Chapter 642 Can't Ask For It (14)

The sound of conch shells is clear and melodious, moving with the tide of the sea, which makes people feel refreshed.

Nezha sits on the sea cliff where Dugu stands and listens quietly. The poet is the place where his aspirations lie.In the heart is the ambition, and the speech is poetry.Emotions move in the heart and form in words. Words are not enough, so they sigh, sighs are not enough, so they sing forever, songs are not enough, they don’t know how to dance with hands, and dance with feet.

Words are a kind of power, and rhythm is also a way.

The sounds of nature soothed the emotions, and the innate coldness and murderous intent brought by the spiritual beads of the previous life seemed to be pried away a little, and the isolated hostility of everyone was soothed.

Unknowingly, Nezha hummed the song that his mother often sang when she was pregnant: "It's him, it's him, it's him, it's him, our friend little Nezha... young hero, little Nezha... "

Although Nezha is naughty, handsome and hulking, he is just a child in his mother's heart. No mother would want her child to be a hero with a heart of love.

The foam rises and reflects the colorful brilliance against the bright sunshine. A moment is eternity.Nezha will never forget in his whole life that on the side of the cliff of the East China Sea, the breeze suddenly blew up, and the woman danced against the wind, as light as floating clouds and as frightening as a dragon.She was dressed in a bright red dress, her face was like creamy fat, and her eyes were like spots of lacquer.

"What's your name?"

Holding a conch, the dragon girl smiles lightly and shows off her orchid-like beauty.

"Nezha." Nezha replied subconsciously, and then he realized that he raised his hand and asked nervously, "Are you afraid of me?"

The dragon girl knelt down, looked at Nezha carefully with her chin in her hand, and asked curiously, "Scared, what's there to be afraid of, you're just a little bigger."

"The sons of Uncle Jing's family are older than you, and they often take me out to play together."

"Do you want to come together?!"

The sun shone on the sparkling sea, and the sound of the waves lapping on the shore was still the same. The girl stretched out her delicate hand to invite, and the sunlight behind her flowed down, and a ray of light seemed to flow through Nezha's heart.

With five fingers facing each other, the dragon girl turned into a red dragon with a whistling sound, and took Nezha to swim in the ocean and sky.

"Let's go!"

"Slow... slow down... I'm afraid of heights!!!"

A coincidence, a miracle was born.The relationship between a boy and a girl is always pure, and the happy time is always short.

The dragon girl took Nezha to travel in Cangming. Once a big fish jumped into the sea, spraying water ten thousand feet, and then flew into the Qingming. On the beach, feel the waves like clouds go back and forth, and listen to the thunder from the north wind...

It wasn't until the sun set that they returned home after riding the wind for thousands of miles. One person and one dragon sat loosely on the sea cliff.The dragon girl took off the conch on the side of her earlobe and handed it to Nezha, and said with a light smile, "No, this is for you."

"There is a problem with the enchantment in the house. Today I ran out secretly to go back quickly."

"In the future, if you want to see me, blow the conch, and the sound of the conch will tell the sea to call for me."

Looking at the conch in front of him, Nezha was taken aback for a moment. This was the first time in his life that he received a gift. A boy of the same age as Chen Tangguan gave Nezha only rotten eggs and mud.

"Hey, don't be dazed, you should go home quickly." Long Nu giggled, and put the conch into Nezha's belly pocket.Tengyun turned and turned into a red dragon and flew towards the depths of the ocean.

Rubbing the conch in his hand, and watching the dragon shadow receding away, Nezha plucked up his courage and shouted with all his strength: "Who, I haven't asked you what your name is yet?!"

"I'll tell you next time we meet! My surname is Ao!"

A dragon chant sounded from the depths of the ocean, and the ethereal voice came with the wind.

Looking towards the sea in the east, the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled the sea surface, the mountains and the sea are intertwined and lingering as far as the eye can see, and there is no figure in red clothes. .”

However, Nezha has a concern in his heart, and his spirit is different. He is not as stubborn as before, but gradually has a bit of a human appearance.

Seeing this, Li Jing also secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Among the eight sufferings in life, the suffering of not getting what one wants ranks seventh, second only to the blazing suffering of the five shades.

If you can't ask for it, you won't be able to move Nezha's mind, let his five aggregates be derived, and his roots and dust will be connected.Li Jing was really helpless.

But now that the exterior scene sees the interior scene, Nezha can be considered spiritual before he can arrange the next step.

"Blaze of Fire, Daoist Taiyi has the Nine-Dragon Divine Flame Cover." Li Jing pondered for a while, then sighed, "Let him come."

So he wrote a letter, passed it to a white crane, and ordered it to be sent to the Golden Light Cave in Qianyuan Mountain.

In the Golden Light Cave, beside the lotus pond, Master Taiyi took the letter and gave a handful of lotus seeds to the white crane.

After opening the letter and looking it over, Daoist Taiyi chuckled lightly: "It's time to come, I still have to come."

"Fellow Daoist's words are justified." Facing Master Taiyi, Luo Leishen nodded and said, "Since the Lingzhu is about to worship under the door, Ao Bing will also worship under the door of Luohe God after some time."

Daoist Taiyi sighed with emotion: "Fellow Daoist Luo has a good plan, suppressing Yin Shang with one hand and Tianzhou with the other."

"Now that I'm here to watch the recovery of the Lingzhu, it can be said that I have taken advantage of it."

Luo Leishen smiled slightly: "It's better than fellow Taoists to reserve the position of the Sixth Emperor in advance. The change of dynasty in the world is really tragic. The big Luo game, the end of the leader, is not as good as the heavenly court."

Daoist Taiyi shook his head and sighed: "The position of the Six Royals in the Heavenly Court is difficult to obtain. Naturally, no one is peeping at the back of Haotian. Ziwei Gouchen has always been in the same spirit."

"Qinghua and Nanji are not from the divine way, but they are underestimated."

Luo Leishen teased: "If the real person finds it difficult to do it, you might as well give me the position of Liu Yu, and I will share the worries for the real person."

Daoist Taiyi laughed: "Don't talk about this, don't talk about this. Li Jing urged me, and the poor are one step ahead."

After Taiyi Daoist left, Luo Leishen touched the purple electric hammer in his arms and pondered for a while, then threw it into the void and fell into the long river of time.

Master Taiyi already knew about his family's help in destroying the Shang Dynasty. As we all know, the secret between Da Luo is that there is no secret.

It is not suitable to keep this piece of Xiantian Lingbao Purple Electric Hammer on your body.

It happened to be the way to treat Lost Myself Da Luo. Luo Leishen had watched the Lingzhu for many years and witnessed Li Yaoshi's treatment methods. He already had a lot of experience. Combining his own time authority and system shopping malls, he created a unique treatment plan.

Just take the purple electric hammer and be the first guinea pig.

Zidian Hammer floated on the long river of time and was divided into two parts. Most of the innate Dao essence was sacrificed into a system, and its quality was as high as Hongjun Daozu's hand to shape the system of Yiyuan Daojun.

Another part of the purple electric hammer remains and turns into a personality. Under the washing of the long river of time, it transforms layer by layer, and the effect is no less than that of reincarnation water and Mengpo soup.

The difference is that Mengpo soup cleans the soul into a blank personality, but the water of time covers it up, covering up the last trace of spirituality, the last piece of emotion, and the obsession of the purple electric hammer in the depths of the soul.

[Please add one more day, add updates on Friday and Saturday]

(End of this chapter)

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