral God Nuwa..."

Ao Qian gasped and contributed to global warming.What a big two gods.

The head of the Dongyin water official and the great gods in the water can be regarded as the direct superiors of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. As for the ancestor god Nuwa, she was an existence that could not be expected in the previous life.

Now it's better to stand straight in front of him, still on the street.What an adventure in life, fate is unpredictable.

"Did the two great gods ask me for something?" Ao Qian asked doubtfully.
Feng Xiaoxiao counted on her fingers: "One is that Erlang Shen's Xiaotian dog has been poisoned, and I want to seek treatment from you."

"Another one is..."

Before Feng Xiao's novel was finished, Erlang Shen Yang Yan took the earth dog Xiao Tiangou out of the car, and interrupted anxiously: "Don't discuss it yet, Dragon King, see if you can save it."

"It was bitten by a snake demon."

"Detoxification?" Ao Qian in a white coat frowned and said, "The Dragon King is in charge of water, I'm not Shennong, this..."

Erlang Shen became anxious immediately: "You are a veterinarian!"

"I resigned, and got rid of the monster's poison..." Veterinarian Ao hesitated to speak.
"Okay, who said that the water god can't detoxify." Luo Feng shook his head, walked forward to hug the earth dog Xiaotian dog, pressed his hand on the wound, and muttered: "You people, usually don't care about science. .”

"Blood water, blood water, blood is also water, water occupies about half of the human body, in addition to the god of medicine and medicine, we water gods are also the group of people who know the structure of the human body best."

"Well, except for Nuwa, there was no such thing as a human being before her."

Between the words, traces of black blood gushed out from Xiaotiangou's wound, red and black intertwined, exuding a stench, dripping to the ground, corroding a small pit.

Feng Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded, and couldn't help muttering: "Xiaofeng, you are actually Doraemon, right?"

"I'm not Doraemon, but I'm quite familiar with Nobita, I'll introduce you some other day." Luo Feng teased, and with a wave of his hand, Xiaotiangou's wound healed and he was about to wake up.


Nuwa is the ancestor of the gods, and Feng Xiaoxiao made a vow to rebuild the heaven. Even if she doesn't want to do it, the way of heaven will gather the reincarnation of the gods to her side one by one. It may be a coincidence, it may be a chance encounter, but in the end will come.

Dragon King Aoqian is an example. He obviously has nothing to do with Nuwa, but because of the poisoning of the Xiaotian dog, he got involved with him and got on the boat of Taoyi Bar Tianting.

However, the return of the Dragon King is also a happy event, and many water veins can be regarded as owners. In the not-too-distant future, Luo Feng may be able to leave the official duties to the Dragon King and let his subordinates do the work.

As time goes by, the reincarnation of gods from all walks of life gathers together, coupled with the internship of new cultivators, the vacancies of city gods, lands, mountain gods and water gods from all walks of life are barely filled.

The Heavenly Court of Taoyi Bar barely operates, and has a basic structure of the Heavenly Court.

Gazing at the gathering of luck in the dark, and the strands of black and yellow merit air hanging down, Luo Feng couldn't help showing a smile. With his efforts (actually Nuwa's oath...a mustache...) Heaven finally stepped onto the sky. on track.

A heavenly court was established, and while gaining a lot of merit, it also made a further step in practicing the Dao.

Looking up at the sky, the Milky Way all over the sky fell into Luo Feng's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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