All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 6 7 Sets of Breathing Techniques Revised Version 2.3

Chapter 6 Seven Sets of Breathing Techniques Revised Version 2.3 (Second Update)

Extensive is not as deep as profound, and learning is not as good as refined
After giving up the talisman, Luo Feng began to focus on breathing techniques.

The seventh set of breathing technique was revised to version 2.3. Just like its name, it is not an unfathomable method of refining Qi, but the most basic method.

The biggest advantage is that it doesn't pick people, there are no mistakes, there is no gossip, and it's endless and endless. It's a person who can cultivate forever.

The biggest disadvantage is that it has no power, and is simply used to breathe and refine Qi.

On this day, the wind was gentle and the sun was shining brightly.

In the empty quiet room, Luo Feng, as usual, breathes out vitality, carries blood, and sprints twelve serious meridians according to the description of the breathing technique.

The most important thing in meditation is that there is no emptiness in one thought, no distracting thoughts, and pure emptiness.

But ordinary people, there are countless thoughts floating in the blink of an eye, it is impossible to do it, and it is impossible to think about it.

Cultivation of immortals, cultivation of immortals, cultivation is the way of immortality, not the way of death.

Therefore, the predecessors and sages came up with many ways to replace the idea of ​​the unity of heaven and man, so that the new rookies can practice.

The introductory method recorded in the breathing technique is to not be able to think of the Void Realm.

Not being born and not being born are completely two realms.

There is no need to cut off all thoughts, but focus on one thought to reach the realm of sincerity and spirituality, thereby sensing the vitality of heaven and earth.

According to this method, Luo Feng focuses on a circle, he is a small circle, heaven and earth are a big circle, and the universe is another circle.Concentrate, there is a slight fluctuation of vitality between the breaths, and the gentleness of the spirit slowly flows into the body, and a warm current is suddenly generated.

Luo Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and his clear eyes were full of joy and joy.

After three days of retreat, I finally felt a sense of qi, and the first threshold of cultivation has passed!
The sense of qi fills the whole body, and I feel that my energy is infinite, and I can even tear a husky by hand.

This is the power of a ha!
The surprise came suddenly. After refining the sense of Qi, Luo Feng was like a child who obtained novel toys. In addition to eating and sleeping, he only had to breathe and breathe.

After a few days, I figured out a rule.

A trace of qi is generated every 3 minutes, and every [-] traces of qi condense into a trace of true qi, which can be used to sprint the meridians and nourish the body.

At the end of the day, apart from eating and sleeping, about 320 silks of qi are produced, which is equivalent to 3.2 silks of true qi.


Three months later, Luo Feng has already released 288 traces of True Qi


In the courtyard, Luo Feng strode up to the sky, punching in the wind, and a blow came out!


The big tree in front of him dropped leaves in coordination, and the fist marks on the bark indicated that it was attacked.

"As expected of the basic breathing technique."

The reality is cruel, Luo Feng reluctantly complained.

Basic breathing technique, physical fitness, beauty and beauty effect is good.

In March, the skin is like jade, the body is light, and the breath is smooth.

However, the attack power is worthy of the name of the foundation!

Diligently and diligently, he released 288 silks of true qi, and entered the third level of breathing technique.

Luo Feng could not even beat a big tree, at most a palm wind blew.

On the other hand, Zheng Zha, a fire talisman can burn a big hole.

Looking at Luo Feng, I am envious and jealous!
The shadows of Xianyuntan are lingering, and things change for a few times in autumn.

Settled in Yangjia Village for some time.

In the days of serious fishing and paddling, Luo Feng gradually adapted to the life of the small mountain village.

The folk customs here are simple, and all the villagers are talented people who speak nicely.

Although compared with modern times, there is no air conditioner, no hot pot, no iced drinks, no happy water, no mobile phone, no computer, no sand sculpture netizens...

This kind of life is really not lived, a certain otaku said.

Fortunately, there is a breathing technique. After all, it is fun to cultivate a warm airflow, and it can also strengthen the body.

It was another peaceful day. In the early morning, the sun was shining brightly. Zheng Zha knocked on Luo Feng's wooden door early.

"Come in, the door is open."

Luo Feng shouted while washing

"You're right, like a fairy who invites guests." Zheng Zha said with a smile as he pushed the door open.
"Fuck you!"

Luo Feng wiped his face, threw a basin of water over it, and scolded angrily: "In the morning, what are you looking for your father?"

He quickly took out a talisman, condensed the water into a ball and threw it out. Zheng Zha shook his head and pretended to sigh, "There is always a son who wants to be a father!"

Luo Feng sneered: "Old Wangquan next door told me, he only shot if you can't do it!"

Zheng Zha was at a loss for words. Who told him to travel early? The earth is still in 2007. There are few sand sculpture netizens and not many rants.

"What are you looking for me for?"

After cleaning up, Luo Feng put a bowl of porridge in front of Zheng Zha, and asked casually, "You're not like someone who gets up early."

Luo Feng needs to breathe out and refine his qi, so his practice time is too early, and he adopts the pure qi of heaven and earth to cultivate his body, while Zheng Zha draws talismans to concentrate, which is suitable for practicing with the power of Taiyin at night.

Zheng Zha said with a straight face: "I have business with you, do you still remember the pawn shop?"

Luo Feng tactically raised his head, leaned back, put down the porridge he took a mouthful of, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "What are you talking about?!"

"Which black shop pits our stuff and wants to kill you."

Zheng Zha was eager to try and said: "Master said, repay your grievances with straightness, and repay your virtues with virtue, it's time to give them a retribution!"

Luo Feng frowned and said, "How are you going to retaliate?"

Zheng Zha said in surprise: "Of course it hit the door?!"

Luo Feng almost didn't spit out the porridge he drank, and hated iron for not being steel: "Crazy, now both of us are crispy, how can we fight!"

"What if they have guns!"

Zheng Zha was stunned for a moment. He was armed with a sharp weapon, and he possessed the power of talismans. He completely despised a mere worldly pawn shop.

Luo Fengyu said earnestly: "Now is not ancient, but modern. There are guns and cannons, the times have changed!"

Technology is developing, the times are progressing, and there are hot weapons in this society!
Even ordinary people, armed with hot weapons, can fight against extraordinary powers.

Zheng Zha said unwillingly: "Do you just let them go like this? If you don't retaliate against a non-gentleman, what if they don't have guns?!"

Luo Feng rubbed his temples and pondered for a while: "It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years. Otherwise, after ten years, we will achieve great achievements, the King Kong will not be destroyed, and we will take revenge in the past."

While on Earth, he had the privilege of seeing a scripture written by a sage.

[Don't be self-sufficient, don't be afraid of yourself, everything is stable, you can get peace]

This is the mantra of the Great Dao, and Luo Feng admires it.

It's a pity that I can't find the name of this sage when I check the Internet and books.

Zheng Zha was stunned and stared at Luo Feng, as if he had seen a Voldemort.

"Ha ha."

Luo Feng smiled awkwardly, and seemed to think that ten years was a bit long.

"How about we go to inquire about the information tonight?"

"As the saying goes, know yourself and the enemy, and you will win a hundred battles!"

"I think it's okay." Zheng Zha thought for a while, then nodded.
Looking at Zheng Zha's figure, Luo Feng muttered, "I'm not cowardly, it's called caution..."

He is kind, not a bad guy, an otaku, not a fool.

People who show malice to themselves, naturally can't let go, but everything has to be careful!

After all, there is only one life, no matter how cautious you are.

Even if there is a danger of one in a billion, you can't risk it!
At night, the moon is bright and the stars are thin
The two sneaked into the county seat quietly and went to the pawn shop to check the situation at night.

The pawn shop is square, with the main hall in front and the inner courtyard in the back.

The two were about to jump into the wall, but Luo Feng's face suddenly changed. He found that there were more than a dozen big men guarding the backyard, which was not common sense.

There must be something strange about this small shop, how can someone guard it at night.

With a wave of their hand, the two quietly jumped up on the roof to eavesdrop, and there were two people in the house.

One has never been seen before, and the other is the shopkeeper of a pawn shop. Luo Feng has seen it before.

"Help master, this year's members are all prepared in the firewood house."

"You old man, just wait at home, why go there in person." The shopkeeper flattered.
"What do you know!" A middle-aged voice reprimanded, a middle-aged horse-faced man sitting in the first place, who was the leader of the shopkeeper's mouth.

"These little babies, I will be happy only if I touch them in person." The helper said with a smile.
 I hope you can invest and earn some coins, right? (^^●)

(End of this chapter)

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