All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 693 The Jade Emperor Was Killed

Chapter 693 The Jade Emperor Was Killed
The Jade Emperor Da Tianzun waved his hand, and a young human figure was reflected in the void. He was tall and handsome, and his face was three points similar to that of the Jade Emperor.

"This is Bo Yi Kao. He was killed not long ago."

The Jade Emperor's tone was indifferent, as if he was describing a small matter, but at this moment, all the Jade Emperor's confidantes came to Miluo Palace.

Who doesn't know the identity of Boyi Kao.

Bo Yikao is the incarnation of Emperor Ziwei in the human world, and Emperor Ziwei is one of the three corpses of the Jade Emperor, and he is truly his own.

Looking at the human youth who had been chopped into meat in the reflection in the void, the gods were terrified, and only then did they understand the real reason why the Jade Emperor summoned them.

The death of the emperor humiliating the minister, the killing of Bo Yikao is equivalent to the killing of Emperor Ziwei, and the killing of Emperor Ziwei is equivalent to the killing of the Jade Emperor.

It's a long life, and today the Emperor of Heaven actually fell for once, even if it is the incarnation of the incarnation, it is the face of the Emperor of Heaven.

Just like Luo Feng damaged the avatar in the avatar, with his small mind, he will get revenge one day sooner or later. Even after countless epochs, the old grievances and hatreds will still be recorded in that small book.

In this era, the Jade Emperor went through 12 kalpas in order to prove the Tao.Each kalpa is 600 years.Only then did he obtain the Daluo and ascend to the throne of the Emperor of Heaven.

But after ascending to the Heavenly Emperor, there will be no more disasters. President Hongjun Tiandao and Jade Emperor Prime Minister Jiang Shanhe have such honorable status.

In countless reincarnations, countless lines of time and light stretch out, flowing with future brilliance, even if there is a demon king of the end of the world, he dare not blaspheme the Jade Emperor.

Nezha's disturbance in the sea was nothing more than a disaster to the local princes and dragon kings, and Yang Jian's anti-tian was just a small fight. The most violent Sun Monkey's disturbance in the Heavenly Palace was stopped by Wang Lingguan and 36 Thunder Generals when he arrived outside the Lingxiao Palace. See Jade Emperor Da Tianzun side.

This hit was Xiqi's ass, and it was clearly Master Yuhuang's face!

"Who did this!" The Canopy God stood up impressively, spoke righteously, and shouted with anger on his face: "Your Majesty, please give the little god three thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, a partial army, even the great Tianzun of Yuanshi, the West What Amitabha Buddha did!"

"The little god is also willing to die for His Majesty, and take his head!"

The scene was silent for a moment, and the canopy god said it as if he had beaten Yuanshi Tianzun, Amitabha.

Which guy caused this kind of extreme loyalty, favor but no cost behavior?

For a moment, Jade Emperor Tianzun and all the gods looked at the civil servant seat, a certain emperor with a leisurely and indifferent face.

Feeling the silent gaze of the gods, Dongyin Emperor Luofeng suddenly stood up and said righteously: "I am the same."

Really small words, one sentence covers all meanings.

The rest of the gods said that I am the same, I am also a loyal minister of His Majesty the Jade Emperor, and I am loyal.

Anyway, the Jade Emperor would not let himself fight Yuanshi Tianzun.

For a moment, it was truly a crowd, which was wonderful.

The Jade Emperor took a deep breath, waved his big hand to appease the subordinates of the gods, and said bluntly: "The God of the Canopy, the Seven Lords of the Big Dipper...even the Emperor of Dongyin, I have already understood the loyalty of the gods."

"It's just that who killed Bo Yikao, son of Xiqi, has yet to be deduced."

Dongyin Emperor Luofeng asked in surprise, "Your Majesty doesn't even know who did it?"

The Jade Emperor shook his head and said: "It is obvious that they belong to the Yin Shang, but it is definitely not only the Yin Shang, maybe the Yin Shang is just a scapegoat on the surface."

The gods looked at each other, this is troublesome.If there is a specific goal, everyone can use the means.

Give him a chicken to peck the rice mountain, a dog to add the rice mountain, and the lamp to burn out the golden lock before it can be more... Bah, it can rain.

But without a specific goal, even if the gods have all kinds of supernatural powers and all kinds of magical methods, it will be of no avail.

After pondering for a long time, Wang Lingguan boldly speculated: "Could it be the person of Wu Wang Jifa?"

From the perspective of the victim, the target of the crime, and the beneficiary, Wu Wang Jifa seems to be the most likely. After all, Bo Yikao is the eldest brother, and today's world is the system of bloodline eldest son inheritance.

If Bo Yi doesn't pass the exam, it will be difficult for Ji Fa to rise to the position.

If the murderer was Ji Fa, the situation would become extremely complicated, and it would involve Chanjiao, King Wen Jichang, and even many humane sages and emperors in Huoyun Cave.

More seriously, it can even lead to further conflicts between heaven and man. The human race does not allow the emperor of heaven to lead the human race, and the orthodoxy of the human race needs to be generated internally.

Taibai Jinxing stood up and cupped his hands, and retorted: "According to Xiaoshen's humble opinion, King Wen Jichang is still alive, Yin and Shang have not yet been defeated, there are two opinions on whether the Great Zhou can be established."

"With Ji Fa's wisdom, he shouldn't do such an unwise thing."

Wang Lingguan nodded, undeniable, but asked rhetorically: "In Xingjun's opinion, who is the biggest suspect?"

Taibai Jinxing caressed his beard and said: "According to Xiaoshen, the murderer may be the Jiejiao and Yinshang Fenghuang clan."

"And their target is not His Majesty, even this time it was just a manslaughter."

"Their real target is King Wen Jichang."

"Wen Wang Jichang?" The gods nodded thoughtfully, there is indeed such a possibility.

Taibai Jinxing bowed to the Jade Emperor: "Dare to ask Your Majesty, in the prehistoric times, how many people know that Ziwei is the incarnation of the Jade Emperor."

The Jade Emperor said flatly: "Outside of this hall, there are less than one palm."

The relationship between Ziwei and the Jade Emperor is an extremely important secret, and the news is secret enough that if you don't keep it secret, you will die.

Taibai Jinxing smiled knowingly: "That's why, compared to Bo Yi Kao, more people want to deal with Ji Chang."

"This is a sage who evolved the innate gossip into the acquired 64 hexagrams. His talent is not inferior to that of Yao, Shun and Yu, and he can stand shoulder to shoulder with the five emperors!"

"Such a saint, Yin Shang wanted to destroy him, and I don't know how many people outside the human race wanted to destroy him."

"The little god just learned that after Bo Yikao was killed, he made minced meat and ate it for Ji Chang."

The crime of cannibalism, even the gods looked sideways, and someone sighed: "What a vicious plan."

After Ji Chang ate it, he broke the saint's personality and could not become the fourth emperor or the sixth emperor.If you don't eat, even Chaoge won't be able to get out.

After Taibai Jinxing said, he bowed to the Jade Emperor: "This is the calculation of the little god."

The Jade Emperor nodded, not knowing whether he was satisfied with the answer or not.

After scanning around, the Jade Emperor finally looked at Luo Feng and asked with a smile, "What does the emperor think?"

What do you think?Of course, I sat and watched, silently complaining.

Luo Feng stood up, spoke righteously, and said majesticly: "Brother Jade Emperor, according to my brother's opinion. The murder of the Emperor of Heaven was definitely not done by me, the great and virtuous Luo."

"Nine times out of ten, it's the despicable and shameless ancestors of the devil, the ancestors of the dragon, and the sinister and cunning Zhunti!"

As soon as this remark came out, the gods were silent, and the Jade Emperor couldn't help laughing.

(The notebook exploded. I typed this chapter by hand. I don’t know if I can fix it tomorrow.)
(End of this chapter)

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