Chapter 536
"Actually, there is a secret technique in the age of mythology, which one doesn't harm the origin." Yinyang Tianzun in the age of mythology smiled and said: "A friend of mine, if two fellow Taoists are interested..."

"not interested!"

Daoyang, Kong Kong, Ye Fan, the three shouted in unison

Yin Yang Tianzun shook his head regretfully, the eyes of the world are always so narrow, sticking to the mere gender and physical body, but they don't know that the Tao is invisible, it gives birth to the world; the Tao is ruthless, it moves the sun and the moon;

After arriving at the final Dao fruit, mere gender is nothing. After attaining the Dao, one thought turns yang, and one thought turns yin.

"Fellow Daoist Void misunderstood." Daoyang Saint Body coughed, and said leisurely: "I mean that there is Ji Ziyue, a primordial spirit body, among the descendants of Fellow Daoist."

The Yuanling body is compatible with the law, and the essence of heaven and earth is used by the body. It can control the most original things, and can supplement the divine power for monks, etc., so that the strength of the holy body is always at its peak.

It can be called the first nanny physique.

A gleam of understanding flashed in Emperor Void's eyes, and he remembered that there was this junior in Ji's family, but he had a high status, and only the current Patriarch and the sage knew his existence.

"If the younger generation has no opinion, I will not stop it." Emperor Void said indifferently
Yuanling body is a nanny's physique, and the support is the first, but the attack method is not strong, and being able to rely on a Dacheng holy body is of great benefit to the practice, of course, the premise is that Ji Ziyue agrees.

Daoyang Dacheng Saint Physique laughed loudly: "Fellow Daoist Void is broad-minded, let the juniors settle the matters of the younger generation. I will wait for my own proposal. After all, the Daoist Saint Physique of Yuanling is also the supreme combat power."

"It is of great benefit to fight against the darkness of the future."

Use a gentleman to invite a gentleman, and use a villain to deal with a villain. If you want to impress a real gentleman like Emperor Void, you must let Dacheng Saint Body go out.

Sure enough, when it came to the darkness and turmoil, Emperor Void looked quite serious, obviously he was paying attention.

Seeing Emperor Void's expression, Daoyang Saint Body knew that things were mostly safe, and turned to look for the next human emperor.

And the sacred body of Shengyang Dacheng is just like a matchmaker, circulating among the ancient emperors of the non-human race, bowing their heads and speaking of indescribable transactions through voice transmission.

Suddenly the roar of the avenue resounded, and traces of light hung down, covering Ye Fan.

The expressions of the two Dacheng Holy Physiques changed, and they wanted to stop them and break open the void.

"You two patriarchs, don't need to make a move."

Ye Fan's dumbfounded voice came: "The True Realm reminds me that I am not yet full, and that I am in the realm of Lunhai. It is not easy for Yuanshen to stay for a long time. Now I am forced to go offline."

For a moment, the ancient emperors looked at each other in dismay, all present were emperor-level figures, or the emperor was reincarnated, and the last Duan De was also nourished by an emperor-level body. Their primordial spirits, let alone leaving, would not be a problem even if they wandered for thousands of years.

"The future is destined to be a golden world!" Emperor Amitabha sighed with emotion: "The Realm of Reality is not only for monks, but also for all mortals. Dongfeng World Honored One has great mercy and great merit."

The emperors nodded thoughtfully, but this is the case. The Lunhai Secret Realm has just stepped into the door of cultivation to nourish the body, but the power of the soul is not strong. If the Lunhai Secret Realm can enter the True Realm, so can mortals. That's all.

"So what about the golden world!" Emperor Jiuli laughed loudly, and shouted: "The future is bright, and when I return against the sky, isn't it just a fairy word if I ask for it?!"

"It's a good thing to see immortals in the future, don't you have the confidence to prove the Tao?!"

"Jiuli Taoist friends are joking." Wuliang Tianzun said indifferently: "It's all coming from the emperor's road to fight, and the Dao fruit is at your fingertips."

The emperors nodded in agreement. They were the reincarnation of the great emperor. According to the terminology of the prehistoric era, they lost all their mana and did not lose their morality.

Don't need thousands of years, as long as the resources are sufficient and step-by-step, everyone present is sure to prove the Dao within a hundred years and realize the eternal miracle of a hundred-year-old emperor.

"Why don't we discuss the Dao?" An ancient emperor suggested: "Anyway, everything in the Realm of the True One is empty and illusory. In the battle of life and death, we can learn from each other and prove our Dao. Crashes can also be recovered in an instant.”

All the emperors are ready to move, since the ages, the Great Emperor Wu Que has almost never wanted to see each other. Hearing about the achievements of his predecessors and the brilliance of his younger generations, no one has the heart to win or lose.

"Whether it's marriage or discussion."

"This place is inconvenient, but it is a public domain. Fellow Daoists, why not come to my dojo for a while."

Emperor Hengyu showed a slight smile. He just bought a theme background, and because he spent 600 million, he was given vip1 permission and obtained some functions of the real world.

"Dojo?" An ancient emperor pointed around and said in astonishment: "Qingdi Daoist is in charge of the barren pagoda, the primordial spirit evolves the Taoist fairyland, the Qingdi's Taoist?"

Suddenly, a large golden character flashed in the void, marking the barren tower as a public area.

[The barren pagoda in the real world, the side projection of the barren pagoda with immortal artifacts... ten trillion merit coins or one immortal artifact, whether to exchange it]

In an instant, the ancient emperors guessed the truth behind the real world, and then summed up a truth, that is-money is needed to die here.

With a flick of the robe, the space was changed without a sound, even Emperor Void didn't notice it.

The radiant heavenly palace, the mighty fairyland, the golden light rolls red, and the auspicious air sprays purple mist.I saw that Nantianmen was made of green and sinking, made of colored glaze; bright and bright, made of precious jade.

Emperor Hengyu sat on the top of the Lingxiao Palace, contentedly.The brilliance flows, the merit shines, and the virtual gods, gods, gods, immortals, spirits, and kings all around congratulate and praise in unison, just like the emperor of heaven!
All the great emperors, ancient emperors, mythological gods stand in the hall, like courtiers, and go to worship the heavenly court.

Seeing the emotions flickering in the eyes of the emperors, Emperor Hengyu smiled knowingly. This feeling of pretending to be aggressive in front of the ancient emperors and predecessors of all generations is really good, really good.

The ancient emperors showed aloofness in front of all living beings, not because they didn't pretend to be aggressive, but because they didn't have someone to pretend to be. Real dragons don't talk to ants.

"Friends, please sit down." Emperor Hengyu did not embarrass the emperors. Only a fool would do that kind of thing. He stretched out his hand and raised the cloud bed, placing the emperors on an equal footing and looking down at the virtual gods All the immortals.

"Fellow Daoist Eternal Universe, this..." An ancient emperor asked quite emotionally

Emperor Hengyu smiled and said: "The theme shopping mall has a mere 600 million merits."

"How to extract merit coins." A great emperor asked

In the void, the mechanical voice of Black Lotus Bodhisattva rose again: "A user asked whether the master of Dongtian Paradise would give a notice."

Emperor Hengyu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled slightly: "Allowed."

Another function appeared, and it was so cool that it was installed. Emperor Hengyu suddenly felt that this theme background was worth buying, and he made money with his own blood.

A mechanical voice sounded: "The merit value of the True One Realm is a contribution to the True One Realm, such as discovering unknown lines, providing some kind of magical experiment, handing in practice experience, working for the True One can even use the source, Shenyuan exchange."

"Zhenyijie has launched a new event, share the QR code within 33 days to invite friends to enter, you can receive a huge amount of merit coins, and you can withdraw cash when you reach [-] merit coins."

 Two more today

(End of this chapter)

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