All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 613 Marshal Pi mixed in

Chapter 613 Marshal Pi mixed in

As soon as Daoist Yiyuan stepped into Juntian, he saw several Daluo immortals wandering outside the Nantian Gate.

Ordinary people often say that the road to Shu is difficult, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky, but for immortals, it is easy to walk on the road of Shu and watch the flowers bloom and fall with a smile.

The heavenly soldiers and generals outside the Nantian Gate can stop the earth immortals, the change of time in the heaven can confuse the heavenly immortals, and the Haotian mirror can monitor the golden immortals, but all means can't stop the Daluo immortal family.

"Why are you fellow daoists here?" Daoist Yiyuan went up to say hello and asked curiously

There are two monks in Da Luo Xian's family, one Yuan Daojun traveled all over the world and knew each other. He couldn't help laughing and said, "It's Yuding real person in Jinxia Cave of Yuquan Mountain, and two venerables, Ananda Jinchanzi in Western Lingshan Mountain."

"Are you coming to the banquet too?"

The two monks looked back and saw Daoist Yiyuan, and they said in unison: "Fellow Taoist was also sent by the teacher to attend the meeting?"

Daoist Yiyuan asked suspiciously: "How many... how many were also sent by the teacher?"

Venerable Ananda frowned, and couldn't help asking, "Don't you know?"

"I don't know what?" Daoist Yiyuan looked confused?
On one side, Bodhisattva Golden Cicada sighed, and told the story of the queen mother's robbery and the snare of the heavens.

Daoist Yiyuan was stunned, and then asked: "Do the leaders don't care about this kind of thing?"

Jin Chanzi Bodhisattva smiled wryly: "The catastrophe set by the Queen Mother has always been illusory. It comes at random, can be seen, but cannot be touched. My Da Luo is also a transcendent immortal body. Even if he suffers from the catastrophe, there is only suffering, and there is no death kalpa. .”

"That's why the leaders regard the Pantao Society as a tribulation, and strive to improve our way."

So it turned out that Daoist Yiyuan suddenly realized and figured out the ins and outs.

"Who wants to be robbed if you can enjoy the blessings." Master Yuding shook his head and said: "But the Queen Mother sent the invitation to Yuxu Palace, and she couldn't refute it. Our brothers drew lots, and I was the winner. .”

Golden Cicada Bodhisattva showed pain and suffering: "Amitabha Buddha said that I despised the Dharma, dozed off in class, and interrupted the Dharma by snoring, so he sent me here as a punishment."

"But that's the sound of cicadas. I heard that the Buddha's teaching manifests itself, and the sound of cicadas and thunder is not the sound of snoring."

Talking, talking, Jin Chanzi wanted to cry, but he had been punished for this habit many times.

This is a racial habit, even big Luo people don't want to change it.

Venerable Ananda shook his head, patted the golden cicada to express his understanding, and made the golden cicada Bodhisattva stop singing, which is naturally possible for the golden cicada of the Da Luo series.But this is like the human race who eats with their feet without using their hands. They can do it, but they feel aggrieved.

"Fellow Taoist Jin Chanzi has come to Buddhism, why did you come here?"

Daoist Yiyuan discovered the blind spot and asked straight to the point
Venerable Ananda clasped his hands together, and the treasured figure solemnly said: "If you don't suffer, you won't realize the Tathagata."

This one is looking for abuse, and belongs to the series of ascetic monks.

"But you are already Tathagata?" Daoist Yiyuan complained
"No, no." Jin Chanzi Bodhisattva explained: "At this point in time and space, Shakyamuni Buddha has not yet been born, and there is only one Buddha of Hinayana Buddhism. We are all Bodhisattvas."

"With the power of Tathagata, but without the degree of Buddha, we need to wait for the establishment of Mahayana Buddhism. There are three thousand Buddhas in the past, future and present. All living beings have Buddha nature. Only then can we show the fruit of Tathagata."

"Your Buddhist classification is really weird." Daoist Yiyuan shook his head and said

Jin Chanzi Bodhisattva clasped his palms together and complained: "Who says it's not? I also find it strange that in the future the four great Bodhisattvas, the most famous Avalokitesvara and Ksitigarbha, all have the strength of Da Luo in the beginning, but they have been refusing to become Buddhas and have been staying with Bodhisattvas." The fruit status indirectly raises the level of Bodhisattva."

"The bodhisattva's 51st stage is harmed, and it becomes 52nd stage abruptly, and there is an extra Bodhisattva of wonderful enlightenment who is equal to the Buddha, and the enlightenment and practice are perfect and the ultimate Buddha fruit."

"According to the Arhat, Bodhisattva, Buddha, and the Buddha's four realms, how good it is, concise and clear."


Jin Chanzi Bodhisattva was chattering and eloquent, talking about the fruit status of Buddhism to the golden immortal of Taoism, and then from the golden immortal of Taoism to the gods of Shinto, as if talking about immeasurable kalpas.

Daoist Yiyuan took a deep breath, turned to look at Venerable Ananda, and asked via voice transmission, "Jin Chanzi was punished to come to the Peach Fair, isn't it because of the cicadas' singing?"

Venerable Ananda clasped his hands together, smiled without saying a word, but the smile was a wry one.

The real Yuding on the other side shook his head and said with emotion: "Buddhism is really compassionate, Amitabha Buddha has great perseverance."

Jin Chanzi would have been thrown out of Kunlun Mountain long ago in Yuxu Palace.

Master Yuding's words caught Bodhisattva Jinchanzi's attention, and he hurried forward to chat, "Fellow Yuding Taoist knows my Buddhism well, we..."

The real Yuding was so scared that he waved his hand quickly: "I don't understand, I'm not interested."

He had heard enough just now, and in an instant, he set up auspicious clouds and went straight into the South Heaven Gate.

Daoist Yiyuan looked strange, he discovered a formula, the danger of golden cicadas > the danger of flat peaches.

So hurry up!Daoist Yiyuan also quickly set up a white cloud and escaped into the Nantianmen. He couldn't want to stay and listen to the cicadas singing.

The flat peach banquet is a catastrophe, but also an opportunity. Naturally, not everyone can enter.

The first-class emperors, Tathagata, and Tianzun are all great figures with the status of Daluoguo, the degree of Buddha, and the Daoguo of Taiyi, and the invitations are issued by the mother of Jade Emperor Jin.

The two meteor kings, heavenly kings and main gods are all three-in-one, immortal golden immortals who unite time, space and matter, and are also eligible to attend the Pantao.

The third-rate marshal real celestial master, who comprehended the mystery of time for the last time, can live a celestial immortal. If he can survive the eon, his lifespan will be as long as that of a golden immortal.

As for the Earth Immortals of the Shouyuan Yiyuan Society, they cannot enter the Nantian Gate. After all, flat peaches will bloom at 3000 yuan, bear fruit at 3000 yuan, and ripen at 3000 yuan.

Even if the Earth Immortal takes it by chance, it will be exploded by the law of energy bred by the flat peach.

Tianzun Daojun's ceremonial guard, driving in the clouds, the heavenly generals of Nantianmen will not stop him, but Jinxian and Tianxian have to register again.

Time flies, half a day has passed, all the gods and immortals have appeared, and the rest is the long queue outside the Nantian Gate.

The gatekeeper registered and asked, "Department."

"Department of Thunder."

Lord Lei produces all things, drives the sea and mountains, moves the four seasons, raises and lowers yin and yang, records good and punishes evil, and is regarded as a great god among the heavenly soldiers and generals.

The heavenly gatekeeper raised his head, put on a smiling face and asked, "Lei Bu, one mansion, two courts and three divisions, who is the real god, fellow Taoist?"

Dongfeng Leishen held the purple electric hammer, cupped his hands and said, "Dongfeng Leishen is under the seat of Zhenwu Zhenjun of the North Pole Exorcism Academy."

The gatekeeper stood in awe: "It turns out to be Marshal Dongfeng, dare to ask the marshal's name."

Dongfeng Leishen grinned and said: "It's easy to say, the surname is Pi, and the name is Kaqiu."

"Respectfully invite Marshal Pi of the North Pole Exorcism Academy of Leibu!" The gatekeeper shouted loudly, signaling the heavenly soldiers to let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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