Chapter 521 Keep One Hand (12)

The thirty emperors of the eternal blue sky, how many saints and sages are in the ashes.

The Shading universe is facing the end of the Dharma era, the way of heaven is restrained, repairing itself, and the long-lived matter is barely visible.Without the nourishment of external forces, the lifespan of all living beings will decrease sharply, and it is better than the lifespan of a great emperor.

It's not that the great emperors and ancient emperors of all dynasties couldn't become immortals, but that the environment of the universe doesn't allow it, and real dragons can't be raised by diving.

The supreme human being who can rule the universe basically goes all the way up in a bloody battle, the emperor's way is invincible, and then he controls the imprint of the heart of heaven.The current emperor who is in charge of the mark of Tianxin is one with the universe, his combat power is unparalleled, and he is superior to all heroes.

And the mark of Tianxin, in the Chaotic Ancient Era and the Immortal Ancient Era, was called the Immortal King's Foundation, the foundation of the Immortal King!Fighting and killing, all the way up, I am invincible, cultivate a kind of supreme spirit, lay the foundation of the immortal king, the vast and long-term future, there is hope of proving the immortal king! (Note 1)

Even though the current Tianxin imprint is not as good as the Tianxin imprint controlled by Emperor Huangtian for the first time, it still has the effect of marching into the Immortal King. Zhetian Emperor holds the Tianxin Imprint and enters the Immortal King.

Every great emperor in the universe who shrouds the sky is an iron-clad true immortal in the ancient era, and has the hope of proving the seed of the immortal king!
But even the Immortal King is nothing more than a Golden Immortal. Facing the darkness of the future, he is just cannon fodder, and facing Da Luo's Dharma Body, he is even more like an ant.

One person is reborn, and one great emperor returns by luck. Even if he has mastered many good fortunes, it is only a step-by-step process to achieve such fruit status.

Only hard work, only bloody battles, only death and rebirth can give birth to brilliant Dao fruits, just like the chaotic ancient times, extremely tragic, leaving only blood and tears, but forcefully forced out a desolate emperor, cutting time and space with one sword, A sword breaks the darkness!

Only when there is pressure, can there be motivation; only when there is danger, can there be progress;

Therefore, on the big stage of the universe arranged by Luo Feng, it is impossible to have only one protagonist and only one emperor to be reborn!
It's petty like that, it's not Da Luo's style.

Only by catching the Thirty Emperors of the Eternal Blue Sky in one net, reincarnating in reincarnation, and living together for the same life, can we show the true qualities of a hero.Let the universe stir up huge waves, and the flying and agitated Immortal Light Emperor Dao is bound to break through the entire era.

The supreme beings of the heavens gather together, and the emperors of all ages are in the same life!How brilliant and brilliant, in such a golden world, a glorious chapter must be written, and an epic epic must be staged, a script that will be praised throughout the ages and timeless ages!
Luo Feng pins his hopes on them, and hopes that they will stage an invincible drama of "The Great Emperor's Rebirth and Return" in the long river of time in the future, fighting all the way up, all the way backwards!

The young emperor and the young emperor are completely two concepts. The former is the imprint of the heaven and the earth, the fiction of the heavenly thunder calamity, and the latter is a real rebirth flow, showing the glorious epic of the emperor's return!
Dozens of young emperors gathered together, the collision of wisdom sparks, the friction between Dao and Dharma, the collision of ideals and dreams, what kind of Dao fruit will be bred, one can imagine.

Who is the protagonist and who is the supporting role is not a fixed number. The invincible people of the past will also be defeated in this life. The countless former protagonists in the past time and space will set off a shocking battle for the eternal throne in this world!

Fighting against the Holy Emperor to challenge Amitabha Buddha!
Tianzun of Morality and Tianzun of Yuanshi discuss the orthodox Tao, and Tianzun of Lingbao wields a sword to kill the corpse and destroy the Supreme!
The Holy Emperor of Taiyin and the Holy Emperor of Taiyang work together to deduce the Dao, discussing the immortality of the Dao, the Taiyin and the sun, who is weaker and stronger, Yin and Yang work together, the world is called the emperor, and the two emperors gather, and they will definitely perform the Dao of shocking immortals!
Emperor Void fought for a lifetime, fought bloody battles throughout the world, defended himself against all supreme beings, and was unparalleled in combat power. Even with the elixir, he only lived one life. However, his Void Mirror was stained with the blood of the emperors, but he was the emperor soldier most likely to evolve into a fairy weapon.

If he is given another chance in this life, he may not be able to turn the world into a fairy and aspire to the great way!

The thirty emperors of the eternal blue sky, the invincible supreme beings of all ages, the heavenly gods of the age of mythology, the ancient emperors, and the ancient emperors of heaven, collide and fight, chasing a supreme dao fruit!
Endless brilliance, endless brilliance, the casting is not a peak of humanity, but a boundless time and space, the emperor of the immortal way who rides the heavens!

The ruthless trio of Zhetian, Wushi, and Ye Fan broke out from a group of minions, counterattacked, and suppressed the ancient heroes. It is a miracle.Immortal in the world of mortals, transformed into an immortal in the Dharma-ending Era, has the title of Heavenly Emperor, and the honor of Immortal Emperor.

The ancient emperors of the past dynasties are not simple characters. Fighting against the holy emperor turned into a war immortal, and the Qing emperor's footsteps are comparable to beginningless...Give them another chance, let them stop pursuing the fairyland, and let them know their own shortcomings. In this way, he constantly surpasses himself, turning the world into a fairy, and he may not be able to keep pace with the trio.

At the same time, Luo Feng also prepared for the worst. Even if this group of guys failed in the end, not a single immortal emperor jumped out.

he still has backhand

Relying on Amitabha, Yuanshi, Lingbao, morality... one after another mysterious and mysterious names.Let them practice the law of wish power, ascend to the gods in heaven, and when the decisive battle comes, they will end up as immortal kings and quasi-immortal emperors, and their effect will not be weaker than that of immortal emperors.

Dongfeng Wangfo said proudly: "You see, I have calculated to this point, how can I lose, how can I lose!"

Luo Feng, the river god, complained silently: "I always feel that you are setting a flag!"

With a flash of inspiration, Wenguan Cave Yinzi jumped out and said solemnly: "+1"

"The River God represents Da Luo, and I represent Taiyi. Dongfeng, your foundation is not stable. You are only a future Buddha. Don't always plant flags."

"You're making me panic."

Dongfeng Wangfo blushed, hesitatingly said: "Things of the Tathagata can't be counted as a flag...!...Justice, can it be counted as a flag..."

A series of incomprehensible words, such as "Da Luo time and space", and "the future and the past are all definite numbers", made both Heshen and Dongyin laugh.The inside and outside of Daleiyin Temple is full of happy air.

Fortunately, Dongyin, the God of the River, and the Trinity of Wang and Buddha are all one of the three corpses of Luofeng, and they are all their own.You won't cheat the king and Buddha like you cheat other people.

Dong Yinzi pondered for a while and said: "How about this, let's keep another hand."

"How about I invite Sister Nuwa to sit in the town?"

Dongfeng Wang Foxi said: "This method is very wonderful, thank you for your hard work brother."

Luo Feng, the God of the River, interjected, "Since you want to keep one hand, let's keep a little more. Dongyin, you go invite Nuwa Fuxi, and I'll invite Master Pangu."

Dongfeng King Buddha was overjoyed: "It's wonderful, it's wonderful, there are two great emperors, Fuxi and Nuwa, in this universe, and the Beidoufeng family is their orthodoxy."

After a pause, Dongfeng Wangfo said: "It's just that real Pangu has some troubles. There are thirty emperors in the eternal blue sky, and there is no ready-made Pangu great emperor."

The river god Luofeng waved his hand and said, "It's okay, which mythology system have you seen, the real Pangu came out to fight."

"They are all Taoized after the opening of the sky, leaving a name to deter all living beings and spirits."

"When the time comes, just show up."

[Note 1: Immortal King Base, from Chapter 910, Taishi Immortal King's Language]

 Going to help with work today, come back later, there are only two more

(End of this chapter)

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