All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 757 The True God's Commitment

Chapter 757 The True God's Commitment

"What if there is no redemption in one world?!" A god couldn't help but asked, obviously not confident in himself.

Although they have great supernatural powers and boundless magic power, what kind of place is this? It is the Yellow Spring, the Styx River, and the sea of ​​suffering from which countless sentient beings cannot escape.Self-protection is difficult, what can be used to solve the billions of Jingzhao living beings.

For the endless sea of ​​suffering, no matter how tyrannical these people are, they are still ants.

Moreover, there are not only cosmic worlds ups and downs in the Yellow Springs, under the waters of the Yellow Springs, there are also ghosts and evil spirits that have been accumulated for countless epochs and cannot be released. Cold and scary.

Just now, several evil ghosts of the earth immortal rank were swallowed by the group of souls because they showed a little flaw, leaving no residue.

Everything here is like hell, making people desperate, desperate to the extreme.

No, it's not like, this is hell, this is the last section of the road to enter the underworld, only one step away from final death.

The gods and men who were unwilling to fall in ancient times, the immortals who were unwilling to reincarnate in ancient times, the congenital beasts who once ruled the prehistoric world, and the creatures who died under various disasters, all turned into evil ghosts and wandering outside of reincarnation. Stagnated in front of the gate of the underworld, refusing to leave.

The indifferent voice of the northern devil emperor came from the void: "Gods, you must have the heart to shoulder the brilliance and rule the prehistoric world, and you must also have the determination to shoulder the sins and take responsibility!"

"If you don't have the determination and perseverance to shoulder everything, you can become a god with whatever, so go home and farm."

"Only, super death can escape life!"

As soon as the Northern Demon King Dijun finished speaking, the Bi Luo Qi that protected the gods and immortals disappeared completely, and it was completely transformed into cold ice, sinking water from the Yellow Spring.

The only shelter under his feet was gone, and the brilliance dissipated like fireflies.

Whether it was the disciples of the Three Religions with majestic treasures or the illustrious gods and men, they fell into the sea of ​​suffering one after another, struggling desperately in the river like ordinary people, and there was no such thing as a fairy spirit.

Sinking, the cold water of the underworld is seducing them to fall, and countless cold air pours in from all directions, trying to drag these gods into death just like those mortals, trapped here forever, frozen here.

Under the Underworld, countless evil ghosts and lonely souls are staring at the living people, coveting the lives of the living. For the evil ghosts who have been hiding in the darkness for hundreds of millions of years, the immortals of Chunyang are a full banquet, a steaming feast!

"Go, go to those worlds and universes that haven't been corrupted yet!"

"That's not only the key to the assessment, but also the ray of hope."

A real person under the seat of Lingbao Lord suddenly shouted angrily, reminding his fellow apprentices, and by the way woke up other candidates.

They are in the sea of ​​suffering, and they are evil ghosts and lonely souls if they go down. If they stay in the water, they will be eroded by the endless water of the yellow spring, and they will fall into hell. .

Although these worlds and universes have been half-decayed and half-degenerated, the broken ship still has three catties of nails, and after all, it has not fallen into the sea of ​​suffering, the end of the underworld, and the place of death in the nether world.

"Okay, let's go to those worlds and universes to see!"

"Go, go and see!"

The gods and immortals quickly made a judgment, and they all flew away to the world and universe upstream of Huangquan.

As the Styx that surrounds the world of death, the water of the underworld has the characteristics of corrosion and degeneration. No acquired magic weapon or supernatural power can move forward here. If you want to pass through the land of death, you must use innate things.

"The way of humanity is slim, the way of immortality is vast, and the way of ghosts is joyous! When you are in the gate of life, the way of immortality is your life, and the way of ghosts is your end; Desperate for humanity..."

It was the Taoists from the Taiping Department of Lingbaojun who took the lead. All the disciples recited the human scriptures, and the innate yin virtues were gathered together, and finally condensed into a yin virtue avenue carrying countless Taoists from the Taiping Department, isolating the water of Huangquan Wangchuan. , despite the blood-red waves flapping, still going upstream.

"In front of Emperor Zixiaxu in the Shangqing Dynasty, Lord Yuchen, the Taishang Dao. Lived in Ruizhu to write seven words, scattered and transformed five shapes and transformed all gods. It is an inner chapter for Huang Ting, and the heart of the piano is three folds of dancing fetuses..."

The Taoists under You Shenbaojun's sect recited the Huangting Neijing one after another, and the moral energy turned into a black and white Tai Chi diagram. The rotation of Tai Chi Yin and Yang can wipe out even chaos, let alone the water of the underworld.

"The old gentleman wrote seven words in his spare time, explaining the body shape and the gods. There is Huang Ting Xia Guanyuan on the top, and the gate of life in front of Youque..."

The recitation of the Huangting Exterior Scene Sutra by Tianbaojun's disciples showed the Linglong Pagoda of mysterious and yellow merits and virtues, and the air of merits and virtues drooped down and turned into heavenly dragons roaring, opening up a way to reach the sky in the sea of ​​blood.

In addition to the members of the Sanbaojun family, there are also immortals from the famous sect with unique secret methods, offering sacrifices to the five innate virtues, or turning them into lotus flowers of merit and virtue, turning them into five-color jewels, or turning them into Taoist boats, crossing the Yellow Springs, and heading upstream.

One of the Sanxians was overjoyed when he saw this, and quickly showed his innate virtues in a learned manner, and prepared to cross the underworld.

However, Sanxian is single and weak, and the accumulation of yin virtue is limited, and he can't read scriptures like the disciples of the famous sect, and all of them are united, so the yin virtue transformed by one side can only accommodate personal navigation.

And the water of the underworld is constantly eroding his yin and virtue boat, cutting off a glimmer of life.

"How could this happen!" Changxu Sanxian was shocked, seeing that the Yinde boat was about to be exhausted and was about to fall into the Yellow Spring, he quickly looked for the ups and downs of the universe in the middle of the Yellow Spring and jumped in.

The Netherworld Styx River comes from an unknown place, from an unknown source, as if hundreds of millions of branches converge here, bringing countless universes and souls of the dead.

The life forms and sizes of the universe in the upper reaches of the universe that has just been swept into the sea of ​​suffering are different, but one thing in common is that the degree of corruption is not deep.

Most of the cosmic world in the middle reaches of Huangquan has been degenerated, covered with black air.

As for the endless darkness in the depths of Huangquan, the endless silence, the endless solitude, countless rays of light flicker in the darkness, and countless rays of darkness twist in the rays of light, eventually turning into ashes and emptiness.

The degree of corruption in the upstream, midstream, and downstream is different, and the difficulty of salvation is naturally different.

The gods and immortals are not fools. After seeing the difference, they can naturally understand this point, so in an instant, many casual cultivators chose to cooperate.

There are monks chanting scriptures to gather three or five allies on a huge golden lotus, and the allies on the lotus have contributed their work one after another. Release nectar, bloom fairy light, replenish the status of teammates, have mountain gods... work together, and keep rushing upstream.

When hundreds of boats were fighting for the boat and thousands of sails were exhausted, Ao Bing hesitated for a long time, dipped his finger in the water of the Yellow Spring, tasted it, and commented: "It's a bit salty."

(End of this chapter)

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