All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 715 I want to improve too much

Chapter 715 I want to improve too much
If there is no emperor Dongyin who secretly settles down, how dare a newcomer Taiyi Taoist eat the bear heart and leopard dare to touch the power of the dragon clan, if there is no green dragon to intervene, how can the dragon gate stand up, even if the emperor Dongyin covets power, he will be rootless duckweed.

The dragon god transformed by stepping on the dragon gate, the real dragon, has the dual attributes of good fortune green wood and Xingyun cloth rain, and ranks as the king of heavenly dragons. It is a natural dragon god.

This is a blatant act of poaching, it is simply kicking His Majesty Zulong's ass.

It is well known that heretics are more hated than heretics, and Zulong's hatred for Qinglong is even far more than that of Dongyin Emperor.

In the abyss of black water, the breath of the real dragon is pure water energy, and the return to the ruins is where the prehistoric world ends. All the filth is transformed by the cleaner Zulong, and returns to the prehistoric universe again. What a noble profession, what a noble sentiment.

It's just a bit of a loss of cultivation and realm. Zulong couldn't bear to carry a multiverse composed of three thousand Daluo developed by Pangu on his back, and his nutrition couldn't keep up.

If the power of a dragon clan is divided up again, Zulong will be completely useless, not to mention Pangu, it is still unknown whether the next world will be able to settle down and do things.

"The poor change, change leads to improvement, and improvement leads to longevity."

A gloomy look appeared in the eyes of the ancestral dragon. The dragon's claws pierced through the void and grabbed the world in all directions. Looking up, you can observe the phenomena in the sky, and looking down, you can observe the law on the ground. .

"With the virtue of being connected to the gods, with the love of all things!" Zulong sang, like the first ray of light that opened up the world, tearing through the darkness of returning to the ruins, and opening a trace of the entrance to the outside.

The entrance is extremely small, and it is blocked by layers of codes. Even if the Zulong turns into the weakest particle, it cannot escape, but the information can go out. Information is based on nothing, but it is born from existence, and it is in an extremely ingenious state.

This hole is not for Zulong to escape from prison, but for making phone calls. Even prisoners have the right to contact their families and express condolences to their loved ones.

The reason why this channel was set up was the expectation of many big Luos. One day Zulong suddenly figured it out and confessed to be lenient, confessing his one or two criminal gangs.

It's a pity that Zulong is still steadfast since the era of Pangu's creation of the sky, and he refuses to reveal the truth about the catastrophe of the dragon and phoenix, for fear that he will be shot seven times in the back and be sentenced to commit suicide.

After all, the Demon Ancestor holding the God-killing Spear is returning to the ruins, staring at the Zulong every day~!

Zulong opened the channel this time, not to contact his family members. Qinglong is just a [-]-year-old son. The mother of the dragon is not capable enough, and she has already fished herself out if she can fish. As for Zhulong, who has qualifications and abilities, and is rich in means, but Overcome the taboo, fought for the top position of Ke Pangu too early, now being liquidated, not even time is in his hands.

The other big Luo clans of dragons are not real direct descendants. The Yellow Dragon of Kunlun, the Eight Dragons of Lingshan, and the Yinglong of Huoyun Cave are all branches, and eggs cannot be put in one basket.Since they were separated at the beginning, Zulong would not be so stupid as to call them over now.Even if they are called, it is still a question whether these dragon clan big Luos are dragons, immortals, gods, or humans.

Zulong called out this time for a big boss who had passed Pangu's certificate and was the emperor of heaven. He enjoyed a high reputation in the fields of humanity and heaven, and there was a huge energy behind him, who could fish out Zulong.

Drip, drop, drop, the eight trigrams rotate, dryness is the sky, kun is the earth, earthquake is thunder, sunda is wind, ridge is water, gen is mountain, distance is fire, dui is lake, and it is the feeling of all things.The gossip is divided into eight directions, and the picture of Tai Chi is drawn in it, and finally a series of telephone numbers are compiled, pointing to the unknown place.

Hello, hello, is brother Taihao there? "Zu Long smiled and asked cordially.
There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and then came a refined male voice: "Great Sage Zulong, I am not Taihao, please call me Emperor Fuxi."

Zulong smiled and said: "It's all the same, it's all the same. Brother Taihao back then, you were Qingdi, I was Heidi, and we are still colleagues. There is a little bit of incense. As the saying goes, don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face, old man Brother, for the sake of working together back then, give me a hand."

Great Sage Fuxi paused for a moment, then laughed lightly: "The incense is still a little bit, but Zulong, your sin is a bit big, so it's not easy to get it."

Zu Long suddenly said solemnly: "Brother Fuxi, I have been in Guixu for so many years, and I have deeply reflected on it. I have experienced the tempering of me by the organization and the good intentions of Zixiao Palace. error."

"Please Zixiao Palace look at me for the sake of in-depth self-criticism, and give me a chance to benefit the prehistoric people and make meritorious deeds."

The Great Sage Fuxi said meaningfully: "The Great Sage Zulong wants to make progress."

Zu Long said sadly: "That's right, I always wanted to improve, and I caused trouble because I wanted to improve too much. Apart from feeling deeply remorseful and guilty, I also realized that the consequences of my behavior were serious. I My behavior did not fulfill the obligations of Da Luo well, and discredited us and our Zixiao Palace. But my original intention is good, I am willing to serve all living beings, make good fortune, and dedicate my whole life under the leadership of Zixiao Palace. power."

The Great Sage Fuxi chuckled: "It's good to want to improve, but you also have to see the direction. Pangu said that the direction is wrong. The more you do, the more mistakes you make."

Zu Long said impassionedly: "I have realized my mistake. It is wrong to fight and kill. We must abide by the basic laws of Daluo and contribute to the survival of the prehistoric. So this time I set my sights on humanity and implore the great sage Fuxi , the way of heaven in Zixiao Palace, the way of humanity in Huoyun Cave, and the sentient beings of reincarnation, give me a chance."

"I am willing to devote all my heart and soul to humanitarian construction."

The Great Sage Fuxi sighed: "This... Great Sage Zulong's words are serious, but Zixiao Palace is not my one-word hall, and we still need to vote democratically."

Zu Long said with great joy: "It's democracy. My prehistoric goal is to build democracy. I also ask the great sage Fuxi to make a proposal for me."

The great sage Fuxi pondered for a long time, then said helplessly, "I will not make an example."

Zu Long breathed a sigh of relief, and then made a strong promise, and finally started with Zu Long's review, and the phone call for understanding from the Great Sage Fuxi came to an end.

In Huoyun Cave, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors sat in rows, with Zulong's recording in the middle.

Great Sage Fuxi coughed: "What do you think about this matter?"

"I object!" The Black Emperor Zhuanxu jumped out, and said with a broken heart: "Ancestral Dragon once caused huge losses to the prehistoric people and sentient beings. How can we easily commute his sentence this time?"

"In case Zulong doesn't really repent..."

"It's not just in case, it's definitely not true repentance." Xuanyuan said indifferently

What kind of power is Zulong, Taiyi Daluo, who was once only one step away from the position of Pangu's top leader, this kind of power only respects himself and believes in his own way, how can he give in easily.

"But, we want to use the Zulong." The Great Sage Fuxi said meaningfully: "This is a knife, and the knife must be unsheathed."

Black Emperor Zhuanxu frowned, folded his hands and asked, "My ancestors and kings, where is this sheath?" '

(End of this chapter)

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