All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 692 A small meeting in the Miluo Palace

Chapter 692 A Small Meeting in Miro Palace (22)

One after another, the great gods came again, surrounded by dao dao dao dao dao zhu stream light, hundreds of millions of silver lamps scattered colors, stepping on the golden lotus, sitting on the bench accompanied by the voice of heaven, talking about the second and third matters.

It looks like he is familiar with the road, the confidant of the Jade Emperor for many years.

Among them are many Taiyi gods, Luo Feng has also met several times, there are canopy gods, the Big Dipper... In the past, they were all golden immortals, but now they are enshrining the gods, the heavens are chaotic, and even the Daluo sages can't Counting, one after another took the opportunity to prove the status of Taiyi.

Luo Feng couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring, these great gods with names and surnames in the time and space of the myriad worlds really saved a hand.It's similar to that Taibai Jinxing, who can prove the truth, but has to delay and pinch.

Luo Feng has the status of master and apprentice with Doumu Yuanjun, and he and the Big Dipper Seven Stars can be regarded as senior brothers. Taking advantage of the Jade Emperor's absence, he shared a spiritual thought and strolled beside the seven brothers, and said with a voice transmission: "What a Qixing Lord, proof Dao Taiyi escaped from the catastrophe, and he didn't even say a word to my junior brother."

Seeing this, the Seven Kings of the Big Dipper also separated a divine sense, and together they created a temporary small world, and they all apologized: "The younger brother misunderstood."

"It's been like this in all the Pangu epochs. Unlike Daluo Tianzun, the Taiyi God Venerable of our generation travels to various time and space as he pleases, and we all act in accordance with the heavens and the way."

Luo Feng nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly asked with a flash of inspiration: "If one era after another follows the script, Da Luo acts as a game player, and Taiyi God Venerable can only be a game NPC, wouldn't it be boring?"

The Seven Lords of the Big Dipper looked at each other, and Lord Greedy Wolf couldn't help laughing and cursing: "Well, Luo Tianzun, I have changed the script, revised the data of Empress Shiji, and strengthened the interception. Make jokes about us being boring."

After some reprimands, Luo Feng apologized again and again.The Big Dipper Seven Lords just let Luo Feng go.

In the end, the youngest Yaoguang Xingjunzhai had a kind heart and explained to Luo Feng:
"This general trend is naturally locked by Taiyi Daluo, but this small trend is our free play."

"As the saying goes, one generation after another, one generation of gods. In the last Lich Era, we were Zhou Tian Xing Dou Star God, who assisted the ancient heavens and obtained Taiyi. In this era of Conferred Gods, we are the Big Dipper Seven Lords, Nine Obsidian Lords, and the Jade Emperor. Certified Taiyi. Change a vest and practice again, so that it is in line with the trend of history and the general trend of heaven."

"However, if the Da Luo player angers us, hey, it's true that the Taiyi NPC will not issue a death mission."

The hunky-backed Wenqu Xingjun laughed and said: "That's exactly the case. Every time we measure the calamity, it is a happy time for us to make things difficult for the players of Daluo."

"It doesn't matter whether you are a newcomer to the prehistoric world or an old fritter who has cleared customs, you have to do the task of running around when you come to us."

Luo Feng nodded thoughtfully, and asked curiously: "Then the Jade Emperor summoned us this time, you know..."

Big Dipper and Seven Stars said in unison: "Nine times out of ten, I was playing a trumpet, and I was accidentally tricked by some Taiyi npc."

Between the words of Dongyin Emperor Luofeng and Big Dipper Lord, the third great god of the white jade statue came.

Now more than a dozen Taiyi gods stood up one after another, cupped their hands and said: "I have seen Wang Lingguan."

Wang Lingguan saluted one by one, and Luo Feng also looked sideways, wanting to see the appearance of the top leader under the Jade Emperor.

A god-man descended from the clouds, with a ruddy complexion and a deep breath, as if he had the realm of the Great Luo in the early days.It is worthy of being a character who can fight on par with monkeys.

All present were the direct descendants of the Jade Emperor, great gods of the same level, and Wang Lingguan did not put on airs, just smiled and returned the salutes one by one.

When it was time to pay his respects to Luo Feng, Wang Lingguan bowed first, and then said rather resentfully: "The emperor can make it easier for me to find him."

Luo Feng was taken aback for a moment, he didn't seem to have any enmity with Wang Lingguan, did he?This was the first time the two met.

I saw the Wang Lingguan said quietly: "Then Ma Wangye was supposed to be one of the five hundred Lingguans under my command, but he was robbed by the emperor."

"I've been looking for this vacancy for a long time, but I haven't filled it yet."

"This is the Great Tribulation of Conferred God, Dijun, look..."

Luo Feng suddenly realized when he heard the words, he laughed and said: "It turns out that this matter, brother, I can't afford to compensate you. It's just that our family doesn't talk about two families, and we are all under the throne of the Jade Emperor, so what is the difference between you and me?"

Wang Shan frowned, and asked in a deep voice: "Emperor, this is unreasonable, the five hundred spirit officials were appointed by the Jade Emperor."

"Oh..." Luo Feng shook his head and sighed, "Brother Wang Shan, don't worry, I'm ready for the Lingguan."

"It's just that I recruited another battalion that day, and I need Lord Ma to help me train. I'm afraid this matter will have to be postponed for another 5000 years."

"After a while, I will definitely send it to the Zunshen station in person."

Wang Lingguan couldn't help sneering, Luo Tianzun's shameless reputation had spread throughout Da Luo Taiyi's circle.He said that after a period of time, it might be the next Measuring Calamity, or simply the next Pan Gu Era.

The system will be restarted in the next Pan Gu Era, so what's the deal?

I'm afraid that there is a common saying that the Heidi borrows the Lingguan, and once borrowed, he will not exchange it.

Knowing this well, Wang Lingguan begged for his own Lingguan talents without hesitation.

Luo Feng had no choice but to sigh and said, "Let's see this, Brother Wang Shan, let's not bother with Lingguan anymore."

"I'll just give you a battalion of equipment and talents, even if it's clear now?"

Wang Lingguan thought for a while, although his family relied on reason, but Dongyin Emperor was close to the Jade Emperor, and his family couldn't compete.

As for fighting, although my family is a martial god, but Luo Tianzun is a well-known civil servant old silver coin, and I can't fight it myself.

In the end, Wang Lingguan said in a deep voice: "Emperor, under Wang's command, don't want waste."

Dongyin Emperor Luo Feng clasped his hands together and said with a smile: "This matter is easy to talk about, this matter is easy to talk about."

"My subordinates in the True One Realm are all people who are good at fighting. If Wang Lingguan doesn't dislike it, after a while, you might as well go to my home universe to pick out talents."

"No matter what, I have to give it to Brother Wang Shan, a top-ranking battalion of talents and equipment."

Only then did Wang Lingguan sit down, and the bench behind him rose up with a series of brilliance, symbolizing Wang Shan's thunder and fire avenue.

After the great god was seated, the Jade Emperor finally appeared, the wheel of merit and virtue rose, and the Dharma image was radiant.

All the gods bowed their hands together and bowed down: "See the Jade Emperor."

Looking around at the gods, the Jade Emperor nodded: "Let's have a meeting."

At this moment Wang Lingguan stood up suddenly, and said: "Your Majesty, don't you wait, Qingyuan Miaodao True Monarch?"

"There are still many Taiyi gods who haven't come yet."

The Jade Emperor sighed, and said meaningfully: "The walls have ears."

Wang Lingguan was shocked when he heard the words, although about half of the [-] Taiyi gods were incarnations of Da Luo, spies of Buddhism and Taoism, they were a little watery.

They were not shy away from meeting in the past, but now they have a meeting with more than a dozen direct descendants.

It's a big deal.

(End of this chapter)

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