All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 537 The power of whoring

Chapter 537 The power of whoring

A great emperor from the ancient times was about to move, and after some manipulations, a distraction went offline, and shared the QR code of his poke ball with his younger disciples.

[Respect to the user of the Zhenyi Realm, Emperor Jiuli, the emperor of Jiuli entered the Zhenyi Realm through the QR code you shared, congratulations on getting [-] merit can withdraw cash when you reach [-] merit coins]

"Five hundred merit coins, so little?" Looking at the information on the account, Emperor Jiuli couldn't help frowning, and casually forwarded a few QR codes to the descendants of the Jiuli Dynasty.

Messages came in one after another, ranging from hundreds to tens, not to mention the withdrawal of [-] cash, even [-] merit coins were not enough.

Looking at the splendid and majestic ancient heavenly background, the huge sum of 600 million and [-] merit coins formed a sharp contrast.Emperor Jiuli asked doubtfully: "Friend Hengyu, how did you get your merit coins?"

"I'm not enlightened yet, isn't it a bit too extravagant to exchange resources for virtual currency?"

The Emperor Hengyu on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven paused for a moment, showing an embarrassed yet polite smile.

Just wanted to use a random reason to fool the past.

The voice of the Black Lotus Bodhisattva sounded in the void: "There are rating criteria for inviting users. The VIP1 user Hengyu Emperor invites the Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, the Moral Heavenly Venerable, the Fighting Saint Emperor, the Void enter the Realm of True One."

"A total of 800 million merit coins have been obtained, all of which can be withdrawn."

Countless gazes cast their gazes in unison, all the ancient emperors and gods of mythology glared angrily!

Not only Emperor Jiuli is trying to get merit coins by sharing, but almost every living human being with orthodoxy will share the QR code with his disciples,

Unexpectedly, Hengyu, you look thick-browed and big-eyed, honest and honest, but behind your back, you are actually such a great emperor!

Emperor Hengyu gasped, his thoughts turned wildly, and suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration.

With a flick of the emperor's robe, Emperor Hengyu stood up solemnly, and shouted: "Emperors, can you really think that Hengyu is the kind of person who is greedy for merit coins?!"

Emperor Ziwei from Ziwei Star said indifferently: "The Patriarch of Human Desire Dao is your brother, and the reputation of Emperor Hengyu on Ziwei Star is as thunderous as thunder."

People are tough, brother!

Isn't it just that when you were young, you played a little bit, and you went to your crape myrtle star for a while?As for, as for? !
In the end, the Emperor Void was an honest man, and for the face of the same desolate ancient family and his position as the emperor of the human race, he smoothed things over and said, "Dare to ask Emperor Hengyu, what is the real reason?"

Emperor Hengyu said with an inscrutable expression on his face: "Emperors, after 33 days, the Realm of the True One will spread throughout the universe and cover countless living beings. All mortal beings must be a golden world."

"How many emperors are there, but how many mortals are there!"

"I invite the Supreme in advance and cut off the high-level, this is to remind you to focus on mortals!"

"One mortal has one merit coin, and [-] million mortals are worth [-] million merit coins!"

The words are rough and reasonable, and the words of Emperor Hengyu's quick wit made the emperors fall into deep thought. It seems that there is nothing wrong with this.

"The merit is false, but the great way is not true."

An ancient emperor said in a deep voice: "I don't need these bells and whistles, but I want a battle to prove the way."

"In the real world, there is no scruples, which fellow Taoist is willing to come forward to discuss one side."

"Haha!" A celestial being from the age of mythology stepped out, laughing loudly: "This deity has a long history, the orthodoxy is cut off, and he has no family, and he doesn't need merit coins. Let's compete with you!"

The law is excited, the celestial light is infinite, like a torrential river rushing up to the sky, it evolves into a godless body, with the majesty of opening up the sky and the earth with the movement of one's feet!

The ancient emperor roared, the vision was hanging in the air, the silk road was hanging down, the black hair was thick, and the fighting spirit was shocking.

Thirty emperors of Wan Gu Qing Tian reincarnated, and they are already familiar with the five secret realms. In just one year, they have already touched the realm of Xiantai. , Now the ancient emperors are already in the realm of saints.

In the Realm of Reality, everything is empty, without any scruples, the two human beings acted together, using forbidden techniques, secret techniques, and self-mutilation magic techniques, and the sky was turned upside down. Crashed and refused to stop.

After all, people of the same level have a rare opportunity to verify the Dao. They can absorb the other party's Dao and learn the essence, so as to make up for themselves, and become a flying immortal.


"Cough cough...!"

Tianzun and Guhuang yelled loudly, hit a shocking blow, and almost died together, one soul collapsed, the other coughed up blood, and the avenue was damaged.

If it was in the outside world, the two juvenile supreme beings had already been abolished, but in the real world, a stream of light turned and everything returned to perfection.

Looking at the body that had recovered to its original state, Gu Huanglang laughed: "Enjoy, enjoy, this fight is enjoyable."

"One more time!"

The Heavenly Venerable in the Age of Mythology was equally arrogant, raised his hand and said with a smile, "Please!"

The great battle moved the hearts of all the emperors, and some people couldn't help but come to the field to compete, fighting against the holy emperor to challenge Amitabha, the void and the eternal universe to verify the emperor, the sun and the moon evolve into Tai Chi...

Suddenly, there were ripples in the void battlefield, and a vision appeared, which attracted the attention of the emperors.

"What's going on!" The two supreme beings who fought in the second battle lay dying in the void, unable to move, and the injuries on their bodies recovered extremely slowly.

At this moment, the voice of the Black Lotus Bodhisattva machine sounded again in the void: "Ordinary users only have one chance to go back perfectly. After using it, they will enter the resurrection state, and the time is one month."

"Why didn't you say it just now?!" The ancient emperor whose soul was about to collapse asked in a deep voice
Black Lotus Bodhisattva rolled his eyes, do I want to tell you, is this a patch just patched by the programmer? !
In the next second, the Black Lotus programmer turned into a ruthless server: "The user did not consult."

"Whether to use [-] merit coins to end the resurrection state early."

"Consuming more than 500 million merit coins will automatically become a vip1 level user, and an additional resurrection chance will be given."

In an instant, the ancient emperor's Taoist heart, whose primordial spirit had collapsed, was also about to collapse.

I never thought that this fight also costs money, so can't you go whoring for nothing? !
After a long silence, the emperors discussed for a while and then went offline one after another.

After all, the great emperor, the ancient emperor, who has descendants of orthodoxy, is lucky. After all, the hope of the whole family and clan rests on the ancestors, and it is easy to make billions of merit coins.

In the age of mythology, Tianzun is more miserable, and the orthodoxy is basically destroyed, so he can only upload his own emperor's avenue in exchange for merit coins.

But one thing is the same, whether it is the Great Emperor, the Ancient Emperor, or the Celestial Venerable, they all launched the Amway True One Realm Action and frantically invited users to enter.

After all, there is a 33-day gap, who doesn't like whoring for nothing.

Even the Supreme Being of Humanity cannot refuse the power of whoring for nothing.

[I made a mistake yesterday, sorry.It should be Hengyu pretending to be forced to record, not Qingdi pretending to be forced to record. 】

(End of this chapter)

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