Chapter 691 Taibai Zhengdaluo (12)

Taibai Jinxing, an old silver coin, unexpectedly obtained the status of Daluo Tianzun quietly and silently.

What a terrifying thing this is.

Others don't know it, but Luo Feng is the Heavenly Venerable who has stepped into the realm of Taiyi anyway, and his vision is not usually high, so how can he not see it.

The old lady wore a full three-layer vest, the outermost layer was an ordinary fairy, corresponding to the identity of the envoy of the Emperor of Heaven, like an old fairy with a bone and fairy wind.

When the first layer of vest is uncovered, the identity of Taibai's second layer of vest, the ancient god of the Golden Immortal, will be exposed. The Western Jin Ge Xingjun who dominates and kills is Taibai's second layer of vest.

However, this is not the end. In the center of Taibai's core, there is an innate immortal aura that will last forever and ever before, witnessing his true identity, Daluo Jinxian Taibai God Emperor!
And it's not Taiji Luo who just entered Daluo, but Taisu Daluo, a middle-level power standing in Daluo's field.

"This old man is so insidious, he is not as frank as this Tianzun, showing his own cultivation realm without the slightest concealment."

Dongyin Emperor Luofeng let out a sneer in his heart, but with a surprised smile on his face, he stepped forward and took Taibai Jinxing's hand, and said bluntly: "I haven't seen you for a long time, old Xingjun, and I don't know when he will be certified as Daluo. It made Ben Dikong worry a lot."

Taibai Jinxing said with a smile: "Returning to the emperor, the little god is in His Majesty the Jade Emperor's natural Miaoyou Miluo to the true multiverse to prove the Daluo, so there is no vision of the little god to prove the way in Honghuang."

Naturally, there is Mira to the true multiverse?A gleam of understanding flashed in Luo Feng's eyes.

He has heard about this universe.

Each side breeds infinite parallel universes, and the multiverse with infinite time branches has the hope of carrying Daluo.

It's just that the diversity of the Great Desolation is extremely special. All the heavens and great Luos gather here to jointly shape a multiverse, which leads to the extremely high status of the multi-dimensional Great Desolation. Cooperation can even launch a super-standard Pan Gu real person.

Primordial diversity is not the only place where one can prove the Dao, but the probability of beings proving the Dao is higher in the Primordial Diversity. Transformation, the preaching of the heavenly gods, one of which can be removed immeasurably, and the probability of enlightenment is one of immeasurable.

Everything is not absolute, and the probability of some existence is reversed, such as the direct power of Da Luo Tianzun.

Honghuang is an online version of the game. All the Da Luo Tianzun have the ability to open up the world, and basically have their own stand-alone universe.

Basically, every Taiyi Daluo will always belong to his own stand-alone multiverse. In his own universe, he does not need to take into account the rules of the online prehistoric. Changing the rules arbitrarily, without the obstruction of the second big Luo, can be described as omniscient and omnipotent.

Naturally, the multiverse of Miluo Zhizhen is the single multiverse of the Jade Emperor Tianzun. In this universe, the Sanqing is just the Jade Emperor's prime minister, the Siyu is just the Jade Emperor's courtiers, and the three emperors and five emperors of the human race are also part of the Heavenly Palace. , As for Western Buddhism, it is one of the five elders, also a subordinate of the Heavenly Court.

The upper palm controls the sky and the stars, the lower one controls the dark veins, and the middle controls the three Qings, the four imperials, the five elders and the six divisions, the seven yuan, the eight poles, the nine obsidian, the ten capitals, and the gods of all sizes.It is a unified heaven that manages the sky, the earth, and the air, from the ascension of the gods, the ascension of the immortals, and the destruction of the demon gods, to the rain from the Dragon King, and the incense and incense of the land.He is the true God of Heaven, the ruler of the universe.

Taibai Jinxing attained Da Luo in the multiverse of the natural wonder, Mi Luo, and the true multiverse. The Jade Emperor ordered his orders, and the heavenly relatives of the universe rolled down. The Xuanhuang merits do not need money, and the difficulty of enlightenment can be said to be reduced by [-]% , even the people who blocked the way of my card Daluo and the saints are gone.

Thinking about it, thinking about it, Dongyin Emperor Luofeng couldn't help but feel sour. When he was proving his way, he could ask his grandfather, sue his grandmother, and even divide the power of the Black Emperor into three parts. , just proved Da Luo.

Taibai Jinxing proved Da Luo so easily, it's a pity that I don't even have a multiverse.

This kind of big project cannot be launched casually. It can only be implemented after learning from Pangu's creation many times.

While thinking about it, Taibai Jinxing cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Dijun, don't make the Emperor of Heaven wait for a long time." '

Dongyin Emperor Luofeng nodded, and followed Taibai Jinxing into the Seven-color God Bridge, and went straight to Miluo Palace.

The Miro Palace is resplendent and magnificent, and the four walls of the magnificent palace are engraved with complicated and mysterious red scripts and jade scripts. The scripts are powerful, from the highest-level avenue runes to the lowest-level human scripts. , has its own meaning.Every red book and jade script in Miluo Palace exudes a strong aura of the origin of the universe, and each word is like a complete Dao law that only Taiyi God can write, and only Daluo Tianzun can understand the meaning in it.Moreover, there seemed to be some kind of subtle resonance between the Chishu Yuwen, which made the whole palace extremely terrifying, like a silent supreme Pangu.

On the main hall, four majestic and solemn white jade statues stand on both sides, towering tall. One of the three-eyed people on the left is handsome and handsome, dressed in gold and white robes, holding a three-pointed and two-edged gun; The man is red-faced and bearded, wearing a golden armor and red robe, with three eyes glaring, holding a hot wheel on the left and a steel whip on the right.

On the right side of the two white jade statues, one of which Luo Feng is quite familiar with is Taibai Jinxing, the inner phase of Mira, and the other statue has no face, as if it has not been carved.

In addition, behind the four white jade gods in the Miluo Palace, there are [-] golden statues, and each statue blooms with a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere, as if the god Taiyi will descend in the next second.

A gleam of light flashed across Luo Feng's eyes, and he was amazed, what is the foundation, this is the foundation.The gods under the Jade Emperor's throne, the Yuxu Palace summoned the immortal Jinzhong, and stopped and taught the ten thousand immortals to come to court, which one is not a gathering of Daluo.

How can it be like the Daluo Tianzun and Taiyi Daojun who are only in twos and threes under their own family, and they don't have a face.

Luo Feng sighed quietly and asked, "Old Xingjun, where should we sit?"

Taibai Jinxing said with a smile: "The generals are on the left, and the civilian officials are on the right. Naturally, the emperor sits with the veteran on the right."

Luo Feng nodded in agreement: "Taibai's words are true, we are not good at fighting and killing, it is better to advise the Jade Emperor."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and walked towards the two white jade statues on the right. There was a high-backed bench under either the white jade statue or the golden statue, and each statue showed a different speciality.

The bench of Taibai Jinxing is golden, just like the sun in the west, under the gentleness and splendor there is a forest of killing. As for the bench of Luofeng, it is originally gray.

But as soon as he sat on it, the statue behind him turned into Luo Feng's face, and the bench behind him turned into a hovering turtle and snake, like mercury casting, with waves and water patterns appearing.

Miluo Palace is mysterious and mysterious, and only when you have your own position can you understand one or two of them.The hall is very empty. When sitting on a bench, a strange void will appear in front of your eyes, a void with no top, no bottom, no front and no back.

The void revolves around the Mira Palace, or it can be said that the Mira Palace floats in the void.

This feeling is not unfamiliar, the palace that brought Luo Feng such an experience last time was called Zixiao Palace.

Using Da Luo's gaze to gain insight into the ten directions and the three realms, the void has just revealed the truth!

He is void, and he is still the primordial multiverse!
Under the Miro Palace is the prehistoric world, where the Jade Emperor and the gods observe the multiverse!

(End of this chapter)

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