All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 643 The reincarnation of Zidian, Lingbao crossing people

Chapter 643 Purple Electric Reincarnation, Lingbao Ferries People (24)

Master Tongtian pinched his fingers and did not stop the movement of the congenital spiritual treasure purple hammer, and said calmly: "The pharmacist uses the eight suffering methods to refine the spiritual beads. As for the effect, the poor Taoist has already seen it."

"Let's look at Luo Tianzun's method now."

Daode Tianzun followed the catastrophe to save people, so why not Lingbao Tianzun, a scripture of saving people declared thousands of times, Lingbao Tianzun in the Shangqing Realm flicked a finger, and a little bit of spiritual light flowed, escaping into the void.

Luo Qinglan has already taken over the inner and outer voids, the prehistoric starting point, the large and small fragments respond to the space of the main god, hold high in the void, and watch the reincarnation like an avenue, turning into a ball of light on weekdays, which is like a ruthless law, symbolizing the fairness and justice of the space of the main god .

Seeing the arrival of the aura of Lingbao Tianzun, the big aperture seemed to have wisdom, and automatically avoided thousands of causal lines, making way for the vast world of hundreds of millions of Jingzhao reincarnation under his command.

Lingbao Tianzun lowered an incarnation of himself and another in the ordinary low-spirited reincarnation world on the side of the main god's space.

Accompanied by the transformation of the Lingbao into the main god's space, the blank personality of Zidian Hammer flows into a void parallel to the earth world.

In the parallel earth world, the history before Zhao Song was no different from that of the ordinary earth, but after Jingkang, history took a turning point.

After Emperor Shizu of the Shao Song Dynasty visited the Taoist ancestor in Mingdao Palace in Bozhou, it was suspected that the Taoist ancestor taught the law and was blessed by God. He changed the previous situation of the wandering government and established the great cause of resisting the gold with Bagong Mountain as the starting point.

Then Huanglong was conquered in the north, Maizu Chaozong ruled the north with the south.After pacifying the homeland of Yanyun, Xixia recovered, Jiaozhi took back, and Dali disposed of it. After the first empire of Qin and Han, and the second empire of Sui and Tang, the homeland of the Han family returned and the Third Empire of China was established.

After that, North Korea was settled, Dongying was settled, and Central Asia was far away; the Western Regions were merged with Mobei, and the grasslands were stabilized; overseas colonies, commercial lands were opened up, and trade exchanges were carried out.

The country won overseas territories, with the help of industry and commerce, and the country's fortune stretched for three years in 710.

Although the dynasties have changed now, the Yanhuang Republic does not have too many taboos.Coupled with the beautiful scenery of Bagong Mountain, it is a good place for outings and fun, attracting many tourists.

There is a Guocheng Temple on the top of Babao Mountain. Its main business is for tourists to burn incense and worship Buddha, and it also serves as a canteen and dormitory.

The scorching sun shone on the main hall, illuminating the three golden figures in the center, making them look a bit sacred.

Looking up, there is one Buddha, one Tao, and one Confucianism enshrined.

In front of the main hall, there was a tall man with a purple brow.When he saw three golden bodies from different beliefs, he frowned slightly, and couldn't help complaining: "Wonderful temple, what is this, is the three religions one?!"

"It's the first time I've seen the sages of the three religions enshrining in one hall. The monk here is also a talent."

The white-clothed woman who was traveling with her said with a light smile: "From the mythical Emperor Zhuanxu who was able to reach heaven, to the historical Shang Emperor who shot into the sky, the Chinese monarchy has always suppressed the divine right."

"Nowadays it is even more materialistic. Bagong Mountain is a scenic spot and historic site. Naturally, the temples on the mountain cannot be a place for pure cultivation. Naturally, it must be a little more secular."

"Make money, it's not shabby."

Li Fenglei nodded. Since ancient times, the beliefs of Chinese people have been extremely secular and complicated.

In human terms, the left eye jumps for money, so happy, Gods and Buddhas bless; the right eye jumps for disaster, fuck your mother's feudal superstition.


Li Fenglei paused, looked at the statue, and said with emotion: "The abbot of this temple is also a genius."

"Sakyamuni, the first teacher Confucius, and the Supreme Taoist ancestor together? This is a Buddhist temple, or a Taoist temple... I'm not afraid that the three big men will fight in the sky."

"Amitabha, good, good."

A sound of the Buddha's name was proclaimed, and behind the purple beams and pillars, a bald man slipped over and said with a smile: "The benefactor's words are wrong."

"The Constitution of the Republic stipulates that people have freedom of religious belief. No organ, organization or individual may compel people to believe in a religion or not to believe in a religion, and shall not discriminate against people who believe in religion or people who do not believe in religion."

"The poor monk is just a place to believe in. As for who to believe in, the choice is in your hands."

Li Fenglei pointed to the clothes, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "This is why you, a monk, wear Dao clothes?!"

The bald man in Taoist robes smiled and said, "Freedom of belief. If you two are not satisfied, there is a crucifix in the back hall."

Saying that, he took out a series of silver weapons from his clothes.

"Are you the priest of Shaolin Temple's Grand Lama King in Wudang Mountain?!"

Li Fenglei made precise complaints.

It turns out that the gods are also workers, so this batch can't be replaced by another batch.

The bald man in a Taoist robe and holding a cross looked straight: "The poor monk's surname is Dong, and his name is Feng. He is a serious monk, and his Dharma name is Zhongtong."

Li Fenglei tentatively asked: "Are you still calling the two senior brothers Yuantong and Shentong?"

Monk Zhongtong waved his hand: "What's the matter, my elder brother's Taoist name is Xuanming Taoist, the third junior brother's name is Mr. Yunhan, and the fifth junior brother is a Westerner named Yawei."

Li Fenglei suddenly turned around and looked at the woman in white beside him, held hands, and said seriously: "Luoshui, why don't we change to another temple."

"I think the cave view on the hill next door is pretty good."

Taoist priests, monks, Confucian scholars, and the last one is probably a priest. The believers of the four families stay in one temple. Do you put it here to raise Gu? !
Lu Bu is just a slave with three surnames.

The Luoshui woman smiled without saying a word.

Seeing that the pilgrim was about to run away, Monk Zhongtong became anxious and shouted: "Why are you going, I am a serious monk."

"If you don't believe me, I'll show you my work permit."

As he spoke, he took out a graduation certificate from Harbin Buddhist College, and then took out a religious qualification certificate with the red seal of the monk record department of the Taichang Temple of the Republic on it.

Li Fenglei suddenly realized: "So it's a fake monk."


Zhongtong tied his face when he heard the words and said: "Benefactor, I don't like to hear these words anymore. What is a fake monk? I am a professional monk. I am a clergyman who specializes in managing temples under the command of the monk recording department of Taichang Temple. I have a staff. "

"I'm a decent monk."

Li Fenglei was not convinced, and was about to step forward to argue, when Luo Shui sighed, and stepped forward to hold him back.

"Master Zhongtong, that's not what my friend meant. You can see that's all there is to it."

"Is it time to eat?"

With that said, Luo Shui donated a share of merit money and blinked.

In an instant, Monk Zhongtong seemed to be enlightened and became a Buddha under the bodhi tree, with a compassionate smile on his face: "That's good, that's good."

"What the benefactor said is very true. It is time to eat. Please invite the two of you."

The great monk led the way forward, walking briskly, humming a tune, if he ignored his Taoist robe, he might be able to pass himself off as an eminent monk.

"Luoshui, why did you stop me from speaking just now?"

In the back, the two were watching the temple scenery side by side. Li Fenglei couldn't help asking
The Luoshui woman said indifferently: "Is it meaningful? Can you convince him, or can you convince Taichang Temple."

"I can't convince you even if I say it, so I'm just asking for trouble."

"Heaven has permanence, not for Yao, not for Jie. This is the choice of this era"

"I understand the truth." Reaching out into a fist, he hammered hard, and the trees beside him vented their dissatisfaction.

The big tree was swaying, and the woman in Luoshui was terrified when she saw it. She was afraid that the tree would fall down in the next moment, and then... then she would have to lose money again.

Withered and yellow leaves fell one after another, touching the simple purple hammer pendant on his chest, Li Fenglei looked into the distance and murmured softly: "It's just... Luoshui, it's just that the practitioners in my impression shouldn't be like this."

"The way, practice, shouldn't be like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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