All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 758 Liankai meets the monk

Chapter 758 Liankai meets the monk
Although Ao Bing is a golden fairy vegetable dog who can rebel against the gods, his job is not simple, nor is his identity.

The first identity is the prince of the dragon clan, one of the heirs of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and the direct bloodline of His Majesty Zulong.

Dragons and water are inextricably linked, and they have the great supernatural power to overturn rivers and seas and control thousands of waters. This is a field and glory that no race can match.

Other creatures drowned to death, only the dragon race lived in the water. This origin can be traced back to a supreme sage——Hei Di, one of the five old kings in ancient times!

Why does the Dragon Clan exist in the world, and what is the relationship between the Black Emperor and the Shui Clan?How did they connect?These questions are all a mystery, but the Dragon Clan knows that there is a mysterious inheritance flowing in their blood.

The Black Emperor is the Zulong, and the Zulong is the Black Emperor.

He is one of the earliest existences in the ancient times, and he is also the master of water. In the ancient times, he was already one of the strongest invincible in the nine heavens and ten earths.In the ancient times, the dragon clan created by the black emperor ancestor dragon danced with the gods of the heavens and roamed in the chaos. The dragon clan has never been defeated in the word of water, and the endless years have established the supreme water foundation.

Even no one can deny that almost every real dragon is a born water god.

In addition to the prince of the dragon clan, Ao Bing's other identity is the named disciple of the new black emperor Dongyin, the star casting dragon king wandering in Tianhe.

As the Dragon King of Casting Stars and a well-known garbage man in the Tianhe realm, Ao Bing has been wandering in the Tianhe all year round physically. He has long been accustomed to the baptism of Tianhe True Water, one of the seven true waters. Like a hot spring.

Inheriting the bloodline of the old Black Emperor at the top, and the lineage of the new Black Emperor at the bottom, this is the good fortune that can make the great sages of the ten directions and the heavenly gods break their heads and strive for it.

Huangquan Wangchuan is the Styx River that surrounds the underworld. It is known as the origin of life, the long river of souls, and its power is supreme. However, as one of the culprits who destroyed the Lich Age, the destructive power of Tianhe Zhenshui cannot be underestimated. One drop of heavy water can destroy the vast universe, endless time and space.

The bloody water of the Yellow Spring, the weak water of the Tianhe River, and the heavy water of one yuan, the three exist at the same level, and they are all the seven true waters of the prehistoric.

Ao Bing cannot be drowned by the real water of the Tianhe River, and Ao Bing cannot be drowned by the real water of the Yellow Spring.

Facing the endless chatter of Huangquan Wangchuan, Ao Bing calmly transformed into a real dragon form, with 81 scales on his back, ninety-nine yang numbers, and a chi wood on his head, like deer antlers winding and branching.

Holding the dragon ball in his mouth to avoid being polluted by the underworld, the dragon scales on his body cut through the underworld, and ascended to the sky to guide the water flow. After a short period of discomfort, Ao Bing narrowed his dragon eyes and vomited a bubble comfortably.

Huangquan Wangchuan water flows past, as if thousands of hands are massaging and stroking, cleaning the dirt inside the dragon scales, and washing the entire body.

While enjoying it, Ao Bing took a deep sip of Yellow Spring Water, and began to analyze the difference between Yellow Spring True Water, Tianhe True Water, and One Yuan Heavy Water. If he figured it out, it would be of great benefit to the improvement of the Dao of Water, and even pave the way for sprinting Da Luo. Increase background.

Seeing Ao Bing's vast dragon body wandering in Huangquan, many evil spirits in the water of Huangquan showed greedy eyes and were ready to move, but none of the evil spirits dared to step forward. They were vicious ghosts, not fools.

It is not easy for Ao Bing to walk freely in the underworld.

But let Ao Bing wander around, feeling unwilling, the evil spirits on Huangquan Road kept whispering, appearing extremely restless.

"Live... huh, live dragon..."

An evil ghost coming from a distance laughed sinisterly. It was a ghost king in the realm of heaven, but it didn't immediately go up to fight Ao Bing, but stared at one side, preparing for a sneak attack.

Going forward to fight now is destined to make a wedding dress for the later ghost. As for cooperation, that is the right thing to do. In the world of evil ghosts, it is normal to be double-faced and stabbed in the back.

The evil ghosts in Huangquan and Ao Bing formed a stalemate, but as more and more evil ghosts gathered in Huangquan, this deadlock was destined to be broken, and the balance tilted against Ao Bing.

Taking a deep breath of the water of the Yellow Spring, Ao Bing no longer practiced to comprehend the mysteries of the Yellow Spring, but moved forward at full speed, and went to the upper reaches of the Yellow Spring to find a cosmic world where he could stop.

Ao Bing is running away, and the evil spirits are chasing after him, launching a long marathon on the border of the nether world.

Seeing that he was about to leave the middle stream of Huangquan and arrive at the clearer upper stream of Huangquan, finally a ghost king couldn't help it!

Huang Quan torrentially rolled up a blood-colored sky, boundless.These are not the main point, the real point is: there is a huge and terrifying altar in the blood-colored sky, on the altar is a skeleton with a height of [-] zhang, and a beautiful woman in white is carefully supported by this skeleton, Even if he is annihilated by Huang Quan, he will not let the woman in white get half filthy.

"Golden Immortal...Ghost Emperor!" Ao Bing's expression changed, and a strong sense of crisis enveloped his whole body. Without any hesitation, the dragon's body flicked like a spear, and a dazzling golden light burst out, piercing through the upper reaches.

Ao Bing has been under Dongyin Sect for many years, and he has not been taught many offensive magic powers, but he has learned a lot of life-saving magic powers. The golden light escape is adapted from the Golden Light Curse, and his speed is second only to Guangyin.

The Skeleton Ghost Emperor unhurriedly raised his huge head, and murmured: "The dragon clan who is not afraid of the water in the Yellow Spring is really good luck... Ah Li, if I take this body for you, you will not be afraid of the corrosion of the Yellow Spring."

The fire of the soul shines in the skull, revealing a hint of red

"All ghosts obey orders, I will only take the flesh for this trip, and the primordial spirit will let you share the food!"

A group of ghosts roared, endless grievances and fierce ghosts, ghosts crying and wolves howling, the sound of howling shook all directions.

In the next period of time, there was a little friction between the skeleton ghost emperor and Ao Bing, and the two sides fully understood each other.

If Ao Bing is the basic unit of the Golden Immortal, the Skeleton Ghost Emperor has the power of a million Ao. He lives in the home of Huangquan, and there are countless evil spirits for him. The location is convenient, and there is a vague feeling that he is everywhere. However, Ao Bing had no choice but to flee for his life.

For the Skeleton Ghost Emperor, Ao Bing is like a slippery loach, like an old monster reincarnated from the ancient times, and all kinds of weird and magical escapes are displayed.

Golden Light Dun, Tianhe Dun, Dragon Scale Replacement Death Method, Dragon God Ascension to Heaven and Dive into Clouds method... Various spells, all kinds of supernatural powers and spells emerge in endlessly, and all kinds of methods of soul and primordial spirit are thrown out without money.

Many evil spirits saw the dense rays of light like raindrops, as if thousands of trillions of rays of light suddenly burst out in a dark universe, turning into stars to fill the void.

"You can't leave!" The Skeleton Ghost Emperor finally became anxious, ignoring the many taboos in the Styx River, and prepared to take action himself.

Hundreds of millions of dark shadows swept across the sky, and Ao Bing had already reached the upper reaches of Huangquan, where he saw a lotus flower.

A monk, holding a jewel in his left hand and a tin staff in his right, stands on a green lotus flower in Chiba.

(End of this chapter)

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