All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 5 The correct way to open the Tao of Talismans

Chapter 5 The correct way to open the Tao of Talismans
In prosperous times, antiques are hidden, and in troubled times, gold is bought.

Gold and silver have always been the common currency of human society, especially in today's troubled times, the price of gold and silver has skyrocketed.

One silver dollar can buy dozens of catties of rice, and a few silver dollars can buy a cow.

The shopkeeper of the pawn shop had an evil heart and made a random quotation. Luo Feng also got 28 silver dollars, which is equivalent to 21 to 3 yuan in the [-]st century.

The medicine costs three silver dollars, and there are 25 silver dollars left.

In a small room in the pharmacy, Zheng Zha mainly suffered from skin trauma. Applying medicine is not a big problem. What needs to be paid attention to is the bacterial infection of this era, so he wrapped it tightly with gauze and lay on the bed to rest.

Luo Feng sat on a chair beside him, staring at the 25 silver dollars on the table, thinking about how to live in the future.

Zheng Zha was silent for a long time, then whispered, "Thank you."

Originally a white-collar worker, he was not good at emotional communication. Even his voice of thanks was very subtle. Luo Feng raised his head in confusion and glanced at Zheng Zha, only to be sure that he was speaking.

"Thank you, we escaped from the main god space together, it is also a fate." Luo Feng smiled freely, in his opinion, since Zheng Zha was saved, he must save people to the end.

As long as someone speaks first, the deadlock can be broken, and the awkward atmosphere in the space has eased a lot.

Really, Zheng Zha and Luo Feng are just familiar strangers.

"Actually, you can also throw me on the spot, why do you carry me down the mountain?"

"In the wilderness, my sick number is a burden"

Zheng Zha asked tentatively.

As a white-collar worker, I am accustomed to intrigue in the workplace, and I have never been afraid to speculate on others with the worst malicious intent.

He is a good person if he doesn't fall into the pit, and he has never seen a fool who gives charcoal in the snow.

Luo Feng said without hesitation: "How you think is your business, and whether to save people is my business."

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to feel that his words were too straightforward. Luo Feng thought for a while and said, "This era is very bad. We almost died when we went to the pawn shop. We two modern people should help each other and live together."

"Is that so..." After a long silence, Zheng Zha smiled, stretched out his right hand and said, "Let's live together!"

Luo Feng was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously clapped forward, giving a crisp and pleasant applause.

"Pain! Pain! Pain!"

"My hand... You, the surnamed Luo, kill pigs, with such great strength!"

Zheng Zha cried out

"Hehe." Luo Feng smiled embarrassedly

For a while, the relationship between the two became a lot closer. After talking for a while, Zheng Zha said hesitantly.

"Actually, I got a thing in the main god space."

"Oh, me too..."

"At first I..., Σ(っ°Д°;)っ, what did you say!"


Because of the pawn shop incident, both Luo Feng and Zheng Zha felt an inexplicable crisis.

On the first day of time travel, I encountered a murder to make money, even trying to be a salted fish is too much!
In addition, both of them had black hukou and could not stand the investigation. Together, Zheng Zha and Luo Feng could not stay in the county town, so they simply went to Yangjia Village.

Luo Fengguan is called Novice Village leveling, and then goes to the small copy of the county.

Call old man Yang, take out three silver dollars, ask old man Yang to help the two settle houses and furniture in Yangjia Village, and then take out another silver dollar as a reward.

After being polite, holding the silver dollar tightly in his hand, the old man Yang couldn't stop laughing. He was farming in the countryside, and he didn't necessarily earn a dollar all year round.A slap on the chest guarantees that things will be done well.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, the next morning, the two of them took the herbal medicine, got on the ox cart of the old man Yang, and rushed back to Yangjia Village.

The county seat is more than 20 kilometers away from Yangjiacun. The ox carts walked slowly but steadily. After half a day's journey, they finally returned to Yangjiacun.

Under the recommendation of the old man Yang, Luo Feng and Zheng Zha met, Yang You, the head of the Yang family village and the head of the Yang family.

The clans in the countryside are strong and prosperous. Since ancient times, there is a saying that the imperial power does not go to the countryside. Without the permission of the village chief, the two of them could not live at all.

On the contrary, with the help of Yang You, the two can quickly integrate into Yangjia Village.

Different from the evil landlord class in the novel, the village head of Yangjia Village belongs to the rich peasant class. Although the family has livestock, he has to work in the fields by himself.

Under the leadership of the old man Yang, the two found the village chief Yang who was mowing the grass and feeding the pigs.

Looking at Zheng Zha and Luo Feng, Village Chief Yang frowned, clapped his hands to remove the soil, pulled the old man Yang to find a small corner, and asked in a low voice, "They won't have any problems, right?"

"It doesn't look like a farmer, and his hands are as white as a girl's."

Yang Laohan put a piece of silver in the palm of the village chief's hand, and said with a smile: "No problem, brother, what can be wrong with the two little dolls, it is estimated that even your family can't beat the big ones."

In an instant, Village Chief Yang's attitude eased a lot and asked, "Where is he from? Give me his household registration. Do you have any other requirements?"

"They were kidnapped, and their household registration was lost." Old man Yang sighed.

"No household registration!" Village Chief Yang said loudly, his face uncertain.

"Brother, brother, they are all scholars, what can they do, rest assured, rest assured"

"Besides, it's enough for them to have two rooms, not fields." The old man Yang felt distressed and stuffed another piece of silver dangling.

Weighing the weight in his hand, Village Chief Yang nodded, it would be easy to do without the fields.

He is the head of the village and the head of the patriarch. To think about the Yang family, as long as the two outsiders do not divide the fields in the village, everything else is nothing.

There are still a few old houses in the village.

Village Chief Yang showed a smile to the two of them: "You two don't want to land."

"No need." Zheng Zha shook his head, he couldn't stay in the village farming all his life.

"Where's this one?!" Village Chief Yang turned around and asked
"Need not."

Luo Feng thought for a while and said, although he is a little more stable, it is impossible to live in this small mountain village for more than ten years, maybe decades.

"Okay, okay, okay, welcome, welcome to Yangjia Village!" After being confirmed, the village chief Yang showed a bright smile
Touching the remaining piece of silver, the old man Yang also smiled, and his son's daughter-in-law was gone.

With the help of the village chief, Zheng Zha and Luo Feng chose two houses at the end of the village and settled down.

Old man Yang earned an extra silver dollar. In addition to being happy, he felt ashamed. He brought a few pieces of furniture, money, rice, oil and salt to the two of them, and also asked his mother-in-law to make a few meals of meat and send them over.

Luo Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the somewhat-looking house and the delicious food, which saved the two of them a lot of trouble.

After settling down, Luo Feng and Zheng Zha devoted themselves to the study of breathing techniques and talismans.

In a troubled world in a foreign land, only strength can make people feel at ease.

Breathing techniques and talismans are the way to attribute great power to oneself!
The technique of talisman originated from the yellow talisman, which is engraved with the runes of birds and beasts, the name of ghosts and gods, and the mysterious and mysterious.

It can be regarded as Zheng Zha's natal magic weapon!
Zheng Zha, who has a yellow talisman, can easily draw talismans, but Luo Feng can't.

After trying more than ten times, but still unsuccessful, Luo Feng couldn't help but get angry: "They all slipped out of the main god space, are they discriminatory?"

At this time, Zheng Zha slipped over and explained kindly, "Fu Lu, you don't just paint casually, you have to be qualified."

Luo Feng: (⊙⊙)
Zheng Zha said: "The talisman is the spirit of heaven and earth, and the talisman is the name badge of the ghosts and gods. It drives the vitality of the heavens and the earth, communicates the spirits of the heavens and the earth, restrains the ghosts and gods, and the true qi in the body arouses the spirit of cunning, and turns it into a little talisman seed in the dantian. the beginning of mana."

Luo Feng: "???"

Seeing that Luo Feng still didn't understand, Zheng Zha pondered for a while and said, "Simply put, if you want to draw a talisman, you must have an identity, or be a teacher, so that the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth will respond."

Immediately afterwards, he took out the yellow talisman of his life, and Zheng Zha said with a smile, "I'm not a Taoist priest, and I don't have a teacher. This is my identity."

Luo Feng's face collapsed, emotionally casting spells and talismans, and he still has to hold a certificate to work!

The natal magic weapon, the yellow talisman, is an ID card!

Luo Feng was a little dazed and asked subconsciously, "What happened to the Taoist priest opening the altar? Put it simply!"

To put it simply, this question is a little harder.

Zheng Zha scratched his head, thought for a moment, suddenly a flash of inspiration, snapped his fingers and said: "There is, the talisman is the spirit of heaven and earth, and the talisman is the name badge of the ghosts and gods. In short, the talisman is the application report written by the Taoist priest, It's the leader's name and office location!"

"That's why the Taoist priests are writing a report by setting up the altar and painting the talisman, and after the study and decision of the Ministry of Thunder, there is a Tianlei Puxie." Luo Feng muttered.
"That's right." Zheng Zha nodded and said, "I didn't get much information in Huang Fu, it should be like this!"

"Then why is the old gentleman in such a hurry!" Luo Feng raised his head suddenly, thinking of a phrase that often appears in Earth movies and TV dramas
"That's it."

"Generally, the Taoist priests read like a decree, which means that I made a report to the central leadership. You (ghosts and gods, etc.) quickly listen to my instructions?"

"If there is a major or urgent matter, I will read Taishang Laojun's urgency as a decree, which means that I have made an urgent report to the central leadership. No one! Hurry up and answer the phone"

Knowing the truth, Luo Feng was powerless to complain, and gave up the Tao of Talisman with a look of despair.

Who let him have no ID.

 Update in advance, I hope everyone invests

(End of this chapter)

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