All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 520: The Three Emperors of Eternal Blue Sky

Chapter 520

There are ready-made monks, and the Supreme in the restricted area is a big push.

But Luo Feng definitely doesn't want this kind of crooked melon and split dates, not to mention the karma of most of the Supremes, cursing and resentment, coming in will only dirty their own territory.

In terms of Taoism alone, these supreme beings are not qualified. They gave up everything in order to become immortals, and pinned their hopes on external things instead of believing in themselves.

The eternal life pursued by the supreme is the most indispensable thing in the prehistoric world. The low-level cultivation, the middle-level official, and the high-level eating peaches, there are thousands of ways to make you live forever. Projection is to directly join Da Luo, who is supreme and prehistoric, and become Da Luo's spokesperson.

The Great Emperor Wu Que with perfect Dao Xin, in the current time and space, Wan Qingqing Emperor counts as one, the Immortal Emperor under his feet counts as one, Wu Shi from a different time and space counts as one, the ruthless man in the ancient forbidden land counts as one, and the emperor behind the scenes counts as one.

By the way, Huanggu's red-haired holy body counts as half of it, and I will pull it over to make a pair of double-flowered red sticks with Daoyang another day.

Even including old and frail employees like Dacheng Shengti, it was only five and a half.

Dongfeng Wangfo looked melancholy, there are too few talents, what should I do if no one works, and what will I do if I open up a heaven in the future.

Daoyang Holy Body was about to leave, and came to Daleiyin Temple to bid farewell. Seeing Dongfeng Wangfo's frowning expression, he couldn't help asking, "World Honored One, what troubles do you have?"

Dongfeng Wangfo sighed slightly: "Daoyang, do you know the heroes of the world?"

Daoyang Saint Body smiled and said: "The World Honored One is joking, I am a person from the past, how do I know the heroes of today."

Dongfeng Wangfo shook his head and said: "Then you know the orthodoxy, let's talk about it."

Daoyang Holy Body pondered for a while and said: "The ancient family of Huang, the world town of Donghuang, can you be called a hero?"

Dongfeng Wangfo said indifferently: "There is no name for the ancestors, it's just a dog guarding the household."

"The Zhongzhou Dynasty, how about being the emperor for generations?" Daoyang Shengti continued

Dongfeng Wangfo shook his head and said: "Although he has the title of emperor, he has no emperor's virtue and power. It's too embarrassing to use it."

Daoyang Saint Body smiled and said: "How about the many royal families?"

Dongfeng Wang Fulang smiled: "Sealing to hide from the world, you have no Dao heart, and you are like a rat."

Seeing that Wang and Buddha vetoed all of them, Daoyang Saint Body sighed slightly: "In this way, only the great emperors and ancient emperors of the past are heroes."

Dongfeng Wangfo was taken aback for a moment, then clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "It should be like this."

"In the past time and space, countless arrogances just happened to be pulled over to work."

Daoyang's sacred body was unknown, so Wang Fo waved him to go to Beidou, and brought a letter to his relatives in the ancient holy land.

After Dacheng's holy body left, the Daleiyin Temple was empty, only Zen singing sounded.

The long river of time emerges in the eyes, the waves are turbulent, rushing endlessly, setting off an epic of time.Staring at the river of time, Dongfeng Wangfo pondered for a while, and finally decided: "After thinking about it for a long time, I still have to do my old job."

A ray of spiritual light escaped and turned into the river god Luofeng, traveling through time and time, tracing the long river of history.

Since the living are not enough, let's look for the dead.

exist?Let me see the remaining value.

In the 10 years of the post-desolate ancient era, only Emperor Qing proved the Tao, and the river god Luofeng stepped through the time of [-] years and stepped into the ancient desolate era.

Before Emperor Qing, there was no beginning, and this immortal king who was reincarnated as the eternal immortal king, naturally did not need the river god Luofeng to pull people, and after tens of thousands of years, he came to a chaotic era.

Disputes broke out among the heroes of the emperor's road, and bloody killings spread all over the starry sky.

The River God sat on the edge of the long river of time and observed a human youth with good aptitude coming out of the source of God. He did not come out voluntarily, but because the source of God exhausted and lost all energy and was forced to be born.

After the young man woke up, he traveled around, and by chance, he stepped into a sect of sects to practice. With good aptitude, he cultivated to the realm of great power, and he was in the midst of a prosperous spring, when catastrophe came, sects were separated from each other, lovers died, relatives died tragically, master Killed, all friends wiped out...

Only the young man has the highest realm, relying on the realm of great power, escaped by luck.However, he is powerless to take revenge, he is just an ordinary genius, compared to the divine body, the immortal body, which is already in the realm of a saint, is like an ant.

The young man sat by a long river in a daze, his eyes were dazed, and a stream of blood and tears dripped down, but he didn't notice it.

"Little friend."

Luo Feng, who was dressed as a Taoist priest and wearing a robe of stars and feathers, walked to his side, sat down and patted the young man on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Don't be discouraged."

"Who in this life doesn't have a big ups and downs, down, down, down, down..."

The boy glared angrily: "Taoist, did you come to see my joke?!"

Luo Feng smiled and said: "No, I think you and I are destined."

"The great emperors of all dynasties have killed all the way up, and you are the only one."

"Don't be discouraged, life and death are permanent, if you prove to be an immortal in another year, you may not be unable to save your friends."

"Let's go to Dilu, how cruel is Dilu? Can it be worse than now?!"

"Fellow Daoist Luangu, I am optimistic about you. The poor Taoist is waiting for you on the immortal road."

The Taoist babbled nonsense, the young man only listened to one sentence, and couldn't help muttering: "It's so, it's already so bad, how can it be so bad."

Turning around and looking, the Taoist disappeared, leaving a wish to force Dafa on the ground.

The young man picked up the cultivation technique and observed it. As if he had found a treasure, he suppressed the tears in his eyes, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for the teaching, senior. From now on, my name will be chaotic!"

The boy Luanggu took the road of God with hope, and it was extremely miserable. The road was bumpy, he was defeated many times, he was discouraged many times, and his will was depressed. Bullied by other saints, he stumbled all the way to Dasheng.

Luan Gu, who had been bullied all his life, finally had an explosion of luck. With a great opportunity, he got part of the ruthless man's skills, and part of the Void Emperor's formula.

Time flies by, Jian Luangu finally proclaimed himself emperor, and after tens of thousands of years, he finally sat down, leaving behind a crystal clear thought of wish power.

Luofeng, the river god, dipped into the river, picked up his thoughts, and stepped forward, Emperor Luangu, Emperor Taihuang, Emperor Void, Queen Mother of the West, Emperor Hengyu, Emperor Jiuli, Emperor Ruthless, Emperor Yuhua, and Emperor Amitabha .

In the early years of ancient times, Emperor Amitabha looked thoughtfully at the long river of time, and also left behind an idea.

Luo Feng smiled and saluted, and stepped into the ancient era, saw the battle against the emperor, met the lunar sun, witnessed the transformation of the demon emperor Xue Yueqing... another step into the age of mythology.

From the Nine Heavenly Venerates, the Emperor Venerable, the Underworld Emperor, to the root of time, the river god Luofeng planted seeds everywhere, leaving thoughts one by one.

In the end, the seeds flowed along the time, took root and germinated, crossed mythology, ancient times, ancient times, and even the present time and space, bearing Dao fruits one after another.

In Daleiyin Temple, Dongfeng Wangfo squeezed the flowers and smiled: "The flowers are similar every year, and the people are different every year. Now that time and space are intertwined, the emperors meet each other. Wouldn't it be wonderful."

"Thirty Emperors of Eternal Blue Sky, gathered together in this time and space, will be a golden world!"

River God Youyou complained: "You are not afraid of making a mess."

Dongfeng Wangfo smiled indifferently: "Break it and then stand it, and then there will be a glimmer of life. If all the emperors rise together, maybe they can really bear a seed of an immortal emperor."

"Besides, no matter how chaotic, if you can't jump out of this time and space, it's still meat in the bowl of heaven."

(End of this chapter)

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