Chapter 694
When the court said that you murdered the Emperor of Heaven and endangered the prehistoric world, you had better have the strength to murder the Emperor of Heaven and endanger the prehistoric world.

Otherwise, you can only be the real culprit who murdered the Emperor of Heaven and endangered the prehistoric world.

The incarnation of the Jade Emperor was killed, is this a big deal?Of course it is a big event, and it is also a big or small event.

The tide of history is mighty and mighty, covering one after another Pangu Era, and the Great Tribulation of Gods has happened countless times, and the situation is different every time.

In the last Pangu Era, Tianzhou didn't even have the chance to appear on the stage, so he just called people all over, and Ji Chang's family went to work in the underworld neatly.The last shit bowl was buckled on the head of the sage Xizhunti.

It's really embarrassing.

The death is only Bo Yi Kao, not the Ziwei Emperor of the Da Luo series, the Jade Emperor Tianzun has seen many battles.

Isn't it just that he was held down by a few old bastards and beaten with a sack, and sooner or later he will find his way back.

Calling the gods with great fanfare today just needs a reason.

And Dongyin Emperor Luofeng gave a reason very appropriately.

Very appropriate reasons: two inmates who sit and wear clothes at the bottom of the prison, and the traditional blame man of the prehistoric, the black and red No. 1 of the heavens and the world, anti-MLM, the powder washing master-the quasi-sage.

The Jade Emperor laughed heartily and said: "The emperor's words are very right. Among the gods, the emperor Shui Yuan is the most intelligent. I really love it."

Luo Feng smiled slightly and said modestly: "Your Majesty praises you. The gods have a vast depth of wisdom, and they are loyal to His Majesty. This emperor is just a fool who thinks a lot, and he must gain something."

Luo Feng never took the Jade Emperor's words seriously. You Taiyi gods are all old foxes with hundreds of millions of years, so you can't see it, but you just don't want to say it.

The right person, in the right position, said the right thing.

Taibai Jinxing and Wang Lingguan are gods of the Jade Emperor. The first thing they need to consider is the safety of His Majesty the Jade Emperor. Being loyal is politically correct.

This kind of matter of finding a scapegoat must be proposed by Emperor Dongyin with the same status as Jade Emperor Tianzun. Only Tianzun who is also Taiyi Daluo can make decisions in this kind of meeting.

Otherwise, hundreds of millions of years later, when the matter is over, they will be noticed by Zhunti, Demon Ancestor, Zulong and others.Taibai Jinxing and other gods and venerables were devastated.

If you can't deal with Taiyi Daluo, can you still not deal with you group of Taiyi gods? !

Luo Feng asked solemnly: "Your Majesty, who did this crime of murdering the Emperor of Heaven?"

The Jade Emperor showed a smile, and replied with the same seriousness: "I thought it was the Western Zhunti Saint."

The Demon Ancestor and the Ancestor Dragon have already been pitted miserably, and the golden body of Zhang Liu, the Zhunti sage, is called lucrative.

The next era of Conferred Gods and Heavenly Court is coming, and Western Daxing is the real opponent.

Jade Emperor Tianzun is planning for a rainy day.

So Luo Feng suddenly realized in cooperation: "It turned out to be him. Brother Jade Emperor, this emperor heard that the West is rich in gold and weapons, and now he is murdering the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven. Could it be that the Buddhist sect is planning to rebel?"

Black, this is really black.

A group of Taiyi gods think that they are doing a little trick on their own territory, which is already the limit of blackness.But I didn't expect that one mountain would be as high as another.

In front of the Jade Emperor Tianzun and the Great Emperor Dongyin, they are simply insignificant.As soon as the two sang, they put a big hat on the head of the sage Xizhunti.

So the gods, under the leadership of Taibai Jinxing, accused Zhunti Saint with righteous words, trying to make this hat solid.

A meeting in the Miro Palace confirms Zhunti's charges, and the Heavenly Court is preparing to interview Western Buddhism.

All the Taiyi gods and Da Luo Tianzun dispersed, leaving only the Jade Emperor Tianzun and Dongyin Dadijun talking in Miluo Palace.

Adhering to the principle of holding meetings for small things, small meetings for big things, and no meetings for important things.

Luo Feng, the Great Emperor of Dongyin, took a sip of his tea and asked leisurely, "Your Majesty, can you accept this matter?"

The Jade Emperor smiled mysteriously: "Does this need to be admitted?"

In the next second, the two said in unison: "King Zhou enters the Nuwa Palace."

Hearty laughter resounded from Miro Palace.

Was there any Zhun mentioned before and after King Zhou's visit to the Nuwa Palace?No, not at all.

But does this affect all living beings in the prehistoric period to think that King Zhou's pilgrimage to Nuwa's Palace was done by the Zhunti saint?Does not affect, does not affect at all.

Even the parties Wahuang and Zhunti could only pinch their noses and acquiesced to this matter.

This is the power of public opinion, when what people think is the truth.

This is the root of practicing falsehood into reality, and this is the connection between Da Luo and all living beings!

This is also one of the biggest drawbacks of the Zhunti Saint Black Red Project.

All the heavens and worlds, hundreds of millions of prehistoric worlds, whether it is the original real world, co-position projection, or radiating the world, Zhunti Saint's reputation is not very good at all.

Although there are insignificant contributions from you big Luos behind the scenes, the main reason is the acquiescence of the Zhunti sage.

Because black red is also a kind of red, black red can also attract fans!Although leaving a bad reputation for thousands of years is worse than leaving a name in the history, it is better than being unknown and buried in the ruins of the void.

MLM, bah, what is the most important thing about setting up a religion?It's fans, disciples, believers, and popularity!

Only when there is understanding, can there be approval. We are not afraid of notoriety, but of being unknown.

After entering this game, it will be whitewashed later, and the plot will be reversed, which is more doctrinally supported.You can choose from various avenues, such as Buddha of Joy, Ascetic Monks, Pure Land Sect, Buddhist Avenue, White Lotus Sect... only you can't think of it, there is nothing you can't do.

The Jade Emperor took advantage of this to infinitely expand the blackness of Zhunti Saint, suppress his redness, and finally let the black and red Dao counterattack the Zhunti Saint.

Zhun mentioned that the saint is tall, but the Jade Emperor is tough, the heaven is the only orthodox in the prehistoric world, the emperor of heaven is the supreme, and the arms cannot hold the thighs.

After a detailed discussion, Luo Feng paused, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Brother Huang, who made this Bo Yi Kao?"

The Jade Emperor Tianzun couldn't help but look a little melancholy, and sighed: "There are too many people, I can't tell them apart."

Luo Feng was stunned: "Dozens?"

The Jade Emperor sighed: "Hundreds of them! These bastards don't talk about martial arts!"

Luo Feng sucked in a breath of air, there are hundreds of big Luos, there is definitely more than one bloody faction.It must be Buddhism, Taoism, Lich, Protoss, Human Race... joint action.

Maybe there is an inner ghost in the heaven who betrayed the Jade Emperor.

In order to prevent the confluence of heaven and man, the Jade Emperor has too much divine power.

This Honghuang is really a sage and minister of the Lord.

If it wasn't for my family, I really didn't participate in this operation, with this number of people.Luo Feng almost suspected that he himself had something to do.

"My condolences to the emperor, this one is broken, let's try harder in the next one, the Immortal Qin Empire."

Luo Feng comforted

The Jade Emperor nodded his head as a signal, but his pupils were deep and he couldn't tell what he was thinking.

[Notebook repaired]

(End of this chapter)

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