All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 538 The Sacrament of Great Completion Also Becomes Light

Chapter 538 The Sacrament of Great Completion Also Becomes Light

The sky-shrouding universe is not big, but it is just a fragmented universe, a wave in the boundless sea, a pebble in the vast and boundless battlefield, in the eyes of the immortal emperor, it is as insignificant as dust.

It’s small, but it’s not small. The universe’s star sea is vast and boundless. Billions of galaxies breed brilliant life. Almost every ancient realm has an ancient star of life. The ancient star can always give birth to one supreme emperor after another every once in a while. , the supreme human being has the appearance of an immortal king.

In the dynasties of the gods, the sacred places everywhere are the continuation of the orthodoxy of the great emperors of the past, the mythical gods.The emperor's soldiers responded, and the reincarnation of the great emperor was regarded as an eternal miracle.

Big Dipper, Crape Myrtle, Earth...many ancient stars, under the control of the Thirty Emperors, are filled with the brilliance of merit coins, and Amway the mysteries of the True One Realm. Within 33 days, the entire universe monks are silent in the frenzy of the True One Realm. , and even the trend is gradually flowing to the countless sentient beings and mortals, including the entire universe and all spirits.

The elf ball is formed by the breath of soil, and it splits crazily. The number of derivatives in a day can fill up the entire star, relying on the infinite nature of Daluo.Even a penniless mortal can get a Poké Ball.

This is the beginning of the extraordinary, this is the foundation of the avenue, and this is the hope of everything.

In the dark, countless beliefs gather, casting immortal beliefs and supreme gods on the world of mortals. In 33, all living beings in the universe recite the Dharma name of the true one realm, and praise the supreme ruler.

Rubbing the universe-heavy orb in his hand, Luo Feng smiled calmly: "The stage is set up, the only thing left is the actors."

A little emptiness, orbs flow, instant activation, infinite derivation, time and space to matter, from past to future, filled with supreme brilliance all the time, shaping immortal belief.

The sea of ​​stars in the universe, countless living beings, from the supreme humane, the mortals are immortals, down to mortals and monks at the bottom, all have a sense of enlightenment in their hearts. One side is no less than the sea of ​​stars in the universe, and even far exceeds it. The negative world that is expanding all the time Conceived and born, any creature can enter it by reciting its real name.

In the restricted area of ​​Beidou Immortal Mountain, the Daoyang Holy Physique manifests the Ultraman Dharma Body. Under the blessing of the Dao Fruit of the True One Realm, the immeasurable celestial light manifests, setting it off extremely sacred, as if a true immortal from the nine heavens came to the world.

On the sacred cliff of the Undead Mountain, there is a huge mountain in the center that towers into the sky. Its whole body is dark red, as if it has been soaked in blood, and it can even smell a little blood.

Daoyang Saint Body sneered, with murderous intent, he stepped down and flattened all the peaks of the mountains, crushing the so-called undead Taoist to half dead.

When Wei Wang was looking at the remains of the Dacheng Holy Body in the Undead Mountain, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes, Daoyang Holy Body bowed his hands, and said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist, I'll take you home."

Immeasurable celestial light swayed, and heavenly voices hung down, washing away the curse and filth of the Immortal Mountain Dacheng Holy Body, making it calm and peaceful, and peaceful after death, and finally flew into the robes of Dacheng Holy Body.

"Impossible! How is it possible!" Immortal Taoist yelled in fear: "You can't be a great holy body. Even the great emperors in the world don't have this majesty."

Daoyang Saint Physique sneered: "Just because you are worthy to see, the Heavenly Emperor who slays the real immortal, a great emperor in the world is enough to kill you!"

"I'm giving you two choices now, the first one is trampled to death by my foot, everyone just pretend nothing happened."

"Second, you go to unite with the Dark Supreme of the Undead Mountain, and now take action to launch a dark turmoil."

For a moment, Immortal Taoist was dumbfounded, a little suspicious that there was something wrong with his ears.Dacheng Holy Body forcing the Dark Supreme to launch a dark turmoil? !

Is this script reversed?

"It seems that you chose the first one." Dacheng Saint Body chuckled, revealing his sharp white teeth.

The Undead Taoist shouted in a panic: "Holy Body, I am willing, I am willing to contact the Supreme Being of the Undead Mountain."

Daoyang Dacheng Saint Physique nodded as a signal, and then kicked out, like kicking a dead dog, kicking the undead Taoist into the undead mountain.

For a long time, maybe the Undead Taoist was eloquent, and he also thought that the Undead Mountain Supreme was planning to accumulate some vitality. After a while, three Dark Supremes, including the Undead Taoist, were born together.

The aura of the supreme being erupted, the Big Dipper was in danger, and all living beings bowed their heads tremblingly to worship, but it was of no avail. Some had inheritance and knowledge, and their ancestors at least had a saint's family holy place. When they opened the historical records, they saw bloody cases and couldn't help but start to despair.

Some powerful holy masters seemed to have turned into three-year-old children, paralyzed on the ground, and shouted in horror: "Dark chaos is coming, dark chaos!"

One sand is one world, one grass is one heaven.The same is true for living beings, no matter how weak they are, they all contain a great miracle, and they all have the most precious substance in this world in their bodies, that is life.

Strong people have more of this kind of substance, and weak people have relatively few of them. It is like grains of treasures hidden in the body of every living being.

The Supreme woke up halfway, in order to survive, to continue immortality, devouring all living beings, and then there was darkness and turmoil, not limited to Beidou, all the wilds of the universe are their hunting grounds.

The three Dark Sovereigns acted, their auras oppressed the avenue, the heavens and the earth roared, the universe trembled, and all living beings were terrified. They all felt a breath of imminent catastrophe and imminent extinction, and they all shuddered.

Some celestial masters had a premonition of the coming of the bloody catastrophe and the most terrifying troubled times, and they were crying loudly.

Just when all beings are desperate.

In the void and star sea, an unparalleled vast aura rises into the sky, Sisi Emperor's power hangs down, the supreme law of the emperor is derived, a great holy body travels impressively, patrolling the universe, the laws of heaven and earth vibrate together, and various Dao patterns are intertwined.

The real dragon soars into the sky, the fairy phoenix hovers, and Xuanwu paves the way... Strips of auspicious color and divine splendor pave a golden avenue, on which the Dacheng Holy Body walks until it walks towards the Beidou restricted area.

Without the manifestation of God's power, all living beings are trembling.Many monks almost knelt on the ground, unable to bear the coercion of the vast sea.

"Throughout the ages, there was endless darkness, and the Heavenly Court descended into the world. Now the World Venerable Dongfeng is merciful, opening up the Realm of Reality, shaping the foundation for the future, and opening up a glimmer of life for all living beings!"

"However, the Dark Sovereign is the scourge of the universe, devouring all living beings and extinction of vitality. So far, in the Golden World, he is still a wolf with ambition, incarnating darkness and turmoil!"

"So much so that the universe becomes a ruin, and all souls suffer from misery!"

"I am the Ultraman Ming Buddha of the Dacheng Holy Body of the Buddhist sect under the seat of the Heavenly Court. Today, I am ordered by the Heavenly Court and the decree of the World Honored One to suppress the darkness and turmoil!"

Its shape is tall and its sound is majestic, shaking the world and shaking the heavens.In the cosmic star sea, countless creatures have heard the sound of the holy sun becoming a holy body, mysterious and mysterious, as if rising in their hearts.

In an instant, the infinite light and the infinite faith converged to cast the real body of Ultraman.

On this day, the Great Eucharist has also become light!

 The new year is coming, I wish you all a happy new year (we are so familiar, o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o)

  Hey hey, ticket, look
(End of this chapter)

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