All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 612 1 Yuan Daojun goes to the Peach Club

Chapter 612 One Yuan Taoist Goes to the Peach Fair

The True Martial Sword steps from the Xuanming Avenue to the static and dynamic Xuanwu, which symbolizes the ancestor of the rain, the Wuda Road, the power of the Blackwater Emperor, the meaning of extinction, and the universe is unparalleled.

Master Tongtian got this sword, and instead asked for benefits from his teacher, Emperor Dongyin.

However, here the Daluo of the heavens all approve of the actions of the Tongtian leader.

The logic is illogical, which confuses Daoist Yiyuan.

Luo Feng chuckled and said, "All the gifts of fate have already been priced secretly."

"Today, the leader of Tongtian has been fulfilled, and in the future, the leader of Tongtian will achieve the reputation of the Four Swords of Execution of Immortals and the prestige of the Four Treasures of Opening Heaven."

"The Four Treasures of Opening Heaven?" Daoist Yiyuan asked doubtfully, "Isn't there only the Three Treasures of Opening Heaven?"

"There are four Kaitian Three Treasures, and there is a fifth among the Four Heavenly Kings. Isn't this a normal thing?" Luo Feng teased
Daoist Yiyuan was stunned.

Knowing that his second apprentice is an honest man, Luo Feng coughed lightly: "Come back to business, the gods measure calamity, the waves are rough, and the depth of the water is unfathomable, even Da Luo will accidentally drown."

"However, there are two extremely important nodes in Fengshenquanjie. One is the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and the other is the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. It determines the outcome of Lingbao and Yuanshi, and also determines who is on the list of the two sects."

"According to the usual practice, the Zhuxian Sword Formation is formidable against the joint efforts of the four lords. According to the old routine, the leader of Tongtian in this era is still the loser."

Speaking of this, Luo Feng paused, and asked meaningfully: "But, but what if we win?"

What would happen if the Zhuxian Sword Formation defeated the Four Saints and the Four Sect Masters?
Daoist Yiyuan is the heart of a child, not an idiot, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly realized: "The Zhuxian Sword Formation is the number one spiritual treasure in the world, who can deny the authenticity of the four treasures of Kaitian."

"Of course!" Luo Feng smiled, and then waved his hand, interpreting the map of the prehistoric void, and the huge prehistoric land fell into his hands.

"This prehistoric is the server shaped by Pangu with his fleshy body. The prehistoric is the body, and the creatures in the prehistoric are all transformed by Pangu. Their combination is the human way, so the human way is God!"

"All sentient beings recite the real name of Zhuxian Sword Formation, and humanity recognizes the authenticity of the Four Treasures of Opening Heaven, which is equivalent to Pangu's recognition!"

"Once the Four Swords of Jade Immortals become the treasure of opening the sky, the Xuanming Zhenwu Sword will also rise and become a real sword of immortality, and prove the status of the innate spiritual treasure!"

"This is reversing cause and effect, turning fiction into reality!"

Daoist Yiyuan was fascinated by what he heard, and yearned for it. This is the chess game of the leader of Daluo, using time and space as the chessboard, and all living beings as chess pieces.

Past history is future history, future history is past history, past and future are contemporary history!
Daoist Yiyuan couldn't help sighing with emotion: "There is also a legend about the Four Swords of Jade Immortal in Sinan Realm. I didn't expect the famous Four Swords of Jade Immortal to be spelled out."

Luo Feng laughed and said, "What are the Four Swords of Zhu Xian? Today, the Twelve Ancestral Witches of the Great Desolation are all spelled out."

Daoist Yiyuan was stunned, and murmured, "How is this possible?"

Luo Feng stood up and left, laughing loudly: "It's impossible, time and space, and history are all in my generation's mind. You have to be familiar with such a situation."

Looking at the back of the teacher, Daoist Yiyuan felt a little melancholy in his heart, and then he had a question: "Teacher, how do you know? Twelve ancestor witches spelled out this kind of thing, it should be a secret, right?"

Luo Feng walked away with his hands behind his back, and said leisurely: "A friend of mine told me."

"One more thing, 500 years later, the Jade Emperor will hold a banquet, and the Queen Mother will hold a meeting. You can go to the peach feast on your behalf."

As the void circulated, a purple invitation card made of warm immortal jade fell into the hands of Daoist Yiyuan.

One line of writing: Taihuaxi Zhenwanqi Grandmother Yuanjun's Christmas post.

There are two qi in the heaven and the earth, and Donghua is born by inheriting the qi of Donghua's most true ancestor, so it is named Dongwanggong, because it is located in the east, and the east belongs to wood, so it is also called Mugong.

Xihua is born by inheriting the spirit of the most wonderful ancestor of Xihua, so it is called Xiwangmu, because it is located in the west, and the west belongs to gold, so it is also called Jinmu.

At the request of Haotian God Jade Emperor Datianzun, the golden mother is a god in the Taoist Yaochi, and the heavenly court is revered as the Golden Mother of Yaochi.

"Will Pantao meet?"

Taoist Yiyuan put away the invitation and murmured, feeling somewhat interested.

There is also a legend of the Peach Festival in the Sinan Realm, but it is a pity that the Heavenly Court of the Jade Emperor was destroyed by Ma Yiyuan, so that Daoist Yiyuan has never participated in the famous Peach Festival since his birth.

"By the way, there is one more thing." Luo Feng went back and forth, leaving behind a streak of purple air, and said leisurely, "It's good to practice."

I saw a secret book Xuanming Escape Time and Space Falling into the right hand, with a small note marked on it: good practice, if the situation is not right, immediately escape into the long river of time.

For five hundred years, Taoist Lord Yiyuan wandered in the wilderness, and met many Daluo Tianzun, Taiyi Taoist Lord, saw Sanqing called "Da Tianzun", met Tiandi called "Your Majesty", besides the Taiyi leader, Regardless of Taichu, Taishi, Taisu, and Taiji, they all treat each other as brothers and call each other.

Honghuang is mostly old fritters, full of calculations, and gets tired of crookedness after a long time. Daoist Yiyuan exchanged his sincerity for his sincerity, and he had no calculations in his heart. You Tianzun Taoist can naturally see that he has met many real friends.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

As soon as the bell rang, the heavens reverberated, and Daoist Yiyuan, who was visiting friends in Penglai, was warming up with the invitation card. After counting his fingers, he suddenly realized: "It turns out that the Pantao Society has opened."

"It's time for me to go to the banquet for the teacher."

For a moment, Penglai Island was in a state of awe, and many Jiejiao Daluo persuaded them one after another: "It will be inconvenient for Pantao to go."

Daoist Yiyuan quickly waved his hand and said, "Teacher told me, how can I not go. Fellow Daoists, I am bidding farewell."

Between the words, it turned into a white light and rushed into the sky.

Leaving a thousand pieces of Jiao Da Luo looking at each other, Zhao Gongming sighed and said, "Why did Lord Yiyuan go to the Pantao Festival?"

"The Pantao Society has always been dangerous, and even the leaders seldom go to the meeting. My Daluo gods will be contaminated with a lot of trouble if they are not careful, and they will be contaminated with the queen mother's robbery, so that Wujie Daluo will take the initiative to enter the robbery. "

Fairy Yunxiao comforted: "Brother, don't panic, the teacher of One Yuan Daoyou is Yunhan Datianzun, the current water official emperor, I think he has taken care of him."

"Besides, the representative of the cut-off teaching at the meeting this time is Senior Sister Jin Ling, and she is also taking care of one or two."

"That's the only way to go." Zhao Gongming sighed slightly: "Fellow Yiyuan walks too fast, I don't know who I learned this skill from."

The Pantao Club is located in Yaochi. Today, the Nantian Gate is sacred and numerous, with immortals and Buddhas coming and going, it is very lively.

For Da Luo, Pantao will be a life without calamity, and if you can't mess with it, don't mess with it.

For the gods under Da Luo, this is a great opportunity, and there is only one lucky audience, what if it's not me? !
After all, there are tens of thousands of gods attending the meeting, and everyone has a fluke mentality.

(End of this chapter)

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