All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 714 Qinglong Child Mistakes Me

Chapter 714 Qinglong Child Mistakes Me
Broken scales and broken horns are reborn, and the two kalpas of wind and fire are tortures on the flesh and blood, and they are also a baptism of greatness. Only by washing away the lead can one return to the original, return to the light, and regain a new life.

Under the baptism of wind and fire, Tongxuanhe God, who was trapped in the shape of a divine way desk, had bright golden eyes shining like glass, a heart of Taoism flourishing, and the blood that had been suppressed for nearly ten thousand years was reborn!
When the currents of Longmen washed away the dust in the soul, the Tongxuan River God regained his Dao heart, and even had the impulse and enthusiasm to become the River God for the first time!
It was the rainy season of the year, and the sky shone with sparkling light. The old Shui Jun drove his crane westward, and thousands of miles of waves stretched endlessly. The continuous rain eroded the land of the world, and the whole world turned into a kingdom of water.

No one has just taken up the position of Suicun, not only because of the difficulty of the divine way, but also because the waters are flooded. Once the operation is careless, the golden Suicun god will turn into a boundless sea of ​​bitter karma, causing practitioners to sink All ages.

When the sky was full of gods and the blessed land of fairy mountains was hesitating, a white carp-born fairy snatched the position of Lord Tong Xuanshui in the eyes of everyone in disbelief, took control of the water veins, and sorted out the vitality, and it took 9000 years to do this.

"If I haven't set foot on the divine way for 9000 years, have I already become a fairy?"

A thought lingered in the sea of ​​mind, testing whether Tongxuan Water God regretted it?
Do not regret later?

Under the splendid and simple dragon gate, the white-bearded dragon is swimming against the current, with firm gaze, the dragon sings to the heavens: "It's not that I'm a god, but the god is me!"

Wind, fire and thunder, the third catastrophe, the thunder of heaven descends.

Thunder is the cardinal of yin and yang, commanding the root of all things.

The mighty sky is majestic, but Jiaolong is still going retrograde instead of bowing his head.

Countless Sanxian and demon gods stared at this scene intently. A Shushan Sanxian recalled his past catastrophe, and couldn't help saying: "The demon cultivates the body, and the Tao cultivates the primordial spirit. For the God of Tongxuan River, wind and fire have passed, but This lightning calamity..."

Many wild demon gods and immortals around showed complicated expressions, looking at Tongxuan River God.

The predicament of Jiaolong is also their predicament. They have not practiced the secret method of the primordial spirit, and their bodies are strong, but their primordial spirit is weak.If there is a secret method of cultivating the primordial spirit, it must have been prepared. It is a spirit beast, a divine beast, and it is no longer wild.

When encountering a certain monkey, it will not be beaten to death with a stick.

, wind and thunder swell, purple lightning intersects, and the vast sky thunder falls!
Jiaolong roared: "Come! Come! Come!"

Then, being knocked down the dragon gate by a thunderbolt and falling into the pool, there is a second breath, explosive seeds and leapfrogging, but it belongs to the privilege of the protagonist of the era, the son of luck.

It's a pity that Tongxuan Water God is not the protagonist.

The thunder came to the world and was about to kill everything. The Goddess of Osawa on the bank wept in grief, and the fellow monks nearby also showed expressions of unbearable. Ascension is a hurdle that all monks must pass. The rabbit dies and the fox is sad!
Looking at the divine thunder that was about to annihilate the body and soul, the white-bearded dragon did not become confused, but fell into a state of absolute calm, and a high and mighty divine curse sounded in his ears.

Just as Fu Ling's heart came to him, Jiaolong blurted out: "Convert your ambition."

[Minuous sky and rivers, majestic caves and palaces, the black emperor's close attendant, Xuanming belongs to the gods, masters the transformation of rivers, lakes and seas, holds the transformation of nectar and frost, the way of saving water and transforming dragons, praises the one-yuan water and Purdue all living beings! 】

A light wheel of merit and virtue emerged from behind the dragon. The light was majestic and magnificent, and it carried the heavenly calamity against the current, and the dragon flew into the sky, jumping for joy.

Illuminated by the natural light of heaven and the aura of the green wood dragon, the head of the dragon is towering, and the dragon ball is bred. It turns into a dragon head and a human body. Standing in the clouds, wearing a black robe, ranks among the gods.

The Tongxuan True Dragon, which was originally a water dragon, has turned into a heavenly dragon at this moment, and lives in the green wood, good luck, black water, and triple divinity.

The newborn Dragon King looked up.The dividing line of the heavens comes into view, and it does not exist in the void, but in another dimension, another world.

Stepping into the heaven, looking down on the earth from the perspective of the heaven, the magnificent mountains and rivers, a kind of detached and free heart arises spontaneously, the Dragon King can't help muttering: "Finally ascended, I really don't like it. I don't want merit to replace the thunder and get the effect of ascension .”

"Why haven't I heard of it?"

"If you master it, you don't need it, if you need it, you don't master it. This is an endless loop."

An indifferent voice sounded, and the Dragon King looked over, and there was a majestic god at the end of the clouds, surrounded by a canopy with condensed vitality, guards of honor, golden boys, jade girls, and magnificent aura, any one of them could easily suppress the Dragon King who had just ascended.

Dragon King Tongxuan was awe-inspiring, and he stepped forward to pay homage: "God pay respects to Lord One Yuan Shuize Purdue Qunsheng Daojun"

Daoist Yiyuan asked indifferently: "Do you know what Ascension is?"

Dragon King Tongxuan was stunned, what is Ascension?Isn't soaring just soaring? !
Overcoming the catastrophe and ascending to the heavens, this has been the case in all ages.

The Tongxuan Water God thought so in the past, but now that the Tongxuan Dragon King has successfully ascended, he is more and more uncertain.

"God doesn't know." Tongxuan Dragon King answered honestly
Daoist Yiyuan looked at the mountains and rivers in the world, and said calmly: "Ascension is not killing, thunder calamity is not suffering, but an exam."

"What the heavens need are monks who conform to the core values ​​of immortality, and monks whose three views are close to their own universe."

"If the personality is cruel and rampant, and they don't know how to produce, they will destroy countless, and the cause and effect will be deep. No matter how talented and solid the foundation of such monks are, what's the use of recruiting them? It's not beneficial to the heavens."

"Generally speaking, there are three types of ascension. One is technical ascension. Daoxing, character, and ability have all been recognized by the upper realm, so you can naturally ascend to the upper realm smoothly."

"The second type is the soaring relationship. There is a patriarch in the sky, and he has a high position and authority. He is in charge of the gods, and grants the gods, fairy books, and gods to the younger disciples. He walks through a special channel."

"The third is merit soaring. The heavens attach great importance to merit, and those who live in merit can get extra points and even be exempted from the exam. It's just that the lower realm is ignorant and the upper realm has no action. This channel has not been opened for a long time."

"In this universe, technology and relationships are soaring, but merits are rarely soaring." Daoist Yiyuan said meaningfully: "Now I set up a dragon gate and open the way of merit. I recruit all aquatic creatures from all over the world."

"So that all living beings no longer have to be transformed into real dragons from all over the world, they can choose to ascend to gods through the dragon gate."

Tongxuan Dragon King's spirit trembled. He has practiced so far, so he will not be an idiot. He has already understood the root of his ascension. This is to buy a horse bone with a thousand gold.
And the spearhead is directed at the real dragon of the world!

This, the comer is not good!

So Tongxuan Dragon King bowed his head and bowed without hesitation: "The little god is willing to die for the Taoist Lord!"

Dragon King of the Four Seas, which one is that, do I know it well? !

Daoist Yiyuan showed a slight smile: "Dashan, now you are appointed as an envoy of water saving, so as to attract all aspiring people from all over the world."

There are countless benefits to be added to the god position, Dragon King Tongxuan was overjoyed, and he went to the lower realm to speak his own words.

Such a situation does not only happen in one world, one universe, but also in endless branches of time. Little drops of water converge to form a mighty long river, and the end of the long river is the majestic Taoist One Yuan.

At this moment, a roar came from the abyss of Guixu.

"Qinglong kid misunderstood me! The cave thief deserves to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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