All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 7 Time flies, 1 year later

Chapter 7 Time goes by, one year later

"It's up to you, old man, to be cautious."

The shopkeeper was flattering blindly, but he was contemptuous in his heart, and the new gang leader had never seen the world.

"It's good to know." The gang leader nodded, and then said: "A few days ago, you sent something, and Marshal Ma was very satisfied, and the street in the east of the city can be won."

"Congratulations to the gang leader, Hexi gang leader, our Black Dragon Gang has acquired another piece of territory." The shopkeeper pretended to be surprised and flattered.
"Hahaha" The gang leader laughed loudly: "You've done a lot of credit, I'll give you another shop when you win the market."

"Thank you, little one, helper!" The shopkeeper was overjoyed, his chrysanthemum-like smile was sincere.

"By the way, helper, the Bai family on that street seems to have something to do with the Commander's Mansion."

The shopkeeper suddenly remembered something and asked with concern, "What if they resist."

Unexpectedly, the gang leader glared at the shopkeeper without hesitation, and scolded: "You are stupid, of course you are giving gifts respectfully, don't say it has anything to do with it, you can't offend even a dog from the commander's house."

The shopkeeper's face was full of smiles, and his heart was stunned. No wonder this warrior can be the new leader, and he really has some means.

Then he tentatively said: "Help Master, where are the others?"

The helper raised his eyelids and said casually, "I still need to say that when Brother Long was here, he would accept three orders. If he refused to smash the store, and dared to resist, the fish in the moat would be hungry."

"Yes, yes, yes!" The shopkeeper's smile grew brighter and his attitude became more respectful

Luo Feng and Zheng Zha watched every move of the two people below.

Unexpectedly, behind the pawn shop is the county gangster, no wonder the little pawn shop has the confidence to seek money and kill.

Unfortunately, tonight the helper came to withdraw money. There were a dozen or so thugs in the backyard, with bulging waists that looked like guns.

Zheng Zha began to hesitate, whether to do it or not.

Although both of them have power beyond ordinary people, but there are many gangsters, and the other party has more than ten people, which is a bit tricky. If they have guns, it will be even more difficult to handle. Be careful of capsize in the gutter.

"Would you like to try it?" Zheng Zha whispered
Luo Feng didn't even think about it, and said decisively: "Don't take risks! Go first"

Safety first, don't be reckless.

He estimated the strength of his own side, there is a [-]% chance of winning in a strong attack, and only [-]% in a sneak attack!

The probability of success is too low.

The last one was five to five, but...

At least a success rate of more than [-]% is required before Luo Feng dares to test his actions.

Zheng Zha thought for a while, then sighed and said, "Yes, they are lucky."

Luo Feng patted Zheng Zha's shoulder comfortingly, and then sneaked into the firewood room where the gold and silver jewelry were kept from the back door.

After a slight scan, there were more than ten pieces of gold antiques, as well as a small box of silver dollars.

Gold antiques were inconvenient to carry, and the two did not have the legendary space artifact, so they were prone to making noises, so they only moved half a box of silver dollars away.

After Luo Feng's qi refining, although the attacking method was not strong, his strength was several times stronger. A box of several tens of kilograms was as simple as carrying a bottle of soy sauce.

It's right to be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years, but there is nothing wrong with charging some interest in advance.

Half an hour later, the gangster who lost a lot of gold and silver jewelry made a fuss and almost led to an infighting.

The real culprit had already returned to the countryside, enjoying life leisurely, and happily counting the profits.

Time flies by like water, and a year goes by in a blink of an eye.

[Reincarnator: Luo Feng (??)]

【No.: 22333】

[Skill: Breathing Technique (Twelve Layers)]

[Main quest: None]

【Reward: None】

Luo Feng, I don't know if it's because of his talent, or because this world is suitable for practicing Qi, the speed of practice is so fast!

Coupled with the windfall from the gang, the two specially bypassed three or four county towns and went to places where the Black Dragon Gang was less powerful, and bought a lot of medicinal materials to assist their cultivation.

Now Luo Feng has opened up the Twelve Serious Meridians, allowing True Qi to infuse the whole body. According to the records of the Breathing Technique, the Twelve Serious Serious Meridians have formed a great cycle called Da Zhoutian.

There seems to be infinite power in his body, and the whole body seems to be reborn. If you can tear a husky with your hands in the initial qi refining, then your own blood is boiling, and your true qi is perfect, and you can tear a hundred huskies with your hands.

Luo Feng, based on his years of experience in online writing, divides his current state into Acquired Great Perfection.

Although he acts like the wind and has strength, Luo Feng often reminds himself.

Don't be arrogant, don't take the road of Long Aotian, and now you are a little bit stronger than ordinary people.

It's good to say that if you meet a ronin, if you fight against a big force, you may be shot to death by random guns.

Unluckily, I ran into a warlord, and a cannon bombed him directly.

Even if there are no guns and artillery, what if you encounter a black shop poisoning?
There are colorless and odorless poisons in the novel, but with his own small body, he can't be invulnerable to all poisons!

Luo Feng's goal is to be safe and to become a fairy!
As for the Black Dragon Gang?

It's just a small role, if you have time, you can take revenge.

There is no free time. After a hundred years, I will go to their graves to dance and play a suona at random to see them off.

Gou to become immortal, this is Luo Feng's dream.

It's a pity that Zheng Zha didn't think much of it. He was older and more angry than Luo Feng.

He is obviously a master of magic, but he is a militant. He often pulls Luo Feng to practice against each other to test his combat effectiveness.

Looking forward, I will hit the Black Dragon Gang one day earlier.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Among the small trees in the back mountain, Luo Feng hurried away, and countless wooden arrows flew past behind him. Seeing that he was about to hit his back, he jumped up with his right foot to avoid the blow.

With a bang, a giant tree fell from behind.

Luo Feng froze his body, the corner of his eyes squinted that Zheng Zha was less than [-] meters away from himself, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and he stepped forward, like a cheetah sprinting!
Zheng Zha, who has achieved a small success in talisman, can easily use three yellow talismans to attack within 1 minute.

The essence of tactics is more deeply taught by Luo Feng's wretched style.

Luo Feng's long-term accumulated experience, even if dealing with Zheng Zha, don't give him time to prepare.

Hand-to-hand combat is king, the long board beats the short board!

"Qianyuan has generals, wearing three towers on the top, wearing a round elephant, true martial arts and mighty spirit, help me on the road!"

Seeing Luo Feng attacking quickly, he was irresistible, Zheng Zha didn't panic at all, quickly chant a spell, and took out a golden armor talisman from his waist!

In a matter of seconds, he was already close, but General Jin Jia was defeated by Luo Feng, and Zheng Zha disappeared.

"Depend on!"

After taking a breath of infuriating energy and recovering his physical strength, Luo Feng shouted angrily.
At this time, Zheng Zha's figure appeared on a big tree in the distance, and he said with a smile: "This is what you taught me, to play from a distance, never be melee close, or you will die miserably!"

"Come again!" Luo Feng's feet froze, ready to go.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Zha immediately jumped off the tree and waved his hand quickly: "I won't come, I won't come."

"Not a single one, not a single one."

"This month's talisman has run out!"

Luo Feng shook his head in disappointment, and said in disgust, "You are too fast, and it will be over in less than half an hour."

Putting on Luo Feng's shoulder, Zheng Zha complained, "It's clear that your physical strength is recovering quickly."

"It took more than two months of talismans last time to drain your stamina."

Disgustingly throwing away Zheng Zha, who was hooking his shoulders on his back, Luo Feng patted his clothes and said, "The benefit of breathing is just that, it's better for men to last longer."

"Like you're too fast..."

Zheng Zha pretended to be Xizi holding his heart: "Hey, I hate it, people..."

"roll roll roll!"

Almost without a tic tac toe popping out of his head, Luo Feng took out a piece of candy from his waist to ease his nausea.

Zheng Zha smiled and didn't care at all.

Walking on the road in the countryside, I occasionally meet the villagers of Yangjia Village, greet them warmly, and chat.

Yangjiacun is not a troublemaker with poor mountains and rivers, but ordinary people who are conservative and xenophobic. After getting along for a long time, they will naturally have feelings.

Coupled with their extraordinary skills, they help the village solve some problems from time to time, and they have a good relationship with the villagers.

People are not plants and trees, and over time, they gradually regard this place as a second home.

"Uncle, Tangtang..."



The little dolls at the head of the village gathered around Zheng Zha and Luo Feng to ask for candy, their eyes staring eagerly at their pockets.

Candy and candied fruit can be seen everywhere in the city, but they are rare in Yangjia Village, where traffic is inconvenient.

Except for weddings and festivals, children will never see the shadow of candy.

Can only keep saliva, Wangtang sighed, helpless.

Luo Feng is fond of sweets. There is no happy water in this era, so he can only buy candied fruit from the city and candy to satisfy his cravings.

At the same time, they also gave some candy to the children in the neighborhood.

Going back and forth, forming a habit, once the two return from the city, there will be children surrounding them.

"Come on, little black, this is for you."

Luo Feng smiled and took out a handful of candy, handed it to a dark-skinned little guy, and then warned: "You can only eat one a day, or your teeth will fall out!"

"Got it, Uncle Feng!" Little Hei zizily took the candy and nodded desperately.

Uncle Feng?

Luo Feng felt a little melancholy, he was only a little old, in his early 20s, and he didn't even have a girlfriend, so he grew up a generation.

 Luo Feng: Garbage author, he doesn't have a girlfriend, so he hasn't arranged for me
  Author: Isn't Zheng Zha very good?

  Luo Feng: I bah!Can this product be the same as a cute girl?

  Author: Otherwise, I will arrange for him to have sex
  Luo Feng: …………

(End of this chapter)

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