All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 539 Bloody Battle Supreme

Chapter 539 Bloody Battle Supreme

"Dacheng holy body!"

"Just you, are you here to die?!"

The two Dark Sovereigns stared coldly, Sisi Diwei was falling, the universe was trembling, and the galaxy was about to fall.

If it is other human beings who come here, they can still talk about it, but the Dacheng Holy Body is so tough that they will die as soon as they are born, and there is only one battle!
The prayers of all living beings, the shouts of all living beings, turned into rays of light, surging from all over the universe, converging into a long river of wishing light that hangs down on both sides of the shoulders of the sacred body of the holy sun, giving birth to mysterious and mysterious power.

Just as the Dacheng Holy Physique said, an Ultraman with the characteristics of the Dacheng Holy Physique stands in the void, with a majestic body, extremely majestic and sacred, and a trace of fairy light hangs down, shocking time and space!
"Interesting, is it the law of all living beings?!" A supreme being said coldly, seeing the essence of the law of vow power, which originated from all living beings
"All living beings are nothing more than ants." Stone Emperor yelled coldly: "We are waiting to step on these ants to become enlightened. The emperor's road is full of corpses, and the starry sky is full of blood. What is a mere wish!"

"The will of all beings is trampled upon by those who stand at the top of the world!"

"Break it with strength!"

He is holding a big halberd, pitch black and capable of crushing the sky and crushing billions of stars. This is a big halberd made of black gold with dragon patterns. The blade is bright and terrifying. It is definitely an imperial weapon!

This is an ancient emperor enlightened by the Holy Spirit, and his physical body is not weaker than the Dacheng Holy Body.

"Hahaha! Only you dare to look down on sentient beings!"

Shengyang Dacheng's holy body shouted violently: "It's just a waste that cut itself! The emperor of heaven is also one of the living beings, and the true immortal is also one of the living beings. Even the World Venerable Dongfeng of the Great Leiyin Temple is also one of the living beings. What do you have? Qualifications look down on sentient beings!"

"Those who are greedy for life and afraid of death, give me a punch!"

A huge fist suddenly overwhelmed the sky, shaking the starry sky, the blood of the Holy Body soared into the sky, swept across the sea of ​​stars, shattered the avenue, and vaguely coincided with the system!
This is the Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist. It is said that it was developed by the ancestor of the Holy Body. It is the most suitable for the Holy Body. Under the punch of the Holy Sun, the Qi swallows the universe, invincible in the sky and the earth, and the oppressive stars tremble and fall!

The universe is collapsing, the sea of ​​stars is dim, everything will be shattered, as long as it stands in front of it, everything will be destroyed, Liu Dao Reincarnation Fist calls out the ancestor of the holy body, and the light shines brightly to illuminate the universe, as if the real emperor of heaven has been resurrected!

In an instant, the two Dark Sovereigns saw blood and took a few steps back!

"This is not the combat power that Dacheng Saint Physique should have!" Shi Huang's expression changed, and he said coldly: "You have never been an emperor, how did you get the law of the emperor?! No, this, this is not the law of the emperor, nor the law of the immortal way! "

"Why is there an immortal power!"

"Isn't that even better!" Another Dark Sovereign in the restricted area smiled cruelly: "I am looking forward to his blood. If it can be refined into a flesh and blood pill, it will be no less than launching a dark turmoil and devouring the essence of life for all beings!"

"Maybe, maybe I can live another life!"

"That's right!" Stone Emperor's eyes splattered, revealing his snow-white teeth, and he smiled greedily: "Let's do it together, and we will share the refined pills equally! Then we will launch a dark turmoil, and we will almost live another life. "

The two Dark Sovereigns are full of self-confidence, their words oppress the heavens, and they never shy away from sentient beings. The cruel dialogue was heard by the creatures of the Big Dipper. Whether they are ancient, monster, human, or other creatures, they can't help but feel shocked and terrified. .

Although Dacheng Saint Physique is strong, can it really defeat the two Dark Sovereigns? !

The imperial war breaks out and heats up rapidly, and they will reproduce their respective strongest laws of the imperial way!
The two Dark Sovereigns shot out together, without God's power, they spit out a mouthful of blood in a moment, barely stood up, roared into the universe, and the galaxy trembled.

"In this life, my holy sun has become a holy body, and I still want to protect the common people and protect the universe!"

"It doesn't matter how powerful the Dark Sovereign is! Come on, come on! Bloody battle against the stars!"

The sound was broadcast across the universe and reached the ears of all living beings, and the Dacheng Holy Body burst into immeasurable brilliance, rushing forward to fight again.

"No! Dacheng Holy Body must defeat the Dark Supreme!"

Ye Fan, who did not want to be named, walked around Beidou and shouted loudly: "Everyone, let us pray for the Dacheng Eucharist~!"

"Darkness and turmoil are not only a catastrophe for the human race, but also a catastrophe for all races. In the eyes of the Supreme, all life is food. They don't care if you are a human race, an ancient race, or a monster race."

A great saint who survived from the period of fighting against the Holy Emperor appeared beside Ye Fan, standing on the same front.

The great sage Huntuo shouted loudly, and his voice spread widely to Beidou, many holy land families, royal families.

"Everyone is Huntuo, who has experienced more than one dark turmoil. It is useless to face the power of the supreme sentient beings. It is impossible for the emperor to protect the sentient beings, but our own thoughts may be settled with the supreme being."

"Pray for the great holy body, and let the power of all beings gather on him. This may be the only hope."

Ye Fan was slightly taken aback, walked to the side of Great Sage Huntuo, and said via voice transmission: "Senior was also invited by Dacheng Holy Physique."

Great Sage Huntuo looked confused, and said in astonishment: "The old man came here for his own race. After all, the Supreme One never picks food."

Ye Fan nodded thoughtfully. The Supreme is too powerful, has launched too many dark turmoil, and has too many enemies. There is no need for too much publicity. With a little effort, there will be many tap water troops charging into the battle.

Just as the great sage Huntuo said, the Supreme never picks food, and is the public enemy of all spirits in the universe.

The cry of the birth of a great sage made many forces start to wake up. Some saints who knew the secret history, the great sage, knew the history and years, roared with divine power, and asked all living beings to pray.

However, there are still some royal families who, relying on their own imperial weapons, think that the ancient emperor who killed himself in the ancient mine in the early days can protect their own family, and they have been unwilling to be born.

Seeing this, Great Sage Huntuo sighed slightly, but said nothing.All beings have their own choices.

Fortunately, there are only a small number of creatures who are not born and make no sound.With hope in their hearts, most of the souls began to pray for the Holy Eucharist.

In an instant, on the ancient star of the Big Dipper, prayers were everywhere, with infinite faith, countless mortal monks were praying for hope, and some newly recovered saints were also praying, and all the disciples of the Mingmen wished for the great holy body.They have experienced turmoil, or have read records of turmoil in ancient books.He deeply knows that in the face of darkness, no matter whether human race, ancient race, monster race, or even ten thousand races are vulnerable.

"Woooo... Dacheng Holy Body, I am willing to pray for you, exchange my life for your unparalleled combat power, and beg you to show Godless power, kill darkness, and protect all spirits! .

"This world will suffer again. Who can save all living beings from fire and water, and who can save all living beings from suffering from blood?!"

"Dacheng Holy Body, you are the only hope in the world, don't give up! You must be extremely brilliant, and you must survive!"

All spirits kowtowed, worshiped in this direction, prayed continuously, turned into a vast ocean of thoughts and continued to bless them, praying for the Dacheng Eucharist to defeat all opponents.

 The ending of Shengxu is disappointing, purely funny, it's like Emperor Chen Dong's self-reproach.The Holy Ruins can completely write hundreds of chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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